In Bull God Castle, the Bull God Clan chief learned that after Niu Mo was killed, he had a heaven-shaking power, and immediately Communitary Bull God Clan Heavenly God came back, only to see a deep snoring in his mouth, and his body became very instant. Behind the huge body, there is a Kui Bull phantom that goes straight to the cloud sky, and the fierce air envelopes Bull God Castle.

The people who came to celebrate the banquet were all stunned. The shocking look at the sudden Bull God Clan chief, before Luoshen Chuan and Monster Lord proposed conditions, he was not so violent, but at the moment, it seems to be going away.

“Luoshen Chuan, you sent someone to kill Niu Mo.” Bull God Clan’s voice sounded like Heavenly Thunder in the mind of all people, so that countless people beat the heart, the eardrum seems to be shattered, very uncomfortable, they need Raise one’s head Looking up at the body, you can see the anger of Bull God Clan at the moment, his incarnation of the real Monster God, releasing his anger.

Niu Mo was killed by someone.

The person who inherited the Bull God Clan inheritance Dao Bone is the baby of Bull God Clan. No one can move. Killing him is equal to challenging the bottom line of Bull God Clan. It is no wonder that the Bull God Clan chief has erupted such a heaven-shaking power. It is.

“So, I have sent someone to pick up Luoshen Meng, you Bull God Clan, did you agree?” Luoshen Chuan also has an ice-cold opening, his body is getting bigger, like the size of the Bull God Clan chief, releasing the peerless power. Like the true master of ten thousand monsters, countless Monster Beast feels his breath, faintly wants to kneel, Luoshen Clan has the bloodline that Desolate Territory all monsters wants, and because of this, Bull God Clan always thinks To get the woman of Luoshen Clan, steal the Luoshen Clan bloodline.

“I have already announced that Luoshen Meng, who is away from Luoshen Clan, belongs to me, and that you, Bull God Clan, dare to forcefully take it away, and have not put me in the eye.” Luoshen Chuan is cold, powerful heaven-shaking, Niu Mo What about death? It’s your Bull God Clan. I didn’t do what I said. Although it’s all expected, Heavenly God’s confrontation, how can it weaken, not only the Bull God Clan chief, will be angry.

Bull God Clan Chieftain did not completely lose his senses. He knew that in Bull God Castle, first of all, they did not take any advantage. Secondly, Battlefield is Bull God Castle, which will only become a disaster for his Bull God Clan. Battle of Gods, he doesn’t think the other side will be soft.

Bull God Clan Chieftain stares at Luoshen Chuan, Luoshen Clan bloodline The highest innate talent, can summon ten thousand monsters to come, plus the strength of Luoshen Chuan, to fight, he is less than half cheap.

“I can agree to your terms and stop pursuing Luoshen Meng. Similarly, you can put the enslaved Monster Beast back, but you have to return the body of Niu Mo to me.” Bull God Clan Chief started talking, he When the voice fell, countless people were shocked. Bull God Clan chieftain made a concession. It seems that Niu Mo’s body is more important to him, even if it is humiliated by Bull God Clan, he must first get Niu Mo. corpse.

Everyone in Desolate Territory knows that there is Dao Bone in the inheritance of Niu Mo, and everyone who has read the ancient book knows that it belongs to Battle Saint Bone inheritance of Battle Saint Clan. Once, Battle Saint Clan relied on this supreme inheritance. It was one of the Desolate Territory peak forces that had been pressing Bull God Clan and even let Bull God Clan move to avoid disasters until Bull God Clan stole Battle Saint Bone and Battle Saint Clan lost the most important inheritance and began. Going to weakness.

According to the ancient book, the Battle Saint Bone is too important for Battle Saint Clan. With the Battle Saint Bone, the innate talent of the bloodline descendant will be upgraded. It has the secret of the Battle Saint Clan’s inheritance. It is not comparable to the ordinary Dao Bone, otherwise Battle. Saint Clan didn’t start to weaken after losing Battle Saint Bone.

