“this person, very powerful.” Around everyone found that the person who stood not far behind Mo Qingcheng was terrifying.

One blow, kill all the experts coming from the coffers.

The main peak of the peak is stunned, Qiu Mo’s elders are stunned, even the snowing of the Qingyang’s home Patriarch expert, they are still there, it seems that they have not yet recovered from this shocking blow.

“top rank Immortal King.” all people expression tremble, even here, the other’s realm, still at the top rank level, except for a handful of people who can compete with him, the rest in front of this person, fear Could not be able to withstand a single blow at all.

However, why is such a powerful person standing silently behind Mo Qingcheng?

Who is he?

The crowd looks at Qin Wentian, who is next to Mo Qingcheng, and sees the Battle Saint Clan expert in front of Qin Wentian. When people think of Qin Wentian’s arrogant killing, all people only feel a cold.

This top rank Immortal King expert, even, listened to the order of Qin Wentian.

Just now, Qin Wentian ordered the killing, so he started, and destroyed all the people around Mo Qingcheng.

I saw this time, Qin Wentian took Mo Qingcheng’s hand, and looked at the surrounding halo. “Qingcheng, today, people who insult you, must pay the price. I wanted you to be quietly practicing at Ageless Immortal Mountain. You, then let me go back.”

“Well, I listen to you.” Mo Qingcheng nodded lightly. When Qin Wentian stood up, she already knew that Ageless Immortal Mountain could not stay.

“Who are you?” At this time, the main peak peak seems to realize that Qin Wentian is not an ordinary person, and the powerful fighting strength is also good. There are such powerful characters as Qi Yu, who will be his identity?

This Qi Yu realm is like him, top rank Immortal King, fighting strength is still unclear. After all, just that blow, I can’t see how strong Qi Yu’s strongest strength is, only know that he is very terrifying.

“Who I am, you don’t need to worry about it. Since you have to be Qiu Mo, then you will be together. Now, I want him to die. If anyone dares to stop, you can try it. The consequences are at your own risk.” Qin Wentian ice-cold’s eyes Sweeping to all people, his finger pointed at Qiu Mo’s elder, who had previously insulted Mo Qingcheng, he said to Qiu Mo, you have a woman, you are not dirty!

It is this sentence that irritated Qin Wentian. Originally, Qin Wentian intended to settle the account with him. However, Mo Qingcheng was treated unfairly at the Dan banquet, and could not bear it.

The expert face is blue, his family is the master of the city of Supreme Sword Sect dominance, and it is a super-large city, the power is very strong, one overlord, his own cultivation base is also very strong, top rank Immortal King Realm expert, although It’s just an early stage, but it’s already a top figure, not to mention that there are people in the family who are even better than him.

“Qi Yu, kill him.” Qin Wentian started talking, Qi Yu is Battle Saint Clan 36 middle rank Immortal King One of the strongest three of the realm experts above, the existence of Immortal King peak level, for his strength Qin Wentian has no doubt that Ageless Immortal Emperor does not come out. No one can block Qi Yu here.

“Yes.” Qi Yu’s huge body took a step forward. Only one step, the whole mountain was shaking. The Qiu Family expert looked blue and stared at Qin Wentian. “Who are you?”

“Dead, don’t know so much.” Qin Wentian expression is indifferent, the Qiu Family expert face is ugly, and his momentum is also released.

“砰.” Qi Yu stepped forward, the mountain collapsed, the land where the Qiu Family expert was located was directly cracked, and was shrouded in the natural law domain. The Qiu Family expert was released to the extreme, his body expanded, the incarnation giant Like a god.

Immortal King expert casts the body of natural law, and the body is also like a king. It can be directly incarnation giant battle, strength is endless.

Qi Yu expression Indifferent, although they are top rank Immortal King, but the other party is only the early stage, don’t look at one level, but the gap of the early stage late stage, but very large, to the level of Immortal King, any point gap They are all very big, unless there are people who have the ability to cross the border to fight, otherwise a difference in realm will determine success or failure, not to mention the gap between peak and early stage.

Qi Yu burst into a strong immortal light, bones tremble, a path of the Battle Saint Wei released, sweeping everything, the world is amazed, the palm print covers the world, there is Divine Ape 吼loud sound days, the increase in strength, this The moment of Qi Yu, turned into the ancient War God, the eyes of the eyes, the world.

“Boom.” Endless battles Shengwei merged into the natural law, a Heavenly Immortal stick appeared in the void, Qi Yu reached out and grasped, the situation changed, the Qiankun turbulent, crushed Tianyu, the space people were scared Crazy to go back.

Later, the crowd saw Qi Yu returning to the ground again. The body of Qiu Family expert swayed directly to the void with the cracked mountain peak. Then, with a stick sweeping down, the heavens and the earth were all shadowed.

Feeling the power, Qiu Family expert pale face, this strength, let him feel a desperate, Immortal King expert, it is difficult to kill each other in the same situation, but he and Qi Yu’s realm, not only a little, and, not only The realm is poor, and there are other gaps in all aspects. Even with realm, he can’t beat it.

