Qin Dangtian has great ambitions, Qin Wentian. He himself is not the case. If Qin Dangtian wants to prove the Dao to the highest, then he wants to beat Qin Dangtian. Does it mean his ambition is better than Qin Dangtian?

“Senior Martial Brother Divine Sound, the Legendary Land of Saint Academy, what is it, why does Qin Dangtian want to step into it?” Qin Wentian asked curiously.

“It’s Legendary Land. How do I know that although I’ve been in the Saint Academy practice for countless years, I’ve never stepped into it. This is the biggest secret of Heavenly Dao Saint Academy. Perhaps only the teacher and several Heavenly God know the truth. “Divine Sound Boundary Master responded, Qin Wentian secretly lamented the mystery of Heavenly Dao Saint Academy Legendary Land, even the Senior Martial Brother Divine Sound, knowing nothing about it, presumably Heavenly Dao Saint Academy All this is true.

After a little chat, Qin Wentian left and left. For the rest of the day, Heavenly Dao Saint Academy’s various senses felt the change of atmosphere in Saint Academy. It was different, some depressed, many people were waiting, what will happen next? Evolution, this matter is clearly not over yet.

Qin Dangtian said that the Saint Academy was disbanded, Profound Territory giants Purple Tiny God Court and Heavenly God Mountain responded, such a strong lineup, there will be no post.

Sure enough, not long after, other domain giants outside Profound Territory made a sound, threatening Heavenly Dao Saint Academy to prove themselves, must not blame themselves, when opening Legendary Land, allowing the top rank characters of each domain into Legendary Land practice.

This voice waited for the response of many giants Overlord forces, faintly gathered into an invisible storm, move towards Heavenly Dao Saint Academy oppressed.

As if Heavenly Dao Saint Academy would not compromise again, the forces might force the palace to disintegrate Heavenly Dao Saint Academy and not allow him to continue.

Heavenly Dao Saint Academy has never experienced such a huge storm. Everyone knows that the sacred land at Profound Territory will face an unprecedented crisis.

Today, Heavenly Dao Saint Academy seems to have to make some kind of compromise.

The attention of the world, Eight Ancient Territories, how this storm will evolve, Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, will face the end.

Just as this storm continued to gather, this day, a voice came from Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, and invited eight rank top Heaven’s Chosen to gather at Heavenly Dao Saint Academy.

Once the news came out, it spread throughout the world, causing great repercussions, Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, compromised.

Is this going to allow the world’s top rank power, Heaven’s Chosen, to enter the Saint Academy Legendary Land? Otherwise, once the world’s top rank force Heaven’s Chosen gathers, the heroes of all parties arrive, where will be easy to give up, forced to force Heavenly Dao Saint Academy to compromise, Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, if you do not agree, it is to lead the wolf into the room, self-destruction.

There was also a huge upswing inside the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy. Apparently, the Saint Academy disciple did not expect the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy to release such news, let Heaven’s Chosen gather in Saint Academy. What is this?

In this case, do they also have the opportunity to enter Legendary Land?

After the news came out, Qin Wentian received a sound transmission from Desolate Territory Luoshen Clan Lei’er. She asked how Heavenly Dao Saint Academy considered it. Qin Wentian naturally didn’t know.

Luoshen Lei told Qin Wentian that she would follow some of Luoshen Clan’s expert to go to Heavenly Dao Saint Academy. After learning the news, Qin Wentian was delighted and could see Lei’er.

However, he is very worried that Heavenly Dao Saint Academy will gather an ancient strong and strong in Saint Academy. It will be a kind of storm. Since Luoshen Clan is preparing for depart, the other forces are of course the same. He will depart for Depart and come to Profound Territory Heavenly Dao Saint. Academy.

There is no doubt that this will be a huge storm.

Luoshen Clan, who will come besides Lei’er? He is afraid that he will see many relatives in the Mother family.

Of course, there is Qin Clan. This is caused by Qin Dangtian. He wants to come without a doubt, and Qin Clan, presumably will come to many top rank characters. Who will he see? And what about his father?

This time, it really can be said that the world is shaking, the top rank giants in each domain, set off to Heavenly Dao Saint Academy.

Asked that the city is in madness, countless people are looking forward to it. Heavenly Dao Saint Academy is a sacred land, but it has never been such a grand event. Eight Ancient Territories are likely to come to Heavenly Dao Saint Academy. What caused the storm?

How many top people will they see this time?

Countless people started to look forward to it.

Heavenly Dao Saint Academy is the Profound Territory. The first force to come is naturally the three giants of Profound Territory. Purple Tiny God Court, soon came to ask for the city, and asked directly to live and ask for help. I asked the best inn in the city, where I lived there. Without a doubt, I asked Qi Tianju to give it to Purple Tiny God Court.

However, it is difficult to ask the Taoist residence. Next, there may be experts with big top rank forces coming in, all of which are giants, but the top position is limited, so that other top rank forces live below, how would they think?

