Donghuang Ying returned to the crowd of Donghuang Clan, her face was very unsightly. She thought she had been treating Qin Wentian with courtesy, but she did not expect Qin Wentian to be such a villain, smearing Yue Changkong, and then reminiscent of Qin Wentian on the day. Reminder, saying that Yue Changkong has a problem with the character, it seems that it is really 嫉妒Yue Changkong, robbing him of the light.

Otherwise, before Yue Changkong invited Qin Wentian, why didn’t he dare to fight?

“I am taking my eyes.” Donghuang Ying said with some indignation.

“Little Princess, I think Brother Qin said that it is not unreasonable, you don’t tell me Didn’t find Yue Changkong intentionally, otherwise why only hurt Luoshen Clan’s woman, but also the words are low.” Xiao Yu next to Whispered, Donghuang Ying looked at Xiao Yu and his face was colder. He said, “You also yue, Chang Changkong can still stand there, but you are slammed down?”

Xiao Yu’s face is pale, and some unbelievable looks at the beautiful women who have known each other for many years. They ask themselves very well. Even though Little Princess really likes others, friendship is still there. I didn’t expect it now, but directly humiliated him.

At this moment, Xiao Yu is a little disheartened.

“Little Yu, don’t mind, Little Ying is also angry for a while.” Donghuang Clan’s old man said, “Yue Changkong is very talented and has God King inheritance. He has been arrogant and has been forbearing until he defeats Luoshen Clan expert. This is revealed, slightly frivolous, and why not, genius characters, who can not be mad.”

“Well.” Xiao Yu nodded lightly, without much words, but his heart was disappointed. It seems that Donghuang Clan’s elders also support Yue Changkong’s, who let others get God King inheritance, even Time God King has left words. Waiting for you in the future, such a character, even a great expert Boundary Master character, will give a three-pointer, not to mention, in terms of Yue Changkong’s attitude towards Donghuang Ying, Donghuang Clan is definitely very supportive of their together, as for him. What is it?

“Now, the attitude is clear. I said before that if Wentian and Yue Changkong fight, her answer is very hypocritical.” Shili Chunfeng smiled, but it was not disappointing. He looked very accurate, Donghuang Ying She has seen a lot, so this does not affect his mood.

“But the Master of cultivation base realm, but it has not become Jian Junlai. Everyone does not have to rush to climb the relationship. It is Profound Territory who has a face and face. Give yourself a face.” Cao Tian doesn’t care so much, directly The person who screamed in the void before talking to Yue Changkong.

Qin Wentian has some warmth in his heart. Today, many of the influential figures of Ten Thousand Boundary Conference support Yue Changkong. The attitude of Donghuang Ying is also seen. Only those friends who ransacked Longyuan House are still standing around. Sometimes When you are laughing and screaming, it is not true friendship. This kind of thing does not need to be deliberate. At the crucial moment, it can manifest itself.

On the contrary, what Qin Wentian said about Time Lord inheritance was ignored.

This sentence, on the other hand, makes people think less, obviously like a swearword, deliberately lowering Yue Changkong’s, but who knows, this inadvertent sentence is the truth.

The only doubt is the great expert Boundary Master of Heavenly Dao Saint Academy. He always pays attention to Qin Wentian. When Qin Wentian communicated with the eighth Stellar Martial Constellation, he also personally arrived and asked Qin Wentian. He attribute, Qin Wentian replied to the time attribute, and only heard the Time God King’s Legend, and then communicated this attribute Stellar Martial Constellation.

However, the time attribute, and the attribute energy is very strong, can this Stellar Martial Constellation communicate freely? Just feeling it, suddenly went to communicate?

Qin Wentian He is not involved in this battle. Is it intentional to hide?

Did he reveal an unintentional word just now?

“Strength is the best means to prove everything, otherwise you will not have the right to speak even if you make sense.” The voice of Heavenly Dao Saint Academy old man was passed into Qin Wentian’s ear, facing Qin Wentian sound transmission: ” Why don’t you participate in the Battle of Stars, I don’t think you are afraid of losing your face. Purple Tiny God Court is a Profound Territory peak. It does have extraordinary things. Do you have any scruples?”

Qin Wentian heard this and looked at the direction of Heavenly Dao Saint Academy expert. Then the sound transmission responded: “Senior, junior is used to freedom, not restrained. If he becomes a big force discipline, he must obey orders.”

“You mean, you don’t want to join the Profound Territory top rank power, so you are deliberately avoiding contact with Purple Tiny God Court.” That expert started talking, the feeling is a bit strange, this guy, it is really interesting.

“You can say that.” Qin Wentian did not hide it. He still had a good impression on Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, so he said bluntly, and even if it was really spread, it would be no big deal.

“It’s fine, if you are outstanding, it will attract the attention of Purple Tiny God Court’s. You can say that you want to go to Heavenly Dao Saint Academy practice. The Purple Tiny God Court’s people will not be reluctant. Of course, Heavenly Dao Saint Academy will not impose any restrictions on you. If you want to go, just go and go, don’t want to go.” Old man smiles sound transmission, Qin Wentian eyes flash, as the status of the old man, naturally can not deliberately deceive him, so that must be really sure Purple Tiny God Court will not interfere with Heavenly Dao Saint Academy.

