Qin Wentian incarnation’s Great Peng body is filled with terrifying monster qi, let him be smashed by White Tiger phantom. His body trembles fiercely, but he does not move, furiously shouted, spits out the destruction and kills the sword, runs through the White Tiger. The skull of phantom will annihilate it.

His eyes ice-cold, looks at Sacred Sun Cult’s expert.

“How, dissatisfied?” Sacred Sun Cult’s expert saw Qin Wentian’s eyes cold contempt said: “This old Roc is damned, I sent him a trip in advance, you are hiding under the shelter of the old Roc. It’s a shame, but it seems that you have some strength, the mortal body is very strong, the demon is the demon, even if it is not the Great Clan’s Royal Clan, the mortal body is still very powerful, but this blow, I am afraid it is not good?”

Qin Wentian ignored it, still ice-cold watching the other side, the expert scorned: “If you want revenge, I can let you die at any time, spit out a Sun Fire, you can let you and the old Roc, Do you believe it or not?”

“Letter.” Qin Wentian saw Sun Fire in the eyes of Sacred Sun Cult expert. He said that the eyes turned and they didn’t look at each other again.

“Hey.” Sacred Sun Cult’s expert eyes scorned, simply dismissed, went on, and even lazy to kill Qin Wentian, an initial rank of the demon Peng, without the shelter of the old Roc, must die in it, he I am too lazy to do it.

“If you can survive, go on, get some benefits, change and evolve, and maybe there is a chance of revenge. Otherwise, they will kill you here, and they will have nothing to do with the ants.” “Peng Phoenix family expert whispered, Monster Race advocated fighting, Qin Wentian has the opportunity to change, go to revenge, incapable, just let it go.”

“The old Peng is damned, he can’t support himself, he is still helping the junior to stop the attack, and he will die sooner or later.” Evil God Clan’s Great Monster cold contempt, he couldn’t support it anymore, a Roc came here in the refuge. It is a shame.

Qin Wentian turned a blind eye to all the sounds of the outside world. He didn’t seem to hear their various ridicules. Here is the place where the Great Monster and Immortal Territory gather together Heaven’s Chosen characters. The ordinary Monster Beast and Human Race can’t get here, he incarnation For Peng is to act in a low-key manner. If he is in the form of true body, I am afraid that he may not be able to come here. The more the rank rank expert is, the more cruel it is.

Now these people have not yet directly competed for conflicts. Once they have, they are killing and colliding.

His nephew has a chill of light, and his heart has a killing intent, but he knows what he should do at the moment, so his footsteps are as firm as ever.

Continued to be attacked and bombarded, the strong are resisting, Qin Wentian found that the bloodline is extremely overbearing Monster Beast with the inheritance strength, although the body is difficult to move, but with innate talent strength and inheritance divine ability can ignore all attacks, Stepping forward, and of course, there are some Human Race martial cultivators, they are extremely talented, with incredible big divine ability, natural law domain is terrifying, when they put Astral Soul attached to the natural law domain attack It’s more terrifying.

Qin Wentian was as low-key as ever, and every time the attack came, he seemed to resist hard, eventually crushing the attack, followed by a Transcendent expert, and saw an initial rank Monster King Great Peng exposed. A touch of contempt.

On this ancient road, Qin Wentian witnessed a lot of powerful expert die, and the action here was limited, purely relying on the mortal body and the ability of the divine ability natural law innate talent, even the Monster King of Desolate Royal Clan. There are a lot of die, and on the ancient road to the top of the mountain, there are countless Monster Beast awakening evolution, but also destined to have many bones left in the mountains.

For the Desolate Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, this is an evolutionary, cruel evolution.

As for the Human Race of Immortal Territory, the top ranks of Human Race Heaven’s Chosen can be found here, but the income is still limited. This mountain is Monster God Mountain.

Finally, Qin Wentian of Incarnation Big Roc walked through this path, and it seemed to be extremely rough. When he came out, many eyes moved toward him, including some powerful Monster Beast and his previous counterparts. Human Race, their scorpion flashed a strange color.

“Are you living here alive?” Sacred Sun Cult expert, who killed Lao Peng, showed a fascinating expression.

The Peng Phoenix family expert is also slightly different. Although Great Peng is also an extraordinary Monster Beast, it is not Royal Clan. It is extremely difficult to get there.

“This big Roc is lucky. It seems that the death of Lao Peng Wang is fulfilled.” Evil God Clan Monster God indifferently said, many people nod, it seems that Lao Peng Wang did something before, but then How, in the end, he is still a death road.

The road ahead is not what he can go at all.

Qin Wentian took a look at the front. There are a lot of experts here, and there are many, even Monster Emperor Immortal Emperor characters. They stand in the forefront and look at the ancient road leading to the mountains.

There, there are many stalwart Great Monster Guardians. These Great Monsters are not the Great Monster from the wild, but the Great Monster, which has been guarding there. They don’t seem to have a breath of life, but they are filled with terrifying. The power, as if it were the Guardian of the Monster God Mountain, the Great Monster, they guarded the ridge of the mountain and stopped all the people who came to the place.

Before the powerful Monster Beast was powerful, they were all hit back and almost died.

