After Qin Wentian finished, he looked at Luoshen Chuan and said: “Grandfather, I was unconscious and was taken care of by Monster God Mountain. Monster Lord let me settle down at Monster God Mountain. I have grace.”

He said that it was to ease the relationship between the two sides. Sure enough, Heaven Swallowing Monster Lord heard Qin Wentian’s face look better, facing Luoshen Chuan: “Hello, it is Luoshen Clan original Patriarch, your grandson is better than you. I know how to be polite, is there such a mountain?”

Luoshen Chuan was once a powerful figure in the Desolate Territory peak. Even on Monster God Mountain, the Monster Lord wouldn’t be awkward. When Luoshen Chuan took power at Luoshen Clan, he had no big enmity with their Monster God Mountain. At most, there is a competition for younger generation, and there is not much trouble.

“many thanks Monster Lord, take care of me, rude, and look up.” Luoshen Chuan arched his hand and he quickly arrived after hearing the news of Qin Wentian. He was worried about the safety of Qin Wentian at Monster God Mountain. Qin Wentian said that Monster God Mountain seems to be good to him, and natural words are a bit polite.

“But, I’ve been the Lord of Desolate Territory, sit down and talk, come and feast.” Heaven Swallowing Monster Lord puts a hand in hand, Luoshen Chuan slightly daggers, Qin Wentian dark relaxed, it seems, there will be no What is the conflict.

Soon, the banquet was ready, Monster God Mountain was accompanied by two Monster Lords, and treated Luoshen Chuan, to say the status. In the past, Luoshen Chuan was the Patriarch of the Desolate Territory peak, even higher than the Monster Lord, although it was somewhat unpleasant. However, since all of them are clear, they can all understand that this little thing, as Heavenly God, is not so incompetent.

“Luoshen Chuan, you have been in charge of Luoshen Clan for many years, but still so arrogant, now, once abandoned, Luoshen Chuan is humiliated, what do you think, even let Luoshen Mu be a Patriarch, that person is insidious, not good, if you I don’t know if I’m being humiliated, I’m afraid it’s better to be jade.” At the banquet, Heaven Swallowing Monster Lord’s words are straightforward, and they don’t evade, the devil’s character is like this.

“If Heaven Swallowing you face the oppression of Qin Clan and Bull God Clan, how would you choose?” Luoshen Chuan asked.

“Kill out, since Qin Clan and Bull God Clan can’t hesitate to fight, we can’t be afraid of Monster God Mountain. It’s not going to die. As long as the Five Great Monster Lord flees, the younger generation’s hatred, we will report, Qin Clan and Bull. God Clan, never want to be peaceful.” Heaven Swallowing Monster Lord Straightforward, war, certainly can not fight, so they will choose to kill, escape, and then revenge.

“Hey.” Qin Wentian secretly said in heart, this is the character of the Monster Lord, but with the power of the genocide, not everyone has it, even if Luoshen Chuan himself, he does not necessarily have the courage to ask himself.

“Bull God Clan is really crazy. I used to rob all kinds of Great Monster bloodline and combined with their Bull God Clan, but I still remember your Luoshen Clan bloodline, Luoshen Chuan. What are you going to do in the future?” Heaven Swallowing Monster Lord Tao, the same level of people, he speaks directly.

Luoshen Chuan took a look at Qin Wentian and said: “I have been looking for him before. I haven’t thought about it. Now, Luoshen Clan is turbulent inside. I would like to see such a situation.”

“It’s better to join me in Monster God Mountain. From then on, Monster God Mountain has six masters, haha.” Heaven Swallowing Monster Lord said with a smile.

“Good idea.” Kun Lord is also faintly smiled, of course, there are some jokes, which is unlikely.

“It’s not a good idea to join Monster God Mountain. However, if you talk to Monster God Mountain, you can consider it.” Luoshen Chuan eyes flash, if it was in the same year, as his Luoshen Clan Patriarch, naturally it would not say so, but now Luoshen Clan on The verge of collapse, he wants to do something for Luoshen Clan.

Two Great Monster Lord eyes flash, each looking at each other.

The land of Desolate Territory has always been a three-legged trend. Although Luoshen Chuan is no longer the Patriarch of Luoshen Clan, his own strength is still there, and there must be followers. If he and Monster God Mountain join hands, the balance of Desolate Territory, It will inevitably break, and they are somewhat moving.

“deal with who?” asked Heaven Swallowing Monster Lord.

“Nature is Bull God Clan.” Luoshen Chuan said faintly, if you say deal with Qin Clan, Monster God Mountain will not agree, Heaven Territory Qin Clan is big, Monster God Mountain can’t be provoked for no reason, but Monster God Mountain The grievances with Bull God Clan, but the long-standing, Bull God Clan, but has always had Monster God Mountain’s own ambition.

“Luoshen Chuan, you should understand that Bull God Clan is not weaker than Monster God Mountain. Although Monster God Mountain will not be afraid of Bull God Clan’s provocation, if you take the initiative to provoke war, it is not a good thing for Monster God Mountain. Said Kun Lord.

“Qin Clan and Bull God Clan on Luoshen Mountain, oppressing Luoshen Mountain together, but in fact, is it really hands-on? You have seen the ending, since they can do this, why can’t we, and even if they join hands, I Didn’t say that Monster God Mountain really went straight to Bull God Clan.” Luoshen Chuan said.

