Qin Zheng raised the head ,looks at the front star, the experts who have come to embark on the Stellar Martial Constellation practice, even if Qin Wentian came here, it is still not easy to find out, this is the starry sky, not the ground, if On the ground, his Immortal Sense can cover the endless Earth Territory, so that no one below can escape his eyes, but the Nine Heavenly Layers of the stars, his Immortal Sense is no longer strong, can’t be covered, a Stellar Martial Constellation of Nine Heavenly Layers, Large enough, such as the Immortal Territory.

Some people want to go to the farther Stellar Martial Constellation. If there is no such an ancient road to shorten the distance infinitely, just by moving yourself in the starry sky, I don’t know how long it will take.

This Heavenly Cave ancient road seems to extend all the way to Nine Heavens.

“Let all people pay attention, let’s go to the Stellar Martial Constellation. You didn’t always want to go to Nine Heavenly Layers. Now it’s finally, it’s a dream.” Qin Zheng took his wife’s hand and they went together. Stepping forward, many people saw that they were envious, but the owner of Qin Clan and the mother of Qin Clan, their feelings are still so good.

The two owners of Qin Clan are full of curiosity about Stellar Martial Constellation, let alone others. For the next many years, people are coming here. After a few years, it can be said that half of the top figures of ancient are probably here. .

Luoshen Chuan is also here. He is accompanied by the Monster Lord of Monster God Mountain. When he sees the starry sky, his heart is deeply shocked. It is amazing.

Luoshen Chuan and the others, respectively, are glittering, going straight to the Stellar Martial Constellation, Stellar Martial Cultivator, seeing the source of their practice, Stellar Martial Constellation, can imagine what it is.

On this day, above the sky, there was a Stellar Martial Constellation suddenly bursting with brilliance, brighter than the light on other Stellar Martial Constellation, glittering with dazzling luster, shining, making many people move towards the Stellar Martial Constellation looked, they saw that the Stellar Martial Constellation seemed to be solidifying a Grand Dao. On the Stellar Martial Constellation, there was a figure standing above the stars, and one standing on the stars should have been extremely Small, I can’t see it at all, but the star seems to reflect his figure.

It was a slender, handsome young figure. At this time, on his body, there was a constant flow of stars, like a divine shine washing his body.

“He is taking Heavenly Dao, this is the way.” On the face of expert eyes showing sharp light, Heavenly Cave ancient road, Stellar Martial Constellation, the first person to have a chance, he will set foot on Heavenly God Realm.

Heavenly God, the achievements that countless people have never achieved in their lifetime, are now completed in the years of Stellar Martial Constellation. Of course, it is also possible that his realm is not far from Heavenly God. Then the logical breakthrough, everything, is a matter of course.

“Ancient Immortal Territory, there will be another Heavenly God character.” Someone, Heavenly God, is the ultimate immortal Territory’s ultimate, top rank, Heavenly God can open Heavenly God Clan, even in ancient top rank In the power, it is also the true core of the top strength.

I don’t know which Heavenly God is a force.

Many people find that they don’t know the expert that is heading to God Realm.

The young Heavenly God’s youth stood on the Stellar Martial Constellation and entered the body. He appeared in one side of the world, as if he wanted to blend with Heavenly Dao and blend with Stellar Martial Constellation. In this world, the flow is amazing terrifying. Strength, that strength, is Samsara.

“Two worlds practice, finally made up for the regrets of the last world, and took the road that has never been seen.” Youth breathes deeply, he is Hua Taixu, he was the one who stood in the ancient world. , is Heavenly God.

However, although Heavenly God is the most top rank strength of ancient, but ancient is far more than one Heavenly God, and there are strong and weak.

And he, Heavenly God, was once frustrated by a battle of Gods. He was not reconciled. He wanted to rebuild practice and comprehend the stronger Heavenly Dao. So he entered his own Samsara and rebuilt it. Until this time his master Myriad Transformations Immortal King died in his arms, his memory, only wake up again, know who he is, know what he is pursuing.

When I saw Hua Taixu, there were many expressions of Boundary Master’s envious expression. When could they feel their Heavenly Dao and step into the real Legend, the state of peak?

This time, it is an opportunity, they must seize this opportunity, otherwise the future will be, nobody can know.

In a twinkling of an eye, many years have passed, there is no starry sky above the Stellar Martial Constellation, and there is an expert. When he gets the road, the Stellar Martial Constellation is brighter, like a star in the sky, unique and unmatched. .

In the face of comprehend Dao, decades have been nothing, and for the expert who can come here, the millennium is nothing more than a slap in the face.

