Qin Wentian broke out with Tuoba Shengtian as the main battle, and the other three major positions also broke out in an extremely fierce battle.

The powerful battle formation of the 36 Battle Saint Clan expert is endless. They stand alone against hundreds of Immortal Kings and encounter very terrifying cofferdam attacks. However, the battle formation consisting entirely of Battle Saint Clan experts is too powerful.

The Four Saint Battle Formation is a powerful battle formation, but not everyone is suitable for the Four Saint Battle Formation. They can only choose the appropriate Immortal King. The Battle Saint Clan’s expert is different. The battle formation is Battle Saint. Clan’s battle formation is a battle formation tailored for them. The combination of 36 people’s battle formation can be used as does one pleases.

What’s more, Battle Saint Clan’s 36 big expert itself is very high, 16 top rank Immortal King level characters, this is terrifying, others are also middle rank Immortal King, so before they can achieve strong grinding Pressing on each other’s battle formation, when they release Battle Saint, the endless void has only a strong battle, sweeping everything.

Every attack, if someone dares to confront each other, it is mortal. There are already more than ten Immortal King expert die in their hands. The only one who dares to confront them, is always holding back, and then relying on the strength of everyone. Kill, all kinds of immortal weapon took out, move towards Battle Saint Clan’s expert kill, but no one dares to be too close.

In the void, the huge boundless battle Divine Ape eyes stunned, the sound burst, the space trembled, the low rank Immortal King instantly vomited blood, the body kept trembled, only feeling to be killed by this twins .

“Turn off their formation and don’t let them establish this connection.” The supreme characters in void are indifferent, and the Battle Saint Clan 36 people are wrapped in battle formation, although they occupy different positions, when they attack one of them. At the time, the power of the battle formation instantly moved toward the attacked expert, so that they could not break the formation, and they could only be slowly hunted by the people of Battle Saint Clan.

All people expression It doesn’t look good, these Immortal King are all and the others, who don’t know to break the connection of Battle Saint Clan expert to break the great formation, but they have no chance at all, relying on the individual strength to counter such a battle Formation is undoubtedly a banyan tree, and their warfare does not dare to confront each other.

I saw the experts in Battle Saint Clan battle formation all with an ancient seal, they appeared as if they had a divine shine, and the bones of the body emerged from the battle light. The path between the heavens and the earth was a light of the battle, and it was released from the Vault of Heaven. Next, fighting Divine Ape’s huge fists in the heart before the heart, then the hands together, the same ancient seal, so that the enemy’s expert eyes are condensed there, this huge battle Divine Ape even condensed ancient seal, Suddenly the whole world resonance, they all feel the power of this endless space super battle.

“Be careful, interrupt them.” Supreme Heavenly Peng loudly shouted in void, although he can’t participate in the battle, but still in the command, it is not a violation of the rules.

Supreme Heavenly Peng has felt the amount of fighting strength between the heavens and the earth in resonance, the 36 bit expert synthesizes the battle formation, the battleblood and the skeleton in the body of all Immortals are in resonance, which makes him produce a bad foreboding, faint I feel that this blow must be earth-shattering.

When the endless amount of resonance fighting strength condenses together, I saw the battle Divine Ape roaring into the sky, the world is trembled, a huge boundless war word appears, and rapidly expanding, covering the vast endless void, the ancient character of this battle is hidden 36 is a terrifying breath of powerful Immortal King.

Then, the 36 Big Immortal King simultaneously moved toward the palm of the hand, and the word “Move Toward” swept out in front. In an instant, there was a battle torrent between the heavens and the earth, destroying all existence, all Immortals Wang face color was shocked, all gathered the strongest attack. The crazy move towards this ancient character attacked, but when their attack fell on the ancient character, it was instantly destroyed, crushed and smashed into nothingness.

“Boom…” As soon as the ancient character of extreme is coming to the front of an expert, the expert directly touched the strength of the resonance, instantly turned into a powder, scattered with the wind, and even screams were too late to be sent.

“Avoid.” Supreme Heavenly Peng snorted again, and All Immortals seemed to realize what it was, directly moving towards the farther away from the battlefield, while making the strongest attack resistance.

The sound of the cymbal came out, and the ancient character of the battle swept away. The Immortal King character was turned into dust, and the smoke was extinguished. Even the battle formation collapsed instantly. When the ancient character swept away, half of the battle formation had expert. Was directly annihilated? The other half of the expert also suffered different degrees of injury, and some with the help of the divine weapon magic weapon to save their lives.

The people in the battle formation are like this, and the rest of the people need not say more, the ancient character of the war is constantly weakened, and finally turned into endless warfare dissipated in the air, but this battlefield, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect hundreds of Immortal King, There are only a few dozen Immortal Kings.

