The meaning of the Sacred Sun Cult and Thunder God temples is extremely obvious. To annex the Eastern Tomb lineage, all three forces have surrendered.

Black Iron Emperor Sect, Eastern Tomb lineage The only weaponsmith force, and the Eastern Tomb lineage is the most attractive force for the Sacred Sun Cult and Thunder God temples. After all, they are top rank forces, no shortage of experts, but the weaponsmith is very powerful. Scarce, being able to control the Black Iron Emperor Sect will be of great benefit to them in the future.

Black Iron Emperor Sect’s expert is silent, look at this situation, they are not allowed to do it.

“Why, we don’t need Black Iron Emperor Sect to surrender, just to help the Eastern Tomb lineage unite and embark on a stronger path. Black Iron Emperor Sect is not willing?” The Sacred Sun Cult’s headed expert sounds cold and puts pressure on it.

“This is a major event. We can’t do it. My Emperor Sect Sect Master has been practicing. He doesn’t return. No one can make such a decision.” The old man said, making Sacred Sun Cult and Thunder God The man of the temple frowns, Black Iron Emperor Sect’s Sect Master is indeed a big problem, he is rarely in the Emperor Sect, just to guard against the annexation of these top rank forces, as long as he is outside, he can rely on the power of the Eastern Tomb Temple There is no small deterrent.

“Then you will inform him to come back and make a decision.” Sky Bell Sect’s cold mouth.

“Sect Master Divine Dragon sees the end, where to find someone.” Black Iron Emperor Sect expert responded that the people here are extraordinary people, many of the existence of Immortal King Realm, naturally do not want to fall under the people, surrender to each other.

Space A moment of silence, the atmosphere is slightly depressed.

“If that’s the case, then when I didn’t say it, let’s go.” Sacred Sun Cult’s headed ears look like terrifying Sun Light, and glanced at the crowd, then converges, and the three forces of Sky Bell Sect suddenly With a sneer, he said: “In this case, then we have to take the Black Iron Emperor Sect’s Holy Son Saintess and wait for the Black Iron Emperor Sect Sect Master to come back and make a decision.”

“My Holy Iron Sainter of Black Iron Emperor Sect is my hope, how can I be taken away by you.” The old man coldly snorted, both sides with swords drawn and bows bent.

“Hey.” Just listen to a bell sound and see an expert stepping out. His body is like a divine balloon ancient bell, symbol imprint is flowing, bell sound is diffuse, like the sound of Grand Dao, passing from above Out, fainting as a powerful pressure, shocked on the expert’s body.

“Zhong Xu.” all people eyes flash , this person Sky Bell Sect’s Holy Son Zhong Xu, very powerful, entered the Eastern Tomb Temple and was baptized.

“Then, I have to ask everyone Holy Son Saintess to enlighten me.” Only one voice came out, Divine Symbol Palace and Vajra Sect each had an expert stepping out, Divine Symbol Palace’s expert was all over Grand Dao symbol imprint, faint Turned into a terrifying great formation, the power is endless, covering all directions.

Vajra Sect’s expert is like a glaring diamond, and the body’s wheel of terrifying’s diamond light diffuses out, giving a hard and squeaky sound, which shook all people’s eardrums.

“Divine Symbol Palace Xiao Yu, Vajra Sect Fa Nu Grandmaster.” Black Iron Emperor Sect’s human expression is ugly, the three people who came out are very powerful, and the most outstanding group of people known as Eastern Tomb lineage innate talent is Immortal King. Heaven’s Chosen exists and is a Holy Son of all religions.

“Since Black Iron Emperor Sect is very self-satisfied and disdainful to me, I have to fight for it.” Xiao Yu is cold and cold, his voice is falling, the light of symbol imprint is shrouded in heaven and earth, turning into a huge boundless giant. Suppress everything.

The three forces came together, the expert was significantly more, the other side only walked out of the three, obviously giving the Black Iron Emperor Sect a chance, if it is a group battle, Black Iron Emperor Sect has no hope.

But these three, respectively, are the three most powerful Immortal King Heaven’s Chosen. If they want to play, they naturally need to send people of the same rank, and it is difficult to win.

“The fighting strength of these three people seems to be very strong, and they are the same as my practice, with the symbol imprint person Immortal King, and, on this road, the insight is very deep.” Qin Wentian took a look at the strength of the three They can feel the terrifying of their fighting power, and the unusual situation Immortal King can overcome.

I saw the Black Iron Emperor Sect stepping out, his body flowing with terrifying natural law symbol imprint, the whole person is like a sword, a killing intent terrifying.

“So, I will take you down first.” Zhong Xu smiled at the person who came out, then the body vacated, move toward void, and the Holy Son of Black Iron Emperor Sect stepped up, two The breath meets in the void and makes a dazzling brilliance. щ>

Bell sound shock sway the heaven and earth, I saw Zhong Xu spit an ancient bell, stirred up the sound of the sound, sweeping the world, destroying everything between heaven and earth.

“My Black Iron Emperor Sect is good at weaponsmith, and there is a lack of fighting strength. Everyone’s outstanding Holy Son challenged me. Is it too much?” Black Iron Emperor Sect old man coldly said.

“The same is Eastern Tomb lineage, since you admit that you can’t do it, then it should be eliminated.” Immortal King Holy Son of Divine Symbol Palace said strongly that Black Iron Emperor Sect has an ugly face and an Immortal King Holy Son stepping out. Go straight into the sky.

