Qin Wentian, if you want someone else to leave, the sea below Heavenly Cave can only have Qin Clan expert. As a result, his plan is not so easy to achieve.

“The power of the sea comes from all parties, how can I get it.” Qin Zheng stares at Heavenly Cave, ice-cold, and Luoshen Han conveys the voice to Luoshen Chuan.

“In this case, then change the time, I will inform you at that time.” Qin Wentian responded, Luoshen Chuan sent Luoshen Han.

Upon hearing the voice from Luoshen Chuan, Luoshen Han sighed in his heart. Could it be that he still couldn’t get free today, and he would continue to wait, but then Luoshen Chuan came to tell him that as long as Qin Clan dared to use any means for him? They will also deal with Qin Cang and let him tell Qin Zheng.

Qin Wentian and Qin Zheng talked in the air. The expression of Qin Zheng became more and more indifferent. It seems that Qin Wentian saw it and refused to exchange.

“I can’t move Luoshen Han, but on Luoshen Mountain, there is also the expert of Luoshen Clan lineage. Besides, on the Blue City side, Azure Profound, can you protect a few?” Qin Zheng held the hand Indifferent, faintly threatening Qin Wentian’s meaning.

All people heard Qin Zheng’s words are a bit surprised, Qin Zheng, is Heavenly God, aloof and remote Qin Clan Patriarch, in his capacity, should not say such words, with Blue City and Azure Profound Some ordinary people threaten Qin Wentian, this is a very low-handed means, and it is a shame that Heavenly God does this kind of thing.

But Qin Zheng, but still said so, can see his determination, even if his face is dull, Qin Wentian also wants to get Heavenly Cave, not only to capture Heavenly Cave, but also to Qin Wentian’s life.

Luoshen Han passed the message, Qin Wentian heard the words of Qin Zheng, his face instantly became ugly, and Luoshen Chuan did the same, Qin Zheng, Heavenly God, threatened them.

Luoshen Clan is still controlled by Luoshen Mu, but Luoshen Chuan still has feelings.

In the Blue City world, although Qin Wentian has taken away his family and friends, the rest of the people are also some subordinates, and unrelated people, but they are also life, Qin Zheng, with innocent people, come Threatening him.

Azure Profound, he is even more intolerant.

Qin Wentian He seems to have seen the Ancient Immortal Territory invasion of Ancient Azure Profound and launched the World Extinguishing War. This is called Heavenly God of aloof and remote, and Patriarch of Qin Clan.

Moreover, the past and the present are no more than in the past. If Qin Zheng really wants to do such a despicable thing, he can’t resist, because nowadays he wants to deal with him, not only Qin Zheng, but the ancient Immortal Territory’s people, all staring at Heavenly Cave here. When he came out and greeted him, it would never be as simple as Qin Clan.

“Family, the first first weaponsmith force, is very good at formation. The Zombie has a problem with a divine formation in this Heavenly Cave. There is also a God Extinguishing Palace, which can turn Heavenly Cave into a poisonous god world. From then on, as long as anyone in Heavenly Cave comes out, it is death road. Since they don’t come out, look at how long they can stay.” Qin Zheng ice-cold said, obviously, that gathering was more than just Discussed a plan, and if it fails, they have other means.

These words were quickly introduced into Qin Wentian’s ear, and his face became more and more heavy and cold to extreme.

This is to force him out, let the ethnic engraving divine formation, God Extinguishing Palace cast the poisoning world, block Heavenly Cave, at the same time, they are going to deal with Luoshen Clan, deal with Blue City, deal with Azure Profound, so you Qin Wentian Can’t you come out?

Heavenly God of aloof and remote, for the deal with Qin Wentian, is no longer a means.

However, at this moment, no one will blame Qin Zheng for anything. The people of all major forces are thinking about entering Heavenly Cave.

However, for many people, it is just a luxury. Even if Heavenly Cave is opened and controlled by Qin Zheng and the others, it is also the most top rank force. They will not let those second-class forces enter, even, After they are in control, there will be internal disagreements and various contradictions.

Inside Heavenly Cave, Jian Junlai said faintly: “I didn’t expect Qin Zheng to say such things.”

Although Qin Wentian is a Blue City Boundary Master, the Blue City world can be said that there is not much relationship at all. The people there are just mortals in his world. They are all non-hangers. Qin Zheng will use them to threaten Qin Wentian. It can be seen that there are many despicables. This is absolutely spoiled and despised, but at this very moment, no one of those big forces will blame Qin Zheng, that a path of calm eyes, as if to say, This should be the case.

“Since he still refuses to come out, he also asked the family and God Extinguishing Palace to take the shot.” Qin Zheng faintly opened, and the family and God Extinguishing Palace each had several Heavenly Gods coming out, terrifying, and they began to engrave the divine formation at the entrance of Heavenly Cave. The people of God Extinguishing Palace cast the poison world and wrapped the space.