Of course, the battle formation of Battle Saint Clan almost scatters on their own, the battle Divine Ape disappears, their breath floats, this blow consumes their great strength, only to see that they still hold their own position, knees Sitting, standing in this world, actually closed the eyes.

Eastern Saint Immortal Sect The living Immortal King has a lingering heart, pale face, ugly extreme, and dare not attack.

“Oh…” Immortal Emperor Dongsheng was crushed by the chess pieces he held in his hand. His face was blue and he glanced at the expert of Battle Saint Clan.

“The same bloodline, and even the bones contain the power of battle, which must be an ancient and powerful ancient clan.” Immortal Emperor Dongsheng trembled in his heart, however, such an Ancient Family, why not heard of it in Immortal Territory, a little news None, these people, why should they follow Qin Wentian?

Although he also admits that Qin Wentian innate talent is powerful, practice is extremely fast, and fighting strength is also fierce, but after all, his realm is still weak, Immortal Stage, how can there be all Immortals, this is simply not the same.

“Dongsheng, it seems that there are many people, not necessarily useful. The battlefield has the biggest advantage in terms of number, it seems to be the worst.” Sovereign Qian Bian said with a smile, the east of the battlefield, only one of them only has the Battle Saint Clan 36 Immortal King, he did not think that there would be such a situation, Qin Wentian people can be alone, which relieved him a lot of pressure.

“That blow is as great as their loss, and the outcome is not divided, and there are other battlefields.” Immortal Emperor Dongsheng coldly said that the battlefield battle in the south is also very fierce, the major expert crazy collision together, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect is still dominated by battle formation, all Immortals, and the battlefield of Qin Wentian is similar, even behind them, there is also a very powerful character, he is good at spiritual strength, can stimulate Eastern Saint Immortal Sect experts The will to fight, at the same time, let Thousand Changes Immortal Sect’s desperate feelings of life, in his natural law domain, everyone’s mental emotions are affected.

“The illusion art of the spiritual class, to the extent of the illusion art natural law practice, cast the field of spiritual illusion art, Immortal Emperor Dongsheng, is this character, also cultivated by your Eastern Saint Immortal Sect?” asked Sovereign Qian Bian.

“As long as I can win this war, is it cultivated by my Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, what is the relationship?” Immortal Emperor Dongsheng sneered.

“Of course there is a relationship. If you cultivated it by Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, I am afraid it will be distressed. If not, it is that other people are distressed.” Sovereign Qian Bian smiled and said.

“What do you mean?” Immortal Emperor Dongsheng coldly said, but at this time, his brow wrinkled, move towards looking far away, next moment, Immortal Emperor Dongsheng’s Immortal Sense move towards invisible space, He felt a wave of volatility, from the volatility of the void space, his Immortal Sense could not detect who the other person is, only the fluctuations, it seems that someone is shuttle in the void space, and everyone is no longer the same interface.

Immortal Emperor Dongsheng’s face changed, and then sound transmission: “Be careful.”

The man who is good at mental illusion art attacks frowns. His perception is extremely sharp. At this time, he notices that an unusual atmosphere is approaching rapidly, his eyes suddenly turn, and move towards somewhere. In the past, terrifying’s spiritual strength struck out, but he couldn’t find a foothold. He couldn’t lock the opponent’s position.

“Oh…” A sword hit, the cold light shines, the moment can make people’s eyes unable to open, ice-cold as the cold moon’s sword light assassination, is coming to the extreme, a powerful Immortal King character, From the illusion, a powerful blow was made.

His palm moves toward the front, the spirit illusion art is released, and the powerful strength is attacked, but at the next moment, the ray of light disappears without a trace, and there is no trace, but the crisis More intense, he quickly stepped back, but when he saw the space behind him, there was a wave of volatility. He looked blank and wanted to turn around. A sword light appeared again from nothingness, stabbed, and quickly allowed. These three points were applied. A limit.

“pū cī ……” A sword passed the throat, the expert still turned around in the future, a cold sword appeared in the throat, the sound of pū cī came out, the sword, the other body’s body flashed, disappeared again.

Immortal Emperor Dongsheng’s face is even more ugly. He is very prepared for this time. Please move a number of extraordinary characters, not only the battle formation, but also the top rank Immortal King, which increases the attack and weakens the opponent’s group battle, but Thousand Changes Immortal The preparation of Sect seems to be more complete, and it makes Immortal Emperor Dongsheng feel a cold. The other party seems to have a targeted deal with them, and all the tactics they have prepared are seen through.

“Infernalism.” Immortal Emperor Dongsheng once again thought of traitors, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect more than one traitor, Sovereign Qian Bian was mixed into his Eastern Saint Immortal Sect many years ago, and more than one, and now may even be at the core status.

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