The sea of ​​blood, white bone casting boat, each canoe, only one person.

Qin Wentian set foot on a bone boat without any hesitation. Jun Mengchen and Qi Yu expression were firm, and they were on his left, stepping on the bone boat, and rowing into the Blood Sea.

With bloody sea and white bone as the boat, Qin Wentian is thinking, this Blood Sea will be the blood of the expert body. Are these white bone boats cast by his bones?

If so, what would this Heavenly Cave be?

A repressed breath came, Qin Wentian followed the white bone boat slowly, and gradually moved towards the depths of the Blood Sea. On the shore of the Blood Sea, many experts saw many people trying, and they all stepped forward and stepped on white. Bone goes.

Heaven’s Chosen Son Qin Dangtian, Qi Jie Grandmaster, Lin Xiao and the others, who is not Heaven’s Proud Son, and is peerless, they are willing to take risks, and they themselves are worse than them, why not yet The other party dares to fight?

Even the Profound Female, Heaven Territory number one beauty Goddess Nichang of Nine Heavens Profound Female Palace are also taking the white bone as a boat. What are the reasons for their withdrawal?

When I think of this, people are constantly stepping in and going to take risks. Of course, there are still many people still hesitating. After all, there are many people coming, and Eight Ancient Territories have come to Heavenly Cave in Legend.

At this time, among the crowd, there was another white clothed figure walking, his temperament was boundless, handsome and extraordinary, where he passed, everyone around him seemed to be stunned by his temperament, and he could not help but retreat, which made They all felt incredible, how could they, their Boundary Master and even the great expert realm cultivation base, even after seeing each other, there was no reason to retreat, which made them feel a cold in the heart, gazing at the white clothed youth, how strong he is. ?

White clothed walked to the shore of Blood Sea and looked at the stone tablet.

“To blood the sea, to bone as a boat.” He whispered, with a touch of smile on his face: “Interesting.”

After all, he stepped forward and the shocking scene appeared. He did not step on the bone boat, but walked directly to the Blood Sea. Even, he waved his hand and suddenly rolled up a Blood Sea storm. Reach out and touch the Blood Sea as if you are feeling the strength of the Blood Sea.

“What the pain is this.” He seemed to know something, whispered, and continued to walk in the Blood Sea, which could shake Heavenly God’s Blood Sea. For him, as if he had no known difference with the ordinary sea, he Stepping on the Blood Sea, the white clothed figure is getting away.

“This…” The explorer on the shore of the Blood Sea is shocking, and the ripples are rippled on the shore. On the shore, there are also the presence of Heavenly God characters. Even if they are, they have a deep heart. Deep awe, in this ancient, there are still such characters, terrifying, actually nobody know.

Qin Wentian Many of them are crossing the sea. How fast is the Boundary Master, and even more like Heavenly God, they can span the endless void, but in the Blood Sea, no one dares to come in, they are honest. Really take the white bone boat. At this time, people in the Blood Sea saw a white clothed figure walking past them, making a sneak peek, and raging waves in their hearts. How is this possible? Someone can easily walk on the Blood Sea, and they feel that the strength of this Blood Sea can drown out all the creatures.

Qin Wentian, he also saw that when he saw the white clothed youth, his eyes showed a dazzling brilliance, and he opened his mouth to open his mouth, but saw that the white clothed youth also saw him, although after a change of face, The other party seemed to still see it, and smiled nodded at him, then walked past him.

“This person is terrifying.” Jun Mengchen trembled in his heart: “Senior Martial Brother, do you know him?”

“I have seen this Senior once, since it is him who can do this very normal, Heavenly Cave can stop Heavenly God, but can’t stop him.” Qin Wentian responded, next to Jun Mengchen and Qi Yu face condensed There, it was shocked by Qin Wentian’s words. Since Qin Wentian said this, it is obvious that the white clothed figure is powerful.

“Where did the Senior Martial Brother have seen it?” Jun Mengchen asked with curiosity.

“Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, Samsara World, Mengchen, don’t disclose this matter.” Qin Wentian sound transmission to Jun Mengchen, then there is no more words, the Senior is hidden in the world, about him, Still less to say, just to the end.

“Good.” Jun Mengchen nodded, knowing that the Senior Martial Brother might have had an adventure and saw a Transcendence character.

Qin Diantian in front of Qin Wentian also saw the white clothed figure, his eyes solidified there, revealing the shock, and shouted: “Hello stay.”

White clothed turned back and looked at him casually.

“How did you do it?” Qin Dangtian asked.

White clothed figure did not respond, turned around and continued to move forward, Qin Dangtian expression was a stiff, he was ignored, but seeing the other side stepping on the Blood Sea, what he wanted to say, he could not open , this person, the strength may exceed his imagination, or not to provoke.

It seems that the ancient land, it is still a somewhat unknown strong existence, he still needs to work hard, I hope this Heavenly Cave trip, there can be a new breakthrough.

As we continued to move forward, the blood became deeper and deeper, and the sky above the head, the brilliance of the bloody color shrouded, the bloody brilliance forging into a blood cave, across the top of the head, the repressed breath became more terrifying.

