Luoshen Yu raise one’s head, indifferent to see all people in front of him, but today, he obviously does not have too much deterrent, those people’s eyes are staring at Qin Wentian.

Qin Wentian didn’t think the news was so fast. He didn’t look back and looked at people. He was still sitting quietly opposite Luoshen Yu, but the little Rascal head on his shoulder looked at the coming Luoshen Clan expert.

“You are child of Qin Yuanfeng Qin Wentian?” I saw one person staring at Qin Wentian and said that Qin Wentian still turned his back to the other side and said, “Is there something?”

These people are forced to enter, and they are not welcome. He naturally does not need to be polite to each other.

See Qin Wentian, no, a Boundary Master expert said with a sneer: “Sure enough, he was as proud as he was, and his body must have his son.”

“Luoshen Yu, is he calling Luoshen Clan?”

Luoshen Yu raise one’s head Looks at the questioner, the lifeless Boundary Master and the Luoshen Lei’s eyes are exceptionally cold. These people are experts of another faction in Luoshen Clan. They are powerful and have a strong presence in Luoshen Clan. The right to speak has now been able to compete with today’s Luoshen Clan Patriarch Luoshen Chuan, and even has a tendency to force Luoshen Chuan to abdicate.

“Yes, how about?” Luoshen Yu asked faintly.

“When you younger sister Luoshen Qianxue and Qin Yuanfeng, Luoshen Clan is not enough, you have become a waste person. Now, what is the intention to recruit this child?” The Boundary Master was started talking, the tone was very unkind. Qin Wentian heard that the other person said that Luoshen Yu was a waste, his eyes were cold, and his heart was secretly sighed. Didn’t he think that the internal fighting in Luoshen Clan has already reached such a serious situation?

Luoshen Yu Even if he was abandoned, he was a Heavenly God character. Even if he abandoned the cultivation base, he was a son of Luoshen Clan Patriarch. The other party did not even have the most basic respect. It was almost a tearful face.

Lifeless Boundary Master heard this, and the chill was released directly, and the footsteps were taken forward.

“Wuming.” Luoshen Yu shouted and stopped him.

“In his body, half of Luoshen Clan’s bloodline, he came to Luoshen Clan, what’s the problem?” Luoshen Yu stared at the other side.

“Of course there is a problem. In his body, he also has half the blood of Qin Clan. The things of the year are not recognized by my Luoshen Clan. For his parents, Luoshen Clan has paid a lot of money. Now, you Call him here, Luoshen Yu, are you interested in wanting to harm me Luoshen Clan?” That Boundary Master coldly said.

“Luoshen Yu, Luoshen Clan is not your lineage’s Luoshen Clan. His parents were not enough for the scourge. Now, do you want this obstacle to continue to harm Luoshen Clan?” Another person also ice-cold’s opening: “I Luoshen Clan, no longer What is the burden for a cockroach, since he is here, he will send it directly to Qin Clan, and he will end this grievance.”

His voice fell, and space instantly cooled down. The words of this person are more unkind than just now, and even directly insult Qin Wentian.

Qin Wentian is a kind of cockroach, which is equivalent to insulting his parents, and that year, Qin Wentian’s mother Luoshen Qianxue, but Luoshen Clan’s Second Young Lady.

I saw Qin Wentian slowly stand up and turned around, looking at the person who spoke.

Feeling the cold light in Qin Wentian eyes, the man actually gave birth to a sense of danger, and the pupils shrank down, revealing a sense of vigilance.

Qin Wentian moves toward the other side, an invisible pressure comes, suddenly everyone people staring at Qin Wentian, although they are not rude, but I heard that Qin Wentian’s strength is very powerful, when the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy Legendary Land, extraordinary performance.

A scorn, sword out, a sword light freeze the heaven and earth, the entire space, as if to solidify in an instant.

“Evil creature, do you dare?” Those who came to see Qin Wentian furiously shouted, the powerful atmosphere broke out, but at the moment Qin Wentian pulled the sword, the Space-Time seems to be solidified. The movements seem to have become extremely slow, even to stand still.

Sword light Now, the light of this sword seems to calm the time, and it is coming to an incredible point. The Boundary Master who swears insult Qin Wentian only feels that his body is stiff and still, and a chill sweeps the whole body. , looks at that sword light as if crossing the void, this moment, the chill invaded the whole body, cold, and there was cold sweat on the back.

“Oh…” a very slight fine sound came out. The man only felt a cold neck, and a sly sword light fell directly in front of his eyes. He stopped in front of his neck, but as long as Qin Wentian glanced The thought, this wipe light will pass directly through the throat.

The rest of the people’s movements stopped involuntarily, and the void instantly became quiet. Their eyes were staring at the sword light. They had the sword light that made the Space-Time static. This sword light Such a stop, its power, but not at all.