This Dao Bone has been weakened in Bull God Clan, but Bull God Clan still regards it as a supreme treasure. Now, even if it suffers humiliation and compromises, Bull God Clan chief wants to get back to Dao Bone first.

“Don’t pursue it? I haven’t said that I won’t hold you what Bull God Castle is doing.” Luoshen Chuan ice-cold responded: “As for putting the Great Monster back, this is the idea of ​​the Five Great Monster Lord, not for talking Condition, today, Bull God Clan must be handed over.”

Niu Mo’s body, still want to return to Dao Bone?

Bull God Clan humiliated Luoshen Clan, the interest is not overdue, and Qin Wentian volunteered to do this, Qin Wentian told him that Dao Bone on Niu Mo is of great use to him, Luoshen Chuan Arrange for Luoshen Weng to bring Qin Wentian of disguise to Luoshen Mountain.

After saying this, Luoshen Chuan took out the communication crystal and asked questions. After a moment, his face sank and ice-cold was incomparable: “Luoshen Xiao told me that they were at the same time with your Bull God Clan’s Heavenly God and Luoshen Qiong, Niu Mo, despite Luoshen Xiao’s words, still took Luoshen Meng to Bull God Castle and expelled Luoshen Clan’s people. Today, my Luoshen Clan Luoshen Meng and two other women’s whereabouts are unknown. All of this is a good thing for you Niu Mo. Do you want to give me an explanation for Bull God Clan?”

“You…” Bull God Clan The chieftain roared, and Luoshen Chuan didn’t even admit that he did it, and he took a bite and said that Luoshen Meng was missing, don’t tell me, isn’t he arranged?

The people below are silent for a while. Heavenly God is really shameless to play with the means. They naturally don’t believe in Luoshen Chuan’s words. It’s obvious that he is doing it, and he doesn’t want to return Dao Bone, but he doesn’t admit that you’re Bull God. What do you want from Castle? Going to war? Then accompany you.

“That’s a fight.” Bull God Clan, the chieftain roared, and the body moved towards the sky, but Luoshen Chuan just glanced at him indifferently, indifferently said: “The unrelated people are gone, Dao Law is ruthless, and is affected by the Bull. God Castle buryes the monster together.”

His body is still standing on the place to, raise one’s head looks at Bull God Clan chief, want to go to the air battle? Why, when Bull God Clan came to Luoshen Mountain, it was not so polite.

“It seems that Bull God Clan is not going to enslave the demon.” Kun Lord said indifferently, suddenly, his incarnation body, a huge Kunpeng appeared between the heavens and the earth, covering the sky, the wings open Across Wanli Changkong, the scene is not known to be super-dominant, a suffocating monster qi sweeps the world, his traversing void wings like the world’s sharpest divine weapon can break everything, slowly flapping, but even watching It seems very slow, still in the air to set off a storm of the heavens and exterminating the Earth.

Bull God Castle is in chaos, and countless expert faces are shocked. If the battle of Gods breaks out, they will encounter the shackles of the fish.

“Emirates.” Many Bull God Clan people looked at their chiefs, and they showed panic on their faces. They said that they are not afraid of reality. Whether they are demon or bones, there will be such things as bones, but in front of their lives, they must be dignified. Still fat?

When Qin Clan and Bull God Clan came to Luoshen Mountain, people on don’t tell me Luoshen Mountain were not afraid? Those who are not willing to be humiliated and want to fight, but others, don’t tell me and die? Who will easily take his own life to gamble.

Today, Bull God Clan faces the same choice. Kun Lord is incarnation. If you feel that I don’t dare to fight, try it.

Of course, the daring to do so is first of all your strength to take advantage. When you first came to Luoshen Mountain, the same is true today.

Luoshen Chuan is not just a little more than Heavenly God, but here, Heavenly God’s fighting strength, Luoshen Chuan plus five Monster Lord, is not the usual Heavenly God.

