Heavenly Cave is shaking, there are fewer and fewer people in Heavenly Cave, more and more experts are gathering in the Boundless Sea domain, and the top people have come out, causing countless people to look up.

This is the person who walked out of the Heavenly Cave, and some of the characters are ancient giants.

“That is Qin Zheng, the family of Qin Clan, and Heaven’s Chosen Son Qin Dangtian. Who is the old man in front of them?”

“Qin Clan, Qin Ding, once, to rebuke Heaven and Earth.” Someone eyes reveals the sharp light.

“Is Qin Ding coming?” Many people marveled.

“Nine Heavens Profound Female is also out, beautiful, unparalleled in the world, and Fairy of Nine Heavens Profound Female Palace is so beautiful.”

“The next generation of Profound Female is also set foot on Heavenly God Realm, very powerful, there is a young man around her.”

“That is Lin Xiao, the pursuer of Profound Female, the successor of Universe Cult Master, and now also into Heavenly God. This time, in Heavenly Cave, there seems to be a lot of Heaven’s Chosen metamorphosis, proof Dao Divinity, then ancient, I am afraid that we will usher in a new brilliant era.”

A strong figure came out one after another, and the world was amazed. Heavenly Cave trembled stronger and stronger. The Heavenly Cave’s entrance, the eyes of Heavenly Cave, closed a little, as if it might be closed at any time.

Finally, when no one was coming out of Heavenly Cave, with a heard-shaking tremor, the Eye of Heavenly Cave closed directly, Heavenly Cave, as if disappearing from the world, the sky above, only the sky, No Heavenly Cave.

“Disappeared.” Many experts secretly secretly sighed interest, for more than two hundred years, they have a lot of feelings, this time, Heavenly Cave is really explored mystery, and the world knows that Heavenly Cave is connected to Nine Heavens, but unfortunately, only lasted two For a hundred years, otherwise, Heavenly Cave’s exist, which can make the ancient Heaven’s Chosen character have a faster practice speed, and more and more Heavenly God characters will be born later.

I don’t know when the next Heavenly Cave will open.

After Qin Dangtian came out, his eyes looked at him. Then he found the figure he was looking for. When he was in a flash, he went there. In front of him, there was a beautiful Heavenly Immortal woman. It was Heaven. Territory number one beauty Goddess Nichang.

“Nichang, practice for these years, is it okay?” Qin Dangtian asked.

After more than two hundred years, once again seeing Qin Dangtian, Goddess Nichang’s expression is still faint, gently nodded.

Qin Ding looked at him and asked Qin Zheng: “That is the grandson of Qu Shen who has a marriage contract with Dang’er.”

“Well.” Qin Zheng nodded.

“Recently there are some rumors that she is not good,” Qin Ding said faintly.

“What rumors?” Qin Zheng wondered, he was trapped and ignorant, not knowing what was going on outside.

Qin Ding said some rumors from Qin Wentian and Goddess Nichang that Qin Zheng’s expression was ugly, which is really a dull thing for their Qin Clan. What Qin Dangtian feels like, look at it. To this side, facing Goddess Nichang: “Nichang, my Grandfather is also here, go to the old man’s house under the negotiations.”

Goddess Nichang looked at Qin Ding and then followed Qin Dangtian to Qin Ding. There was no sound. Qin Ding’s eyes were extremely majestic. He looked at Goddess Nichang. “Nichang, I am with you, Grandfather is old, Immortal. Some rumors about Territory about you must have been heard by you. Did Qin Wentian have any questions about you?”

Goddess Nichang heard Qin Ding’s question pale and embarrassed, she raise one’s head looks at Qin Ding, replied coldly: “No.”

Qin Ding looks at her eyes, then nodded: “No, please find a time, and Dang’er is married, I will go to discuss with your Grandfather, let’s go.”

All people’s figure is glittering, and Qin Zheng’s brow is wrinkled tightly, as is his wife.

“Qin Wentian, how did he leave the road?” Qin Zheng did not understand, Qin Wentian had a story with Nichang in the outside world, it was after they stepped into the road, which means that Qin Wentian, out of the gods Absolute way.

“Maybe Qin Tiangang.” Qin Ding faintly opened, his younger brother, stunned, may have found a way out.

Qin Zheng eyes flash, there is such a possibility, although incredible, but if Qin Wentian can rely on himself to get out of the way, he does not believe.

The Boundless Sea domain, the endless people, have dispersed and left the sea.

In the Heavenly Cave, Nine Heavenly Layers, it became extraordinarily quiet, and almost no figure was seen. Qin Wentian stepped forward and came to Heavenly Cave ancient road, the Heavenly Cave ancient road that would have dissipated, and it became very incomparable. Clear, solid, there is no sign of going away.

“Wentian.” Luoshen Chuan came out of glittering and walked to Qin Wentian and asked, “Now, have you been able to control Heavenly Cave?”

