Shili Inn, Qin Wentian still holds Mo Qingcheng’s body. For a long time, Mo Qingcheng fainted because of pain, and he was unconscious, and the brilliance of the brilliance gradually dissipated. Only one pendant hung around her neck. There is a faint radiance, but there is no breath, just like an ordinary pendant.

“What exactly is this?” Qin Wentian looks at the pendant, a piece of jewelry in the Heavenly Immortal Building, why is it resonance with Mo Qingcheng, what did she have experienced?

Moreover, the Phoenix Gown appeared just now, is it guarding Mo Qingcheng? But the glare of the pattern is all about it. All of this can’t be known, but it’s all over. Mo Qingcheng just fainted, it won’t be a big problem. After waking up, you should know what happened.

Qing’er quietly stayed by, the two kept guarding Mo Qingcheng until the next day, Mo Qingcheng woke up, her beautiful eyes flashed a strange brilliance, and the whole person seemed to be shrouded in a The radiance of the layer.

“Qingcheng.” Qin Wentian saw her beautiful eyes screaming.

Mo Qingcheng smiled softly and whispered: “I’m fine.”

“Well, that’s good.” Qin Wentian’s heart finally put down, his hand caressed Mo Qingcheng’s cheek, his eyes soft, and Qingcheng smiled brilliantly.

“Qingcheng, what happened before?” Qing’er came over and asked softly.

Mo Qingcheng’s beautiful eyes reveal a trace of quirky expression. She sat up and glanced at the pendant hanging from her neck. The thoughts were slightly moved. The pendant was directly integrated into her skin, leaving a mark on it, a wonderful thing. The pattern appeared on her, and she seemed to be different.

“Kiss of Monster God.”

Mo Qingcheng whispered.

“Kiss of Monster God?” Qin Wentian glanced, Mo Qingcheng smiled and said: “This pendant, its name is Kiss of Monster God.”

“You have a connection with it. What kind of treasure is it?” Qin Wentian is really curious. This pendant is not a treasure of the town store of Heavenly Immortal Building. It is very common in many treasures, it is not eye-catching, just in Mo Qingcheng was triggered here and it seems that a very wonderful change has taken place.

Mo Qingcheng beautiful eyes Closed, next moment, the radiance of her body is getting brighter and brighter, the whole room shines incomparably, the endless method of formation diagram appears, and the body of Qin Wentian and Qing’er is also covered. The glory of the glory is enough to make the world eclipse.

At the center of the squad, a phantom slowly appeared, behind Mo Qingcheng, or wrapped her whole person in the center.

It’s an incomparable Phoenix. Her eyes are sharp and eye-catching. It’s like having her own life. It’s a real Phoenix. Her eyes have a sly look, staring at Qin Wentian and Qing’er, just like the real Monster God.

“This…” Qin Wentian’s heart beat, and the Phoenix gave him a strong feeling. The pendant was able to summon such a powerful Phoenix Ancient Monster.

“Who are you?” said Ancient Phoenix, spitting out the voice of Human Race, Qin Wentian and Mo Qingcheng and the others once again, and screamed in their hearts.

This Phoenix, who really has life, can obviously think, otherwise he will not ask who they are.

“What is this treasure, why is it triggered by my wife?” Qin Wentian asked, his eyes sharpened and stared at the Phoenix phantom.

“Your wife?” Phoenix glanced at the beautiful woman she guarded, started talking: “The clothes she wore were woven by my bloodline strength, so I summoned me to produce resonance, this dress, where are you from? Come on?”

Qin Wentian’s heart was trembled again. It turned out that it was really triggered by the clothes.

“My mother gave it to me,” Qin Wentian said.

Phoenix glanced at Qin Wentian indifferently, releasing a powerful pressure on her body, shrouded the room and landed on Qin Wentian’s.

Qin Wentian frowned, the powerful Boundary Heart also bloomed, the space was completely banned, his eyes stared at each other, coldly said: “I don’t have to lie.”

“You don’t have a bloodline.” Phoenix is ​​equally strong, ice-cold stares at Qin Wentian, which may be a bit vague, but Qin Wentian instantly thinks of his bloodline, but it’s a relationship with the mother he’s never seen before. ?

“I died a little, almost soul flies away and scatters, bloodline lost.” Qin Wentian started talking, the voice fell, his Astral Soul released, Phoenix stared at his Astral Soul, then the power weakened some, some I believe that Qin Wentian, not a dead, can not have such Astral Soul, reincarnation will not work.

“Where is your mother, who is it?” Phoenix asked again.

“I don’t know, I haven’t seen it. I grew up in Granule World. I thought I was an orphan. Later I learned that I have parents. I don’t know where she is. It is a life or death. I am now at Ancient Immortal Territory. In the future, I will find out this.” If other people ask, he will not say so clearly, but Phoenix is ​​related to his mother, so he answers the other party’s words.

