Heaven Territory, Qin Clan.

巍峨ancient palace, towering into the cloud sky, above the stone steps, a figure wearing a purple gold crown, wearing a robes, like the majesty of the world.

If Qin Wentian is here, he will definitely recognize this person, and in his father’s memory, it has appeared several times.

Qin Zheng, now the head of Qin Clan, the father of Heaven’s Chosen Son Qin Dangtian.

He stood on the stone steps, stood up with his hands, and stood there, like the Lord of heaven and earth.

A figure suddenly appeared below the stone steps, and the figure that appeared was equally temperamental, just like the integration of the heavens and the earth, suddenly integrated, seems to represent the world itself, this person is a Heavenly God of Qin Clan.

“Patriarch is looking for me?” The Heavenly God, named Qin Zhong, has entered the world for many years, but in front of Qin Zheng, he still has to maintain the respect he deserves, even if he is the elder of Qin Zheng.

“Zhong Shu, there is something to trouble you to take a trip.” Qin Zheng started talking, Qin Zhong, is his uncle.

“Good.” Qin Zhong nodded, did not ask anything.

“I should have let Dangtian go, but Dangtian suffered some setbacks at Heavenly Dao Saint Academy. I still haven’t left the customs since I closed the door. I can only get into trouble with Zhong Shu.” Qin Zheng said calmly, Qin Zhong Don’t care: “Patriarch, you said it.”

“Well.” Qin Zheng nodded: “Luoshen Clan communication, child of Qin Yuanfeng is now in Luoshen Clan, you go to Luoshen Clan and bring him Qin Clan.”

Qin Zhong eyes flash ,said curiously :”Patriarch, Luoshen Clan, the message came to Qin Clan?”

“Luoshen Clan is now in serious fighting. Luoshen Mu wants to seize power. The strength he controls is already able to compete with Luoshen Chuan. It only needs the support of several old guys, so he needs an opportunity. His attitude is to take charge of Luoshen Clan. After that, I will resolve my grievances with my Qin Clan.” Qin Zheng indifferently said.

“So if I go to Luoshen Clan, I only need to take Qin Clan’s rebellious son in the name of Qin Clan. Does Luoshen Mu cooperate with him?” Qin Zhong.

“As long as he holds down Luoshen Chuan, it is enough. Luoshen Clan’s old guys have already worn out the spirit and don’t want to continue fighting with my Qin Clan. If Luoshen Chuan intervenes, it is not far from the bottom.” Qin Zheng said freely, as if to understand everything.

“Okay, I am depart.” Qin Zhong nodded.

“Try as fast as possible, and go with the fastest style.” Qin Zheng said, Qin Zhong turned away, and later changed, naturally he had to go to Luoshen Clan quickly to avoid Qin Wentian leaving.

If Qin Yuanfeng is still alive, then take Qin Wentian, he should appear.


Qin Wentian, who is in Luoshen Clan, didn’t know what happened to Heaven Territory Qin Clan. He didn’t expect Luoshen Clan’s people to send a message to Qin Clan.

After all, Luoshen Clan and Qin Clan, the two sides have a long-standing grievance, this is the enemy.

At this time, Qin Wentian came to a giant square on Luoshen Mountain. Not only did he arrive, but Luoshen Clan’s various experts, gathered many people here, are some factions in Luoshen Clan, and at this time, Qin Wentian apparently felt the factionalism of Luoshen Clan. The giant plaza is divided into two great formation battalions. One of the camps is dominated by the Patriarch Luoshen Chuan of Luoshen Clan today, and the opposite of the square, there is a The extremely majestic Heavenly God character, Luoshen Mu.

Behind Luoshen Mu, experts as common as the clouds, the number of experts gathered is much more than that of Luoshen Chuan, and Qin Wentian also saw the two Boundary Masters who had stepped into Samsara World along with Luoshen Lei. In his nephew, there was a glimmer of light, and the two men sold Luoshen Lei at Samsara World. It was because of that incident that the subsequent centuries, the contradictions within Luoshen Clan have intensified to the present day.

Even Luoshen Clan’s experts have begun to clearly stand up, put the struggle on the bright side, and have no secret of it.

Luoshen Mu’s gaze locked Qin Wentian at a glance. When he was seated, he asked Qin Wentian: “You are the son of Qianxue. I didn’t expect it to be so big, and it has a cultivation base that can be easily Rolling down the powerful Boundary Master, remembering the days when Qianxue grew up in the family, how good she was at that time, but unfortunately, she took the road.”

The sound of this Luoshen Mu does not have a trace of fire, as if it is just talking to the junior in the family. It seems to be aimed at Qin Wentian, but it is the Heavenly God character, and the martial arts is good for the point of perfection.

“junior Qin Wentian has seen Senior, but the words of Senior can’t agree with me. As far as I know, my mother has never been through the road. What Senior thinks is wrong, it does not mean that it is wrong.” Qin Wentian responded faintly, not humble.