“Yes grandfather, in the future, you can practice the practice in Heavenly Cave. Without my permission, nobody can come in.” Qin Wentian said with a smile, a path of figure moves towards Qin Wentian. Qin Wentian’s relatives and friends in the sky practice, they heard Qin Wentian’s words did not go out, but noticed that others have left, when they came to Qin Wentian, they still don’t understand what happened.

“Elder Brother Wentian, this Heavenly Cave ancient road, how is it stable?” Qing’er asked softly.

Qin Wentian reached out to the head of Qing girl, mild with a smile: “This Heavenly Cave ancient road is already in control for me.”

Qing’er beautiful eyes flashed a smattering: “So, we are not always able to practice here, and Elder Brother Wentian wants to let anyone come in and let anyone in?”

Qin Wentian nodded, all people were trembled, even if Luoshen Chuan was the same. He knew what it meant, meaning that Qin Wentian, in the future, could make the Ancient Immortal Territory’s peak expert, which was too terrifying.

For example, Qin Wentian allowed Luoshen Clan’s people to enter Heavenly Cave. Later, will the development of Luoshen Clan become more terrifying? I am afraid that Bull God Clan will soon be opened, and given them enough time to regain the glory of the past.

“So, after the people of Battle Saint Clan, can you practice here?” Qi Yu said.

“This is nature.”

“Wentian, my Southern Phoenix Clan people are also practicing here.” Southern Phoenix Empress said with a smile.

“Yaoyue, you said it, of course, no problem.” Qin Wentian smiled, his eyes sparkled, and later, his family and friends, as well as those who followed him, will be able to practice at Heavenly Cave.

“Grandfather, you are not saying that there are many people on Luoshen Clan who want to follow you. Before, you didn’t want to completely split Luoshen Clan, and there is no fixed foothold in the Desolate Territory. It is not convenient to bring too many Luoshen Clan’s. People, now, this problem can be solved, you can slowly contact Luoshen Clan, let the people who are willing to follow you, come to Heavenly Cave practice, I believe that Luoshen Clan will be able to rise again.” Qin Wentian said, Luoshen Clan, is mother The family is the blood of the grandfather, and the strength of itself is very strong. Of course, it must be cultivated well, and a strong influential figure can appear as soon as possible.

“Good.” Luoshen Chuan did not refuse this time, nodded, such a good practice condition, he certainly hopes that people of Luoshen Clan can enjoy it.


Qin Ding After they split the heavens, they went to the Boundless City Qu Shen house and discussed the marriage between Qin Dangtian and Goddess Nichang with Qu Shen. There are some rumors that this is a bit unpleasant, Qu Shen, does not seem to want to I decided early, I don’t know what it was, but Qin Ding’s attitude was tough, and I set the date directly. Then I left Qu Residence with Qin Zheng and the others. I didn’t stop and returned to Qin Clan.

Of course, the insider nobody knows that only someone said that after Qin Clan’s departure, Qu Shen was angry, and the anger came out of Qu Residence. Goddess Nichang never walked out of Qu Residence again. This is a famous fairy who is recognized by the previous life. It seems to have cast a shadow, perhaps because of some rumors of the year, after all, Qin Wentian and Goddess Nichang have been twice rumored.

To this day, Qin Wentian is still bearing the shameless Heavenly God’s title.

Qin Zheng After returning to Qin Clan, the more I think about it, the more I feel that something is wrong, Heavenly Cave’s is closed, and some are embarrassing.

Qin Clan is above a magnificent ancient palace. He hears the news from the people below. The brows are frowning. After they split the heavens, they still stare at them until the Heavenly Cave is closed. Qin Wentian came out and didn’t see Luoshen Chuan. At that time, as soon as they found Qin Wentian, he would immediately return to pick up each other, but no, they seem to be no longer Heavenly Cave.

People who stared at Azure Profound responded. For more than two hundred years, Qin Wentian had made several round trips. Even some people left with Azure Profound. I don’t know where to go to ancient, but if there is no accident, I should go to Heavenly. Cave.

Coupled with Qin Wentian’s previous demise, Heavenly Cave disappeared before the gods disappeared, and Qin Zheng always felt that something is wrong.

Especially when I think of some things in the past, the mysterious treasure that Qin Yuanfeng got, seems to be Qin Tiangang from Heavenly Cave. They have been chasing what Qin Yuanfeng is, and now they want to live Qin Wentian. For the same purpose.

So, is it possible that the treasure has already been Qin Yuanfeng inheritance to Qin Wentian’s?

Qin Wentian untied the secret of Heavenly Cave, which made the gods disappear and Heavenly Cave closed!

I have to say that Qin Zheng’s idea is already the truth, but after all, it is speculated that Qin Zheng ordered: “The man is watching the Heavenly Cave, and the Azure Profound side, pretending to be a good point, not too strong, pretending People at Boundless Sea practice will do.”

“Yes.” Someone took the lead, Qin Zheng stood up, expression was a bit cold, if it was as he speculated, child of Qin Yuanfeng Qin Wentian, may have done what his father did not do!

Ps: There will be more this evening!

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