Qin Wentian and Luoshen Lei’s eyes look at Yue Changkong together. They are more and more disgusted with Yue Changkong and Qin Wentian’s. They are not only shameless, but also sinister. Now, between him and Longyuan, Yue Changkong has to cross One foot.

Of course, Qin Wentian still doesn’t know that Long Yuanfu started with him, but behind it is because of Yue Changkong’s hint.

“I have never said Desolate Territory, but Long Yuanfu ignores my Luoshen Clan. I have paid the price, but you, now pay respects to join Heavenly God disciple, but just getting started with the discipline, it is not qualified to speak. Profound Territory, you are not worthy.” Luoshen Lei indifference.

“Good prestige, he is now Purple Tiny God Court disciple, how not worthy. If you are a Luoshen Clan person, don’t forget, you are just his defeat.” Donghuang Ying, next to Yue Changkong.

“I haven’t married yet, I started talking to him.” Cao Tian looks at Donghuang Ying: “Donghuang Clan, it’s getting worse.”

“Cao Tian, ​​if you don’t dare to return to the Lian Family, just shut up.” Donghuang Clan has an expert road, Eastern Emperor Heaven and Scarlet Sun Heaven are in equal strength, each in a different camp, Donghuang Clan attached to Purple Tiny God Court Scarlet Sun Heaven is attached to the Great Demon God Palace. Although both parties are familiar, there are also competing relationships.

“hehe.” Cao Tian sneered: “You Donghuang Clan also manages the descendant, defeating the woman who first entered the realm, so that Yang Changkong is longer than Qin Wentian practice, and is also defeated by the strong, what to say, Don’t hit your face. Long Yuanfu used to kill Qin Wentian. Today’s revenge, what is your qualification for Eastern Emperor Heaven? This is Profound Territory City of Time, not Donghuang Immortal Territory.”

“Blue City Boundary Master can of course revenge. If he can annihilate Longyuan, I will never talk too much. This is their personal grievances. However, Luoshen Clan is a Desolate Territory. They can’t do it. It is Profound Territory. , Desolate Territory Forces to destroy my Profound Territory top rank power, where I placed the ProOver Territory three Overlord, I am a Purple Tiny God Court disciple, naturally can not sit back and ignore, you Cao Tian is also a Cao Family. Dependent on the Profound Territory Overlord Great Demon God Palace, even to help the people of the Desolate Territory to speak, is it not only that you are not ready to leave the family, this time even ready to leave the Profound Territory?” Yue Changkong said in a sly way, as Purple Tiny God Court’s disciple Intervene in it.

Long Yuanfu and Qin Wentian battle, he is happy to see it, the best Longyuan House will remove Qin Wentian, but Luoshen Clan intervened among them, Long Yuanfu is only destroyed, this is obviously not what he wants to see. What’s more, if Ronpoon was killed like this, who knows if Longyuan Residence Master will sell him and bite him.

Therefore, he must be in a position to express his position.

“Don’t open your mouth, Purple Tiny God Court, you are just getting started with the discipline, and you can’t represent Purple Tiny God Court.” Cao Tian sarcastically, this Yue Changkong, is simply brazen and has a thick face.

“Since he is my Purple Tiny God Court disciple, of course, he is qualified to speak on behalf of Purple Tiny God Court.” At this time, there was another voice in the void, a great expert old man appeared, his temperament was supernatural, extremely powerful, Yue Changkong Seeing him appear, shouted: “Martial Uncle.”

As soon as this statement came out, many Boundary Masters were shocked. Today, Yue Changkong has paid respects to join the Purple Tiny God Court Heavenly God disciple. This is his Martial Uncle, which means the Heavenly God’s Junior Martial Brother. In Purple Tiny God Court, there must be an out of the ordinary status.

Qin Wentian frowns, I didn’t expect today, even the Purple Tiny God Court’s people appeared, to stop them deal with Lung Yuan House.

But for him, Longyuan House is bound to be removed, not to be removed, it is a scourge, and the disaster is endless. At the beginning, he still only killed a Longyuan Haoyu, Longyuan House will have its own life, and will deal with their loved ones. And now, Long Yuan House will definitely retaliate against him.

“I didn’t expect Fellow Daoist Wuming to come to my Profound Territory. It seems that this lady should be the daughter of Heaven’s Decree Heavenly God.” The appearance of the expert said, recognizing Wuming, the same level of Heavenly God. Even in different domains, they will pay attention to each other. Wuming is the most trusted person of Heaven’s Decree Heavenly God. Now it can be seen by this woman. There is only one possibility. Luoshen Lei is the daughter of Heaven’s Decree Heavenly God.

“The daughter of Heavenly God.” All people trembled, looking at Luoshen Lei, which is more noble than the identity of Heavenly God disciple, the status is transcendent, this stunning woman, she is Heavenly God’s daughter.

Donghuang Ying is a little uncomfortable in her heart. Yue Changkong is just Heavenly God disciple, and she is just Yue Changkong fiancée. She is not as beautiful as Luoshen Clan, as if she was crushed by her.

“It’s no wonder that the heroic character is the daughter of Heaven’s Decree Heavenly God Senior. I have heard about the story of Heaven’s Decree Heavenly God. What was the scenery at the beginning, but it was a pity, but it was defeated by a younger generation, and the cultivation base was abolished. Heavenly God, 堂For the waste, this kind of pain, I am afraid that life is better than death.”

Yue Changkong faintly opened, his voice fell, and Luoshen Lei’s eyes looked at him like a knife-like indifference, revealing a strong killing intent.

Qin Wentian’s eyes also look to Yue Changkong, which seems to praise Heaven’s Decree Heavenly God, but in reality, it is a shame in disguise.

