Qin Wentian dragged the giant sword, Space-Time Sword Dao bloomed, he flowed the Space-Time Sword Intent, and the Sword Domain Astral Soul was released. The light of Astral Soul madly flowed into the giant sword while he was around his body. There are also endless swords, starry sky, and a world of swords.

Qin Dangtian is still indifferent, even if Qin Wentian is a surprise to the people who realized the Grand Dao, but how about it, the ending will not be any different, just because the person Qin Wentian faces is him. Do you say that Qin Wentian is now, even if he makes his cultivation base stronger, what can he do?

“I will show you, my Astral Soul Heavenly Dao, let you see what it is, what is the real way.” Qin Dangtian proudly speaks, the voice falls, his Astral Soul is released, Dao of Heavenly God, Dao Law is integrated Among Astral Soul, Astral Soul is the foundation of the Tao. In the past, Qin Wentian had already realized this. At that time, he showed his prestige with Astral Soul, so both Luoshen Yu and Luoshen Chuan knew that Qin Wentian had touched it. The threshold of Dao of Heavenly God.

The Astral Soul released by Qin Dangtian is extremely embarrassing. It is from Astral Soul on the 9th Heavenly Layer, which is the Astral Soul that he communicated after becoming Heavenly God and the last Astral Soul.

This Astral Soul has no form, unlike most Astral Souls, it is a light curtain that reaches the extreme. In Astral Soul, it seems to be engraved with endless ancient characters. Those ancient characters seem to come from ancient, not present in the present. Characters, constant changes, non-stop evolution to produce new characters, the flaming Astral Soul colorful light envelopes the vast stars, the ancient characters are filled with the meaning of Monarch, the eternal, Transcendence everything.

At this moment, Qin Dangtian seems to be the real Heaven’s Chosen, destined to be the arrogance of Heaven’s Chosen.

“I rarely release my ninth Astral Soul, Highest Beginning Astral Soul, the beginning of the world Myriad Dao, you should be honored, I will let you know Highest Beginning.” Qin Dangtian tone is still unparalleled, Highest Beginning has everything Originally, when Qin Wentian attended the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference, he once saw a super expert named Highest Beginning Boundary Master, but in fact, he did not use this title at all. Today, Qin Dangtian’s ninth Astral Soul is Highest Beginning Astral Soul, Going Highest Beginning Dao.

Many Heavenly God stares at Qin Dangtian. They all know the meaning of the word Highest Beginning. Qin Dangtian dares to take this name, which means his self-confidence, his domineering, they all want to see, Qin Dangtian, Highest Beginning Heavenly Dao How strong is it.

Qin Zheng’s wife, seeing Astral Soul released by Qin Dangtian, showed a faint smile. She knew that his son had returned to Qin Clan after his last humiliation at Heavenly Dao Saint Academy. After the customs clearance, he was at Highest. Beginning Heavenly Dao has made a difference. Now, she will show this ability for the first time in the world. She knows how strong her son is, not just Qin Wentian, even the famous Immortal Territory, some well-known powerful Heavenly God. Qin Dangtian, can beat.

“I want to live.” Qin Zheng said, and said to Qin Dangtian, he was worried that Qin Dangtian’s attack was too fierce, and the loss directly killed Qin Wentian. In that case, he upset his thoughts. Now, Qin Wentian is still not dead, and it is still useful.

Luoshen Chuan was a little worried, but he was dragged by Qin Zheng and was completely distracted.

There are many experts in the sky, and the heavenly God of aloof and remote are interested in the pound of Gods at this outbreak. Nowadays, even if they are, it is difficult to see, the battle of Heavenly Gods is very rare in ancient. After all, the vast and endless Ancient Immortal Territory, Heavenly God is just that.

No one believes that Qin Wentian, the world seems to be waiting for Heaven’s Chosen Son to release his brilliance again, the gap between the two is too great, even if Qin Wentian has enough amazing innate talent, but just comprehend Dao soon how he It may have been against Heaven’s Chosen Son Qin Dangtian, and it is rare to be able to block several previous attacks.

“You understand Sword Dao, then, I will defeat you with a sword, Highest Beginning Sword Dao, what kind of power will be, I want to see.” Qin Dangtian once again said that he wants Sword Dao, deal with Qin Wentian, I can imagine how proud and confident he is. Of course, if he really understands Highest Beginning True Intent, and he has a deep understanding, no matter what the road is, in his hands, he is afraid that it will burst into shock. force.

Qin Dangtian stretched out his hand and led the sword into Highest Beginning Dao. Then he shot his finger forward and said, “Go.”

The voice is falling, the endless sword light is born from Heavenly Dao. At this moment, the whole world is transformed into a world of swords. It seems that this world will brew Sword Dao, and all the expert raise one’s head to look at the light curtain and look at Qin. Dangtian’s Highest Beginning Heavenly Dao, the endless sword light seems to be born from Chaos, madly deriving, constantly becoming powerful, and then bursting into bloom, move towards Qin Wentian’s body to kill.

This endless sword, every step forward, seems to be getting stronger, in the metamorphosis, in the self-derivation, Qin Wentian’s body is locked by Sword Intent, the light of the infinite sword directly squats in the sky void, blocking the starry sky, will set him I am there.

