Time is the real world.

When Qin Wentian stepped into the realm of time, he knew that the time of the world was a vast expanse. The vastness of the world, the land of Immortal Sense, he found a palace, standing in the world of time, revealing the meaning of grandeur.

“Brother Qin.” Shili Chunfeng, who came in front, shouted. Qin Wentian looked at him and listened to Shili Chunfeng. “You are attending the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference for the first time, but these days also learned about the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference. The news, you should know something. Now, you can choose a palace owner and become your resting palace in the time zone. Your family can stay in it. It is absolutely safe to stay out of the rest palace.”

“Well.” Qin Wentian nodded. He knew that there were many resting palaces in the time. It was used to give the Boundary Master expert to the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference. The Ten Thousand Boundary Conference, Profound Territory, was a grand event. It will end in two days, but it will last for a long time.

“Let’s go in one direction.” Phoenix said, “I can have a care for each other.”

“Otherwise, Phoenix, you and I live in a resting palace, it won’t be boring.” Shili Chunfeng smiled.

“Roll.” Phoenix spit out a word and Shili Chunfeng smiled.

In front, many Boundary Master great expert characters have already set off, going to find the resting palace of the settlers, and there are always experts coming in.

Shili Chunfeng and Qin Wentian, together with their entire group, move towards the same direction as the glittering go.

“We are the first to arrive, do you want to pick a good position?” Shili Chunfeng said.

“Of course, pick the central location.” Cao Tian said that they are not the first time to participate in the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference, and they are familiar with the situation in the world of time.

“You don’t worry about others grabbing, it will be very faceless.” Phoenix smiled.

“Who dares to grab my place?” Cao Tian said proudly, although he is self-reliant, his own strength is very strong, not to mention the identity of Cao Family’s son is still there, those super strong Boundary Masters have to give some points. Face, it is impossible to grab his place. At this time, there are many good places in the light world.

“Isn’t that I hate security in the palace, can’t I do it?” Qin Wentian said: “Why can you grab it?”

“You are too naive.” Phoenix said: “If you choose the resting palace, an extremely powerful inflation figure says that you have taken a fancy place, let you move a place, he does not do it, you let it not? ”

Qin Wentian heard this saying a black line, can you still do this? Sure enough, it is still a world of strength. There is no absolute justice. Really powerful people are privileged wherever they go.

“In this case, I am still free to choose a place to stay.” Qin Wentian said with a smile, this time into the time world I do not know how many powerful experts, the older generation of the peerless Boundary Master, the young generation of the generation of Heaven’s Chosen Boundary Master characters, Profound Territory, will appear, live in a place, no need to get into trouble, feel free to pick a resting palace.

“With yourself.” Shili Chunfeng said nothing, the entire group is still in the same direction, some influential figures have chosen their site, the magnificent central palace, occupying the best place, they have Such confidence and confidence, top rank powers like Samsara Temple, Eastern Emperor Heaven, Scarlet Sun Heaven, etc., of course, choose the best place.

In addition to them, some famous experts Profound Territory’s great expert Boundary Master, also chose a very good place, of course.

Shili Chunfeng and Cao Tian, ​​each of them chose the palace. The location was very good. It was really the owner who was not afraid of causing trouble. Qin Wentian continued to walk a distance, and the palace was stopped by a slightly remote palace. The palace is very large. There are a lot of rooms inside. After all, even if you don’t bring your family, some big forces are just a lot of people. They want to live together to be convenient and naturally have a big site.

“Youhuang, with your cultivation base, is qualified to choose a palace to be alone. Are you together with everyone else?” Qin Wentian stood in the open space above the palace, overlooking the distant scenery, he was facing Beiming Youhuang Road. .

“I will join everyone.” Beiming Youhuang replied softly, Qin Wentian nodded: “Ten Thousand Boundary Conference, it will be held.”

“Well, it feels like dreaming. I can see the great expert characters of Profound Territory come together. These people are all rare characters in normally, some people aloof and remote, even before the Boundary Master. Going to visit, I am afraid I can’t even see each other.” Beiming Youhuang gave birth to some emotions. He remembered many of the experts who visited Highest Beginning Boundary Master, standing outside the yard.

The same is the Boundary Master, but the strength is different, and the status gap may vary greatly.

“hōng lóng lóng.”

At this time, a strong sense of shock came, as if the heavens and the earth were shaking, the earth was shaking, Qin Wentian stood on the palace, and could feel the unstable vibrations under his feet.