This matter makes the question a very special headache.

Purple Tiny God Court’s expert lineup is the leader of Heavenly God’s Junior Martial Brother. It was the great expert Boundary Master who Qin Wentian had seen at the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference. Yue Changkong’s Martial Uncle.

Qi Tianju, there are two figures looking at the direction of Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, in addition to the Heavenly God Junior Martial Brother, Yue Changkong’s figure, standing behind him.

At this time, Yue Changkong expression ice-cold is extremely gazing at the direction of Heavenly Dao Saint Academy. I heard that today, he is practicing in Heavenly Dao Saint Academy. He took away his glory and took away everything. To make him a shame, although he is still standing here, but he has experienced the pain of inhuman, nine deaths, if he finally passed the test, he has already been annihilated.

After that day, Purple Tiny God Court knew that he was a fake, Heavenly God was furious, but given his innate talent was really good, he still gave him a chance, life and death, he will never forget, all this is to worship Qin Wentian Thanks, his strength is stronger now than ever, and even against the Expert in the Heavenly Dao Ranking of Purple Tiny God Court, he is not weak.

Today, he came to Heavenly Dao Saint Academy and will see him again.

“Changkong, you can survive, it’s not easy.” Just listen to his Martial Uncle started talking, Yue Changkong is silent, no response, now, his whole person seems to have become different, no more false smiles, and It became a bit gloomy and more terrifying.

“You understand what kind of sin you have committed. However, the Senior Martial Brother still gives you the opportunity. Now, come to Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, you will probably see the person you hate, hope this time. Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, you don’t let the Senior Martial Brother disappoint.” The other side’s faint opening, Yue Changkong, the sky, the Purple Tiny God Court, the sin of Heavenly God, this is a sin, he can live, of course not easy.

“I understand.” Yue Changkong responded indifferently, and expression was as always, without any undulations.

Of course, he understands that he will prove to everyone that even if it is proved that it is not God King successor, those who despise him will eventually regret it, Eastern Emperor Heaven, even dare to regret the marriage contract, this account, he will sooner or later Liquidation.

Afterwards, the people of Great Demon God Palace arrived, but they did not ask the owner to ask for a place to live, knowing that the top floor was occupied by Purple Tiny God Court, how could they succumb to Purple Tiny God Court, if The competition is meaningless. All of them simply did not go to ask for accommodation, but chose another inn.

Followed by Heavenly God Mountain, Profound Territory, the three giants, first arrived, in addition, there are many Profound Territory top rank forces expert arrival, but they understand that although the top rank force, but this time , still only as a part of the spectator, the protagonist, can not turn them.

After that, Yellow Territory has top rank giants, and the Heavenly God Clan forces such as Winged God Clan and Wang Family are coming.

Then, it was the super power of Heaven Territory and Earth Territory. Countless people, gathered in the city, asked for a moment, indicating that the seemingly calm questioning city, but it seems to be brewing a shocking storm.

Asked the city, when has such a grand scene, the ancient top rank forces gathered here.

The power of Desolate Territory also arrived. Luoshen Clan, Bull God Clan, Monster God Mountain and Luoshen Clan arrived, meaning that Luoshen Lei also arrived. Qin Wentian got the news first, because Luoshen Lei just entered the city and passed it on. Message.

Qin Wentian learned from Luoshen Lei that not only did she come, but Luoshen Clan also came to several outstanding Booundary Masters of Luoshen Clan innate talent, all running the same purpose, Heavenly Dao Saint Academy’s Legendary Land.

Of course, Qin Wentian did not see Luoshen Lei, Qin Clan may come at any time. At this time, how could he get too close to Luoshen Lei and be seen by Qin Clan people, it is too easy to doubt.

Qin Clan from Heaven Territory has finally arrived. Qin Dangtian, who is not in Qin Clan, is the top Boundary Master character, although today his Heaven’s Chosen Son is a symbol of Qin Clan, but the facts In addition to him, Qin Clan, there are many amazing characters in the innate talent, but the light is covered by him, his Qin Dangtian, already known as Eight Ancient Territories.

Ancient Immortal Territory West, the land of the Universe Territory, came a line of Buddha Sect High Monk, each of them has a transcendental temperament, from the land of bliss, the practice of Buddhist Buddhist Dao.

Universe Territory, only one Overlord, the only Overlord, this Overlord, all sent people.

Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, rising winds, scudding clouds, but the people who led the team were Boundary Master, Heavenly God. It seems that one did not appear. Of course, everyone understands that this dispute was caused by Heavenly God. They are all behind the scenes, looks at it all!

Within the Saint Academy, Qin Wentian gets news every day, which forces are coming, and the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy is under unparalleled pressure. Saint Academy invites all the worlds to come forward. What is it for? This is definitely not a good thing for Heavenly Dao Saint Academy!

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