“It seems that your wife is cheaper.” Phoenix whispered, and has gradually believed Qin Wentian, but unfortunately, her generation of Spirit Master is a little weak.

Qin Wentian frowned, tone indifferently said: “If you don’t want to, I am not reluctant, can lift my contact with my wife.”

“What do you mean?” Phoenix stared at Qin Wentian.

At this time, a ray of light shines, and Dawn Ruler Heavenly God appears, making Phoenix look at Dawn Ruler Heavenly God again. From the other side, he feels an inexplicable pressure.

“A spirit is nothing, how can it be arrogant, she becomes your Spirit Master, it is your blessing, and you are qualified to say that she is cheaper.” Dawn Ruler Heavenly God said indifferently.

“Who are you?” Phoenix stared at Dawn Ruler Heavenly God.

“Dawn Ruler Heavenly God.” Dawn Ruler Heavenly God coldly Opening: “Pay attention to your attitude.”

Phoenix suddenly laughed. Look at Qin Wentian: “It seems that you are not simple, have an extraordinary chance.”

“Whether you are willing to stay, if you don’t want to, I have said, will not be reluctant, can lift my contact with my wife.” Qin Wentian said, he does not want to have a Spirit Body disrespectful to Qingcheng, a little disrespect No.

“It’s very arrogant, it’s the descendant of that family. Ok, I am willing to stay, treat her as Spirit Master, and listen to the call.”

Qin Wentian smiled and said: “In this case, many thanks Senior.”

He is like this, the other party is disrespectful, he is not afraid, the other party is polite, he naturally replies to the other party, no matter who the other party is.

“Senior, I have said the truth before. I really don’t know who my mother is. Just said that the descendant of the family is the family?” Qin Wentian asked, did not expect this ransack of the Heavenly Immortal Building. There was such a coincidence that I met the treasure of the mother family and happened to be in contact with Qingcheng.

He felt that he was close to being in contact with Mother’s family.

“This is no need for me. In the near future, you will know it yourself.” Phoenix indifferently said: “Just you guys are a bit rude. I now use your wife as the Spirit Master, but you don’t have to listen to you. ”

Qin Wentian 尴尬一笑, Mo Qingcheng said: “So Senior, I can ask him for it?”

“No, it’s clear that I am pitted, hehe.” Phoenix said: “I am gone, call me if necessary.”

The sound fell, the radiance gradually dispersed, the phantom turned into a little brilliance, entered the pendant of Mo Qingcheng’s neck, and then quietly blended into Mo Qingcheng’s skin, only one impression.

“There are such magical treasures.” Qin Wentian whispered.

“It seems that your life is not simple.” Dawn Ruler Heavenly God Although he was very strong, but when he looked at Qin Wentian, he was a little surprised.

“I don’t know my own life until now. I only know that my family with my father has a Blood Sea revenge. This hatred must be repaid.” Qin Wentian glanced at the dazzling light.

“If you can become an Inextinguishable Heavenly Lord, what can you not report?” Dawn Ruler Heavenly God said aloud: “I also fell asleep, and wake me up if necessary.”

“Good.” Qin Wentian nodded, and the will of Dawn Ruler Heavenly God disappeared.

In the room, only Qin Wentian, Mo Qingcheng and Qing’er were left.

“Qingcheng, do you feel any difference?” He always felt that Mo Qingcheng had some changes.

“Well, there seems to be a magical strength constantly tempering my body.” Mo Qingcheng nodded, especially in the heart, my heartbeat was getting faster.

Qin Wentian reached out and placed her hand on Mo Qingcheng’s chest. Sure enough, her heart was beating and jumping, and there seemed to be a wonderful strength where the flow was.

“It should be that the Kiss of Monster God works. This treasure is extraordinary. It may not be just as simple as summoning the Spirit Body.” Qin Wentian whispered, but there is no way to confirm it.

“Well.” Mo Qingcheng nodded, she also has this feeling.

“It seems that this is the chance that mother has given me, Wentian, you said that mother will not grow at the sights at you.” Qingcheng suddenly said, Qin Wentian eyes become awkward, mother, will she still be alive?

Father, what about him? Practice two, now second life, okay?

“If you look at, mother will see you both, and I will be proud of me.” Qin Wentian reached out and put Qing’er and Qingcheng into his arms, said softly.


The riot of the Heavenly Immortal Pavilion is still going on. The day after the day, the bandits are like the evaporation of the human world, and they can’t be found. Long Yuanfu is afraid of dreaming. One of the bandits is just from them. The Heavenly Immortal Pavilion takes away Qin Wentian from Jin Zhi, who wants to grab someone at the expense of a treasure.

Today, what Qin Wentian has in hand is far more than just a treat of the Heavenly Immortal Pavilion.

With the passage of time, the day of the Ten Thousand Boundary Conference is getting closer and closer, and the atmosphere of the City of Time is getting higher!

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