On this day, in the ancient city, the white clouds floated in the air, and the breeze passed, making people feel refreshed.

In the central area of ​​the ancient city, an empty platform, the ground is very clean, the dust is not stained, there is a figure in the setting of a banquet, there are many people sitting on the ground, drinking and having fun, these people are extraordinary, male Zi Jun show, There are beauty around to be around, and in the distance, many people look to this side and talk about it.

Those who sit on the ground are the top ranks of Samsara World. Among them, Moon God Palace’s peerless Heaven’s Chosen Yue Changkong has the top top rank figures of Qin Family. It is said that they are close to the existence of the gods, a cultivation. Base is unfathomable.

In addition to the expert of Yue Changkong and Qin Clan, there is also a strong presence from Ancient Immortal Territory’s third force expert, Eternal Territory, and Prison God Clan.

The peerless figure from Eternal Territory Prison God Clan is an alliance with Yue Changkong and Qin Clan’s three experts, together with the expert who wants to deal with Profound Female.

Today they are drinking here, as if they are waiting, because they all know that the experts of all parties have already stepped into this ancient city, and now, I am afraid it is not far away.

“Since someone is here, why don’t you have a drink?” At this time, I only listened to Yue Changkong and said, “I don’t know who I am talking about. I saw a few people in the crowd, and they came from different camps. There is an expert of Great Demon God Palace and an expert of Earth Territory Lei Clan.

“Everyone is good and elegant.” Lei Clan’s Boundary Master sounded like a thunder, and at random, it seemed to tremble between the heavens and the earth, and the eardrums trembled.

“I heard Earth Territory Lei Clan, the power of the Divine Punishment in the world, with the power of Thunderbolt, can be reduced to Divine Punishment. I can’t talk about it last time. I have to eat a few cups today.” Yue Changkong smiles. Said, Lei Clan expert sat down, not at all, he looked at Yue Changkong and said: “Is it, after the drink? I heard that you teamed up with Deal with Profound Female, good boldness, and his heart is awkward.”

Since these people can form a deal with Profound Female, it is possible to form an alliance with him, as well as from the ancient Immortal Territory’s owner.

“haha, I know everyone has doubts in my heart, so I am waiting here, just to take the opportunity to see everyone again, really exchange, how fast.” Yue Changkong said while laughing loudly, I didn’t care about the other person, now, Now that you know it, you don’t need to hide anything, you will face everything, and everyone will come out and fight.

“If it was before, you would not be qualified to sit with me to drink alcohol.” Gu Ting’s cold mouth, obviously, he also looked down on Yue Changkong, his despicable, Gu Ting naturally felt, Yue Changkong eyes picked up, sweeping Gu Ting glanced at him, but his face was still smiling, but he was more aware of his deep heart, like a snake.

“I came to join in the fun.” Another voice came out, Bull God Clan Niu Mo came out, and then there were experts coming here, all from the ancient Immortal Territory’s people, only they, know everything Ming, come to this ancient city.

At this time, the eyes of the crowd looked in one direction. I saw a figure there. There was a woman, the world was beautiful, and the style was unparalleled, so many people seemed to fall into her beauty, even Those from the Ancient Immortal Territory’s top rank can’t help but admire the face of the Profound Female of Nine Heavens Profound Female Palace. Once, it will be amazing, comparable to Goddess Nichang.

The people at Nine Heavens Profound Female Palace are here, and along with Lin Xiao, his eyes on Yue Changkong and Qin Clan expert are a bit cold, revealing the killing intent.

Whether it is Lin Xiao of Universe Cult or Profound Female of Nine Heavens Profound Female Palace, even if they are targeted by Yue Changkong, they still do not hide anything, but go straight out, this is a kind of their own strength. Strong and confident.

“Since the brother arrived, he will come out together.” Lin Xiao’s faint opening, only in the crowd, there is a simple, seemingly young figure coming out, his face is sharp and angular, deep eyes have years Traces, obviously his actual age is far from being as young as it seems.

“Family, eagle.” Many people looked at each other involuntarily. He came from the Earth Territory family, the ancient first weaponsmith family, and the family weaponsmith. They are famous all over the world. Even the top rank forces want to have a good relationship with the family. In Ancient Immortal Territory, there are many top rank forces under Heavenly God Clan. Their towns and towns are divided into tribes and magic weapons.

“I heard that there was a very exciting battle not long ago, but I missed it. I don’t know if I can make up for my regrets today. Let me open my eyes.” The eagle is indifferently said, referring to the three major forces such as Yue Changkong and the Deal with Profound Female. The battle of Lin Xiao.

“Yes, it’s not a problem.” Yue Changkong faint said with a smile: “Should not only these people arrive?”

