Nine Heavenly Layers, still so dazzling, stands on top of Nine Heavens.

“Well?” At this time, there were experts who saw Qin Wentian and Luoshen Chuan, and the eyes condensed. They actually came out of the road of God. What did they experience in the road of God?

Other experts who stepped into it, why not?

At that time, after Qin Wentian, a group of people stepped into the sacred way, and later some Heavenly God characters broke in. Now, I don’t know where to go. It is reported that some people outside of the world want communication, they don’t respond, no one knows them. What was going on at the end of Heavenly Cave.

Qin Wentian naturally won’t explain anything to all people. He takes out the communication crystal and his loved ones, and then moves towards Nine Heavenly Layers. He also wants to explore the secret of tiny Astral Being, on this Nine Heavenly Layers. It should be the most appropriate.

“My grandfather, I went to practice.” Qin Wentian said that since he was comprehend Dao, he was chased by Qin Zheng and Qin Dangtian and the others, and then entered the road of sacredness and went through several years in the sacred way. I haven’t calmed down to practice. Now, realm needs to be solid, and the mystery of tiny Astral Being is waiting for him to explore.

Qin Clan, Qin Zheng and Qin Dangtian, they should be trapped in the dead road now, I don’t know if they can come out, but even if they can’t come out forever, there is Qin Clan, who ordered the deal with his father. Obviously there are people who have a higher status than Qin Zheng, such as his father, Qin Ding.

“Go.” Luoshen Chuan knows Qin Wentian’s current desire for practice, nodded, and this experience has made him feel very touched. Qin Tiangang’s powerful, Heavenly Cave’s mystery, he hopes to be stronger, after all, His body, also carrying his own mission, Luoshen Clan, even if Luoshen Clan split now, he still hopes to revive Luoshen Clan, at least to restore the glory of the past, standing behind the Desolate Territory.

Qin Wentian glides away and goes to the innocent star, Nine Heavenly Layers, he did not go to any Stellar Martial Constellation, but came to the endless Stellar Martial Constellation, in the ridiculous starry sky, he hovered and sat down. Close the eyes, perceive the endless starlight, and bring the light of the stars into tiny Astral Being in your mind. He hasn’t done this for a long time, and hasn’t explored the mystery of tiny Astral Being.

When Father passed the tiny Astral Being to him, Mother had moved, not knowing whether Father had solved the mystery of tiny Astral Being.

As Astral Power continues to introduce tiny Astral Being, the vast expanse of the sky seems to have a bit of light. However, tiny Astral Being seems to have a flawless starry sky, endless stars, when Astral Power continues to flow into it. Qin Wentian discovered that it was only slowly lighting up the stars. Previously, he used to light the stars to find the memory left by Father, but now he wants to explore the mystery of tiny Astral Being itself. .

Tiny Astral Being is like a bottomless pit, he is greedy, never stops sucking stars, but he can never fill it up, but Qin Wentian has not given up easily, always leads Astral Power into it, he does not believe, this tiny Astral Being will not react a bit.

Time, day by day, although still boring, but at least it is practice, Qin Wentian seems to feel the passage of time, repeating year after year, but no matter how hard he works, it is useless, he feels a little powerless He even gave up the heart of giving up. If he put it in the past, he has absolutely no way to insist on it for a few years. Now, he is more patient than before. He has come to a different realm, that is, the highest practice. Realm.

“If you are like this, it is just useless work.” At this moment, a voice rang in Qin Wentian’s mind, causing Qin Wentian’s body to tremble. His eyes suddenly opened, and the dazzling light shot, but he There are no people around.

“Who?” Qin Wentian spit out a voice.

“You have been trying to perceive my mystery, but I don’t even know when I speak to you?” The voice rang again, Qin Wentian’s heart trembled fiercely, he perceived tiny Astral Being, at the moment, releasing There is no glory.

“How come?” Qin Wentian found that tiny Astral Being could speak, but it was, as Grandfather had guessed, that itself was the soul of a superb.

That super character may be the head of Heaven Territory first generation, God King Xi.

“Is this really the soul of Senior?” Qin Wentian asked.

“What are you talking about?” The other side asked, and did not seem to know Qin Wentian’s meaning. This made Qin Wentian brow a pick. Could it be that he had a conversation with Grandfather, and the other party did not hear it?

“Senior doesn’t always exist?” Qin Wentian asked.

“Of course not. I just put a slogan in it. Now, it is inspired by you. This is the case.” The other responded, Qin Wentian eyes flash, it seems that these years of hard work is still useful, he actually inspired A lingering remnant left by the other party.

