Eastern Emperor Heaven is the Lower Realm Heaven of Purple Tiny God Court dominance. However, it is impossible to survive such a big thing in the world. After all, Eastern Emperor Heaven is not banned like Azure Profound, and People of Upper Realm Heaven will Travel to Lower Realm.

A message, spread in the Ancient Immortal Territory, first of all Profound Territory, then spread, and instantly set off the heaven-shaking wave.

Yue Changkong, the singer.

Moreover, because of his master, Purple Tiny God Court’s Heavenly God greeted his evil art and wanted to deprive him of his soul before he met Yue Changkong’s backlash, which is absolutely scandal for Purple Tiny God Court, Purple Tiny God Court even wants to suppress the news, but still can’t stop the speed of the spread.

However, more people are curious about how Yue Changkong did it. How could he marry Shatian God?

Later, everything that Yue Changkong did at Eastern Emperor Heaven was exposed. Eastern Emperor Heaven had already lost its life. After he came out of Samsara World, he relied on his own understanding of evil means, refining Eastern Emperor Heaven, countless creatures, Purple Tiny God Court’s Heavenly God could not have died in the hands of Yue Changkong, but his greed, wanting to capture Yue Changkong’s everything, made Yue Changkong into his soul, followed by Yue Changkong borrowing refining the billions of souls backlash, Heavenly God The body is occupied, this evil art is a kind of choice.

After that, Yue Changkong set foot on Purple Tiny God Court. It is said that the Battle of Gods broke out in Purple Tiny God Court. After the war, Yue Changkong officially replaced his master and became one of the rulers of Purple Tiny God Court’s Heavenly God. Once again, it caused an uproar. No one knows that Yue Changkong is on the inside story of Purple Tiny God Court’s, but Purple Tiny God Court has accepted Yue Changkong and is still shamelessly rejected by the world. What Chang Changkong has done at Eastern Emperor Heaven is already a big sin. Although many Heavenly Gods are not as dazzling and fascinating as they are on the surface, there are some taboos on the bright side and they will not commit big sins.

Great Demon God Palace After learning about this, humiliating Purple Tiny God Court is not worthy of the Profound Territory, and the Great Demon God Palace is the same, the two sides have had a lot of friction, in this period Great Demon God Palace released this kind of speech is normal But then, everyone who said this was inexplicably dead. Great Demon God Palace, and even several Boundary Master characters were killed unconsciously. This incident completely angered Great Demon God Palace, and Purple Tiny God. The struggle between the courts is even more intense, with frequent casualties.

Profound Territory, it seems to be chaotic.

But no matter how the world revils, but they are very complicated about Yue Changkong’s thoughts, I have to say that he has been ridiculed by the world, he is coming out of a road of Evil God, in a sense, now Yue Changkong He has achieved what he wants. He has set foot on God Position, the realm that is endlessly alive, even if the world casts aside, but if Yue Changkong really appears in front of them, who dares to be disrespectful?

The news of the ancient spread, Luoshen Lei of the Desolate Territory naturally knows, and then her sound transmission told Qin Wentian about it.

Qin Wentian did not expect Yue Changkong to devour himself. Instead, he set foot on God Position with evil means.

In his heart, he lamented the terrifying of Samsara World. He also practiced evil art. He knows that Samsara World’s evil art can’t be used directly in the outside world. However, it still has some insights, let alone the practice evil in Samsara World. Art, seeing the heart, Yue Changkong completely released the evil side of his heart. In the words of practice, Yue Changkong, his heart is tenacious, solid and unparalleled, surpassing countless people, even if he refining hundreds of millions of souls, There is no sense of guilt, and humanity has been completely lost. This way is absolutely terrifying.

Qin Wentian remembered the mysterious white clothed youth that Legendary Land saw, and what kind of existence could create Samsara World, which is like Destiny.

Yue Changkong is just a model of Samsara World All Heaven’s arrogance. In fact, before him, Qi Jie Grandmaster has become enlightened, into Heavenly God, and the rest of the people, fearing that there will be several terrifying figures.

At that time, Qin Dangtian was strong into the Saint Academy for the Legendary Land. The three Heavenly Gods didn’t want him to step into the Legendary Land. I must have this kind of worry. With Qin Dangtian’s peerlessness, it is Heavenly God cultivation base. If you step into Samsara. World, I don’t know what the consequences will be, but then Qin Dangtian chose to give up, just because he doesn’t allow any strength to destroy his way, he can’t tolerate it.

“Brother, you have to be careful about Yue Changkong this person. He has been completely mad. I heard that Donghuang Ying has been living in humiliation for many years. After he returned to Purple Tiny God Court, his Martial Uncle and several Senior Martial Brothers were equally miserable. And Yue Changkong, the most hated person, is probably the big brother you.” Luoshen Lei, who is communicating with Qin Wentian sound transmission, reminded.

Her big brother is like Yue Changkong’s nemesis. At the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference, Yue Changkong lost in his brother’s hands. It is still the same after coming out, still in Samsara World.

“I know that without me, I am afraid that it will not create today’s Yue Changkong.” Qin Wentian sighed, this is the world’s karma, if not him, Yue Changkong will now be Purple Tiny God Court’s Heaven’s Chosen disciple, scenery Infinite, not going to the extremes of evil.

