Qin Wentian, the three people have left, and the hearts of all people have not yet subsided.

Ageless Immortal Mountain is a decade-old feast, but at this moment, the main peak is split, palm print is branded on it, the two most outstanding disciplines of the main peak, Xue Qingyang publicly begged for mercy, Qiu Mo 陨, Xue Family elders were Hey, the people of Qiu Family are all erased.

The cause of all this is only because Qiu Mo does not respect Mo Qingcheng, and the Qiu Family elders insulted Mo Qingcheng.

If it is known that Mo Qingcheng’s husband has such terrifying energy, Qiu Mo Xue Qingyang and the others, will not dare to provoke Mo Qingcheng.

Ye Rou was sweating at the moment, only feeling weak, but fortunately she was just a nameless pawn, Qin Wentian never looked at it, and she couldn’t say anything at Dan Ban, otherwise she would humiliate Mo Qingcheng. I am afraid that the ending at this moment is the same as Qiu Mo.

Her taciturn cold Ageless Immortal Mountain number one beauty Junior Martial Sister, turned out that her husband was actually like this person was ridiculous Sadly, she often encouraged the pursuit of Qiu Mo Mo Qingcheng accepted, and now think about it, this is How ridiculous, there is such a husband, how can Mo Qingcheng see Qiu Mo.

Ye Rou took another look at her fiancé and sighed in her heart. The gap between her and Mo Qingcheng’s partner is the same as the gap between her and Mo Qingcheng. The difference between Heaven and Earth is irreparable.

Ninth Peak is more complicated at the moment. Only they know that Ageless Immortal Emperor is practicing in Immortal Mountain. Such a big movement must be known, but it does not come out. The reason behind this makes them feel a tremor.

Next, it’s time to clean up.

But all this has nothing to do with Qin Wentian. Since he chose to go out, he can only take Qingcheng away. Even if she is not practicing outside, he will find a way to make himself strong and strong enough to help Mo Qingcheng a little bit. It becomes stronger, or even if Mo Qingcheng does not change, he must be able to protect her forever. This is his responsibility.

Qin Wentian They quietly returned to the city of Cloud Province. Today, the Earth Territory in the thirteen states is extremely tight. The army is surrounded by the borders of the Cloud Province. It is almost a siege. The vast boundaries of the Cloud Province can feel the land. A tense atmosphere, these days, many powerful characters on the land of Cloud Province have left, they have the ability to avoid this battlefield, naturally to go, so as not to be affected by this war.

At this level of war, it is very likely that a large-scale battle of Immortal King will erupt. If the two sides deliberately suppress it, but there are so many things that have been taken care of during the chaos, a little carelessness can have disastrous consequences, a city. It may be razed to the ground because of a big battle. Those who have the ability to go, of course, have to go out to take refuge.

Today, the vast land of Cloud Province is almost only the people who go out. Few people come to the land of Cloud Province. Qin Wentian goes straight to the Thousand Changes Immortal Sect in Cloud Province. Mo Qingcheng also learned during the return journey. The situation in Cloud Province City, Qin Wentian wanted to escort her away, but Mo Qingcheng insisted that she would stay with him, Qin Wentian did not insist too much, this war will not be so miserable, let He can’t even protect a person, and then he will die unless he himself.

Among the Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, Qin Wentian first sent Qingcheng back to his house, let Qi Yu go back, and he himself went to the house of Bai Wuya.

Bai Wuya’s house was shrouded in a magical mind, shielding other people’s Immortal Sense. If someone invades, they immediately know that this is the means that expert will use. Qin Wentian can easily do it now, if not, if it is not blocked. Immortal Sense is easy to be seen by people, and as long as you cover your home with your thoughts, others immediately know that you don’t want to be disturbed by Immortal Sense. This is a rule of obedience. Forcible invasion is a taboo and will be offended. People, like the commoner home, closed the door from the house, but you broke into the door.

Qin Wentian came to the Bai Wuya house and let the maid snorted. Then he stepped into the house of Bai Wuya and found that there were many people in the Bai Wuya house, and after the sweep, he smiled. The people here are all Heavenly Symbol Boundary people.

It seems that at this time of crisis, Thousand Changes Immortal Sect itself is not enough. After all, it needs to be resisted by the strength of Heavenly Symbol Boundary, which is also expected by him. After all, from the beginning of the creation of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect by Sovereign, Inextricably linked to Heavenly Symbol Boundary.

Moreover, Heavenly Symbol Boundary has been assigned a task, assisting Thousand Changes Immortal Sect to destroy Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, unified 13 states, if true, then Dongsheng thirteen states will be renamed Qian Bian thirteen states.

“Junior Martial Brother Qin is back.” All people sat chatting and chatting, and when Qin Wentian came over, one of them laughed and said hello, it was Death Bladesman.

“For years, the Senior Martial Brother is still the same,” Qin Wentian said with a smile.