“A lot of Immortal Emperor expert.” Qin Wentian was shocked. The speed of Immortal Emperor was really fast. It was here before Immortal King. He saw Great Emperor Changqing in it, as well as Immortal Territory and some Transcendent’s top rank Immortal Emperor. One of the most beautiful and holy Immortal Emperor, surrounded by endless colorful light, stands faintly, and is extremely dazzling, beautiful to the extreme, its beauty, comparable to the top rank of the Immortal Territory Northern Beiming Youhuang beauty.

Behind her, Qin Wentian saw a familiar figure, Nanhuang Guhong and several other women.

“Empress?” Qin Wentian glanced at the mighty woman, Southern Phoenix Clan’s Southern Phoenix Empress, who came in person. The Southern Phoenix Empress has a Phoenix Bloodline and has some connection with the demon. She came here and can understand it. Desolate Hundred Thousand Great Mountains Evolution is about to rise. Immortal Territory is now Heavenly Dao Saint Academy. All the top rank forces feel that Immortal Territory is changing and will change greatly. It is necessary to enhance the momentum and plan ahead.

Not only is the Southern Phoenix Empress arrived, but Beiming Youhuang is a great old woman behind a middle-aged man. The middle-aged standing is like a supreme being, majestic and unparalleled, and it is the Great Emperor Beiming that Qin Wentian has seen.

There is also Pei Qing who has some grievances with Qin Wentian. He is standing behind an old man. The old man is temperamental, and he is a master of Pei Qing. Top rank Immortal Emperor, although it does not open up territory, Just in the mountain Immortal Sect collects the discipline, but his strength is strong enough, the influence is extremely terrifying, and can be equal to the Great Emperor Beiming, similar to Emperor Ji.

In addition, there are many Immortal Emperor coming, of course, the Monster Emperor is more, and the breath is even more amazing, like a Desolate Monster god, the power of heaven-shaking.

“Everyone, when the road to Monster God Mountain can be opened, has been waiting for a lot of time.” Asked by the peerless Monster Emperor.

“There are still a lot of people who haven’t arrived, and the others are all together. The road to Monster God to Monster God Mountain is open, don’t ask.” A vain voice came and responded to each other’s words, all people were super expert. Naturally, I am very impatient, just because I am too excited about Monster God Mountain.

Some people are speculating, who made this sound, is Monster God Mountain spiritual? But for the mysterious Monster God Mountain, no matter how strange they are, they won’t doubt it.

In such a place, even the ultimate Immortal King is not very conspicuous, not to mention the low rank Immortal King Qin Wentian incarnation.

He stood at the back, looking at these top figures, the depths of the eyes were faint, and his eyes moved to a place where there was a super Monster Emperor character with nine skulls, each of which was like Monster God, which devours the heavens and the earth, reveals a sense of supreme majesty. On his shoulder, there is a little white brat, which looks a bit funny, as if it should not appear here.

“Great Emperor Fan Tian.” Qin Wentian glanced at the Great Monster, similar to the Great Emperor Fan Tian seen in Ancient Emperor City, which means that Little Rascal’s race is likely to be with Great Emperor Fan Tian. The race has a relationship. I didn’t expect the Ancient Great Emperor Great Emperor Fan Tian, ​​which was once shook the world, was really a Monster Emperor.

Inferno is on the other side, and they are all Monster King.

“It seems that this super-strong Monster Emperor gave them a big chance, and with the opportunity of Monster God Mountain everywhere, they have changed.” Qin Wentian secretly said in heart, this is Shenshan, the first wild Legendary Land, There is a super Monster Emperor escort, and how Monster Beast like Little Rascal and Inferno may not evolve.

Little Rascal sneaked back and looked at Qin Wentian, blinking at Qin Wentian, who was incarnation for Peng, Qin Wentian eyes looks at his side, slightly decapitated, but no one cares about his subtle movements.

There are still people coming out in the rear, and the road ahead is still not allowed to set foot. Waiting, it seems that as long as you have passed the previous level, you already have the qualification to go to the top of the mountain, so the spirit of the mountain is deliberately waiting for the rear. Hey.

Qin Wentian quietly walked to the side, closed his eyes, quiet practice, still inconspicuous, no one cares about the existence of a common big Roc.

This practice is for a long time.

Finally, there was a dazzling brilliance above the mountain of God, and the ancient road that was sealed in the front finally opened up, revealing a wonderful atmosphere.

Those Monster Emperor Immortal Emperor characters showed an amazing momentum, and then they stepped out and walked to the ancient road without any hesitation. For Monster Emperor, this is a very rare opportunity for them. For Immortal Emperor, even if it is not To the advantage, you have to sneak a peek at the secret of the first Legend.

Many experts, step by step, Qin Wentian of incarnation Great Peng got up, followed behind all people, obscured, stepped into the ancient road, and when he stepped inside, he saw those experts in front, all trapped in closed space. Above battlefield, on the ancient road, there are infinite demon spirits, directly bringing those who have set foot on the ancient road into the space battlefield.

Qin Wentian only felt a terrifying strength hang over himself. Then he himself entered a space battlefield. The power of the heavens and the earth seemed to be evacuated. He couldn’t mobilize the natural law strength. He can rely on only The strength of the body, and the strength of the mortal body.

This road to the top of the mountain is not good!

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