“You have some truth to say.” Luoshen Mu nodded lightly, but many people around him looked at Qin Wentian’s eyes very poorly, especially the expert who had come to Luoshen Yu Residents and left, but they knew Qin Wentian this person was extremely Manic, nobody in the eyes, do not put their Luoshen Clan people in their eyes.

“However, I heard that there was some conflict between you and Luoshen Clan before, saying that you came to Luoshen Clan, just to see you, your younger sister, and Luoshen Clan have nothing to do with it, right?” Luoshen Mu asked.

“Yes.” Qin Wentian nodded.

“This is a bit wrong. I think you know some things in the past. I Luoshen Clan has had many conflicts with Qin Clan because of your parents. Today, many younger generation characters, their elders, parents, Because of this, Qinxue, she can leave everything and throw everything to the family, you are the son of Qianxue, you don’t tell me also think that you and Luoshen Clan have no relationship?” Luoshen Mu Calm said, the tone is still not with the slightest anger.

“Junior wants to ask Senior. If the senior son conflicts with other big forces and is bullied, does Luoshen Clan intervene?” Qin Wentian asked.

Luoshen Mu indulged for a moment and immediately understood the meaning of Qin Wentian. He fainted with a smile: “Of course.”

“If Luoshen Clan suffers losses, does Luoshen Clan blame the shackled Senior son?” Qin Wentian indifferently said: “Don’t think of the enemy, but the people in the blame, if it’s acting like Luoshen Clan, fear I will laugh and be generous, say it, and be ridiculed.”

“Presumptuous.” One person screamed.

“Teach a word, which sentence is presumptuous?” Qin Wentian looked at the swearing person, faintly asked.

Luoshen Mu waved his hand and smiled at at Qin Wentian: “What you said is not unreasonable. However, when your parents were married, it was not allowed by Luoshen Clan, and your mother was willing to go it alone, and finally some consequences, this and you. The examples mentioned can be different.”

“Whether right or wrong, if Luoshen Clan can’t protect even his own people and blame the refuge, then what is the need for Luoshen Clan?” Qin Wentian sneered: “Senior is so concerned about right and wrong, then Samsara World, Luoshen Clan Two Boundary Masters who sell their own same clan, even if they are willing to deal with them, to be sent to the enemy, so shameful of despicable behavior, why the two can still appear in the crowd of Luoshen Clan, instead of Expelled from Luoshen Clan?”

Two Luoshen Clan Heaven’s Chosen Boundary Master See Qin Wentian pointing to himself, expression suddenly burst into intense glare.

“I didn’t expect Qin Yuanfeng’s son, but it is such a sharp tongue.” An old man said ironically.

“Senior wants to argue, I am reasonable. Now, the truth is not to win, and it is irritating and humiliating.” Wen Wentian faintly shook his head, and the irony meant nothing.

“You said it makes sense.” Luoshen Mu nodded with a smile: “Before the first battle, a sword wants to seal the throat, this style, but there is your father’s innate talent, what you just said is right, reason 2 The word is difficult to discern, and it is not important to make mistakes. What is important is that Luoshen Clan cannot be protected if it is humiliated by the tribes. Therefore, it is not worthy of Luoshen Clan. Therefore, whether you have previously humiliated the Luoshen Clan people, Should I give an account?”

“Then they have insulted my father before, insulted my brother, should you give me an account?” Luoshen Lei said indifferently, but Luoshen Clan’s Patriarch Luoshen Chuan has not had an opening, how to look at Qin Wentian.

“Then, before, who insulted the nephew, stood up, insulted, and spoke once.” Luoshen Mu’s voice suddenly cooled a few minutes, became extremely majestic, before the expert face was stiff, they did not A few people are Boundary Master characters, let them take their own hands?

Luoshen Chuan’s eyelids are slightly condensed, this Luoshen Mu, a good means, is this ready to kneel?

“My words, didn’t you hear it?” Luoshen Mu’s voice was colder, and the few people came out and looked embarrassed, but they also understood that Luoshen Mu did this for the deal with Qin Wentian, and he really gave himself a hand. .

Qin Wentian sees this expression very cold, this is, to find a deal with their own excuses.

Luoshen Mu quiet looking at the palm of the hand, then looked at Qin Wentian: “You said it yourself, you come to Luoshen Clan, it is a visit, there is no connection with Luoshen Clan, now they do it for them. Something paid a price, and you insulted Luoshen Clan, even the sword and the throat, the blood of the sword, how should this be solved?”

“Someone insults me and insults me. I naturally want to fight back. If Senior wants to deal with the younger generation character, I have nothing to say.” Qin Wentian faintly smiled, Heavenly God shot, if the other party does it, His grandfather, the Patriarch of Luoshen Clan, is not a display.

“I naturally won’t shoot,” Luoshen Mu said.

Qin Wentian smiled more and more brilliantly and said: “In this case, if there is someone who wants to collect debt for the past, you can do it with the deal. If I can seal my throat, I will recognize it. If it can’t, I will be Seal the throat, don’t blame me.”

“Hurricane.” Luoshen Mu’s expert is showing the color of anger, Qin Yuanfeng’s son, not a general mad, nobody in the eyes, simply do not put his Luoshen Clan’s expert in the eye!

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