However, if Little Rascal is really the Royal Clan of Heaven Swallowing Beast, Qin Wentian is naturally happy for him. After this awakening, Little Rascal will be more powerful terrifying.

“Empress Senior, let me go to the mountain wall.” Qin Wentian said, Southern Phoenix Empress is unparalleled and temperament Transcendent, but he can’t be as casual as Beiming Youhuang.

“Go, you can awaken the bloodline, and you will certainly have a lot of gains here.” Empress nodded with a smile, Qin Wentian slightly daggers, heading to the mountain wall, watching the super great Great Monster Saint Beast.

Dragon Clan Many Great Monsters, Ancient Phoenix, Vermillion Bird, Black Tortoise, Qilin, White Tiger, Tao Tie, Chaos, etc. are all on the mountain wall, and there are some very rare Saint Beast, Qin Wentian. In front of the Golden-Winged Great Peng bird image, his eyes gazed at it, and then his consciousness gradually sank into it, and an amazing picture appeared in his mind.

There is a Golden-Winged Great Peng bird. He has the Great Peng speed, shuttle in the sky, across the space, without any control. His wings are like the sharpest sword in the world, and can break everything. Wherever he went, the heavens and the earth seemed to be split into two paragraphs, and the sword was unbreakable and invincible.

His eyes stare at the front, flapping, and forging terrifying space storms, strangling everything.

He has a lot of incomparable divine ability skills, with a powerful innate talent divine ability secret skill, as if you can feel it here, Qin Wentian feels quiet, now bloodline has been initially awakened, he can practice Evil God Clan’s strength , which means that you can also practice the divine ability of other Great Monster races. If it is an attribute fit, you can even practice bloodline secret skill.

Great Peng’s innate talent secret skill. He may not be able to practice, but he has always had a Great Peng movement skill. He has learned that he can make him feel deeper. Although there is no way to directly shuttle the void with the Golden-Winged Great Peng bird. The distance is teleport, but the movement skill practice is strong and still has great help for himself. Such an opportunity, he can’t miss it.

Qin Wentian was immersed in it, and after a long time, the party disengaged from it. Then he continued to look at other Saint Beast Great Monster to find out if he could have the divine ability means for his practice.

“Is this a demon?” Qin Wentian found a powerful terrifying Saint Beast, which is like a demon, but like a God Form, it is the king of the elephant, his body is huge, like an ancient mountain. He is like a metal cast, Qin Wentian consciousness sinks into it.

This God Form, he made a sound, and the world shook. He walked on the earth with his four hooves. When Qin Wentian gave birth to a feeling, one side of the world was shrouded in silence, as if there was a striking edge, heavy and boundless, then God Form continues to step, the sky is falling, the ground is cracking, everything is destroyed by the suppression, and the smoke is gone.

“Very powerful big divine ability, one day seems to be suppressed, and there is super gravity. If an opponent is in the middle of it, it will be unable to move and be destroyed.” Qin Wentian trembled, he is good at Natural law, suppression of natural law, and good at overbearing Demon Dao natural law, attacking the natural law of swords to destroy natural law, if you can cast natural law domain with God Form’s innate talent divine ability, it will certainly have amazing power, even if it can’t Fully suppress and kill opponents, and then assist Evil Eyes natural law domain and God’s Hand natural law domain, the power will be more terrifying.

Thinking of this, Qin Wentian began to earnestly practice, feel, and once again immersed in the practice of self-extraction, this practice, and for a long time, to Immortal King Realm, want to borrow the nature of their own practice through the bloodline The power of law simulates Great Monster’s bloodline innate talent divine ability to cast a natural law domain, and it is so simple, naturally it takes a long time to comprehend.

Moreover, with the exploration of the natural law domain, Qin Wentian’s use of natural law strength and his understanding of natural law strength are also becoming more and more profound.

For a long time, Qin Wentian cast the third natural law domain strength, assisted by bloodline strength, to bring this natural law domain to the strongest level, which he called the God Form natural law domain.

Nowadays, there are three kinds of natural law domains that Qin Wentian has realized. God’s Hand natural law domain, Evil Eyes natural law domain, and God Form natural law domain have different powers. On the Realm of Immortal King, they are getting more stable.

He continued to practice and realized the great power of all kinds of Great Monster. Not only him, but also the Human Race Transcendent Stellar Martial Cultivator, who also felt that they would not leave.

Qin Wentian He saw some of the rare Great Monster’s abilities. For example, he saw a Monster Beast, Dream Tapir Monster Beast, which he had never seen before. This demon can swallow dreamland, making people’s dreams come back and fall into the law. Self-extraction, this innate talent divine ability is incomparably wonderful, although it is not a specific attack means, but its power is still amazing, but this innate talent ability, Qin Wentian can not be repaired, nowhere to start.

