In the middle of the night, the question is very prosperous and brightly lit. In the center of the city, I ask that there is a lake not far from the front. This lake is also an industry that asks for the residence. The lake is centered on the lake. There are many pavilions in the pavilion. Each pavilion is filled with guests. You are enjoying a banquet. If you ask the guests, you can enjoy the feast for free.

On the island of Huxin, there is a smog of smoke, and there is a line of white clothed female dancing in it. The graceful dance is amazing. The faces of these women are also beautiful.

“Qianyu, these women, compared to the Worldly Affairs Immortal Palace, are not too much to make, even more outstanding.” A relatively central pavilion, Qin Wentian is facing Ye Qianyu.

“Really, it takes a lot of money to ask for a foothold. Naturally, you want to make you feel value for money. You don’t see the outsiders who want to go to the lake to enjoy the dance or enjoy the dance in the pavilion. Is it also a sky-high price?” Ye Qianyu shallow said with a smile.

“That’s the case.” Qin Wentian nodded, though, but many people still boated on the lake, or enjoyed a banquet in the pavilion. It may be that the owner is asking the city, some family members, they can’t live without asking. Daoju is just not necessary, but occasionally coming to this banquet or enjoying the scenery is also very common for them.

“Is it good to jump or I look good.” Ye Qianyu is facing Qin Wentian sound transmission, her beautiful eyes reveals a sense of sorrow, so that Qin Wentian has some heart and mind, shaking her head with a smile: “How can and Compared to you.”

Ye Qianyu smiled and seemed very satisfied.

A dance break, many people clapped their hands, and even a guest in the pavilion did not sttingy to send a praise voice, said: “Look at Fairy Ziyao a dance, if you are in Immortal Realm, forget the time changes.”

“Young Master praised it.” In the heart of the island, the most outstanding woman was slightly owed, and she smiled. Her name is Huan Ziyao. She is called Fairy Ziyao. Not only is her beauty outstanding, but her practice innate talent is also extremely good. Yes, now into Transcendent Realm, among a group of stunning women, still appear a crane in a flock of chickens, showing its beauty.

“The speech is not enough to admire Fairy’s dance. Today, the lake is full of high-pitched pavilions. What are the Profound Territory fun things to share with the princes?” The young man said with a smile, the Fairy Ziyao not only danced well, but her news was also very well-informed. Know the major events of the Profound Territory parties. Of course, this may be because of the support behind the scenes. As long as Fairy Ziyao appears, it will share a Profound Territory with all people.

“Today I want to talk to everyone about the Heavenly Dao Ranking. Now that there is a replacement, someone has been replaced, I don’t know everyone can know?” Fairy Ziyao said with a smile.

“Heavenly Dao Ranking has changed very little, and now there has been change. Who has been replaced?” All people came to the moment and some people asked.

“In the original Heavenly Dao Ranking, there are two Purple Tiny God Court disciple, two Heavenly Dao Great Demon God Palace disciple, one Heavenly God Mountain disciple, and Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, which occupy the third and the last two, not here. The practice of several major forces, this must be clear, and know who they are, the person who was replaced is one of the last two.” Fairy Ziyao smiled and said: “And, this time on the list People are the youngest of all, and if they think about it, they should be able to guess who he is.”

Many people eyes sharp hair, Heavenly Dao Ranking is a list set by Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, the so-called Heavenly Dao, out of reach.

There are ten people on the Heavenly Dao Ranking. These ten people are not limited by age, but they are all Profound Territory people. They are considered by Heavenly Dao Saint Academy to be the most likely to undertake Heavenly Dao and become the next Profound Territory Heavenly God’s character. I can imagine the status of this list.

In other words, in a sense, is the Heavenly God potential list.

As long as you board the Heavenly Dao Ranking, you are considered to have the opportunity to title as God in the future, and set foot on the highest realm.

The people in Heavenly Dao Ranking have no age and no requirement for strength. For example, there are people on Heavenly Dao Ranking. The strength is not too strong in Boundary Master Realm. Profound Territory can beat him a lot, but he The name is still on the Heavenly Dao Ranking, just because he has the potential to become Heavenly God, and those who are better than him have no such potential.

Of course, there is no theoretical requirement, but in fact, the people on Heavenly Dao Ranking are Boundary Master Realm. They have not yet become Boundary Master. Who just said that you have the potential to become Heavenly God?

However, some younger generation characters, when they set foot on the Boundary Master Realm, showed enough talent defying talent, still have the opportunity to replace the people on the Heavenly Dao Ranking, just like this time, on the Heavenly Dao Ranking, someone was replaced. .

“I think, I should know who Fairy Ziyao is talking about. I didn’t expect it to be so fast. Heavenly Dao Saint Academy has already engraved his name on the Heavenly Dao Ranking?” Someone said, and I was shocked.

“The people that Fairy Ziyao said should be the rumored God King successor at the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference.” Someone spoke, suddenly everyone people flash, and I remembered someone coming here, this person recently at the Profound Territory Center. The reputation of the region can be described as being in the air, and people are often mentioned to him.

