The mountains are vast, endless, too big to be imagined, and all the monsters come to the mountains and rush into them. The Immortal Territory expeditions rushed into the mountains, but even so, in the endless Desolate Great Monster In front of it, the Immortal Territory martial cultivator still looks very small.

Qin Wentian walked all the way in Monster God Mountain and went to the golden ancient mountain standing in the Vault of Heaven to explore the secrets of the mountains. On the way, they witnessed countless shocks. Monster Beast evolved and changed. It is being played in every corner of the mountain. Of course, compared to the evolutionary Monster Beast, the number of wild monsters of the die is only a lot, and there are many corpses in the mountains.

Even Qin Wentian, their entire group, also smashed a lot of Monster Beast.

“We are too slow.” A few months later, Qin Wentian looks at the front, whispered, they have been through the sweeping of the land, the Desolate Great Monster is too much, they are still blocked in Broken At Sky City, Desolate Great Monster was ready, and there was a Monster Emperor Immortal Emperor character in front of it, even if there was a treasure, it was swept away.

“Desolate Monster Clan is endless, and there are many Royal Clan Monster Beast, how powerful, you see Peng Phoenix family know how fast he is terrifying, and they are faster than speed.” Changqing Longhao shook his head: “And, we I didn’t expect that Shenshan was so big that I couldn’t get to the end.”

“There seems to be a building in front.” At this moment, Battle Saint Clan had a top rank Immortal King started talking, Qin Wentian and the others eyes flash, move towards, looking far away, they speeded up, their hearts twitched, it was not a building. It is a demon city standing in the endless mountain range, endless, extending to the endless distance, at the foot of the mountain.

“The demon city, there is a vast and endless demon city in the mountain.” Qin Wentian and the others walked to the front of the demon city, staring ahead, this demon city is very old, revealing the ancient atmosphere, and monster qi is raging in it. That is the breath that Desolate Monster Beast has left.

“We are getting closer and closer to the secrets of the mountains. The Monster Emperor Immortal Emperor characters, with their power, are afraid that they are already at the foot of the mountain.” Nanhuang Mingyue started talking.

“Immortal Sense is blocked, we can’t do it where we want to peep too far, we can only use our eyes to explore it step by step.”

“But this also saves some trouble.” Qin Wentian started talking, if Immortal Sense is unimpeded, I am afraid that many people will directly lock it to kill him, but without Immortal Sense, the vast mountain, it is not easy to meet .

“Let’s go.” Stepping into the demon city, they found that the demon city has been occupied by the Desolate Great Monster, surrounded by the mighty Monster King, which can be seen everywhere. These Monster Kings are placed in the Immortal Territory, which is the Immortal King.

Like the Immortal King, Monster King is very difficult, but the base is so great that Monster God Mountain is now, the King of Deserte Monster is all coming, so the number will be super terrifying, equivalent to the Immortal King of the entire Immortal Territory. I can’t imagine how much.

They stepped into the demon city and continued to move forward. They stepped into the depths of the demon city. The goal remained the same. Shenshan, only the mountain of God, had the strongest attraction to them.

“What happened?” Just then, there were several top ranks, Immortal King, and the move towards the front, where there was a magnificent and magnificent demon palace, from which terrifying monster qi storm rolled over, next Moment, they saw the demon palace, the storm turned into a Monster King army composed of various Monster Beast.

“This…” Qin Wentian, their hearts trembled, Monster King army, hundreds of Monster King, the mighty, monster qi sweeping the world.

At this moment, the disadvantages of Immortal Sense’s obstruction were revealed. When they approached, they noticed the danger.

“They are dead spirits.” Nanhuang Mingyue suddenly said, Qin Wentian, they also discovered that although this demon army is terrifying, it is not a real demon, but a body of the dead, but the breath is actually The tyrannical, can not explain.

Could it be the unique environment of Monster God Mountain that made them? It seems that there is only this explanation.

“Saint Lord, go.” Qin Wentian started talking, all people moments moving towards the side, the Monster King army directly moved towards them, they chased the past, there are Monster Beast on the way, they seem to have not seen, the target is only them.

“It seems to be only tracking Human Race. Let’s try it separately.” Qin Wentian spoke up, the three people nodded, Qin Wentian and Battle Saint Clan’s move towards one direction, Changqing Longhao and Nanhuang Mingyue each move towards Leave in one direction.

I saw that the Monster King army was also scattered, move towards three different directions, confirming Qin Wentian’s guess, these Monster King will kill Human Race.

“Continue to disperse, Qi Yu will follow me.” Qin Wentian said again, the people of Battle Saint Clan were scattered. At this moment, the Monster King’s necromancer seemed to pause for a while, then moved again in different directions. There are not many people chasing Qin Wentian and Qi Yu.

After a while, Qin Wentian stopped and looked at Qi Yu: “Can it be solved?”