He can only continue to perceive other types of divine ability strength, time flies very fast, unconsciously, has been open for three years since the Shenshan, Qin Wentian they have been in this mountain of practice did not leave, I saw Qin at this time Wentian sits under the shadow of the statue of Shenshan, quietly comprehension these days, the perception of various innate talent strength and the devil world divide ability.

With the Record of Myriad Laws and the mirroring technique that he had at the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, he sat there and was able to derive divine power.

In Qin Wentian’s consciousness, he is practicing a sword art, mirroring in the air, his figure holding a sword, a sword in the sword, there is a wonderful atmosphere filled like a dream, and there is a very overbearing demon’s might .

Qin Wentian is moving. He is like a Great Peng. The movement skill is lightning fast. A sword is like a dream. It is like an unreal sword. The sword of nightmare makes people feel unreal, but the sword light falls. However, there is a terrifying sound of blasting sounds, and there is a faintness of Golden-Winged Great Peng’s claws, which is as fast as lightning and overbearing.

However, the sword art changes instantly, as if it is not hit, the second sword is instantly hit, this Jian Feng lattice is abrupt, not awkward, but a straight stab, still dreamlike, it will make people feel wrong, but The constant is the fast and overbearing sword, as well as the sound and explosion of everything and kill, like a God Form attack, the power is endless.

The sword did not stop, the third sword, as far as before, as if True Dragon was born, destroying everything, breaking the nests of heavens.

After three swords, Qin Wentian stopped.

“Three swords are coherent, and the sword art changes every time. It is not easy to get through. It is not easy, but if the sword art is successful, the power will be amazing. If the strength of God’s Hand is used, the attack will be rare.” Qin Wentian Secretly said in heart, this sword art is born from these days of comprehension, power is overbearing, every stroke of the sword art is like the Great Monster divine ability, supplemented by the sword, very terrifying, and, The soul of this sword is derived from the innate talent divine ability of Dream Tapir Great Monster. With the power of nightmare, when the sword art is hit, the other party will give birth to nightmare, and feel unreal. If it is natural law strength and will A person who is not strong enough, a sword is enough to kill.

This sword art is named Nightmare Sword Art, which is the same as Great Monster Dream Tapir. It is not perfect yet. He continues to practice and integrates many of the great Monster’s abilities into the sword art, and then continues to make it perfect and become coherent to do. As one pleases’ sword, it can match the bloom of its powerful movement skill to do as one pleases.

Human Race martial cultivator is more savvy than Monster Beast’s innate talent. Naturally, we must make good use of the power of comprehension. In the process of continuous improvement, Qin Wentian also practices and perfects his blade art and halberd art, confirming each other and making progress.

If he is stagnant, he will get up and realize the mountain wall and continue to feel it. So repeatedly, his cultivation base is constantly improving, his ability is enhanced a little, and the use of natural law is getting stronger and stronger. Natural law itself Progress is also amazingly fast.

Of course, all this is happening quietly. No one knows how much he has improved. He has learned something. Everything is made in his own mind, but the Great Monster and Human Race are making great progress. Some Great Monsters have become more terrifying and awakened to an amazing point.

Seven years have passed since the beginning of the mountain. The opening of the mountain has spread all over the wild and the Immortal Territory. For the whole people of the mountain, from the shock to the calm, although still a bit embarrassing, the Great Monster of the practice in the mountain is still immersed in it, they know It should be a long time before these Great Monsters will complete this transformation, not a moment.

Over the years, inheritance has been given to Beiming Youhuang’s Little Rascal. He and Beiming Youhuang’s relationship are excellent. Do you want to break into Beiming Youhuang’s arms and play, and you will lie on Beiming Youhuang’s chest, which makes Qin Wentian stunned to this guy. worship.

Some demons are born to confuse women, even those who are at the national level, can not escape his demon.

What makes Qin Wentian angry and depressed is that when he is shamelessly picking up the girl, the practice does not fall at all, and the progress is fast. This kind of innate talent of Monster Race is simply embarrassing.

Of course, Qin Wentian’s own progress is also great. On this day, sitting under the statue of Shenshan, he is bathing in the glory of the mountain, the top of the mountain, the Vault of Heaven, and the terrifying natural law strength. Glory everything fell into his body, a strong natural law breath filled from his body, this moment, Beiming Youhuang eyes flashed, move towards Qin Wentian looked over, then, he Seeing the face of Qin Wentian’s handsome face, a smile of a bright smile, the face under the brilliance of the mountain, seems to have a magical, very attractive.

But Beiming Youhuang didn’t care about his attractiveness, because from Qin Wentian’s, she actually felt the breath of the middle rank Immortal King.

“This practice speed…” Beiming Youhuang has some trepidation. This guy was the first to step into Immortal King Realm in the natural law Immortal Mountain of the Beiming Immortal Dynasty. How many years has it broken through to the middle rank Immortal King? This is of course the role of the mountain, and his bloodline recovery, but still make Beiming Youhuang feel amazed, he last said that his practice is less than two hundred years.

If the practice goes on, does he want to be the emperor within three hundred years?

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