Qin Wentian walks into the Heavenly Dao Book Pavilion, where many people come in and go to Heavenly Dao Saint Academy. Everyone who asks for practice will definitely come to the Heavenly Dao Book Pavilion, without exception, in front of 33 Heavens Immortal Territory. Even if the individual is stronger, it still looks small and wants to see this vast sea of ​​knowledge.

There are Guardians in the Heavenly Dao Book Pavilion. The only thing they have in practice except the practice is to guard the Heavenly Dao Book Pavilion and compile a new history.

Don’t underestimate the guards. If you know who knows best about 33 Heavens Immortal Territory, the oldest guards will definitely have a place.

Even the Guardians have not left here for thousands of years, and they still voluntarily stay here. Their history of 33 Heavens Immortal Territory can be described as knowing things like the back of one’s hand.

After Qin Wentian entered, he glanced at the sign and found that Ancient Immortal Territory was at the top of the Heavenly Dao Book Pavilion. This was normal, but to his surprise, Azure Profound Immortal Territory was on the second floor, just in Ancient Immortal. Under Territory, the arrangements of Heavenly Dao Saint Academy don’t know if there is any deep meaning.

Perhaps because Azure Profound is the only Immortal Territory that has not been ruled by the ancient Immortal Territory giants.

Qin Wentian went up the stairs of the bookstore and went straight to the top two floors. Although he was also interested in other Immortal Territory, the collection in the Heavenly Dao Book Pavilion was too rich. He could not go one by one. The most wanted to understand is still Ancient Immortal Territory and Azure Profound.

After coming to the second floor of the Heavenly Dao Book Pavilion, he found that the loft was empty compared to the attic below. I don’t know how much it seems. The Heavenly Dao Book Pavilion has the fewest records for Azure Profound.

It seems to be understandable, after the Ancient Azure Profound World Extinguishing War, Azure Profound annihilated the ban, then Azure Profound, there seems to be nothing worthwhile for Heavenly Dao Saint Academy to deliberately stay here, and maybe even Heavenly Dao Saint Academy is not too Go to pay attention.

Qin Wentian stepped into it, and the bookshelf had a very clear classification, such as Azure Profound Immortal Territory; Azure Profound Immortal Territory character roll; Azure Profound anecdotal volume, etc., and he came to a bookshelf, engraved, World Extinguishing War volume.

Ancient Azure Profound World Extinguishing War, which is listed separately, has many ancient books to introduce.

Qin Wentian reached out and opened an ancient scroll. Immortal Sense entered it and suddenly became a character, and it was very clear.

“This is the background of World Extinguishing War.” After Qin Wentian flipped it over and put it back, it was similar to what All Heavenly Gods said in the past. The background of World Extinguishing War is almost unified in 33 Heavens Immortal Territory. After that, in addition to Azure Profound Immortal Territory, another thirty Immortal Territory has been ruled by Ancient Immortal Territory’s.

At this time, only Azure Profound stands.

Ancient Immortal Territory Many giants Overlord forces 33 Heavens, how some ambitions can see Azure Profound Immortal Territory, and naturally control it in their hands, so they launched the World Extinguishing War, of course, The background is to be more detailed.

Many Heavenly God Clan forces participating in the World Extinguishing War, even now no longer exist, can see the history of it.

Qin Wentian’s quiet looks at, opened a roll of ancient book, gradually came into contact with the famous Heavenly God characters of Ancient Azure Profound. Among them, several people have the most space, respectively, the Inextinguishable Heavenly Lord, the belief of Ancient Azure Profound, real Goddess, can’t be a lifetime.

In addition to the Inextinguishable Heavenly Lord, the ancient scroll also introduces a character that all Heavenly Gods did not mention to him.

This legendary figure, in the ancient scroll of Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, is called Death God.

World Extinguishing War, the two most eye-catching people, one is Inextinguishable Heavenly Lord, the other is this Death God.

All Heavenly Gods launches World Extinguishing War, destroys Azure Profound, Inextinguishable Heavenly Lord, and when everyone thinks that this cruel war is about to end, Death God is coming, killing ancient, he leads Undead Legion, like a natural disaster Doomsday, the Heavenly God Clan force that broke Azure Profound, some Heavenly God Clan has multiplied for years, and has a population of hundreds of millions. Death God comes, destroying all existence, some powerful Heavenly God Clan, disappearing from ancient, Loss of life.

Because of the existence of Death God, in the end, the All Heavenly Gods family did not occupy Azure Profound, and Azure Profound was ruled under the arm. The World Extinguishing War was a real disaster, not only for Ancient Azure Profound, but also for some Heavenly God Clan, the ruin of Heavenly God Clan, how cruel, since then, Azure Profound has been banned.

No one dares to commit Azure Profound again. No one wants to touch Death God. He has only one code name. You don’t even know who he is. No one wants to face his undead army.

After Qin Wentian became familiar with this history, his heart was trembled and his heart was ups and downs. When he was in World War I, it was not only the destruction of Ancient Azure Profound, but also the death of Ancient Immortal Territory’s, and the Heavenly God Clan, which was also called World Extinguishing War. It’s okay.