“No problem.” Qi Yu nodded, turned and walked forward, screaming, heaven-shaking, Divine Ape, and he slammed the battle palm print, covering one day, hōng lóng lóng The terrifying sound came out, and the dead spirits were instantly obliterated. Qi Yu without the slightest hesitation stepped out, fighting against the natural law domain, shrouded all monsters, and sent out the most violent attacks. In less than a moment, they would Those Monster Beast are all erased.

“Young Master, be careful.” Qi Yu said to Qin Wentian that Saint Lord could not be called outside, so they called Qin Wentian Young Master for convenience.

“Well, this demon city has the Monster King.” Qin Wentian was a little shocked. The two changed direction and continued to go to the mountain. On the way, they saw many Monster Beast palaces. This demon city seems to be Like the territory of the Great Monster, the most splendid Monster Beast is the king of the Great Monster.

“What is there?” Qi Yu looked in a direction and saw several Desolate Monster wolves gather together. They were staring at a terrifying bloody giant statue, urging some mysterious strength, their body was released. With bloody brilliance, what is faint is like awakening.

“It’s the palace of the demon who used to live in their wild ancestors, leaving inheritance, which can inspire their potential.” Qin Wentian whispered, only heard a sharp wolf Wang Xiaosheng came out, then, in Qin Wentian and Under the stunned gaze, one of the demon wolf kings became bigger, and his bloody wings were born behind him. The four hooves were thicker and the claws became sharper, and the mysterious blood color symbol imprint lingered.

“It seems that Saint Lord is in the middle. The wolf is not a high-level bloodline Monster Beast, but occasionally some kings are born. Their inheritance cannot be directly transmitted in the bloodline style directly like those of Saint Beast. Can rely on other methods.” Qi Yu said, Qin Wentian nodded.

“There are a lot of Monster Kings fighting for something.” Qi Yu pointed in one direction.

“And there, there are a lot of bone symbols, each bone symbol has a strong strength, releasing the brilliance and condensing into a Monster Beast phantom.” There is a place where the Great Monster phantom is born by the strength of the bone symbol. There are many Great Monsters around there to experience this mysterious strength.

“Everywhere is the opportunity, Desolate Monster Clan, really wants to change.” Qin Wentian exclaimed that from the beginning of the mountain, the opportunity of the way, the Deserte Monster Beast evolved and changed.

“Young Master also cultivates the strength of the demon. The various strengths left in the Monster King Palace may be helpful to the Young Master. Can you stop looking?” Qi Yu suggested that Qin Wentian has been moving forward and has no intention of staying. .

“From the time you step into the mountain, you see it. All the way forward, the opportunity is constant, never stops, and it must be the more behind, the greater the opportunity, the mountain, what is the big chance?” Qin Wentian looks over there, looking forward to Road.

“But the more we go forward, the bigger the Great Monster is, the bigger the danger is. In fact, some Monster Beast is very smart, and the competition for what they can do is satisfied.” Qi Yu is worried, Qin Wentian is the secret of the mountain, although he Knowing the ambition of Saint Lord, the heart is higher than the sky, but he can feel that the degree of danger is gradually increasing.

In particular, Young Master is just Human Race.

“Qi Yu, I understand what you mean, you go to find your own inheritance, don’t have to follow me.” Qin Wentian started talking.

“Young Master.” Qi Yu face slightly changed, but before I saw Qin Wentian, the monster qi swept out, and immediately slammed, a Great Peng figure covered the sky, the monster qi filled, like a real Monster Beast, unlike Human Race.

“You didn’t find these wilder Monster Beasts. If they don’t have direct conflicts with each other, don’t they start with Monster Beast. They are as smart as Human Race, and they want to be very strong, so they don’t want to touch the direct interests, they are willing to watch. To all Monster Race evolution.” Qin Wentian said: “So, the form of the demon is very safe, I am determined to go, go.”

Said, Big Peng Zhan wings, swayed up, went straight to the direction of the mountain, Qi Yu looks at Qin Wentian’s figure, bright glow glittering, then lifted up and continued to move forward, Saint Lord demon, do not let him Protection, but he can’t really leave, even if he doesn’t walk with Saint Lord, he has to follow behind at the sights, and if he encounters a crisis, he still gets his hand.

After all, even if Saint Lord can fight the middle rank Immortal King, it still looks a little lacking in this mountain.

Qin Wentian of incarnation Great Peng walked above void and stopped for a moment. He met many Great Monster raise one’s heads to see him, but he didn’t have the meaning of winning with the shemale Desolate Great Monster, and it was blocked by nobody.

Galloping on the Vault of Heaven, the eyes sweep through the scenes below, and my heart is even more shocked. This demon city seems to be the place where the super-strong Monster Beast has been guarded by the generations, leaving an endless inheritance.

However, this Monster Beast is guarded in front of the mountain, like the guardian mountain.

So, what is Shenshan?

Qi Wentian, who has been moving all the way, is getting closer and closer to the mountain of God. He came to the end of the demon city. Although he is flying in the air, he still needs to look up at the mountain. The mountain is really bordering the Vault of Heaven. There is no end, you need to Below, all the way up the mountain.

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