“haha, Luoshen Chuan, what do you want to do?” Heaven Swallowing Monster Lord became interested, and asked with a big smile, it seems that Luoshen Chuan is not the Patriarch of Luoshen Clan, but still can’t swallow this breath.

“I think, tit for tat.” Luoshen Chuan’s cold mouth, above the banquet, the two sides discussed, Qin Wentian has been quietly listening, Monster Lord and grandfather, he is just a younger generation.

The banquet was very pleasant. After the end, Monster Lord retained Luoshen Chuan and lived on Monster God Mountain. Luoshen Chuan agreed, then went to Luoshen Lei and they also picked up Monster God Mountain, of course in the dark, Monster Lord. Ordered to seal, to prevent news leaks, Monster Lord has absolute authority on Monster God Mountain.

Luoshen Yu and Luoshen Lei saw that Qin Wentian was safe and sound, naturally it was a burst of excitement. When Qin Wentian was killed by Qin Zhong, they were shocked and worried about Qin Wentian’s future.

In addition, at the Monster God Palace banquet today, Luoshen Yu also knows.

At night, the moonlight shines on Monster God Mountain, with a little cool outside. Luoshen Chuan stands on the edge of the ancient peak, looks out into the distance, his eyes are deep and deep, and behind him, there is footsteps. It is Luoshen Yu, he whispers: “father, I am determined.”

“Do you think that you really want to do this?” Luoshen Chuan asked.

“Luoshen Clan is in the hands of Luoshen Mu. Sooner or later, it will be destroyed. It is better for Father to control a strength. There is still a chance to make a comeback. Moreover, if Father can make this Luoshen Clan strong, one day, Luoshen Clan will be able to return. Come, reinvigorate Luoshen Clan, otherwise, father don’t tell me the sights at Luoshen Clan’s decline and humiliation?” Luoshen Yu said.

He knows Father’s feelings for the family. If he does this, he will definitely cause the family to split. Luoshen Clan will split it into two. If he is slightly careless, it may be a catastrophe.

“Can Luoshen Clan return to glory?” Luoshen Chuan whispered, and in his hands, Luoshen Clan went down.

“Father, don’t forget a person.” Luoshen Yu said.

“Who?” Luoshen Chuan looked back at Luoshen Yu.

“Wentian.” Luoshen Yu glanced in the eyes: “father, Wentian has revealed his innate talent beyond his parents. Give him time, he will be able to go to Martial Dao, he was born, destined to be with Qin Clan. Enemy, his body, the bloodline of our Luoshen Clan, if he is strong, Luoshen Clan can not be revived.”

Luoshen Chuan eyes flash, said: “It seems that you have great confidence in Wentian.”

“father don’t tell me? No, he killed Qin Zhong, Qin Zhong, is Heavenly God, no matter how he did it, but Heaven’s Chosen Son Qin Dangtian, haven’t there been such a thing? And, He stepped into the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy Legendary Land, and the parties gathered together. Only he did it.” Luoshen Yu said: “He is a gift from Qianxue, repaying Qianxue to father, to Luoshen Clan. The deficit.”

“Qianxue.” Luoshen Chuan thought of his daughter, and the thoughts in the deep eyes flashed, and then the look of this thoughts gradually became firmer.


Bull God Clan and Luoshen Clan agreed that they would be greeted by a woman who was greeted by Luoshen Clan three months later.

Bull God Clan really didn’t say anything, and it was getting closer and closer to three months. Desolate Territory received invitations from Bull God Clan, so they must participate, Desolate Territory, all the top, except the top In addition to the three giants, there are many top rank forces. They all received invitations. They all secretly sighed. Bull God Clan is deliberate. It is a demonstration, highlighting the glory of Bull God Clan, even if it was once Desolate. How is Luoshen Clan, the owner of Territory, not humiliated by them, marrying women to their Bull God Clan.

Even Monster God Mountain received an invitation from Bull God Clan. After receiving it, the Heaven Swallowing Monster Lord in Monster God Palace showed a deep smile. Bull God Clan, Bull Monster, wanted to tell Monster God Mountain. Will their Bull God Clan dominate Desolate Territory? This dream must make Bull God Clan very intoxicated.

The more the marriage is grand, the more humiliating Luoshen Clan is, so compared with the popularity of Bull God Clan, Luoshen Clan has been very depressed, and the three women Luoshen Meng are even controlled, not allowed to go out, waiting for three months to arrive. That will be their disaster day.

Moreover, recently, on Luoshen Mountain, there was often an expert to leave, and then there was no news, no trace. Of course, expert once practiced for a long time, and it was normal to go out and practice. Luoshen Mu didn’t care too much, maybe They don’t want to see this wedding, witness the shameful moment of Luoshen Clan, he doesn’t want to see it, but Luoshen Mu thinks that for the entire Luoshen Clan, he would rather make such a sacrifice, he believes that Luoshen Clan’s people, Can understand him.

As time approaches, Desolate Territory has become more lively in the past, many of them go to Bull God Clan, Bull God Castle, which seems to be the replacement of Desolate Territory Overlord strength, Luoshen Clan’s die, Bull God Clan Rise.

Three months, finally arrived!

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