The two people’s sound transmission communicates with the twinkling of an instant. On the other side, Yue Changkong has been looking at all of this at the void star position. His face is still a kind of cloudless expression, and it looks extraordinary. Ten Thousand Boundary Conference is countless. Boundary Master both looks at this happening, thinking that Qin Wentian is also a great figure, but when compared with the person of Time Lord inheritance, it seems to be weak, and the people of various forces naturally understand who to support.

“Brother Qin said everything, I don’t want to explain, since Brother Qin is so insulting to me, then no matter what the reason, I have to ask for a war.” Yue Changkong faintly opened, this casual sentence is itself the most Strong position, no matter what you say, I will not refute, the first battle to solve, the strength, above all else.

Many people are interested in the look at Qin Wentian, seems to be waiting to see his jokes, and then refused to fight? In that case, I am afraid that everything I said before is just a humiliation, and I have no face to stay in the world of time.

“I am fulfilling you.” Qin Wentian stepped out and went straight to the void constellation sea. In an instant, the glory of the stars shrouded his body, white clothed fluttering, long hair flying, and matched with the handsome face, even those who belonged to Qin Wentian The unhappy person has to admit that this child is extraordinary, so don’t forget that he showed 13 Heavenly Heart Consciousness and spiked Dragon’s Chosen Longyuan Haoyu.

Just now, the opponent standing in front of him is more powerful than Longyuan Haoyu. It is the real top rank Heaven’s Chosen Boundary Master character, Yue Changkong.

Yue Changkong has experienced many battles. His Boundary Heart, the glory of the moon, has a strong forbidden strength, which can make the whole space freeze forever. His Heavenly Heart Consciousness attacks the hegemony to the extreme, and the speed is incredible. It is extremely powerful.

“Brother Qin shot, otherwise, my Boundary Heart is released, and Brother Qin is afraid that there is no chance to shoot.” Yue Changkong said with a smile.

“This is you, you don’t have to cover up your arrogance, you have experienced a lot of battles, and every battle has to be humble and tired.” Qin Wentian looks at Yue Changkong.

“haha, since Brother Qin said so, I had to scream back.” Yue Changkong said with a laugh, his voice fell, and Boundary Heart and Heavenly Heart Consciousness were released together. In an instant, the bleak glory fell on Qin Wentian’s, and The entire space, forbidden everything, Qin Wentian only feels that the body is still.

Does the strength of this Heavenly Heart Consciousness fit into the strength of the time principle? maybe.

At this moment, the Destiny Boundary Heart was released, and the strength of Heavenly Heart Consciousness shrouded the vast void. Qin Wentian’s momentum suddenly changed. Even if he was imprisoned, he was still like a god. He was the master of this world. This is Destiny Boundary Heart. Such as Destiny, can not be violated.

At this time, Qin Wentian, he felt a killing intent, from the killing intent of the other Boundary Heart, Yue Changkong, want to kill him.

This made a very cold light flash in Qin Wentian eyes. He and Yue Changkong must not have a big hatred, because he said that the other side was shameless and wanted to kill him? Then, all the camouflage before it, will not be punctuated, or there are other reasons he does not know?

In fact, the real reason is that Yue Changkong suspects that he is the one to wait for Time God King, so kill him, this secret will always be known to nobody.

A path of more rapid attacks than lightning seems to come from nothingness, with an incomparable terrifying overbearing strength, directly through Qin Wentian’s body.

Seeing that the tyrannical devastating attack will directly penetrate Qin Wentian’s body, but at this time, Qin Wentian’s body seems to move, retreating at the limit, the overbearing attack always stays in front of him, but can not hit him.

“He didn’t move.” All people eyes flash, Qin Wentian’s body did not move at all, but the attack seemed to never be able to get close to him, unable to hit him, as if he were on the horizon.

Qin Wentian’s eyes flashed through a terrifying cold glint, next moment, the horror of terrifying, which appeared directly around Yue Changkong’s body, from nothingness, to penetrate his body, so fast that it could not be stopped, but Yue Changkong The radiance of the body is incomparably embarrassing. When the attack is about to come to his body, he will stop involuntarily, and then he will not be able to move forward, as if he is still there.

The moment when the two played against each other, many Boundary Masters were eyes showing sharp light, very powerful, but the methods were similar, but they were completely different strengths, their Boundary Heart and their derived Heartless Heart Consciousness were strong enough. Amazingly, Qin Wentian was imprisoned, but the other side’s attack did not want to touch him. Yue Changkong stood there, and the terrifying attack from the emptiness was close to him.

Well, both of them are extraordinary Boundary Hearts, who is better!

Ps: third, make up the last owed chapter, owe more and make up no trace will be notified in WeChat, you can search for “Jing Wuhen” public number!

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