Qin Clan Heavenly God Visiting Luoshen Clan, Luoshen Chuan Of course understand that Luoshen Clan appeared inside the ghost and sent the news.

He was a little disappointed. Although Luoshen Clan had a civil war and was taking power, it was a matter inside Luoshen Clan, between Qin Clan and Luoshen Clan, and many years of hatred. Now, some people are fighting for power and even want to be an enemy. How is this not? Call him heartache.

Although he knows the attitude of those people, he hopes to reconcile with Qin Clan after he has seized power. After all, the strength of Luoshen Clan is not as good as that of Qin Clan. Otherwise, Qin Clan’s Heavenly God can go to Luoshen Mountain. Come visit.

On Luoshen Mountain, countless experts broke through and came to void. They all saw a majestic figure and came to Luoshen Clan.

“The people of Qin Clan dare to come to my Luoshen Mountain.” Luoshen Chuan coldly opened his mouth and appeared in front of Qin Zhong.

“I came here today, not because of the grievance between Luoshen Clan and Qin Clan. These things are not mentioned for the time being. Now, my Qin Clan traitor child of Qin Yuanfeng is on Luoshen Mountain, I will take him away, presumably Patriarch won’t have any opinions.” Qin Zhong came to the door and bluntly said that there was no turning around.

He came here to leave with Qin Wentian.

“Where is Luoshen Mountain?” Luoshen Chuan coldly said, how to make Qin Zhong take Qin Wentian easily. If Qin Wentian falls in the hands of Qin Clan, I don’t think about it anymore.

“I naturally know where Luoshen Mountain is, and there is no disrespect for this time. It is just the rebellious son of Qin Clan. Is Luoshen Clan don’t tell me to be sheltered?” Qin bell sound was a bit cold.

“On Luoshen Mountain, there is still no time for Qin Clan to scatter here,” said Luoshen Chuan.

“Patriarch Luoshen Good boldness, Luoshen Clan Is this to stop my Qin Clan from being a rebellious son? If Luoshen Clan wants to do this, I will have to stay in Luo City for a while, tell me that Qin Clan expert is coming, to Luoshen Clan I have to ask for advice.” Qin Zhong is cold and open, and there is a hint of threat in his tone.

“Threaten me? I Luoshen Clan, nothing to fear.” Luoshen Chuan looked more indifferent.

“Brother.” At this moment, I saw a figure stepping forward. It was Luoshen Mu. He said: “I Luoshen Clan is not afraid of things. However, it is worth noting that Qin Wentian himself is counting. It has been said a few days ago that he has nothing to do with Luoshen Clan, and, in my Luoshen Clan, he threatened Luoshen Clan disciple and killed me Luoshen Clan great expert. Now you say that I want Luoshen Clan to face the strong enemy for him? I can’t agree with this.”

“Patriarch thinks.” I saw someone behind Luoshen Mu shouting. Luoshen Chuan eyes looked at each other. His eyes were cold. Only then did he understand the intention of the war a few days ago. It turned out that Luoshen Mu had already notified before that. Qin Clan, if Luoshen Lie wins, Qin Wentian dies, defeated, there will be an immediate situation.

Today, Luoshen Mu has enough reason for Luoshen Clan to hand over Qin Wentian.

He sighed in his heart. It seems that for the position of this Luoshen Clan Patriarch, Luoshen Mu had no choice but to join forces with Luoshen Clan’s enemies, Qin Clan, only to deal with him, which made him feel chilling.

Those who looked at him also made him feel a little cold.

“What do you mean, Qin Clan comes to my Luoshen Clan dignitaries, I Luoshen Clan, should I be obediently handed over?” Luoshen Chuan felt cold in his heart, but the sound was still not half-ignited, very dull, as if through the world Things.

“Nature is not.” Luoshen Mu indifferently said: “Just, I don’t need Qin Clan to shelter a person who killed Qin Clan’s children, because let him go down the mountain. As for his fate, it has nothing to do with Luoshen Clan, Qin Clan. If you want someone, you shouldn’t be sure to do it at my Luoshen Mountain?”

“Of course, as long as Luoshen Clan cooperates, I am willing to wait at the foot of the mountain, and will not disturb Luoshen Clan.” Qin Zhong faintly opened, as Qin Zheng said, Luoshen Mu, and with his actions, he sneered, Luoshen Clan went On the road to recession, today, the infighting is still so fierce, I am afraid that it is not far from destruction.

“Brothers also heard it.” Luoshen Mu looked at Luoshen Chuan.

“If I say no?” Luoshen Chuan did not go to see Qin Zhong, but looked at Luoshen Mu.

“Before, Qin Wentian battled me with Luoshen Clan disciple. My brother asked me to take care of the overall situation. I didn’t want to see Luoshen Clan’s injury. I did it according to my brother’s intention. Even if Qin Wentian killed my people, I didn’t shoot, and I didn’t let Luoshen Clan. The people continue to entangle, and now, as the Patriarch of Luoshen Clan, the fate of Luoshen Clan, everything he does represents the attitude of the entire Luoshen Clan, should understand what to do, not for private matters, Luoshen Clan is involved.” Luoshen Mu responded faintly, as if Luoshen Chuan refused, he betrayed the entire Luoshen Clan.

“For this position, I really tried my best.” Luoshen Chuan sighed, suggesting that he was abdicated. As long as he is no longer a family of Luoshen Clan, his attitude does not represent the attitude of Luoshen Clan, his personal matter. There is no need to involve Luoshen Clan.

