At this moment, the entire Samsara World has seen the wonders of the Vault of Heaven.

Those experts from ancient look at void, only feel a dream, as if it is not true.

Samsara Temple Vault of Heaven The temple, the red sky, the rainbow, the auspicious Saint Beast flying, the real wonder.

At this point, they couldn’t help but think of a few words in their minds, Legendary Land.

Heavenly Dao Saint Academy The long-rumored Legendary Land, is not the Samsara World they entered, but, where?

Somebody is glittering, move towards Vault of Heaven and go to chase the Legendary Land. However, they found that the temple is still in the distant sky, no end, as if it can never be chased, they can’t enter. Legendary Land.

Above the ancient peak, Goddess Nichang smiles at Qin Wentian, I don’t know how beautiful, but Qin Wentian at this time is covered by colorful light, from the direction of the temple, as if there is a road, appeared in front of his eyes, obviously, It is to greet him.

Goddess Nichang knows that Qin Wentian, which is recognized by the temple, has the opportunity to step into the real Legendary Land.

“Not yet.” A voice sounded through the sky, this voice is illusory, like the voice of the gods, so that the experts from ancient are all trembled, this sentence, who said what?

Anyone, is it approved by Legendary Land?

Qin Wentian felt it, and this sentence was exactly what he said. He squatted and then glanced at Goddess Nichang, and saw Goddess Nichang nod to him. “Go.”

Qin Wentian looked back and looked at the road, then stepped up, there was a sense of solemnity in the eyes, Legendary Land, did anyone actually exist?

The owner of the voice, but the creator of Samsara World? How powerful is this, is he the creator of Heavenly Dao Saint Academy?

Qin Wentian’s footsteps fell on the road of the sky, and the colorful light of the heavens directly moved toward the Vault of Heaven, and then Qin Wentian’s figure disappeared together, accompanied by that road.

Above the Vault of Heaven, the auspicious light is still the same, Qin Wentian came to the temple before, there is a door open, there is an ancient road, Qin Wentian follows the ancient road, all the way forward, stepping into the temple Then, the scenery suddenly became more and more open, just like the place of the world.

This is a beautiful world, blue sky and white clouds, there are all kinds of auspicious Saint Beast flying in the sky, the surrounding scenery is beautiful, just like the place where the gods live, Qin Wentian is more and more curious, step by step, He saw a cow. The cow was very big and his eyes were glazed. He was staring at him. Although he was only a cow, he gave Qin Wentian an unfathomable feeling.

“Dare to ask the cattle Senior, what is this place?” Qin Wentian asked.

The Old Bull move towards looked behind him and motioned him to move on. Qin Wentian nodded at Old Bull and then continued. He saw several women, each with a beautiful face, beautiful and unparalleled. There are different styles, they are sacred with sacred radiance, like Goddess, unattainable, to Qin Wentian’s feeling that no one is weaker than lonely Heavenly God.

In his heart, there were raging waves in his heart. He was very quiet. There was a white fox playing in front of his eyes. In front of him, there was a figure sitting on the floor and sitting casually. He was wearing a simple white clothed face, but his face was extremely handsome and young. It was as if to see him through, as if in front of him, there was no secret at all.

This handsome white clothed youth is smiling at him, and next to him, there is a stunning woman, holy and unparalleled, and its temperament is even better than Goddess Nichang.

In their side, there is a huge petal, and above the petals, there is a scene, some familiar, there is like a scene in Samsara World, the petals are showing everything that happened in the entire Samsara World.

The so-called a flower in the world, probably the same.

Qin Wentian’s heart beats, and there is some tension that cannot be contained. He feels faintly that the handsome young man in front of him may be a true peerless person, standing on the expert of ancient, among all the people he has seen, perhaps Only Time Lord can qualify for this person.

“junior Qin Wentian, I have seen Senior.” Qin Wentian is very kind.

The young man smiled and said: “You don’t have to be polite, this Samsara has caused you a lot of hardships, but I heard you say that I want to break my Samsara World.”

Qin Wentian was ashamed, but in the identity of the other party, I would not really care about a few words.

“I haven’t been here for many years. How did the little brat start here again, but it’s better to meet you, but it’s more suitable for me, because I am calling you.” The young man smiled and said, Qin Wentian was speechless. It turns out that he can come to this so-called Legendary Land. The so-called test is just to look at each other’s mood. This is really…

However, he has some trepidation. The opening of Legendary Land is probably the need for the Headmaster of Heavenly Dao Saint Academy to agree. The little brat in his mouth… Think of this, Qin Wentian only feels terrified.