“You just said who is the cockroach?” Qin Wentian asked calmly, but in this calm voice, there was a touch of extreme indifference that made people feel cold.

Since the factional battle of Luoshen Clan has intensified to such a point, since the other party can directly insult his waste and insult him as a species, then he will fight back and what is the relationship? If others go further, you will only get better.

Sword light seal the throat, may pass through the throat at any time, but the expression of the Boundary Master has become extremely cold, Qin Wentian, he first came to Luoshen Clan, dare to be so presumptuous to him.

“You know, where is this?” Boundary Master coldly said, he did not believe, Qin Wentian dared to kill him.

“Oh…” Sword light went forward, pierced into the throat, and blood came in. The Boundary Master clearly felt the coolness, and the blood flowed out of the throat.

“Do you dare?” Around the expert eyes are extremely cold, one by one to release the extreme cold, surrounded by Qin Wentian, too presumptuous, and almost everything, Qin Yuanfeng was not so arrogant presumptuous.

“Insult me, insult me, insult my parents, I only ask you, who is the kind, is it yourself, or me?” Qin Wentian continued, the sword light continued to move forward, a little bit to the other’s throat Going, the Boundary Master only feels cool from the head to the feet, so go on, the sword light can really kill his life.

But after all, he is the Boundary Master of Luoshen Clan, let him admit that he is a scorpion, how humiliating it is, he is still struggling, blood flowing around his neck, infiltrating his neck, cool, his throat even It feels very difficult to make a sound, Death God, is approaching step by step, space seems to be solidified for it, no one thinks that Qin Wentian dares to be so overbearing, and that strength is so strong.

Shooting, only a sword, you want to seal the throat.

Luoshen Yu and Wuming Heavenly God also stared at the scene. They were not calm inside. They did not think that Qin Wentian would be so determined, but this scene did not make Luoshen Yu feel scared. On the contrary, he felt Some are very happy. Today, he is already a waste. Luoshen Lei still has a long way to go. He is happy to see the son of younger sister.

Young and frivolous, Qin Wentian is so innate talent so powerful, others insult him, insult his parents, how can I not shoot?

“I said myself.” The Boundary Master closed his eyes and said painfully. When he said this, his body was shaking. At this moment, Luoshen Yu knew that his heart was ruined, Qin Wentian. This blow will make him unforgettable and torture him forever.

This blow killed his heart, his soul.

This is the price he paid for his insulting words.

“Since I know that I am a cockroach, I am not going to roll.” The sword light is still, Qin Wentian ice-cold said, the man’s body is going backwards. Sure enough, the sword light did not move on, the Boundary Master loudly shouted, turned away, that shouting Loudly, as if through the endless humiliation, he has no face to continue to stay.

The surrounding explorers stared at Qin Wentian, but at the moment, they didn’t talk anymore, very quiet. The scene just was too alarming. No one wants to let Qin Wentian pull the sword again.

“I declare that I came to Luoshen Clan, not to have any relationship with Luoshen Clan. Just look at me, my younger sister, Luoshen Clan, if I want to accept me, I can treat Luoshen Clan as a relative, if not, I have nothing to do with Luoshen Clan. My business, I don’t need everyone to worry about me. Of course, I don’t even have Luoshen Clan hand over me. I am Qin Wentian. If you dare to disrespect me, the sword is not merciless. “Qin Wentian voice fell, Demon Sword returned to the sheath.

“And, if I hear someone say the word “destroyed,” I will make him a waste.” Qin Wentian added, this sentence, of course, for his 舅舅Luoshen Yu said.

At that time, he was for his parents, was ruined by Qin Dangtian, was humiliated, his parents were not there, then, his embarrassment, he came to guard.

Around everyone, Qin Wentian’s expression has changed a bit, his eyes are a bit complicated, Qin Wentian has shaken all people, and he is not as arrogant as he imagined, he is mad and not rational, he is strong. The chest has a role to play.

Qin Wentian stated that he has nothing to do with Luoshen Clan. He is only his jealousy, his younger sister, Luoshen Clan, and of course he is not qualified to decide his fate.

Lifeless Boundary Master looks at Qin Wentian. The eyes show appreciation. The owner has paid a lifetime price for Qin Yuanfeng’s parents. It is comforting to see his son.

Luoshen Lei eyes slightly red, Luoshen Yu looks at the back of the stalwart face, but the wrinkled face has a warm smile, the pair of slightly old eyes, slightly moist at the moment, this is his younger sister Son, his nephew, he must, will surpass his parents, hold up this world!

He came to Luoshen Clan, not to depend on people, but to see his loved ones, nothing more!

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