The experts went forward, collided with the Great Monster, and instantly destroyed. The Great Monster and the martial cultivator came to be too strong. Even the usual Saint Beast was a hit, killing a piece, and an expert expert step forward. It is like an invincible existence.

Qin Wentian’s Golden-Winged Great Peng and powerful Peng Phoenix are in the air, killing everything, and there seems to be no demon to block their pace.

But at this moment, a few powerful Kings of Royal Clan came to them, the blood-colored Golden-Winged Great Peng bird, a golden Ancient Beast, a silver giant, like a mutant demon, while striding out The terrifying inheritance technique erupts a heaven-shaking collision.

“Good terrifying, these Monster Beast are too powerful, the baby is scared.” I saw a tender voice coming out, a white Monster Beast hiding behind the strong, screaming everywhere, suddenly many experts rolled their eyes, where to run The idiots that came out are all here, baby is scared?

Although Qin Wentian is already very cumbersome, but Little Rascal’s wretched voice almost did not faint, this Little Rascal, really amazing, just now his battle Qin Wentian saw, and the Monster Emperor together, cultivated him Many of the super powers are no longer the Little Rascal of the year. Obviously let him come to the Desolate Hundred Thousand Great Mountains and find the super expert of the same clan.

“Little Roc, it seems that we are fellow people, we are together with these Great Monsters.” Little Rascal ran and ran to Qin Wentian.

Little Roc?

Qin Wentian didn’t have a slap in the face, but he said: “Okay, don’t worry, my king of the Peng family is here, there are many powerful people, how can we have anything, we are weak, behind the looks At that.”

The all people fighting in front of each other almost didn’t vomit blood, and they killed the Great Monster and Human Race here. Who is not the top person, there are two such cumbersome Monster Beast, which is so ridiculous.

However, there is still Monster Beast killing behind, Qin Wentian eyes cold glint sweeping, Little Rascal is very rude on the back of Qin Wentian’s, completely without the meaning of fighting, shouting in his mouth: “Little Roc, handed it to you. ”

Qin Wentian move towards A glimpse of the front, the Great Peng monster art is released, a sharp and extremely sharp Great Peng phantom whistling out, killing everything, the sound of pū chī pū cī is continuously heard, and several Great Monster figures are directly annihilated. Let all people know that this wretched Great Peng is not the top, but can come here, but also defeated the king of the Peng family, fighting strength is still very powerful, although that may have a bit of luck, he was shackled Golden-Winged Great Peng The bird’s back is caught on the back.

A line of expert kills and kills, move towards the Divine Palace of the mountain, and there are always spectators in the sky. Many experts have felt the powerlessness. The King of Monster Race of Transcendent is extremely difficult, and there are many Saint Beast. Siege, it is difficult to get out.

“More and more Monster Beast, what should I do?” Little brat continued to hide on Qin Wentian.

“Nothing, follow the king of my family.” Qin Wentian said proudly, following the Peng Phoenix expert and the Golden-Winged Great Peng bird, I saw two super-experts, which was really amazing. I saw this, Golden-Winged. Great Peng bird is released in golden light, shuttle void, it will disappear directly.

“Boom.” A terrifying devastating abyss vortex appeared, and the Golden-Winged Great Peng bird was swallowed directly into it. The Golden-Winged Great Peng bird instantly receded, staring at the front, a terrifying enchanting scent that devours the void strength. there.

A Heaven Lifting Clan’s Great Monster terrifying boulders, move towards the front, and it’s incredible, the terrifying to the extreme boulders with the heaven-shaking explosion to the front of the Monster Beast, the banging bang, he Continue to lift up the boulders and squat down, open the road ahead.

“Oh.” A huge incomparable snoring came out, only a blood cockroach appeared, the huge body was like an ancient mountain, lifting a huge stick and falling down, actually smashed the boulders.

In chaos, as the battlefield moved forward, many experts and Great Monster smashed into a ball, no longer so uniform, many experts began a chaotic battle, each being besieged by the Great Monster out of the Divine Palace, it was difficult to get out of trouble.

Inferno also came to Qin Wentian. On the other side, the three guys were wandering around, and they were not besieged. The Monster Beast staring at them was also less. The Great Monster was not like Golden-Winged Great Peng. awesome.

There is a super powerful Great Monster killing alone, innate talent, with terrifying innate talent divine ability, but in the Divine Palace, there are many powerful Monster Beast figures, trapping him, all kinds of violent The innate talent divine ability was killed, and soon, the annihilation of the mighty Great Monster was annihilated, causing the strong fears, and they all warned themselves, unless absolutely sure, don’t kill alone. Too deep, will be encircled and killed.

Even though the Great Monster is so strong, everyone is still moving slowly, pulling battlefield to the top of the mountain, some Royal Clan Great Monster and Human Race are too strong, with heaven-shaking The ability.

Qin Wentian still adopts a dodge attitude. One person and two demons avoid the super-powerful Great Monster, because they walk behind, so the strength surrounding them is weak.

