Qin Tian’s tremors, Human Race’s practice can’t be achieved overnight. Monster Beast has an advantage over Human Race. Monster Beast’s innate talent has been determined from birth, and what race can achieve, so Monster Beast When you get the chance, you can often improve more than Human Race.

Monster God Mountain is known as the first Legend of the wild, but it is just a name. Many of the Heaven and Earth Treasures here have allowed Monster Beast to evolve. Although realm can’t jump directly, Monster Beast pays more attention to essence than realm. The evolution, after all, is a kind of python, practice to a strong point to transform into a dragon, but the treasure here can make Dragon Python evolve into a dragon, which is not only the improvement of strength, but the transformation of nature. .

This effect, similar to the role of Saint Sunlight, is even more direct than Saint Sunlight, Monster God Mountain, everywhere Saint Sunlight, this is terrifying sacred land, no wonder Desolate Monster Clan is a god, a sacred place.

Of course, since it is heaven defying treasure, there must be risks. Many Monster Beasts are tragically dead, and the path of wild evolution will inevitably lead to the death of the endless Desolate Great Monster die, the elimination of those weak, and the remaining ones are the evolutionary changes experienced. The demon, undoubtedly, the wild strength, will skyrocket.

“This is the usual Desolate Monster Beast. If the Desolate Royal Clan’s Monster Beast has evolved, how terrifying will it be?” Nanhuang Mingyue whispered, some worried about Immortal Territory.

“The Great Monster of Desolate Royal Clan is rich in bloodline itself, the bloodline is pure and powerful, they want to change the evolutionary conditions naturally more harsh, and the ordinary treasure is afraid of not being able to do it.” Changqing Longhao responded that this is all people agree Nod, the same treasure, the higher the realm, the stronger the bloodline innate talent, the worse the Monster Beast is. The weaker the Monster Beast, the stronger the Monster Beast is, and the Monster Beast is directly killed by the backlash of the treasure. Weak and can’t afford it.

“The mountain is unfathomable, we just walked in, there must be amazing secrets inside.” Qin Wentian started talking: “Go ahead.”

All people nodded, stepping forward, endless Desolate Great Monster stepping into Monster God Mountain, thinking about getting an opportunity, no one can take care of the deal with these Human Race, no need, so step into the Monster God Mountain Human The Race martial cultivator is also free to move forward, thinking that the grass plants growing here are of great use to Monster Beast. What if they take it?

Qin Wentian Their Immortal Sense was blocked and could only be rushed to the air. They continued to move forward. They did not compete with the Monster Beast for the fruits of the ancient tree underneath. If they were taken, they would inevitably lead to the siege of the Great Monster, and these things , can not make them heart.

Their goal is the depths of Monster God Mountain, and they want to peek into the mysteries of the mountains.

What makes Qin Wentian shocked is that even at this moment, the mountain is still changing, and the Monster God Mountain, which borders the Vault of Heaven, with the endless divine shine, is filled with the brilliance of the sun, and it is endless. Space, constantly changing the landscape, heaven splitting earth shattering, sometimes Qin Wentian suddenly there will be a crack in front of them, there will be a mountain directly.

“I feel a strong breath, and my temperament is somewhat close.” Nanhuang Mingyue suddenly said that Qin Wentian eyes flash, Southern Phoenix Clan people have Phoenix Bloodline, if they are close to their breath, very Maybe there is a demon in the Phoenix Bloodline.

“Which direction?” Qin Wentian asked.

“This side.” Nanhuang Mingyue pointed to a certain position, and then went there, all people Immortal Sense was blocked, only by the eyes, for a moment, their eyes were a condensate, looking a distance to the front skeleton.

It was a huge skeleton, high in skull, then annihilated, still the same, to death is arrogant, refused to bow.

The blood has drained, the mortal body is not there, only a skeleton is left, but even if it is a skeleton, there is a strong temperament on the top, and there is a strong breath on the skeleton, which is faintly bloody. The light of symbol imprint, that is the bone symbol.

“It’s the real Phoenix, the skeleton left by pure blood Phoenix.” Southern Phoenix Clan all people trembled. In this secret realm, there is a true bloodline pure Phoenix skeleton. It is incredible. It is exactly what it is.

In front, there are a lot of people, the Expert of the Loss Monster Clan, the expert of the Human Race, both sides seem to have swords drawn and bows bent, all staring at the Phoenix skeleton, as if they want to win.

Qin Wentian looks at the bloody bone symbol on the Phoenix skeleton, which imprints a powerful strength. This skeleton is worthy of a city. It is called a supreme treasure, and it is not comparable to the fruits of the evolution of Monster Beast.

“This Phoenix should be in front of Monster Emperor, the demon of the sky, she has already become a natural law, the body’s bones are imprinted with strange natural law strength, this skeleton’s symbol imprint, may even be able to comprehend Out of Phoenix’s means of inheritance.” Nanhuang Mingyue has a hot gaze. Her Southern Phoenix Clan is a totem with Phoenix, and many phoenix art is practiced, but it can’t be compared with True Phoenix, which really has bloodline inheritance strength, unless it is at the level of Empress. Relying on oneself to realize many powerful means of heaven.