In front, the Blood Sea is rolling, as if there is a wave of blood, the blurred distance, the white clothed figure goes straight through the storm, this Blood Sea for him, as if there is no obstacle, but by the white bone boat The experts who went forward, but felt the crisis.

“Nichang, don’t leave me.” Qin Dangtian said, his expression has become a bit dignified.

When the voice fell, Qin Dangtian surrounded by many ancient character halo, turned into an ancient character light curtain, intercepted in front, enveloped the bone boat, the Blood Sea storm blows away, is blocked by the ancient character Guanghua, can not be eroded.

The rest everyone has also encountered, Qin Wentian looks at the front of the Blood Sea, a light curtain appears around the body, absolutely space, as if the whole person entered a unique space, when the Blood Sea came, actually from his The body directly drowned down, but did not hurt his body.

Jun Mengchen has a world in his body, surrounded by the body, Qi Yu is in a fighting intent, and the symbol imprint is in front of him.

All the experts, each showing the divine ability, continue to cross the sea.

The storm in front is more terrifying, the tumbling Blood Sea is like a huge wave, with amazing strength, the resistance in front of the expert is eroded by the Blood Sea, and gradually becomes bloody, their expression gradually changes. .

“Be careful.” Qin Wentian expression is more dignified.

“Nichang, the Blood Sea in front has the power to erode everything. I will send you back.” Qin Dangtian said to Goddess Nichang that the ancient character halo and Dao Law in front of him were eroded.

“No.” Goddess Nichang expression is determined, blood is turned into the sea, white bone is the boat, there must be a way to pass.

I saw that at this time, in the Blood Sea, a path of black airflow suddenly appeared. Move towards many expert-resistant light curtains, directly penetrated into it, even the ancient character of Qin Dangtian was penetrated by it. Then, the Blood Sea penetrated a little bit and flowed into the white bone boat.

In front, the Buddhist Dao Baoguang on the Qi Jie Grandmaster was penetrated. His position was relatively high. Gradually, the Blood Sea drowned the white bone boat, and the white bone boat began to sink, making the heart of all people behind. Sinking down.

Qi Jie Grandmaster, has proven the Dao Heavenly God, how will he choose?

At this time, Qi Jie folded his hands together and slammed the Buddha. He then abandoned the white bone boat and walked into the Blood Sea a little bit. When his legs touched the Blood Sea, he gradually became illusory. It disappeared a little, but his body was still sinking. Every time he sank, his body seemed to be part of the Blood Sea.

“This…” The rear expert expression, Qi Jie Grandmaster, but Heavenly God expert, he can’t stop the erosion of the Blood Sea, so that not everyone must bury the Blood Sea.

Qi Jie Grandmaster, the whole person has not entered the Blood Sea and disappeared. In the Blood Sea, there is a Buddha ray of light, just like the Buddha Sect relic.

“Qi Jie Grandmaster, this is abandoning the mortal body, ask for it?” Some people trembled, the rear, some people wavered, turned back, they didn’t want to take risks.

This Blood Sea can’t be crossed at all. The white bone is a boat. To cross the Blood Sea, it is destined to white bone.

“Nichang.” Qin Dangtian looks at Goddess Nichang. I saw that Goddess Nichang expression is still as light as water. There is no fear in her beautiful eyes. She walked forward and went straight out of the white bone boat, and the body entered Blood. Among the Seas.

“Nichang.” Qin Dangtian shouted, but Goddess Nichang didn’t care, and the body fell into the Blood Sea. The beautiful body gradually dissipated, and all the people behind saw this scene trembled even more, Heaven Territory number one Beauty Goddess Nichang, do you want to be fragrant?

“No.” Qin Dangtian’s eyes suddenly flashed. Bliss Pure Land is one of the most top ranks of ancient. There are many Buddha Sect Secret Scriptures. There may be records for Heavenly Cave’s. Nichang father has entered Heavenly Cave and may know some Heavenly. The secret of Cave, into this Blood Sea, is not necessarily the death road.

Thinking of this, Qin Dangtian’s eyes are unwavering. He abandoned the ancient character halo, stepped forward, stepped into the Blood Sea, and even Nichang could do things, he was afraid of Qin Dangtian.

“Is it crazy?” After the expert sees everything in front of it feels incredible, these people are crazy.

Qin Wentian naturally saw everything that happened in front of him, Qi Jie Grandmaster, Heaven’s Chosen Son Qin Dangtian, Goddess Nichang, which one is not a peerless person, but they even abandoned the white bone as a boat and stepped directly into the Blood Sea. Is it really death road?

If it is a road, the former people, how to step through, Heavenly Cave, although the danger, known as the land of gods, but according to the Saint Academy Heavenly Dao Book Pavilion, as long as you are cautious, the chances of survival are still very large, this Blood Sea, It is not a real road.

Thinking of this, he started talking: “Uncle Yu, Mengchen, you make your own choice.”

After all, he gave up resistance, the white bone boat sank, and his body sank into the Blood Sea!

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