Later, Qin Wentian, if he wants to come out, or bring people in from outside, it will be an idiotic dream, a luxury.

The faces in Heavenly Cave have changed. This not only affects Qin Wentian, but also affects all practitioners in Heavenly Cave. They will also face the poison world of divine formation and God Extinguishing Palace.

“This group of idiots.” Five Great Monster Lord saw the scenes that occurred outside are also face was gloomy, the body is filled with the silk monster qi.

“I heard that Monster God Mountain is in the Heavenly Cave. If they are willing to have Qin Wentian, they should have the chance to win.” At this time, the chief of Bull God Clan suddenly opened, all people eyes flash They all look to the chieftain, the heart is like a mirror, the contradiction between Bull God Clan and Luoshen Clan and Monster God Mountain, Immortal Territory who doesn’t know, now, this is provoking right and wrong.

Qin Zheng also understands the intention of Bull God Clan, but he still nods, facing Luoshen Han next to him: “You tell Monster God Mountain five Great Monster Lord, Monster God Mountain and Qin Wentian sigh, want to occupy Heavenly Cave, Monster God Mountain, are they not?”

This sentence is obviously a threat. When the five Great Monster Lord heard it from the mouth of Luoshen Chuan, the monster qi of the body rolled wildly, even if they were also involved in Qin Zheng, it is not reasonable.

Monster God Mountain Endless Monster Beast, Kun Lord It is obviously impossible to bring it all at once. This batch of Monster God Mountain monster cultivator is a Monster Beast with strong strength and innate talent, but Monster God Mountain is still Their old nest, they were not afraid of Bull God Clan before, five Monster Lord are not there, Bull God Clan dare to start with Monster God Mountain, waiting for revenge, but now, Bull God Clan chiefs are picking the right and wrong, making Qin Zheng threaten, and they But will be trapped in Heavenly Cave.

Outside, the family expert is still in the engraving, and the few Heavenly God teamed up to cast the divine formation. The glory of the heavens and the earth continues to scatter. The Grand Dao’s power is integrated into the divine formation. Gradually, an incomparable light curtain is like a lock in the sky. Sky, the day is blocked, and the colorful light erupting from it can destroy all existence, as long as the Heavenly Cave is open, the light of the divine formation can be shot into it, killing the person who wants it.

“Good terrifying.”

All people raise one’s head Vault of Heaven, this divine formation covers tens of thousands of miles, parallel to the sky, the light flowing on the divine formation, is terrifying, diffusing the power of Extinguishing World.

Moreover, the family did not stop the action, but also perfect the formation. The people they want to deal with are not ordinary characters, but the Heavenly God, Qin Wentian, and Luoshen Chuan are very strong.

The people of God Extinguishing Palace are not idle, and the poison qi is gradually forming, wrapping Heavenly Cave, as if it is a world, completely sealing Heavenly Cave. They want those who step into Heavenly Cave to fall into desperation, since they refuse to come out. Then, let you die and die.

“Family, God Extinguishing Palace.” Qin Wentian expression ice-cold, he witnessed everything, looks at the two forces to engrave the divine formation and cast the poison world, this account, he wrote down.

He once said that anyone, any force who wants to win Heavenly Cave, he will take it. Now, the family and your God Extinguishing Palace are already responding to Qin Clan, and they are the first to make a mistake. Then, Qin Wentian, of course, will follow .

“Brother, what do you do now?” in Heavenly Cave, Luoshen Lei asked, the situation was terrible, if the other side just carved the divine formation to block Heavenly Cave, but they also used Luoshen Clan, Blue City and Azure Profound. Threats, this way, let them go into a dilemma, want to go out in the Heavenly Cave after many years of strong practice, then outside, I am afraid that many people will die. Since Qin Zheng has already left his face and said this, he must reach The purpose, Qin Wentian does not come out, he will definitely start.

“Go out.” Qin Wentian started talking: “You must find a way to go out.”

Luoshen Chuan nodded gently, this is his idea, he can’t look at Luoshen Clan.

Qin Wentian, remembering Azure Profound, although Azure Profound is still banned, if Qin Zheng, they really do not hesitate to violate the ban?

After all, this time, for Heavenly Cave, the giant giants teamed up, maybe they did it.

“So many experts are outside, they are waiting for the big brother you go out.” Luoshen Lei beautiful eyes revealing the expression of worry, go out? Qin Zheng Why give up Heavenly God’s face and threaten Qin Wentian with innocent people, the purpose is to ask him to go out.

If Qin Wentian walks out of Heavenly Cave, the purpose of Qin Zheng is reached.

“All the way to find out, go out and let them go,” Qin Wentian said, but outside, they are powerful Heavenly God, want to do this, said said than done.

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