Desolate Territory, Luoshen Clan, the name imprint is in the mind of Qin Wentian’s.

But at this moment, he needs to put it aside for a while. In the heart state, Qin Wentian came with the Boundary Master who was abolished. His eyes were extremely cold and went directly in the direction of move towards Longyuan Haoyu.

Longyuan Haoyu of course also saw Qin Wentian. He also saw the Boundary Master expert whose cultivation base was abolished. He also saw that Qin Wentian’s wife Mo Qingcheng was safely beside him.

His pupil narrowed slightly, and there was a cold flash in his eyes. It turned out to be a waste. There is no Boundary Master in the palace. Can this be done? He was also arrested, and now Qin Wentian went straight to the posture he came. It was obvious that he was betrayed and the other party had already offered him.

At this point, there is a Boundary Master expert heading towards Heavenly Heart Mirror, ready to show off his Boundary Heart, Qin Wentian look towards the side, and start talking: “Can you wait a moment, I have something to say.” ”

“Well?” The Boundary Master glanced at Qin Wentian and nodded, “You said.”

“many thanks.” Qin Wentian nodded to the other side and then looked at the crowd: “The next is the Proound Territory Blue City Boundary Master, the self-styled Blue City Boundary Master, the invitation of the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference, so I came to the meeting, I I heard that Ten Thousand Boundary Conference can bring home into the world of time. There will be no danger. If it is in the palace, it will not be disturbed. However, today, someone is coming to the palace where I live, forcibly taking my wife away, if not me. The wife has a treasure protector, the consequences are unimaginable, there are many seniors in the room, the junior wants to ask, so contrary to the rules of the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference, how to deal with it?”

Many people glanced at the edge and looked at Qin Wentian’s breathless Boundary Master. One of the powerful experts asked: “Isn’t he already abandoned your cultivation base? Since he made this When things are picked up by you, they can be disposed of by you.”

“many thanks Senior, his junior will handle it, but this person is also instructed to act.” Qin Wentian said.

“Oh?” Someone looked at the direction of Longyuan House opposite Qin Wentian. Is it the person of Longyuan House?

Blue City Boundary Master, Long Yuan House.

There is an expert who knows the Blue City Boundary Master and the Heavenly Immortal Building. I understand that there are some things. It seems that some people in Longyuan House are dissatisfied with this Blue City Boundary Master and want to punish him.

“Who?” asked the man.

“You think about it.” Qin Wentian looked at the Boundary Master. The Boundary Master was now decadent and staring at Longyuan Haoyu. His eyes flashed a smear of evil, which was his order, which made him fall from here. What does a proud Boundary Master mean when the cultivation base is scrapped? I am a complete waste.

“Longyuan Haoyu, why are you looking for me?” The Boundary Master expression ice-cold, Longyuan Haoyu just took a glimpse of him, calmly said: “Do we know?”

His words made Qin Wentian’s eyes condense, but then he saw Longyuan Haoyu and looked at him: “He is not obeying the rules, you will abolish him, and take the opportunity to frame me. What is this meaning?”

Obviously, Longyuan Haoyu will not admit it. He thought of the consequences before he did this. If it is done, Qin Wentian’s woman is in his hands, refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases. I didn’t dare to announce it to the public. I didn’t do it well. He naturally didn’t know anything. So, he didn’t even look for the people in Longyuan.

“You…” The Boundary Master was very pale and looked very angry with Longyuan Haoyu, but at this moment he was devoid of momentum, like a coveted old man.

“At this time, some people have corrected me. Many people in the time of grievance between Blue City Boundary Master and Longyuan Haoyu also know that the waitress that Qin Wentian took from the Heavenly Immortal Building was Longyuan Haoyu’s privately-owned woman. In Heavenly Immortal Building, so to retaliate, I can testify for Blue City Boundary Master, how to punish Longyuan Haoyu, let’s talk about it.” Cao Tian had already known that Longyuan Haoyu would deny it, but still stood up and spoke. It is.

“haha.” Longyuan Haoyu laughed, looks at Cao Tian. “Senior Cao and Blue City Boundary Master relationship are so good, plus Old Ghost Senior, Shili boss, Phoenix, exactly five people, some time ago, I am Heavenly Immortal Building was looted, exactly what the five Boundary Masters did. I think it should be the five of you, the revenge against Heavenly Immortal Building for Qin Wentian?”

Cao Tian and other five people were surprised. I didn’t expect it to be guessed by Longyuan Haoyu. It seems that they have some care.

Eyes staring at Longyuan Haoyu, Cao Tian spit out a word: “Yes.”

Cao Tian, ​​he did not deny it, but directly admitted it.

“Brother Qin is my brother, Heavenly Immortal Building is too unruly to do things, insulting the guests who went to trade the treasure, a maid don’t tell me can’t teach? Even dare to kill at the expense of a treasure I took Brother Qin, this tone, of course, I want to come out, so I proposed to raided Heavenly Immortal Building, what I did, I recognized, what about you?” Cao Tian stared at Longyuan Haoyu.

“Senior Cao is a man of Cao Family. I can’t talk about the thief directly. I ransacked my Heavenly Immortal Building.” Longyuan Haoyu sneered: “As for what you said, if I did, I would recognize it, but People, I really don’t know.”

“It’s a Boundary Master character, it’s good.” Qin Wentian stares at ice-cold’s stare at Longyuan Haoyu, knowing that they ransacked the Heavenly Immortal Building, and it’s still so calm, still not acknowledging what he is doing.