“Senior is?” Qin Wentian asked.

“Who I am not important, I am telling you something now, you are listening.” The voice of the other party seems to reveal a sense of indisputable, but Qin Wentian did not care, if Grandfather guessed correctly, then this stay The existence of the sorrow is probably Heaven Territory first generation God King.

“I was born in Immortal Territory and practiced like all creatures. In the end, I went to the peak of this world and became one of the strongest beings. However, I sadly found that I still live in the shadow of Nine Heavens. Under the humble existence, Stellar Martial Cultivator practice, by Nine Heavens Astral Power, however, where did these stars come from? Is there any creator of the creator of this galaxy, enveloped All Heaven, the source of our practice? ”

The other person slowly opened his mouth and seemed to be asking for knowledge. When the practice reached extreme, he wanted to explore some of the ultimate secrets. Obviously, this existence is the same. When he is strong enough, he finally begins to explore Nine Heavenly Layers. Even suspected, he suspected that there was a strong presence, created this day, and created Nine Heavenly Layers.

“The world speaks, people decide to win, practice to extreme, palm Heavenly Dao, I mean heaven, on behalf of Heavenly Dao, it seems to be proud, but then how, Heavenly Dao, still under the cover of Nine Heavens, since people Victory, why can’t Transcendence be in Nine Heavens, why is it limited to the practice conditions created by Nine Heavens? I am not willing to explore the ultimate mystery of practice. I came to Nine Heavenly Layers and even wanted to get out of it. Heaven, the innocent universe, whether there are other worlds, 33 Heavens Immortal Territory, Hundreds of Granule World, Nine Heavenly Layers, have constructed this world together, but the stars are endless, the universe is innocent, the world we are shareholders, is it like Is a Granule World so small?”

“I am not willing, I want Transcendence this day, I want Nine Heavenly Layers, no longer enveloped in my sky, but become part of my practice, the extreme of the road, it should be above Nine Heavens.” That sound Continue to speak, the tone of the incomparable pride, he has proven the Dao, but still unwilling, he wants Transcendence, he went to peak, trying to dominate Nine Heavens.

When they come to realm like them, they naturally have different pursuits. Once, he once met Time God King in the past. He is not exploring, in pursuit, he hopes that one day he will be able to shuttle in the past and become Space- The master of Time, this is the pursuit of the peak, their obsession.

Power may not be so tempting for them, such as the mysterious white clothed youth that Qin Wentian encountered in Heavenly Dao Saint Academy. If he wants to create power in ancient, he can easily stand in the ancient Because of his personal strength, it is enough to subvert everything.

“I will still be a little lost after all, but I can only do it by a trace. However, I can’t go over it. I hope someone can take it. Let me see what kind of field, what kind of scenery, let me see, the real What is outside of Nine Heavens, so I made Heavenly Cave with my own body.”

Qin Wentian heard the sound trembled inside. Is it really like what Grandfather had guessed? Heavenly Cave turned out to be a Xeon, and he turned into a Heavenly Cave to connect Nine Heavens. What kind of heaven defying? means.

“What you get now is my soul. He embraces Nine Heavens. You want to get its secret. It’s not enough to rely on it. Unless one day, you can absorb all Stellar Martial Constellation on Nine Heavenly Layers. Strength, then, me, is your last Astral Soul.”

The voice was stunned, pulled long, and gradually dissipated, as if it had disappeared completely. It was just a ruin, sealed in tiny Astral Being.

Although the voice disappeared, Qin Wentian couldn’t calm down and the heart beat.

One day, he was able to absorb the strength of all Stellar Martial Constellation on top of Nine Heavenly Layers. At that time, I was your last Astral Soul.

This tiny Astral Being, in the end, will turn into an Astral Soul, his ultimate Astral Soul, but only if he wants to be able to absorb All Heaven Astral Power, which in itself is a huge problem that is hard to do.

But the purpose of the mysterious expert is to surpass Nine Heavens, it is not difficult to do, how can it surpass Nine Heavens? Over the Nine Heavens, the real Transcendence.

Qin Wentian doesn’t know if there is such a presence in the world, so the mysterious white clothed youth, he can crush Stellar Martial Constellation, he, Transcendence, is this kind of existence?

Except for him, Time God King he has seen, I am afraid I have not done it.

Qin Wentian closed his eyes and fell into meditation. The shock in his heart could not be calmed for a long time. To absorb all the stars’ strength, how can this be done?

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