“Why do I have any style, but you, when you met you, you were so low in realm, now it is Immortal King, and you are going to catch up with me.” Death Bladesman exclaimed: “Bai Wuya’s vision is really amazing. ”

“Now think about upgrading realm, may not be easy.” Qin Wentian said with a smile, he deliberately looked at Death Bladesman the cultivation base, is a middle rank Immortal King Realm expert, had in Granule World War I, when it see that he and Senior Martial Brother Bai Wuya there are gaps, but he did not know the specific realm, and now it seems, was Senior Martial Brother Bai Wuya actually has arrived top rank Immortal King peak territory.

“Wentian, you don’t have to be humble, at the speed of your practice, it really makes us the Senior Martial Brother.” Bai Wuya sits on the main seat, said with a smile, here are Heavenly Symbol Boundary people, no need Avoid what.

“Senior Martial Brother, you are all Immortal Emperor, and take me to open the brush.” ​​Qin Wentian curl one’s lip, suddenly all people laughed, one of them Dao of King: “You both are powerful, excessive modesty It’s just pride.”

Qin Wentian looks at the beautiful Immortal King and shouts: “Senior Martial Sister.”

“Well.” The female Immortal King nodded.

“Qingxuan, she is okay, I haven’t seen her for a long time.” Qin Wentian asked, Zi Qingxuan, the beautiful woman who practiced with Qin Wentian and Jun Mengchen, and the female Immortal King in front of her is Zi Qingxuan. The introduction of Immortal King, Qin Wentian and her have had a side, the memory is quite profound.

“Qingxuan is of course very good, but it is very stressful.” Female Immortal King gave Qin Wentian a white glance: “When you three together, go to Eastern Saint Immortal Sect to attend the feast of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, realm is still almost the same, now you Entering Immortal King, Jun Mengchen has already taken the threshold. He introduced the Senior Martial Brother to take him around, but she was worse than Qingxuan.”

“You can’t say that Qingxuan is bad. Whoever asked her to meet Qin Wentian and Jun Mengchen when they were practicing, these two guys are monsters themselves, even if they are there, which is stress and motivation for Qingxuan. Bai Wuya said with a smile, female Immortal King nodded, depressed in heart, I wanted to make Zi Qingxuan and the two guys compare, it is also compared with Bai Wuya and the old monster, but now it seems that losing Very miserable.

“That’s the case, there are two powerful Junior Martial Brothers, and we all have pressure from the old guys.” Next to Immortal King said with a smile, this time they all took the same mission, destroying Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, nature To be united in agreement.

“Wentian, there are some masks here, you choose one.” Bai Wuya waved his hand and suddenly appeared some refining immortal rank masks in various forms.

Qin Wentian looked at all people with a suspicious look, then listened to Bai Wuya said with a smile: “Your every senior Martial Brother also often walks in the Immortal Territory, is easy to be recognized, will wear a mask when fighting, otherwise The Immortal King in so many different places is coming to Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, which is easy to be suspicious.”

Qin Wentian nodded, such a large-scale Immortal King, is indeed easy to be suspicious.

“Senior Martial Brother, can I get more?” Qin Wentian said, but did not explain Battle Saint Clan, but Bai Wuya guessed that when Immortal Stage Realm was there, there were many people around Battle Wen Clan around Qin Wentian. Although curious, Qin Wentian did not say that he did not go to ask.

“Well, there are quite a few here.” Bai Wuya continued to wave, Qin Wentian saw this scene and understood that Senior Martial Brother Bai Wuya knew who he was preparing for and selected many special masks.

“Wentian, you are going to prepare, now our strength is shrunk in the Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, and Eastern Saint Immortal Sect is also integrating the strengths and recalling the major Legion experts. Before they have a full-line siege, we must first A few battles to practice, just as you step into Immortal King Realm, you can use the Immortal King of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect to hone your own fighting strength.” Bai Wuya said, Qin Wentian understands what he means and wants to break out on a small scale. The assault.

“Good.” Qin Wentian nodded: “everyone Senior Martial Brother, I will go back first.”

“Go.” All people nodded.

Qin Wentian returned to his home, and his mind was in the core area of ​​the mansion. Qingcheng was waiting for him. When Qin Wentian came back, he couldn’t help but smile and walked up. He said: “Everyone is not there. Suddenly, they are so quiet. ”

Walking to Qingcheng’s side, Qin Wentian held Mo Qingcheng’s cheek in his hands and said softly: “The war is coming soon, there is not much quiet time, and enjoying the next two worlds, don’t tell me is not a beautiful thing.”

Mo Qingcheng has a bright smile on the beautiful face, it is even more touching, and Qin Wentian is a bit crazy.

“You have been outside for a few years, and you have wronged you.” Qin Wentian voice is gentle.

“Then is back now, how do you compensate me?” Mo Qingcheng took a bit of a playful gesture.

“What compensation do you want?” Qin Wentian bad with a smile, blinking at Mo Qingcheng, seems to understand Qin Wentian’s meaning, Mo Qingcheng’s face is red, dare not look at his eyes, whisper : “You are uneasy.”

“haha, I was discovered by my home Qingcheng.” Qin Wentian hugged the soft lovable body with both hands, move toward the room and walked, it was a wonderful lingering!

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