“What you did to my Bull God Castle today, don’t tell me not afraid that my Bull God Castle will be returned to Luoshen Clan and Monster God Mountain?” Bull God Clan chief angered.

“Old Monster Bull, this should say to me, when you came to Luoshen Mountain, did you think of today? Of course, you can still go to Luoshen Mountain and Monster God Mountain in the future, but unless Bull God Clan can take us They are all clean, otherwise we can also wash Bull God Castle.” Luoshen Chuan responded strongly.

“Emirates, we didn’t mean to go to war, just to let all monsters go where they should go, this is all for the order of the Desolate Territory.” Heaven Swallowing Monster Lord said with a smile, Bull God Clan Chieftain wants to swear Shameless.

“The wedding has not been held, the chiefs are still not talking, don’t tell me This banquet is going to continue, please ask us to drink a few cups? I don’t have this kind of interest.” The Dragon Lord showed overbearing momentum. Also started talking, Bull God Clan Chieftain eyes swept over these people, then, the huge eyes closed, started talking: “Well, as you wish.”

“So, then you thanks the chieftain.” Kun Lord was indifferent.

Bull God Clan, compromise.

All people are shocked, the battle of Gods, after all, there is no outbreak, Luoshen Chuan is right, the thing is that Bull God Clan first joined forces with Qin Clan, Luoshen Chuan, but it is for them, but Bull God Clan suffers this humiliation With the character of their Bull God Clan, I am afraid that I will never give up, and the Desolate Territory will not be too peaceful.

At that time, in order to avoid the disaster, Bull God Clan even went to Granule World to bear the burden and finally destroyed Battle Saint Clan.

Today, Bull God Clan’s Dao Bone has been taken, this tone Bull God Clan temporarily swallowed, but will never stop.

Next, Bull God Clan issued an order-by-guest order to drive away the Wan family expert, then handed the various Great Monsters to the Five Great Monster Lord, and waited until Bull God Clan Heavenly God and Luoshen Qiong Luoshen Xiao. They came to Bull God Clan, everything It was over. Luoshen Qiong was secretly sighed. I didn’t expect Luoshen Clan to suffer the humiliation. It was the original Patriarch Luoshen Chuan who came back for them. Some of his hearts were not taste.

But standing on the stand of Luoshen Mu, can’t blame anything, don’t tell me looks at Luoshen Mountain is razed to the ground.


Monster God Mountain, the five Monster Lord returns to the demon, many Monster Beast are very excited, some of them are not too low in the Bull God Clan status, but after all, it is under the fence, where only the Bull God Clan native talent is Supreme Monster God Mountain is the paradise of Monster Beast. Now they have come to this land. As long as they become Monster God, they can be named Monster Lord.

“Happy.” Heaven Swallowing Old Ancestor said, after all the monsters were arranged, they descended on an ancient peak and said to Luoshen Chuan: “This time I harvested all monsters from Monster God Mountain, but Luoshen Chuan, you didn’t get anything. “”

“I got a lot.” Luoshen Chuan smiled and humiliated for Luoshen Chuan, which was the most important. Moreover, Qin Wentian got Dao Bone.

I saw a few figures coming, it was Qin Wentian and Luoshen Meng, and Luoshen Yu Luoshen Lei, they all know what happened at Bull God Castle.

“Grandfather.” Qin Wentian went to Luoshen Chuan, and Luoshen Chuan was nodded to him.

“Grandfather, this time I always figured out the bad breath and recovered the shame of the past.” Luoshen Lei was a little excited.

“Lei’er, don’t forget, and Qin Clan.” Qin Wentian started talking, Luoshen Lei beautiful eyes, a condensed, Luoshen Chuan also flashed a cold glint, Qin Clan, is the culprit, now Qin Clan, with They left their Luoshen Clan, a Heavenly God, the top ten Boundary Master.

This debt is not so easy to get back!

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