Wuming’s figure flashed across the void, but almost at the same time, Yue Changkong’s Martial Uncle moved, blocking Yue Changkong, and the same was true of Eastern Emperor Heaven’s great expert. Wuming walked to the other side not far away, blind. Through the ice-cold killing intent.

“This is Desolate Territory. If Luoshen Clan dares to start with my Purple Tiny God Court disciple, today, Luoshen Clan people don’t have to leave.” Yue Changkong’s Martial Uncle ice-cold said that Wuming didn’t move, he also understood, After all, Profound Territory, Purple Tiny God Court’s Heavenly God is coming, it’s easy.

The two Heavenly God forces are facing each other. This makes many of the Boundary Master characters on the crowd feel trembled. Will this event continue to make a big noise, or will it still die?

I am afraid that both sides will be scrupulous.

“Senior, I am also the owner of the Profound Territory. I listened to the call to the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference. At the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference, Long Yuanfu took care of my wife in the palace where I lived, and then deal with it. My relatives and friends, almost killed me, now, I come to revenge, Senior want to stop?” Qin Wentian came out, looking at Purple Tiny God Court Yue Changkong’s Martial Uncle.

“You want revenge, I don’t stop it, but Luoshen Clan can’t intervene.” The other person glanced at Qin Wentian, this person innate talent is outstanding, if he occupied the star host, he can be recruited into Purple Tiny God Court, but unfortunately He would rather give up and join the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, and some don’t give Purple Tiny God Court face.

“Luoshen Clan does not represent Desolate Territory, just because I have some friendship with me, I will help me, why not?” Qin Wentian said.

“You can’t just be, no matter what.” Yue Changkong Martial Uncle said indifferently: “I said, you have to do your own revenge, no one will stop you.”

“What logic is this, so I have a conflict with Yue Changkong. If I want to kill him, is Purple Tiny God Court not helping?” Qin Wentian didn’t want to offend Purple Tiny God Court, but Purple Tiny God Court’s The attitude made him very disappointed. Today, who stopped him from the Longyuan House is the enemy.

“Your tone is too arrogant.” Donghuang Ying coldly said.

“Hurricane, I want to kill him, it’s easy, otherwise, you ask him, can you dare to fight?” Qin Wentian sarcastically said that Donghuang Ying beautiful eyes stagnation, Yue Changkong’s face is also extremely embarrassing, he is now Heavenly God disciple, Still being humiliated by Qin Wentian in public, he can’t refute, don’t tell me really start to confront Qin Wentian?

For now, he will be defeated, and Yue Changkong still has self-knowledge, otherwise he will not want Qin Wentian to die.

“Presumptuous.” That Purple Tiny God Court’s expert screamed, coldly said: “Changkong has now paid respects to join my Senior Martial Brother disciple, and you are qualified to challenge the challenge.”

“Senior’s attitude can represent the attitude of Purple Tiny God Court’s?” Qin Wentian’s eyes ice-cold.

“Nature.” The man said indifferently.

“Good.” Qin Wentian’s heart ice-cold, at this moment, another voice came: “Blue City Boundary Master will go to my Heavenly Dao Saint Academy practice, why is it not qualified?”

When the sound fell, I saw the entire group appearing. It was the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy great expert Boundary Master. He looked at Qin Wentian with said with a smile: “Qin Wentian, I have already asked me about Heavenly Dao Saint. Academy Heavenly God, willing to teach you Teacher, transfer, you are willing? Of course, if you refuse and there is no relationship, you can still go to my Heavenly Dao Saint Academy practice.”

Qin Wentian glimpsed, and then a happy heart, Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, this is willing to make him.

He is still very fond of Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, and he is willing to believe in Heavenly Dao Saint Academy.

Today, Purple Tiny God Court is so disappointing.

“Junior is honored, naturally willing.” Qin Wentian nodded.

Everyone around the people was shocked, and another person who was able to pay respects to join Heavenly God disciple, although only Teacher, was taught by the mission, but also had no known difference with the teacher, Qin Wentian, also considered Heavenly God disciple. It is equivalent to Yue Changkong.

Purple Tiny God Court selected Yue Changkong, Heavenly Dao Saint Academy is willing to give up the Blue City Boundary Master, and it is really fun to offend Purple Tiny God Court.

One is God King successor, the other is the one who beats the other, so who can be more outstanding in their future?

Donghuang Ying face slightly changed, Qin Wentian, is also favored by Heavenly God, but what about it, Yue Changkong is God King inheritance, it will only be better.

“Good.” Heavenly Dao Saint Academy expert nodded with a smile. He looked at Yue Changkong’s Martial Uncle. “Before the Longyuan House acted too much, Purple Tiny God Court did not interfere, so now, Purple Tiny God Court should not Interference is right, otherwise, there is a bias.”

“Heavenly Dao Saint Academy has always been involved in outside disputes. Naturally, don’t participate in it. Desolate Territory Luoshen Clan is involved. My Purple Tiny God Court, how can I stand by.” The other party’s heart is not happy, this Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, a little slap in the face, his Purple Tiny God Court, makes him very upset.

Purple Tiny God Court’s attitude is obvious, Yue Changkong’s attitude is their attitude.

Qin Wentian inner ice-cold, he looked at each other, started talking: “Senior just said, things between me and Long Yuanfu, we solve ourselves, Purple Tiny God Court never interfere?”

“As long as Luoshen Clan is not involved, my Purple Tiny God Court will never intervene.” The other nodded.

“Good.” Qin Wentian nodded: “In this case, I challenge the owner of the Longyuan House.”

When this statement came out, it was shocking around!

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