Time God King’s successor, a battle to kill the great expert, practice less than a thousand years, this awkward new star, instantly has a place in the Profound Territory, is known.

Of course, his reputation spread so quickly thanks to Purple Tiny God Court and Yue Changkong. The story is too dramatic. Sun Moon Sacred Mountain’s recognize Yue Changkong, who faked the King King successor, stepped into Purple Tiny. God Court also pay respects to join Heavenly God disciple, involving Purple Tiny God Court and Heavenly God, and can imagine how much attention it has, not to mention Time God King and Heavenly Dao Saint Academy. Related.

Qin Wentian, who was smiling and chatting with the people around him, suddenly stopped, and the people around him looked at each other. Then they laughed at the look at Qin Wentian. Now Qin Wentian is so famous. Not only did the Boundary Master visit the Blue City community, but it was still mentioned outside the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy sacred land, and it entered the seemingly great Heavenly Dao Ranking.

Qin Wentian smiled bitterly. He knew nothing about this Heavenly Dao Ranking. I didn’t expect it to be included in this inexplicable way.

“everyone Young Master is smart, just know, indeed, I got the news, Blue City Boundary Master will come to Heavenly Dao Saint Academy practice, and at the moment he enters Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, the Heavenly Dao Ranking will be replaced. It is announced that the name of the Blue City Boundary Master will be ascended to it.” Fairy Ziyao smiles.

“If it is him, then it is reasonable, can be recognized by God King, has proved his innate talent, not to mention, the practice is less than a thousand years, it will kill Longyuan Residence Master, such a deed, into the Heavenly Dao Ranking normal ” Someone nodded.”

Many of the people here are extraordinary people. If you have a reputation, Blue City Boundary Master is not famous. Otherwise, Heavenly Dao Saint Academy will not recognize and recommend Heavenly God as its Teacher.

“It’s interesting, Blue City Boundary Master enters Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, then the ten people on the Heavenly Dao Ranking, Heavenly Dao Saint Academy don’t want to occupy four. Ten years ago, the man walked down from Sword Sacred Mountain. If you step into the peerless figure of Heavenly Dao Saint Academy practice, if you compare this Blue City Boundary Master, I don’t know who is more outstanding.” Someone said with a smile.

In a pavilion, I heard people mentioning Sword Sacred Mountain who walked down. They all blinked in the eye, and they flashed out. They saw the young people’s eyes showing sharp light, which seems to contain 璀璨Sword. Intent, the light that blooms in the dark, is more eye-catching than the moonlight.

“How long does the Blue City Boundary Master become famous? You can compare it with Sword God descendant. Don’t forget how he has the reputation of today and today. Blue City Boundary Master, just like a war, is it worthy of comparison? The young man said, his tone seemed to be a bit sloppy. His voice fell, and many people looked at it. Qin Wentian entire group also looked at the other side, and could not help but reveal a surprising color. It turned out that this person was actually white. In the day, she grabbed Qin Wentian’s fancy person who was in the third floor.

“Yeah, his record, too brilliant, challenged many Boundary Masters, never lost, some highly famous great expert, still lost in his hands, genius lonely, he finally stepped into Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, pursuing Heavenly Dao Someone sighs that every name that can be found on the Heavenly Dao Ranking represents a legend, Blue City Boundary Master, and others, of course.

That person, from Sword Sacred Mountain, is Sword God descendant.

The people around Qin Wentian were not happy to hear this. Jun Mengchen swept the other side and looked uncomfortable: “Innate talent is strong and weak, and the reputation is not based on the number of battles. I am a bit curious, that person. Sword God descendant, he has the brilliant record of Blue City Boundary Master in the millennium, killing great expert?”

The youth gaze at the intriguing light, sweeping to Jun Mengchen, started talking: “Ten Thousand Boundary Conference is known as the Profound Territory peak event, but most of the participants are powerful under the Boundary Master and the powers of the three giants. The Boundary Master characters are involved, and the really well-known Boundary Master characters, such as the ten people on the Heavenly Dao Ranking, are not present, because they have the conviction that they don’t need the recognition of the three giants, or It is already the best of its kind, Sword God descendant in your mouth, if he attends the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference, there is no Blue City Boundary Master.”

The young man said that there is nothing wrong with it. The Ten Thousand Boundary Conference is a Profound Territory top rank event, but it is impossible for Profound Territory to have all the Boundary Masters. There are too many people who have not gone to participate, or even participated in it thousands of years ago. After that, no more travel.

Jun Mengchen also wants to refute, just listen to Fairy Ziyao opening with a smile: “Young Master, don’t argue for the time being, mention Heavenly Dao Ranking today, but in fact Ziyao has something to tell you, Sword Sacred Mountain, out of that Outside of Sword God descendant on the Heavenly Dao Ranking, there is now another Sword God descendant coming here, about to enter the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy practice, and he lives and asks for a place to live.”

Fairy Ziyao’s voice fell, suddenly all people eyes showing sharp light, in an instant many people looked at the young man who had just talked, and faintly guessed what, and sure enough, I saw the youth eyes at this moment revealing the eye-sword light, like a peerless sword, he The sharp eyes are like a sword, showing pride!

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