Qin Wentian looks at Qin Dangtian’s way, Highest Beginning Heavenly Dao, Sword Intent, will be self-derivative, and it will continue to grow and become stronger.

Qin Wentian breathes deeply, surrounded by a smashing Space-Time sword, twisting the space, so that the falling sword light continues to flow with Space-Time.

But this is not a termination. The terrifying of Highest Beginning Sword Dao lies in that he can evolve and grow stronger, absorb the Myriad Dao Power, produce a stronger Dao Law, and a terrifying Sword Intent wraps around the sword around Qin Wentian. Curtain, twisting the space, let Qin Wentian expression solidify, Highest Beginning Heavenly Dao, in his way to develop a stronger Sword Dao, and his Dao Law is also integrated into it.

Among the light curtains released by Qin Dangtian, the increasingly strong Sword Dao was born, and moves towards Qin Wentian. For Transcendence Space-Time, there is no extreme.

“very powerful.” All people marveled and realized that Heavenly Dao, Qin Dangtian was able to meet strong and strong, and his understanding of Heavenly Dao had already been sturdy to such a point. How will his future be terrifying?

Qin Wentian, thoroughly at the center of the storm, his stronger strength at the sights at Highest Beginning Heavenly Dao, which feels a little lost. This is Heaven’s Chosen Son, his fateful enemy, although he is proud inside, Strong innate talent, but he faced Heaven’s Chosen Qin Dangtian, still have to admit the strength of the other side, at least for now, Qin Dangtian, who has been immersed in Heavenly God Realm for many years, in Heavenly Dao’s comprehension, it is indeed Stronger than him, and a lot stronger, after all, he only comprehend Dao not long ago.

On Astral Soul, he also had no advantage. For the first time, he had no advantage. He did not communicate with the last Astral Soul, but Qin Dangtian released the ultimate Astral Soul, the ninth Astral Soul, the Highest Beginning Astral Soul, and the Highest Beginning Astral. Soul comprehend Dao, incorporating Dao Law into Highest Beginning Dao.

Qin Dangtian is crazy, but can be called Heaven’s Chosen. Even if Qin Wentian does not want to admit it, the other party is indeed very strong. Ancient Immortal Territory’s people are not blind. Not everyone can be called Heaven’s Chosen. Now it is ancient. Only one person.

But even if Qin Dangtian is strong and powerful enough to be beyond imagination, Qin Wentian’s fighting intent is still running, he can lose, but he can’t lose the fighting intent, giving birth to a weak heart, this is his enemy of fate, he must need The defeated opponent, as long as he does not die, will definitely defeat Qin Dangtian in the future.

“Retreat practice for many years, comprehend Dao Highest Beginning, as the first person to face, you should be honored.” Qin Dangtian faintly open, Sword Intent is stronger, will soon annihilate everything.

But at this moment, Qin Wentian’s body moved, and went forward without any hesitation, and he took out the sword in his hand. It was his fighting intent, his determination.

All this, as if surpassing Space-Time, ignoring the Space-Time distance, directly in front of Qin Dangtian, and smashing into the body of Qin Dangtian, this is Space-Time Sword Dao, even if it is a new one, it still belongs to it. Brilliant.

Qin Dangtian suddenly gave birth to a sense of crisis. Then she realized that Sword Dao seemed to be beyond Space-Time and turned to his head. His expression changed slightly, severe roar, Highest Beginning Sword Dao fiercely erupted, and there were infinite changes. Deriving the strongest attack, also surpassing Space-Time to Qin Wentian’s body, and the endless stream, never ending.

A peaceful splitting earth shattering was released, and then everyone saw the two bodies separated and touched, but the collision seemed to feel how terrifying it was, only to see Qin Dangtian. A blood line appeared. He reached out his finger and touched the blood. His face was particularly embarrassing. He was actually wounded.

Qin Wentian is even worse, the body seems to have been opened, and the Highest Beginning Sword Dao, which originated from the source, has cut off his mortal body, but with the eternal strength of heaven defying, he still stands there, but only He himself understands the injuries in the body and the soul is hit hard.

“It can hurt Qin Dangtian.” All people were a little scared. Qin Wentian, Heavenly Dao, was hit hard, but he also injured Heaven’s Chosen Son. This is a miracle. Today’s Heaven’s Chosen Son is comparable. When he defeated Luoshen Yu, he was much stronger. His Highest Beginning Heavenly Dao is terrifying. If he improves in the future, he will become the top rank of Heavenly Dao.

“Take him.” At this moment, there were several terrifying Heavenly God figures and moved towards Qin Wentian glittering. Even, they were directly prepared to release to Qin Wentian, these people are Qin Clan’s Heavenly God characters. The opening is a Qin Clan old man, to catch Qin Wentian.

“Go.” Luoshen Chuan shouted, and he and Qin Zheng had another collision. The two opened the distance and took the opportunity to scream at Qin Wentian.

If you fall into the hands of Qin Clan, the consequences are unimaginable, I am afraid that even Qin Wentian’s innate talent will no chance, and Qin Clan will not give him a chance.

Qin Wentian heard the grandfather’s great shout trembled, then swayed, crossed the void, and walked? How to go? He has no way to go.

When he stepped, he moved to the end of the heavens, the end of Heavenly Cave ancient road!

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