At this time, Qin Wentian stood in the sky, Luoshen Yu and Luoshen Lei were by his side. He carried an ancient sword, his white robe fluttered, his eyes were exceptionally cold. He certainly understood that he was betrayed by Luoshen Clan, perhaps not. Selling the word, the grandfather let himself leave, it really makes sense.

Now, because of him, his grandfather is in a dilemma. To protect him, he is afraid to give up the position of Luoshen Clan Patriarch and protect him from leaving as a private person instead of Luoshen Clan Patriarch.

“despicable.” Luoshen Yu’s wrinkled face reveals an angry color, and his fists are clenched. He hates that he can’t fight now. Otherwise, he must fight a battle.

This Luoshen Mu, even with the enemy, has done nothing for the purpose.

Luoshen Clan’s beautiful eyes are angry and nervous, Qin Clan Heavenly God is coming, coercing Luoshen Clan to pay, Qin Wentian, will be robbed.

“How do everyone look at the elders?” At this time, only Luoshen Chuan spoke a voice to nothingness. His elders were Luoshen Clan’s few old men who did not enter the world. They had been behind the scenes of Luoshen Clan. The guardian, although everything in Luoshen Clan is decided by the Patriarch of Luoshen Chuan, in fact, but the old man behind them, their status can not be ignored, now Luoshen Mu can compete with him, because behind the back Supported by Luoshen Clan old man.

They generally do not participate in everything about Luoshen Clan, but they have the right to decide the pattern of Luoshen Clan, which is behind the scenes of Luoshen Clan.

“Some obsessions, it’s time to put it down.” A sigh of voice came, and when he heard the sound, Luoshen Chuan trembled, and in the eyes of Luoshen Mu, there was a glimmer of light.

Luoshen Yu’s pupil is also stuck there, and his face is ugly.

Qin Wentian looks at the change of Luoshen Yu expression. It seems that the attitude of this voice master is very important.

“The old man who talks is Godos God of Luoshen Clan, your grandfather’s supporter.” Luoshen Yu whispered, Qin Wentian certainly understood what it meant, and his grandfather’s supporters advised him to let go, Luoshen Mu’s supporters. Naturally, there is no need to say much, and the location of his grandfather Patriarch is already in jeopardy.

In void, Luoshen Chuan’s figure still stands there, his posture is still tall and straight, after hearing this voice, he closes his eyes slightly, then opens, is very determined, spits out a word: “No…”

This one is not a word, so that the entire Luoshen Clan is quiet, Luoshen Mountain, silent.

Qin Wentian looks at the straight back, his heart is very hot, he came to Luoshen Clan, saw the first side of his grandfather, his pressure fell on himself, his tone of speech was cold, there was no affinity, he In the days when he lived on Luoshen Mountain, he did not appear, and he did not talk to himself. All this seems to be a cold silence to his grandson.

However, at this moment, this one is not a word, it seems to have surpassed a thousand words, many things, no need to say more, one word is enough.

Luoshen Mu heard this one, but the ice-cold smile in the eyes, everything, finally went to his predicted trajectory, he is getting closer and closer to his goal.

“Patriarch Luoshen is going to interfere with my Qin Clan. If so, my Qin Clan will send an expert to Luoshen Mountain to discuss it.” Qin Zhong is a Heavenly God character, how can he not understand what he is doing? Now, of course, he has to cooperate with Luoshen Mu.

“Grandfather.” At this moment, Qin Wentian spoke up and saw him vacate and came behind Luoshen Chuan.

Luoshen Chuan looked at him and saw Qin Wentian smiling: “My grandfather, I was going to leave, and this is going down.”

“Brother.” Luoshen Lei was shocked and shouted, Qin Wentian is going down the mountain at this time, isn’t he going to be taken away by Qin Zhong, what kind of fate will he wait for him?

Luoshen Chuan also looks at Qin Wentian, the young man’s face, with a gentle smile, seeing his smile, Luoshen Chuan seems to see his daughter.

“Grandfather, hey, Lei’er, they all need you.” Qin Wentian sound transmission said that Luoshen Yu was abolished by the cultivation base, but still can move as freely as a mortal. This is impossible, to abolish one. Heavenly God, the more terrifying trauma, can survive, no aging death, relying on Luoshen Clan’s resource life, this point, Qin Wentian is learned from Lei’er mouth, Lei’er said, I have always hated myself.

In addition to 舅舅, there are also Lei’er, and many people who are attached to the grandfather of Luoshen Clan. If the grandfather gives up the position of Luoshen Clan Patriarch, what will happen to them? Are you wandering outside? Like him, and may also face the enemy of Qin Clan.

Heavenly God is not an invincible existence.

Qin Wentian, he can’t be so selfish, let the grandfather give up all this for him, and let Lei Lei’er fall into a dilemma.

“No.” Luoshen Chuan categorically refused, Boundary Master, facing Heavenly God, there will be no suspense, Qin Wentian down the mountain, is the road, this is his grandson, the only flesh of his daughter.

“Grandpa, I am gone, take care.” Qin Wentian stunned at Luoshen Chuan and immediately looked back at him and Luoshen Lei, next moment, a Space Gate appeared, Qin Wentian’s body directly crossed the void I don’t know where to go.

“Want to go?” Qin Zhong sneered, Immortal Sense traversed void, across the unknown!

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