Above the Vault of Heaven, it seems that there is a ray of light falling down. It is an ancient mountain. It descends from the sky. This ancient mountain is huge and glows everywhere. The mountain wall is like a huge mirror, which can reflect the color of heaven and earth.

“Oh…” The earth trembled fiercely, and the huge ancient mountain descending from the sky fell in the central area of ​​the time.

“What is that?” Mo Qingcheng asked.

“Heavenly Heart Mirror.” Qin Wentian started talking, he learned about the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference, so know that before the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference was held, the time of the world would be in the realm of time. The Boundary Master’s Heavenly Heart Consciousness can be reflected in every corner of the world of time, as long as there is a Boundary Master character releasing his Heavenly Heart Consciousness in the mood.

Qin Wentian explained the sound to Mo Qingcheng, and Mo Qingcheng beautiful eyes flashed a smattering: “So, some great people can show their powerful Heavenly Heart Consciousness through the Heavenly Heart Mirror to the entire time world’s expert?”

“Well.” Qin Wentian nodded.

Mo Qingcheng smiled, looks at Qin Wentian and said, “Would you like to show it?”

“I still forget it. Next, I am afraid that there will be many people who will show their Heavenly Heart Consciousness to prove that their innate talent is amazing. I am afraid that there will be a lot more than my outstanding people.” Qin Wentian is proud of himself. But never arrogant.

When Heavenly Heart Mirror fell into the world of time, there were indeed a lot of extraordinary Boundary Master characters moving toward the direction, but most of them were the first time to participate in the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference, if they participated in many times of expert, I know that when I go to Heavenly Heart Mirror to show my Heavenly Heart Consciousness, the consequences will be very bad, and then I will be hit hard, which is what I have experienced every time.

Of course, no one takes the lead, all people are still relatively low-key, no one is the first to show their Heavenly Heart Consciousness. Under the eyes of many people, many extraordinary Boundary Master looks at the first person who still needs a little courage. Although it is a matter of time.

Another reason is that people have not yet arrived, and the next Three Heavens time can enter the world of time, and there will be many experts in the future.

Qin Wentian is paying attention to the situation of Heavenly Heart Mirror. At this time, a figure came to the sky above their palace, overlooking Qin Wentian and the others.

This popularity is extraordinary, and there is an invisible power on the body, like the expert who has been in the upper position.

Qin Wentian eyes flash, some doubts, this Boundary Master, he does not know.

“Do you have something?” Qin Wentian looked at each other’s eyes and looked at them. He stood on the sky and looked a little proud. He turned to Qin Wentian started talking: “I have seen this palace, you look for it. Go somewhere else.”

“Well?” Qin Wentian was speechless. Before talking about Shili Chunfeng, did she actually meet?

However, the palace he chose is not the central location, it is a bit remote, how can someone grab it?

“I brought a lot of family members. The action is not so convenient. I am afraid that I will let you down. You still have to go and see if there are other places you like.” Qin Wentian responded faintly.

“No, I seem to think that this place is good.” The other party continued to speak, like the iron heart to Qin Wentian their place, not like the palace, but it is like looking for a sly.

Qin Wentian stared at each other and immediately said with a smile: “I like this place too, I am afraid I can’t give up.”

“Are you sure?” The other person frowned, and his body showed a powerful power.

“I don’t want to repeat it, please.” Qin Wentian ousted the order, and he did not believe that the other party really dared to do it.

“Well, since you don’t give face, I wrote down.” The other party threatened, and then left, Qin Wentian’s brow wrinkled and his eyes were cold.

After the other party left, he went to a place far away from here. In a centrally located palace with a good location, he came here. In front of him, there was a handsome young man standing there, and it was Longyuan Haoyu. And this resting palace is the resting palace chosen by Lung Yuan House.

“How?” Longyuan Haoyu asked.

“As you expected, the attitude is very tough.” The other side said with a smile.

“Normal.” Longyuan Haoyu nodded, when he personally passed, let the two sides take a step back, Qin Wentian did not agree, but just after he left, the other party put people, it is just hitting his face.

Before the Heavenly Immortal Building was looted, the Longyuan House had been somewhat unsettled. Now, that thing has subsided. Although it was not found, it was gradually forgotten, but the Blue City Boundary Master, Longyuan Haoyu has been remembering.

The woman who dared to move him, although he was only a woman who played casually, however, he still hit his face. It was a step back to take the initiative to find him, but the other party did not give face. In this case, he had to use him. The way to deal with it, since you dare to bring your family into the world of time, then be prepared to bear his anger!

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