At this time, in front of them, Beiming Youhuang was suppressed by the cultivation base, but it was like the release of the supremacy. The release of Beiming was released, and Astral Soul came out. The Beiming strength that popped out could freeze the Monster Beast directly. The spread around her body, once covered by Beiming, will quickly lose vitality, so that Qin Wentian feels that if this woman is not suppressed realm, I do not know more terrifying.

Pei Qing is also very powerful, he can transform the External Body Incarnation battle, the three Pei Qing figures, the combat power is extraordinary, obviously practicing a strange ability.

Jiang Lineage’s Jiang Zi, the brother of Jiang Ziyu, has the mysterious Buddha Sect divine ability technique, like the body of the King Kong, defending against super terrifying, but also killing opponents in space, attacking penetration is extremely terrifying, his one The fingering method is very powerful, directly penetrates the void space, into the body of Monster Beast, can directly destroy the other side, one finger, his palm print blasts on the opponent, can make the Monster Beast incarnation Golden Body, as if solidified, then turned into Liquid death.

The one who wants to kill Qin Wentian’s Sacred Sun Cult expert is also extremely powerful. His Sun Light is released, burning and destroying everything. The Saint Beast near him will be directly burned out. Only the Saint Beast can compete against his attack strength.

“These Great Monsters walked out of the Shenshan Palace and walked out at intervals. Our speed of killing was no match for the speed of the Monster Beast. We needed to break the line at the fastest speed. Otherwise, no one could walk in. Divine Palace.” A voice came out, all people also found this phenomenon, the batch of the Great Monster from the wall pattern of the devil Divine Palace can become a real killing of the Great Monster, a batch of Before, a group of guards guarded them.

Zhu Qiang nodded, killing more violent, crazy forward, the major expert, releasing the strongest brilliance, brilliant, powerless, Great Monster crazy release of his innate talent divine ability, Human Race martial The cultivator releases the Astral Soul increase attack strighth, sends out the strongest divine ability, and I don’t know how much Great Monster fell.

“Do we want to share a little bit?” Little Rascal screamed.

“Well, but we are weaker, we share some later, deal with some little demon.” Qin Wentian nodded and said that he also thought that the deal should be dealt with some Monster Beast, or he would not know if there is any chance. Rushing in, at this moment has been low-key to show weakness, only one purpose, into the demon Divine Palace, but if all the experts can not enter later, he will not have any meaning.

I thought of this one, the two demon killed the past, and began to deal with the Monster Beast in the periphery, Qin Wentian God’s Hand urging the Great Peng body to constantly pull out the Great Peng monster art, where the demon of the common situation can withstand, killing is extremely fast, Reducing the pressure on the Monster Beast, the Monster Beast has been drastically reduced, and continues to move up to the Divine Palace. If there are some Super Great Monsters that are extremely difficult to deal with, they have already broken through.

Seeing that the Divine Palace is getting closer and closer, the strongs have become extra cautious and dignified. At this time, they understand that the breakout can only be part of the expert. Once some of the experts break through, other experts will spread more. There is no hope for the Monster Beast attack.

“There is still a little time to go to the next palace Monster Beast. The opportunity is here.” Qin Wentian is facing the Little Rascal and Inferno sound transmission. Not only they, but all the experts know that the opportunity is here. Now, they all have their own ghosts and attacks. All began to leave room for it.

“Several evil creatures are in the way, rolling.” Sacred Sun Cult’s expert saw Qin Wentian. They started to move forward, suddenly the scorpion was cold, the sun flame Ignition got up, directly move towards Qin Wentian, they shot, very terrifying .

Qin Wentian’s gaze is cold, affecting his breakout? Then go to die.

“Kill him.” Qin Wentian looked at Little Rascal and Inferno sound transmission. Inferno flashed forward and blocked Sun Fire. Qin Wentian and Little Rascal’s body rushed out like lightning.

“Destruction.” Great Peng’s eyebrows appear to appear in the third eye, turned into ruin vortex shrouded Sacred Sun Cult expert, the expert ignited the sun, burning all attacks, but see Qin Wentian claws head forward, suddenly a respect The super-strong monster art was evoked by God’s Hand, and the crazy killing came out. The Sacred Sun Cult expert was fiercely shouted. The sun flew out of the body and burned everything, covering Qin Wentian’s body.

“Hey.” Little Rascal’s body is incarnation gold, and it’s like a golden body. It’s huge, a big bang, Heaven Swallowing, the sun is swallowed directly by him, and Sacred Sun Cult expert seems to be swallowed. Falling.

In an instant, all kinds of tyrannical attacks strangled, and Sacred Sun Cult expert’s face changed dramatically, and then the tear attack of all the tears fell on his body. His face was horrified. At this moment, he saw Qin Wentian’s ice-cold boundless terrifying. Pupil, where there is a little bit of wretchedness and embarrassment, he has been showing weakness, just for the breakout of this moment.

“Boom.” The powerful strength directly destroyed him, and his eyes were extremely strong and unwilling.

“Breakout.” Qin Wentian spit out a voice, one person and two demons without any hesitation move towards the same direction straight out, the three wretched Monster Beast this time without any retreat, went straight to the peak of the mountain Palace!

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