Nowadays, since some things have already been done, which means that everyone has torn the mask, then simply no longer conceal anything. Today, all the experts are gathering together, it is inevitable that a collision will occur.

“I heard that the eagle itself has a shocking ability, and it can make everything in the world a divine weapon. Today, I also want to open my eyes.” Lei Clan’s expert looks to the eagle’s mouth and says that his eyes seem to have the light of Thunderbolt. Shooting, revealing a bit of provocative meaning.

Subsequently, there were successive top rank forces from ancient experts, and the forces they came to have reached half.

At this time, a very strong Blood Qi came, all people looked towards the distance, and then saw that there was an ice-cold chill, a beautiful figure stepping forward, the figure is like a ghost Her appearance is extremely outstanding, but it gives a very cold feeling, not too close, it seems extremely dangerous.

Seeing her moment, the eyes of Qin Clan’s three expert eyes lit up instantly. Just like when I saw Profound Female, there was unabashed greed in the eyes.

Yue Changkong eyes flash, then he laughed, it is really a paradise, there is no way to go, hell has no way to come, this is also good, since the initiative to send the door, do not have to go to her again.

As long as she gets her hand, with the unclear relationship between Qin Wentian and Luoshen Lei, I am not afraid that Qin Wentian will not appear. Although he has become very strong in Samsara World, he has a knot, but it is not yet complete. Untied, that is Qin Wentian.

“It seems that Luoshen Lei has fallen.” I felt that the change of momentum in Luoshen Lei was much stronger than before, and it was released without any disguise. Obviously, she committed evil art and quickly made herself stronger. So he came and found Yue Changkong.

“Lei’er.” Among the crowds in the distance, Qin Wentian is also there. When Luoshen Lei appears and feels the temperament of Luoshen Lei, his heart is not a taste, his face changes, he restores his original appearance, move towards The crowd over there went.

“Well?” When Qin Wentian came over, Yue Changkong first squatted, and then the smile on his face became more and more intense. So, it happened. It was between Ten Thousand Boundary Conference, Qin Wentian and Luoshen Lei. There are some embarrassment. Now, when Luoshen Lei first appeared, Qin Wentian came out. It seems that the relationship is not normal.

Qin Clan’s people also saw Qin Wentian, and they also showed a faint smile.

Luoshen Lei saw Qin Wentian coming, but the ice-cold heart could not help but tremble, shouting in the heart: “Brother.”

Qin Wentian appeared after she came, obviously because she came out.

“It seems that today is a good day, Heavenly Dao Saint Academy Heavenly God disciple appears, everyone has the opportunity to decrypt it.” Qin Clan’s expert faint opening, all the expert’s eyes are on Qin Wentian’s, looks at the handsome in front of the eyes Young people, for many people, they did not have an impression of Qin Wentian, at most, just like Lin Xiao, I heard the name of Blue City Boundary Master and didn’t know him.

“Brother, why are you coming?” Luoshen Lei is facing the Qin Wentian sound transmission. The voice is a bit resentful. This is her business. Her hatred, Grandpa Wuming died because of her, she must face it anyway, not Yue Changkong died, that is, she died, but now, but tired of the big brother, she really does not want this.

Many of the people present were tempted by Yue Changkong’s, and there was no goodwill for the people of Heavenly Dao Saint Academy.

Qin Wentian appeared, more than she, the face to face more dangerous, Yue Changkong wants to deal with him, Qin Clan people want to deal with him, the rest all people, and perhaps someone will leave him.

“Silly girl, because you are my younger sister.” Qin Wentian sound transmission responded, the tone is a bit of a pet, he is such a younger sister, true bloodline connected younger sister, how could he not come out, Even if I know the danger, I still have no hesitation.

Luoshen Lei’s eyes are red. When she saw this scene, Yue Changkong sneered: “There is no need for sound transmission. It seems that Lang is comfortable, you really have something wrong.”

“Yue Changkong, your despicable, has exceeded my imagination. After the events of the year, you can still live to the present, shameful living, even if you use the mean means, you can’t wash everything, you, Yue Changkong, it’s always just a shameless villain.” Qin Wentian looks at Yue Changkong Ironically, it’s like a poke in Yue Changkong’s pain. He squints and puts down the wine cup in his hand, and his body slowly stands up. A temperament of terrifying is brewing insanely.

He didn’t want to go to war so early. He thought about sitting down with everyone and talking about it, creating an atmosphere. Unfortunately, some people seemed to be eager to die.

All people are interested in the look at, they did not expect, so fast, is it going to start?

“While your words are reasonable, he is indeed a despicable villain, but today, his life is mine.” A voice rang in the matter, seeing Yue Changkong stand up, Lin Xiao put down the wine cup in his hand. , raised the head, the light of the light in the eyes!

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