But outside the Immortal Territory, the storm caused by Heavenly Cave is still going on. This storm has been going on for decades. It is rumored that many of the top rank experts now go to Heavenly Cave, Ancient Immortal Territory. Endless Boundary Master characters, all descended to the Boundless Sea field outside Heavenly Cave, the sea area, now can be buried by the sea, the sea is vast, there are endless experts, ancient experts expert, all come here, they get One news after another, in these years, several top figures have become gods.

However, it is strange that the people who are said to have been successful have actually entered the Expert of the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy Legendary Land. Many people feel that the Legendary Land of Heavenly Dao Saint Academy seems to be well-deserved and help those peerless Heaven’s Chosen. Boundary Master laid the foundation and finally accumulated a thin hair, comprehend Dao in the sky.

In Azure Profound Immortal Territory, Emperor Palace, Qing’er and Qingcheng, Ye Qianyu, Beiming Youhuang, and even Battle Saint Clan experts, Ten Thousand Demon Island expert, Great Emperor Changqing, Southern Phoenix Empress are waiting for them. I know that it happened in Ancient Immortal Territory’s, I know that Heavenly Cave is open, I know that Qin Wentian is now in the starry sky. In the past few years, they have not taken the initiative to disturb Qin Wentian. From the Blue City community, there have been several experts to prove the Dao, they know that Qin Wentian is eager for Heavenly God’s, and they expect Qin Wentian to get the chance.

Countless days and nights, Mo Qingcheng and Qing’er will look up at the stars, thinking about the people they miss, at the moment in the innocent star sky?

Time is still passing, Qin Wentian He has not only stayed on a Stellar Martial Constellation. Over the years, he has gone through a lot of Stellar Martial Constellation, feeling different strengths and feeling the power of different Heavenly Dao. If you have free time, you will communicate to Qingcheng and Qing’er, so that they don’t miss.

On this day, Qin Wentian once again returned to the Stellar Martial Constellation of a sword. He released his sword Astral Soul from Astral Soul on the 8th Heavenly Layer.

“The Stellar Martial Constellation itself has the power of Heavenly Dao, so Astral Soul, from Stellar Martial Constellation, Astral Soul itself, is the way.” Qin Wentian secretly said in heart: “The previous sentiments are not wrong.”

His body is suspended above the stars, the dazzling Astral Soul repels the surrounding Astral Power, Astral Soul can enlighten, but also the Grand Dao carrier, the Astral Soul way, not just a single strength, but can contain various attributes The blending and comprehension of strength.

For example, the Daowei above the sword-shaped Stellar Martial Constellation blooms in the situation of the sword, but its way is not just a strength of the sword, it is a principal, it is only the foundation of Heavenly Dao, every A Stellar Martial Constellation is a world, a world, of course, there is not only one attribute strength, but all, just one of them.

Qin Wentian, he is now taking the sword as the breakthrough mouth. All the strengths are coming into the body, and the Astral Soul is integrated into the sword. Gradually, the star is a terrifying Sword Domain, which rejects all the strengths of the outside world, because he understands the road. It is different from the road on the Stellar Martial Constellation.

The Astral Soul Sword Domain is getting more and more sly, radiant, and moving towards the distance. This Sword Domain contains amazing strength.

Finally, an extreme dazzling radiance is released, Qin Wentian’s Astral Soul turns into a sword of heaven, floating in the sky between the ground, the whole space, as if turned into a Sword Domain world, this Sword Domain world, there are constantly Sword Intent flow, as if you can shuttle Space-Time.

“This is the way?” Qin Wentian whispered, and in an instant, the endless Sword Intent flow on Stellar Martial Constellation, the endless Sword Intent, centered on the ancient sword suspended behind him, in a slow flow At this moment, this Stellar Martial Constellation has become extremely dazzling and has attracted worldwide attention.

“Someone has brokenthrough?” Someone looks towards the Stellar Martial Constellation. It seems that many expert eyes reveals surprising color, this person, and they don’t even know each other. Is there really a hidden world of powerful Heaven’s Chosen characters?

Qin Zheng’s husband and wife are practicing on a Stellar Martial Constellation. At this time, they only saw their eyes and move towards the Stellar Martial Constellation. I saw the golden glow of a terrifying to extreme in the eyes of Qin Zheng’s wife. It falls on the Stellar Martial Constellation where Qin Wentian is located.

When her eyes looked at Qin Wentian’s moment, the golden brilliance seemed to restore Qin Wentian’s face, the face of disguise was directly stripped, Qin Wentian, was being torn apart a little bit, when looking at the face, she Producing a sense of familiarity, this familiarity, let her beautiful eyes flash a dazzling light, like him, and, change the appearance.

“His sons have even realized this point?” Qin Zheng’s wife said, Qin Zheng eyes flash, also looking at Qin Wentian, said: “You said, is he?”

“There will be no mistakes.” His wife had a smile on his face, but the smile on the beauty face gave a feeling of indifference!

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