Snow Qingyang’s elders and the main peaks and peaks have suffocated, and the look at that stick has collapsed from Vault of Heaven, annihilating the world, a desperate snoring, and the snoring from the IQu Family’s expert, this sound has changed. Without fate, he did not choose to fight, but chose to flee, but escaped?

I saw that the stick drowned in the heavens and earth, covering the vast void, when the squatting, the space trembled, the cracked mountain peak shattered, the smoke disappeared, and the Qiu Family elders were under the stick, hehe.

Top rank Immortal King, only one stick, solve.

The wind whistled, the pressure of destruction still permeated between the land, the split mountain peak disappeared, the top rank Immortal King hit, not to mention the mountain, even a mountain can be flattened, if Someone is bored with a full blow to the ground, which can destroy a vast and endless mountain range.

The dust flew in the void, the abandoned Qiu Mo struggled on the ground, trembling, he climbed up, the people at the sight at Qiu Family killed Mo Qingcheng disappeared, the looks at his elders disappeared, and then felt that they were abolished The cultivation base, his heart has only endless desperation, he wants to make a sound, but finds that it can’t be sent out.

He Qiu Mo is very proud and strong? He asked Mo Qingcheng to choose him in front of Mo Qingcheng husband Qin Wentian’s. He said that as long as Mo Qingcheng and him did not care about Mo Qingcheng’s past, he would be better than her husband. He thought of this, he smiled and laughed very much. Desolation, incomparable despair.

Do not live Ah!

At this moment, even if he wants to ask who Qin Wentian is, he can’t ask him. He has caused a great disaster for himself. He has brought disaster to the family. He is a sinner and he has no love.

Difficult to walk forward, move towards the broken mountain peak, and then Qiu Mo went straight down, the body moves towards the mountain peak falling, alive, and what meaning.

This scene touched the whole people very much, not sympathizing with Qiu Mo, just thinking that all this changed too fast.

Not long ago, on the Dan feast, Qiu Mo, how proud, how to say such words to Mo Qingcheng, his elders, insulting Mo Qingcheng in public, but what about it? At that time, everyone thought that Mo Qingcheng couldn’t resist. What could his husband be here? He Qiu Mo is strong, Qiu Family is strong, and people at Ageless Immortal Mountain have not said a word, because they are strong, everyone thinks so, of course.

At this moment, the people of Qiu Family are all buried, Qiu Mo is self-sufficient, and Qiu Family top rank Immortal King is killed by a stick.

Qin Wentian once asked, is it a bully?

Someone answered, what is it?

Qin Wentian said that since you want to play, look at it, who can deceive people today.

Who can bully him Qin Wentian and bully his wife Mo Qingcheng?

Ye Rou’s touch is the biggest, her body is still shaking, Qiu Mo is dead, and she can’t be loved and commit suicide. Before she thought that Mo Qingcheng had no vision, she 嫉妒 Mo Qingcheng’s innate talent and beauty, she thinks Mo Qingcheng should agree with Qiu Mo’s pursuit. Her husband was only alone to help Ageless Immortal Mountain. The battle was too weak. Compared with Qiu Family, it could not be compared.

However, at the moment he saw that Qin Wentian only took one person, but that person could sweep everything and easily kill the Qiu Family expert.

Mo Qingcheng, no vision?

Mo Qingcheng such a beautiful woman, her husband, will be worse?

Ye Rou knows how foolish she is to believe oneself infallible.

The main peak of the main peak is also very strong, but this time he did not know what to say, he did not dare to do not speak nonsense anything, Qi Yu’s blow he certainly felt how strong, stronger than him.

But such an expert, only because of Qin Wentian, kills.

So, Qin Wentian, what is the power of people?

It seems that it has already come out.

Who can use the Immortal King peak expert as the bodyguard and command him to kill? Still need to think about it.

Like his Ageless Immortal Mountain, the emperor rank is powerful.

He thought, the people of Xue Family certainly thought of it, Snow Qingyang was embarrassed, the matter and he had no relationship, and Qiu Mo was rude, but Qiu Mo was his Junior Martial Brother, so he stood up and said One sentence, however, Qin Wentian slammed him, how he could accommodate Qin Wentian’s.

Xue Qingyang’s elders are ugly. He has a family of Tai Hua Immortal Dynasty in the Xue Family, so he is proud and arrogant. How can there be an initial rank Immortal King in the area, he said, how can it be deceiving?

But now, who would dare to say those words before?

“You, want to be with Qiu Mo?” Qin Wentian looks at Snow Qingyang, this discourse, so that Snow Qingyang is speechless, he dare to say it together?

“You want to kill even my wife?” Qin Wentian looked at Xue Qing’s elders again, before the expert sitting next to the main peak, he coldly said: “You said, how do you want to be?”

Ps; third, the brothers are good night!

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