“Human sex is so, sooner or later it will be exposed, no big brother, you are the same.” Luoshen Lei said: “Of course, Yue Changkong is despicable means to kill, big brother you also killed Heavenly God, I believe that it will still be his nemesis, Big brother When did you step into God Realm?”

“How do I know, I always feel something worse.” Qin Wentian responded with a smile, God Realm, not so easy to set foot, his understanding of Dao Law has reached a very strong point, even, Heavenly God’s means He has realized it, but still feels a lack of a trace of fire, may not have a chance.

“So Ah…” Luoshen Lei seems to be talking to himself. It seems to be a bit of a spurt. Although there is no distance, Qin Wentian still feels like it. “Lei’er, do you want to talk to me?” Say?”

“I think about it.” Luoshen Lei giggle’s said with a smile.

“Lei’er, what’s the matter, don’t yell at me.” Qin Wentian added: “don’t tell me Desolate Territory What’s going on there?”

“No.” Luoshen Lei said: “Just, now there is one thing on Heaven Territory, I am hesitating to tell the big brother you.”

“What?” Qin Wentian asked.

Luoshen Lei was silent for a moment, then he said it: “Heavenly Cave, open.”

“Heavenly Cave.” Qin Wentian trembled inside. The name is Ancient Immortal Territory’s secret realm name, a secret realm in Legend, he only saw it once, at the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy’s Heavenly Dao Book. Seen in the Pavilion.

However, it was impressive.

Because this place is called Heavenly Cave’s secret realm, it is the land of two Heavenly God, Qin Tiangang husband and wife.

Qin Tiangang husband and wife, his Grandfather grandmother, was caused by his Grandfather’s grandma’s die, which led to his father being orphaned, resulting in his father’s status in the family is not as good as Qin Zheng, which led to the former grand The Qin Clan Temple became a desolate and lonely place. Qin Wentian certainly understands that the two Heavenly God’s die will have an impact on the status of the lineage. The Martial Dao world is an extremely realistic world.

If it is not Qin Tiangang husband and wife die, the history of Qin Clan’s descendants may be rewritten.

Today, the Grandfather grandmadie’s secret realm, Heavenly Cave, opened, in other words, Heavenly Cave appeared.

No wonder Luoshen Lei is hesitant. Obviously, she knows something, and she is worried about Qin Wentian’s character and will go to Heavenly Cave to have a look.

“Brother, I heard Grandfather say, your Grandfather grandmother is the god of the Dangtian cave.” Luoshen Lei whispered.

“Well, Lei’er, you asked me when I entered God Realm, I was testing me.” Qin Wentian sighed: “Do you want to tell me.”

“I didn’t want to tell the big brother, I am afraid that you will go after you know it. After all, Heavenly Cave, a little careless, Heavenly God will be in it, but I will not blame me if you don’t know what you will know in the future.” Luoshen Lei feels Some little grievances, emotionally, she wants to stare at Qin Wentian’s.

“Silly girl.” Qin Wentian smiled and said: “That’s Heavenly Cave, there is danger, don’t tell me, no matter what, I saw Heavenly Cave’s ancient book at Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, every Heavenly Cave Open, there will be a lot of experts inside, although Heavenly God will die, but the probability is still very small, my Grandfather grandma is so stunned, perhaps it is too deep, enter the place that should not go.”

“Brother, don’t you really want to go?” Luoshen Lei listened to Qin Wentian’s tone and felt a little bad. Sure enough, after the big brother knew the news, he immediately had an idea. He knew that he really shouldn’t say it.

“I am depart, ready to go to the place of Heaven Territory.” Qin Wentian said, Luoshen Lei was speechless and shouted: “Brother, you…”

“Lei’er, just like this, I am ready to leave. I have always wanted to go to Heaven Territory to see it, and in the future, I will definitely take the opportunity to go to the land,” Qin Wentian said. Eight Ancient Territories, Heaven and Earth, the universe, the Heaven Territory, the center, the strong family, known as the strongest domain.

The powerful Qin Clan is in the heart of Heaven Territory.

As he said, the land, he will definitely step in the future, and now, he has to travel in advance.

“Wentian.” Just as Qin Wentian wanted to put away the communication crystal, a young voice spread, Qin Wentian screamed: “Little Rascal, how come I think of me, in Monster God Mountain, is it not? It’s very cool.”

“That is, I am the heavenly underground unique and unmatched Heaven Swallowing Monster King. I listened to Lei’er saying that you are going to Heaven Territory, just as Monster God Mountain will go, I am going to go together.” Little Rascal said.

“Just you?” Qin Wentian scorned: “You still have a bit of practice on the Monster Lord for a while.”

“Damn… you dare to despise me, Wentian, I can be strong now, don’t hit me when you don’t.” Little Rascal brags.

“Well, as long as Monster Lord has no comments, I will follow you. I want to see how strong you are now.” Qin Wentian said with a smile, indeed, I haven’t seen the little brat for many years, by Heaven Swallowing Monster Lord. Practice is indeed the best for him, and it should be changed!

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