The eyes gathered around the skeleton move towards this side, I saw one of the Great Monster’s cold-haired started talking: “Roll, this is not where you can stay.”

This Great Monster eyes is unparalleled, although it is human, but with bloody wings behind it.

“Peng Phoenix family.” Qin Wentian eyes flash.

“Get out of the way, don’t get in the way.” I saw a sharp voice coming, and they yelled at Qin Wentian. The person who spoke was the Human Race martial cultivator. Qin Wentian had seen him before, and Supreme Sword Sect’s Shangguan Jianyi. Extremely powerful, killing a Great Monster Tao Tie is the top rank Heaven’s Chosen, cultivation base middle rank Immortal King peak in Heavenly Dao Saint Academy.

The surrounding atmosphere is frenzied, and the people here and the Great Monster seem to have collided before, and now they are squatting in the void.

“Jokes, inside Monster God Mountain, you can stay here, can’t we?” Qin Wentian looked cold, ice-cold said.

“Supreme Sword Sect, great power.” Nanhuang Mingyue’s cold mouth, her Southern Phoenix Clan, don’t tell me even have no qualifications for competition, Shangguan Jianyi dared to humiliate them.

“It’s another group of Human Races that don’t know how to beat.” The Phoenix Phoenix family’s expert is open.

“I don’t know fate.” There is a sun-golden bird body that bathes in the flames of light, shining all directions, and the temperature is extremely hot.

“You Southern Phoenix Clan wants this True Phoenix skeleton, but it’s not enough.” There is also the Human Race martial cultivator ice-cold opening of Ying Clan lineage, they are the southern part of the same as Southern Phoenix Clan, naturally they will not look at This skeleton falls into the hands of Southern Phoenix Clan.

“Competing for treasure, each with its own skills.” Qin Wentian indifference spit out a voice.

“Jokes.” Shangguan Jianyi’s brow was picked up, and the eyelids seemed to be good for the sword to penetrate, directly to Qin Wentian.

Although the True Phoenix skeleton has no direct effect on Supreme Sword Sect, it can be used to refine the superimmortal weapon magic weapon, a large skeleton, worthless, comparable to the emperor weapon, even in the hands of those in need. The value will be more terrifying.

“While you are out of the ordinary, you are entering the world, but you are arrogant and arrogant, and you are vying for treasure. Just rely on you, Changqing Longhao, Nanhuang Mingyue? You ask them, in Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, whether Like me, let alone your low rank Immortal King Qin Wentian, if nobody protects, killing you with a sword is enough.”

Shangguan Jianyi has sharp eyes, penetrates void, and has a powerful killing intent in his eyes. Here, there have been major forces participating in the competition. Qin Wentian, they have to mess up again, it is more trouble.

“Others have been treated as a guest by Southern Phoenix Clan, thinking that they can have a bright future and their natural state of mind is expanding. I don’t know the size of Immortal Territory, but the mobs of the Eastern Saint Immortal Sect can be included. Nanhuang Mingyue, you Southern Phoenix Clan Maintaining a younger generation, I really hope that he will grow up in the future, sad.” Ying Clan’s expert cold mouth: “No more, first deal with you.”

They teamed up with Supreme Sword Sect, deal with two Great Monster Clan forces, and Qin Wentian came in and wanted to take advantage of the fishermen, which was absolutely impossible.

Seeing that the Human Race martial cultivator had a dispute, the Peng Phoenix family and the Sun Golden Bird stood proudly void, squinting the Qin Wentian entire group.

Qin Wentian eyes flash, these guys don’t want to deal with the people with the Monster Race, but they must first suppress them. He flashed cold glint in the middle of the battle, saying: “I used to be Ying Clan younger generation Ying Teng, Supreme Sword Sect called Supreme. Sword generation, how proud they are, just like you can’t be in front of you, but they are either humiliated by me or directly killed, and I have already been left behind by immortality. I really don’t know how qualified you are. This to boast shamelessly, ridiculous and generous, is simply shameless.”

“I don’t know fate.” Ying Clan lineage A Royal Clan Immortal King expert is unparalleled and unpretentious. He overlooks Qin Wentian. He has a faint voice of dragon roar. He saw that he took a step and was overbearing, staring at Qin Wentian. Road: “You have attached a lot of power, but I am Ying Clan lineage to kill you, you can live tomorrow, I am equal to your realm, give you a chance to fight with me, lest I say that Ying Clan bullies you.”

This person is like a True Dragon when it comes out, like the ferocious beast, the domineering is unparalleled, he is Ying Clan’s Royal Clan expert, Ying Clan Heaven’s Chosen, his tyrannical, his Ying Clan southern part three ancient clan One, even if Qin Wentian is more prestige, dare to kill it directly.

“You want to kill me, I can’t live tomorrow?” Qin Wentian coldly spoke, stepped out, and looked at the eyes of Supreme Sword Sect all people. He knew that many people saw themselves in Monster God Mountain and wanted to be themselves. The life of it.

“Then I want to see, how do you kill me.” Qin Wentian went out, the natural law domain was released, and in a flash, the demon’s ruin of the demolition swept the world.

“For me to block anyone’s interference, I want him to die.” Qin Wentian said indifferently, only a few Battle Saint Clan expert nodded, took a step and was ready to shoot.

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