Right or wrong, Qin Wentian doesn’t know how to judge, but in fact it is greed. If it is not the All Heavenly Gods Dominance Ancient Azure Profound, there will be no World Extinguishing War. If they don’t launch World Extinguishing War, Death God will Will not rate Undead Legion to kill ancient, after all, it is a sin.

“Death God.” Qin Wentian whispered, he couldn’t help but think of a person. However, would he be Death God recorded in the ancient scroll?

After watching the World Extinguishing War file, Qin Wentian looked at the others and flipped through some moments. He didn’t know much about history. He gave up and left here to go to the top of the Heavenly Dao Book Pavilion.

When Qin Wentian stepped into the top, it immediately felt different. There are too many books here. It is absolutely the biggest of the Heavenly Dao Book Pavilion. The Ancient Immortal Territory is the Upper Realm Heaven, which can be called the first of 33 Heavens Immortal Territory, expert. Most of the Earth Territory is the most extensive, with the oldest history and countless files.

Ancient Immortal Territory’s Book Club is divided into eight major districts, divided into eight domains, the heavens and the earth, the universe and the universe.

The land of the eight domains, each occupying a district, has endless collections.

Qin Wentian first went to the area of ​​Heaven Territory, which was divided into many categories. Qin Wentian found the introduction of Heaven Territory, and then he saw Qin Clan.

This is one of the two most important things he wants to know about the Heavenly Dao Book Pavilion. Qin Clan, the family where his father is, is in some sense his family, but unfortunately, he and the family now have A total of hatred.

Just a introduction to Qin Clan’s power, there is a district bookshelf, a top rank force of numerous years of inheritance, there are too many legends to write, the top rank figures of that generation will be engraved in the book, how There may not be many.

Qin Wentian started to read from the far left. It was very serious. For most of the records, it was swept away and continually going down, but even if there were many history and characters he didn’t know, he looked very fast, but he looked very fast. I have never missed it. After a little bit of time, finally, Qin Wentian saw the content he wanted to see, and he became more serious.

Qin Clan has a lot of veins, every lineage has been strong and weak, but the core, only a few veins, is the root of Qin Clan, there have been many peerless people.

For example, Qin Clan War God character Qin Tiangang, and Qin Ding.

These two people are a pair of brothers, and also a generation of Qin Clan generations of the two male characters, War God Qin Tiangang invincible, never defeated, for Qin Clan to lay a rivers and mountains, the name of the world; Qin Ding crown The world is equally extraordinary, but it is a good example of the two legendary figures, one of them, but not the end.

Qin Tiangang husband and wife, when the secret realm was smashed, the commandment was made, and the gods.

Left an orphan, the next generation of Qin Clan’s legendary figure, Qin Yuanfeng.

Because it is an orphan, Qin Yuanfeng has revealed the out of the ordinary innate talent since childhood, but he has always been crushed by another person. This person is Qin Clan’s then Heaven’s Proud Son, the son of Qin Ding, Qin Zheng.

Qin Zheng is destined to be extraordinary. The lineage he is in is also extremely strong. Together with his own Transcendent innate talent, he is directly trained as a successor to Qin Clan. However, the world is changeable and seems to be inside Qin Clan. There are rumors, Qin Tiangang husband and wife, they swayed secret realm, before the gods, got a supreme treasure, inheritance gave their son, a prodigal legend figure, Qin Yuanfeng.

In this regard, the ancient scroll of Heavenly Dao Saint Academy is not too detailed, but the later things are not very different from what Qin Wentian knows. Even the details recorded in the ancient scroll are not as detailed as he knows. Heavenly Dao Saint Academy is not a prophet, even the specific details are known.

Qin Wentian knows the name of his Grandfather, Qin Ding.

And his father Qin Yuanfeng was an orphan like him. He thought about how much he experienced. When he thought of this, he lamented the unfairness of fate. The contest between father and Qin Zheng was never fair. If Grandfather is alive, then It will be another scene.

Qin Wentian looked at many of the legends about his Grandfather. He felt bloody in his heart. However, the more he hated it, the more Grandfather really consolidated his position in Heaven Territory for Qin Clan. He made the name of Hehewei and made Qin Clan even more. Steady, but after he died, how did Qin Clan treat him father Qin Yuanfeng’s?

Reality, so cruel, Qin Clan owes everything to his lineage, he is bound to discuss.

Qin Wentian continued to look down and naturally would not see his presence, but he saw Heaven’s Chosen Son, Qin Dangtian in the Legend.

After reading it, he silently put down the ancient scroll, the expression calmed to the extreme, went to the Desolate Territory side, went to see the ancient scroll of Luoshen Clan, here, recorded his grandfather’s deeds, and his shackles, Heaven’s Decree Heavenly God, a legendary figure of the Desolate Territory.

However, both the record of Qin Clan Heaven’s Chosen Son and the record of Heaven’s Decree Heavenly God mention the same thing, that is, Heaven’s Chosen Son Qin Dangtian, who played for the father and abolished the story of Heaven’s Decree Heavenly God.

Qin Wentian looked very seriously at Luoshen Clan’s file. After reading it, he was indulged for a long time, and he felt a lot of emotions. His Immortal Sense was diffuse and began to look for other interesting files. Soon, his Immortal Sense was fixed in one. Place.

There is the Battle Saint Clan volume!

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