“Hey.” Xiao Yu sneered, body rushing, move towards the other side, leaving Vajra Sect Fa Nu, nobody fighting, this Fa Nu cultivation base middle rank Immortal King, the battle is extremely terrifying, throughout the Eastern Tomb Immortal City It is a very famous Immortal King character.

“I will come.” I saw the wind Qianxue stepping out, Qian Ying vacated, angry face one’s head, the golden light wave madness spread out from him, started talking: “deal with Saintess Qianxue, I will be merciless.”

After all, his body swayed, and it was directly shot by a fist. This fist was turned into a dazzling King Kong Dharma King, suppress and kill everything, raising the hand moves towards the wind Qianxue and slap it away, covering one side of the world. .

Qin Wentian looks at the three big battlefields in void, and sees the three major forces that release the natural law domain. The vast and endless space has the pressure of suffocation. The light of the symbol imprint that glitters out in their bodies is like one by one. The great formation is as exciting as it is, and the power of these three battles, Black Iron Emperor Sect, I am afraid that no battlefield can take the initiative, but the other three of the three forces have selected the most outstanding combat power, naturally occupying an advantage.

The other three, the most terrifying of Vajra Sect Fa Nu, appeared behind him as the natural law domain law, covering the vast space, and a golden symbolic print was printed in the eyes, like lightning giant formation, destroying everything, he spit out and can spit out terrifying The ancient character Formation Dao, annihilating the suppress and kill everything, he burst into a punch, can blast a lion, sway the world, smash the mountains and rivers, the power is endless.

The strength of the wind Qianxue is also very powerful, but in the face of Fa Nu’s attack, it is still in dire straits, not enough to compete against each other.

Finally, I saw the symbol light at the foot of Fa Nu, across the space, hitting the palm of the hand, slamming down, with the power of the supreme King Kong, the wind Qianxue fully resisted, still being crushed by the suppression, spit out the blood, the body move towards Falling down.

“Qianxue.” Feng Zhu body vacated.

“Stand up.” Vajra Sect’s man coldly snorted, a golden hand across the air, blocking Feng Zhu’s road.

“Hey.” A loud noise, the big palm print directly broken, I saw a figure like a big Roc, fast to extreme, across the void, directly catch the wind Qianxue, while raising a big palm print, Colliding with Fa Nu’s big hand together, huge rumbled loud sound swaying void, Qin Wentian took the opportunity to return to the direction of Black Iron Emperor Sect, looks at the wind Qianxue asked: “Is it okay?”

“Fortunately.” Wind Qianxue was pale, with blood on his lips and a floating breath.

“This is another person.” Sacred Sun Cult was flashed intent by the person who had been repelled by Qin Wentian. “This person seems to be just an outsider. Today is the secret of the Eastern Tomb lineage. He is involved, Black Iron Emperor.” What does Sect say?”

Black Iron Emperor Sect’s strange look at Qin Wentian, I didn’t expect Qin Wentian to be so fast, the movement skill, like the Golden-Winged Great Peng, is almost extreme.

“Eastern Tomb lineage, there are outsiders who dare to intervene, whether it is awkward.” Sacred Sun Cult’s people said strongly, indifferent tone.

“Eastern Tomb lineage, when are you at Sacred Sun Cult and Thunder God? What are you doing here? According to your words, is it right?” Qin Wentian responded.

“Presumptuous.” The Sacred Sun Cult headed the footsteps, and the earth was directly melted into a flame, terrifying to the extreme.

Qin Wentian’s words all people understand, including Black Iron Emperor Sect, but they do not dare to name directly, although they know well, but Qin Wentian dare to say it, simply courting death.

“This person humiliates me Sacred Sun Cult, is he your Black Iron Emperor Sect?” The first expert didn’t look at Qin Wentian and stared directly at the Black Iron Emperor Sect’s old man.

Old man Looking at Qin Wentian, some embarrassment.

“An outsider dare to intervene here, you Black Iron Emperor Sect handle it yourself, give us an account.” The Sacred Sun Cult expert is overbearing and threatens Black Iron Emperor Sect, asking them to start with Qin Wentian.

“He’s not an outsider.” This is, the wind Qianxue said, making all people look at her.

I saw the wind Qianxue glaring at Qin Wentian’s arm, leaning against him slightly, saying: “He is my beloved, seeing me hurt, naturally angry, you will dispose of him, don’t tell me, he is not allowed to refute ?”

Qin Wentian eyes flash, but did not say anything, Sacred Sun Cult and Thunder God Temple is so strong, to directly take the Black Iron Emperor Sect’s Holy Son Saintess, now, Black Iron Emperor Sect seems to face a desperate situation.

The wind Qianxue voice fell, and many killing intent eyes fell on Qin Wentian. Many of the three forces were quite interested in the style of Qianxue. Seeing this innate talent, the outstanding Immortal King Saintess was put into the arms of others, no longer pure and holy, could not help but I hate Qin Wentian.

“everyone, give me Black Iron Emperor Sect for a month, we inform Sect Master.” That old man helplessly said.

“One month is too long, seven days, I need a reply.” Sacred Sun Cult’s head is expert coldly said.

“Okay, then seven days.” Old man helpless, nodded.

“Okay, if that’s the case, we will wait here for seven days, and everyone will go back first.” Sacred Sun Cult expert A look at the three major forces, Fa Nu and many expert ice-cold glances at Qin Wentian, killing intent , Fa Nu is sound transmission: “After seven days, take your dog’s life.”

Say, he turned and went, and the three major forces also left!

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