“I can meet your requirements, what do you want?” white clothed youth said: “Of course, don’t be whimsical, want to ascending to the heavens in a single leap, realm promotion, you need to step by step, rely on your own understanding, But if you want cultivation technique divine ability, I can satisfy you.”

“This Samsara World, is the world of Senior?” Qin Wentian asked.

“Well.” White clothed youth nodded.

“In this case, Senior should be able to control the world absolutely, I want my younger sister resurrect, is this whimsical?” Qin Wentian stared at each other.

White clothed youth smiled and said: “This has what difficulty, I can make my world Time Reversal.”

“many thanks Senior.” Qin Wentian breathes deeply, it can be done, he is associated with the time, Time God King can bring him to the past, control the time in the world he created, then the peerless existence, whether It can also be done, and now he can really, and, as if it is not worth mentioning at all.

“Are you sure that such a simple request?” white clothed youth smiles at him: “You know, you can make countless higher conditions, for example, I can send you a god mount, how do you see?”

Qin Wentian has a black line and some speechlessness. This is a naked temptation. The god mount, Qin Wentian thinks that this is a little speechless. Supreme’s Heavenly God exists. The person in front of you can give it a light gift. What is this? Bit exists? I am afraid that he has truly been outside the world of Transcendence.

If you can have a realm of white clothed youth, you are afraid to be able to fight the entire Qin Clan.

“I’m sure.” Qin Wentian, despite his inner shock, still has no hesitation. Lei’er is his only younger sister. How can he die at Samsara World? As for everything else, he will do it himself.

“Good.” White clothed youth nodded with a smile, and a pair of eyes flashed a glimpse of it. If he did not appreciate it, Qin Wentian could not come here. If he made other requests, maybe he would look at Qin Wentian.

Among those who come from ancient, there are many people who are extremely tough, have great perseverance, and are not bad in nature. They are obsessed with the evil art, and even for Grand Dao to do everything, unimaginable. At the cost, however, he still chose to let Qin Wentian come here, just because Qin Wentian is more in line with his temperament.

There is a tough heart and a bloody impulse. For the sake of loved ones, he is caught in madness. In order not to hurt friends and innocent people, he is not tempted by evil art. He is willing to give up everything and introduce Thunder Tribulation into the body. From the cultivation base, on him, I can see a person with flesh and blood.

No matter how strong people are, how high the practice is. If you want to give up Grand Dao, you can give up everything, even give up family, friendship, and even humanity. That way is too ruthless.

“You should be Boundary Master Realm cultivation base in the outside world. The next place is Heavenly God. What do you think of your practice?” white clothed youth asked, Qin Wentian eyes flash, knowing the peerless figure in front of him To point yourself, started talking: “I am still somewhat confused about Heavenly God Realm. I heard the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy teacher preach the Dao. The so-called Heavenly God is the Heavenly Dao, who controls the true Heavenly Dao, but It’s hard to see the door. What I can do now is still constantly trying to integrate the principle strength, step by step close to the source of Heavenly Dao.”

“What is Heavenly Dao?” asked white clothed youth.

Qin Wentian, at the beginning, Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, Qin Dangtian and three Heavenly God discuss the Dao, also discussed this issue, what is Heavenly Dao.

Seeing Qin Wentian’s expression of expression, white clothed youth said: “People’s practice, step by step, any realm, but strength, only the principle, the so-called Heavenly Dao’s comprehension, are human, people will win the day, when you You know, you are Heavenly Dao, practice, you don’t have to have too many limitations, you have to dare to think about others.”

Qin Wentian sounded what Qin Dangtian said, similar to what white clothed youth said. His heart is secretly sighed, Qin Dangtian is worthy of Heaven’s Chosen Son, and the understanding of Heavenly Dao seems to be closer to reality, so-called peerless, so when There is peerless madness and absolute confidence in yourself.

“The so-called Samsara World, in fact, is just a kind of the world, not the Samsara you really imagine, I don’t have the strength of practice Samsara.” The white clothed youth spoke again, only to see him reach out, and suddenly it reflected the whole Samsara World’s petals move towards him, and he floated in his palm, his palms waving, and the petals moved toward Qin Wentian.

When the petals enveloped Qin Wentian’s body, at this moment, Qin Wentian only felt that there was an incredible strength, which made him deeply understand his own smallness. The petals seemed to be Heavenly Dao.

“a flower in the world, where my strength is, this petal represents Heavenly Dao, and you can do the same, blending your path into anything, such as petals, leaves, knives, or The sword, the strength where the strength is, the place where the person is, is the foundation of the Grand Dao.”

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