“Brother Cao, this thing, do you want to give an account?” Among the Longyuanfu crowd, an elder of Longyuan Haoyu started talking, although the treasure in the Heavenly Immortal Building is only the extreme wealth of their Longyuan House. A small part, but this is equivalent to hitting the face of his Long Yuanfu, not to mention, Cao Tian also recognized in public, is there any way to put Long Yuanfu in his eyes?

“What do you want to explain?” Cao Tian coldly said: “What happened to your Heavenly Immortal Building, how about looting, don’t tell me, I still have to smash my head, but it is your Longyuan, well disciplined. The children of future generations, don’t touch any woman, they’re shameful, and now they’re not shameful to make such shameless things.”

“This is really ridiculous.” Many people are interested in the sights here. The conflict is Cao Tian of Cao Family. I ransacked your Heavenly Immortal Building. How can I take it? This ransack of others is still so arrogant, such a hegemonic bandit is really no one, a shameless thing, he is said to be the beginning of the brother, the righteousness.

“It’s still necessary to give an account.” At this moment, Qin Wentian suddenly spoke, making Cao Tian a glimpse. Is this guy stupid? He has smashed things down, Qin Wentian wants to recognize?

I saw Qin Wentian looks at Longyuan Haoyu and continued: “The looting Heavenly Immortal Building has my share, and your Heavenly Immortal Building wants to take me. It is also true. Now I send someone to deal with my wife. Ten Thousand Boundary Conference, when the Boundary Master is fighting for the battle, Longyuan Haoyu, you and me, the end of one death, the end of this grudge, how?”

“Interesting.” Around the experts are a smile, Qin Wentian, openly challenged the Long Yuanfu genius Boundary Master Longyuan Haoyu, and also requires life and death.

So, is Longyuan Haoyu fighting?

Blue City Boundary Master’s extraordinary Boundary Master name has been confirmed, he easily killed the three Boundary Master Realm expert, but Longyuan Haoyu is known as the Long Yuanfu genius Boundary Master, but also weak?

Moreover, as Qin Wentian said, the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference is not a direct competition. However, the history of the entire Ten Thousand Boundary Conference is aimed at glimpsing the strength of the Proound Territory Boundary Master. Some people get the chance to defying, join the Dao Lineage inheritance force, and some people will get the public treasure, and even have a generation of characters, can directly pay respects to join Heavenly God disciple.

In the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference, the battle is inevitable. Today, the Blue City Boundary Master actively challenges Longyuan Haoyu. He does not agree, and he is afraid that it will not work. That is the face of Long Yuanfu.

Others will be ironic, the genius Boundary Master of Long Yuanfu is proud and proud, don’t tell me even an alien Blue City Boundary Master does not dare to fight?

Extraordinary Boundary Master, own deterrence, Qin Wentian kills three Boundary Master, Longyuan Haoyu is also somewhat hesitant, but seeing the attention of countless people in the integral figure focus on himself, he should not fight, afraid not.

“There is timidity.” Cao Tian looks at Qin Wentian, and he does not say victory or defeat. Qin Wentian wants to win the life of Longyuan Haoyu in the form of challenge. This is timid, he wants to be in Longyuan. The face of the government kills Longyuan Haoyu.

“I accept your challenge.” Longyuan Haoyu ice-cold open, fight.

Qin Wentian’s body is empty, Longyuan Haoyu is also stepping out, and the eyes of many Boundary Masters and the influential figure are focused on them, including Longevity Boundary Master. He has some accidents, Qin Wentian dare to provoke Long Yuanfu? Although he killed Longevity Boundary Master, however, he has not been a Boundary Master for many years. How strong can he be?

“Now, before Heavenly Heart Mirror, you both have to challenge, not to fight within the radiance of Heavenly Heart Mirror, to bloom your Heavenly Heart Consciousness and show off your innate talent.” Above the void, a powerful force Super Boundary Master faint opening, Longyuan Haoyu nodded: “Yes.”

The person who spoke is obviously in an extraordinary position.

As soon as he flashed his body, he entered the glory of Heavenly Heart Mirror, and Qin Wentian also entered it. This is the root of the ancient mountain, the two Boundary Masters stand opposite each other, which will be the first of the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference. War, and, will be seen by everyone in the world of time.

Longyuan Haoyu thought of a move, in an instant the world is discolored, he surrounded an infinitely terrifying wave, turned into a hegemonic halo, protects the body, this moment, as if the whole world is for him and Protector, this moment, A glimmer of light is released from Heavenly Heart Mirror.

“The Heavenly Heart Consciousness of the defensive class.” All people saw this scene secretly said in heart.

Longyuan Haoyu reached out again, move towards void, a strongest strength, and pressure on everything, Heavenly Heart Mirror once again released the light, like a lightning flash across the time.

However, this is not over. Longyuan Haoyu released Heavenly Heart Consciousness strength continuously until Heavenly Heart Mirror bloomed five ray of light, which made many people’s pupils unable to bear the slight contraction. It really deserved the name of Longyuanfu genius Boundary Master.

“Do you do it?” Longyuan Haoyu stared at Qin Wentian’s indifference, although the amount of understanding Heavenly Heart Consciousness does not mean strong, but the more comprehension, the detachment of understanding, if you can crush Qin Wentian on this, He will be more confident in the battle!

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