Chu Qingyi’s slender waist was firmly restrained by Qin Wentian’s hand, and then she heard the female slave who spit out from Qin Wentian’s mouth. She only felt the chest hot and almost spurt blood.

“Oh…” The light shines, Chu Qingyi wants to commit suicide, and Qin Wentian is once again struggling to hit her, let her completely abolish, can not afford a trace of strength, the whole person is soft, humiliating, her I want to kill Qin Wentian and revenge, but now, it is in the hands of Qin Wentian.

“Brother, kill us.” A faint voice came from the two Eclipse Heaven Saint Cult’s Heaven’s Chosen, Qin Wentian glanced at them and took Chu Qingyi’s figure to leave the place, ignoring the two Since some things have been done, they should bear the consequences. Although he hates Chu Qingyi, he will not sympathize with the two.

Qin Wentian took Chu Qingyi move towards mountain range and went out of glittering. Fairy Yao Tai Shen Yuehua They were still waiting for Qin Wentian, and then eyeseyes smiled and whispered: “Let’s go.”

After all, Fairy Yao Tai left, and the outside world, the two floating Snow Saint Temple women who were strangled felt that things were not good. With Qin Wentian’s fighting strength, Chu Qingyi was likely to be desecrated, but Chu Qingyi on the altar. The body trembled and seemed to be traumatized, but never woke up, they complexion sank, thought of some possibility.

Subsequently, Chu Qingyi’s news of the beggar began to spread, Lei Ba and other experts angered, Connected Heavenly Realm, the parties expert looking for Qin Wentian, went to the place where Chu Qingyi was shackled and asked the two tortured experts, Qin Wentian Sure enough, Chu Qingyi went into the depth of the mountain range, and the experts expert entered the mountain range to search for Qin Wentian’s trail.

A few days later, the endless wilderness of the mountain range was extremely deep. Qin Wentian was very leisurely. He grabbed a powerful flame lion for the mount and baked the Monster Beast meat for him. It was a pleasure. By the way, The Flame Lion can also guard Chu Qingyi for him.

Lying on a stone, Qin Wentian finished eating the barbecue in the palm of his hand and immediately said to Chu Qingyi: “Go and pick me up.”

Chu Qingyi expression ice-cold staring at Qin Wentian incomparably, but did not dare not follow his orders, obediently went to take the barbecue and gave it to Qin Wentian.

“Don’t look at me, feed me.” Qin Wentian said lazily, Chu Qingyi eyes seemed to be killing, staring at him.

Qin Wentian’s palm stretched out, an invisible strength rolled Chu Qingyi’s weak body to Qin Wentian, Qin Wentian lying there holding her in her arms, her hands stroking the lovable body, breathes deeply, seemingly sniffing the woman Body scent.

“The scenery in this place is very good, it is suitable for doing something wonderful.” Qin Wentian faint said with a smile.

“I am feeding.” Chu Qingyi coldly said.

“This expression is not beautiful.” Qin Wentian hands to move towards a seductive place, Chu Qingyi lovable body trembled, she has not known how many claws she has recruited in the past few days, and now she is gradually numb A smile came out.

“Although it’s ugly, it’s still barely.” Qin Wentian let her go, Chu Qingyi fed Qin Wentian with Monster Beast meat, and Qin Wentian seemed to enjoy it.

“The hunter demon eats meat and the beauty is a companion. This day is really fun and happy.” Qin Wentian stretched out.

“What do you want to do? You didn’t move me at the beginning, I don’t believe you will.” Chu Qingyi looks at Qin Wentian.

“What you have done is more than my bottom line. It is useless to kill you. If you let me go, I will not be reconciled. If you are not tormenting and tormenting you, how can you make you long-term memory? Moreover, a person who is practicing and killing demon is really lonely. A beautiful woman is not happy with me. As for whether I will move you, you are also a big beauty, you are so confident about yourself?”

Qin Wentian smiled through the evil spirits and said: “Come, help me pinch my shoulders, a bit sour.”

Chu Qingyi walked behind Qin Wentian, pinching Qin Wentian’s shoulder and seeing Qin Wentian eyes closed, but it was a pleasure.

“Oh…” A deep snoring came from the flame lion. Qin Wentian stunned and grabbed Chu Qingyi’s body and landed on the lion. “Take.”

His voice fell, and the lion rushed out. It was the demon spirit of this mountain range. It should be familiar to the inside. The sense of smell close to the Great Monster is sharp. If you don’t have Qin Wentian, let him go. Qin Wentian only Monster Beast, which is within the Immortal Stage 7th level, can be eaten and killed.

In a twinkling of an eye, Qin Wentian spent several months in this Monster Beast Mountain Range, constantly honing his fighting strength, this time into Connected Heavenly Realm, he still did not think about Connected Heavenly Immortal List, just to experience himself I was able to find Chu Qingyi’s hatred of Jun Mengchen, which naturally made him happy.

In the forest area under a mountain range, there is a clear river. Chu Qingyi is taking a bath in the river. She is wet and adds a little beauty to the woman.

“Qing Ben Jia, who is so guilty.” A voice suddenly came, making Chu Qingyi complexion changed, raise one’s head and saw a figure lying quietly on the boulders, her hands clasped her chest, coldly said: Why are you not being a thief?”

“Be a thief?” Qin Wentian faint with a smile: “I have seen it for a long time, do you have to be a thief, even the touch of your skin, I know.”

Said, Qin Wentian sat up from the stone, looking at the unscrupulous look at the lovable body, Chu Qingyi pointed to Qin Wentian, coldly said: “You are shameless.”

“You are also qualified to say shameless words?” Qin Wentian looks at the shameful and angry beauty, sneered and turned away. It seems that there is no interest at all. This scene makes Chu Qingyi shy and angry, and her pride has continued in these days. She was hit, and now her mood has become extraordinarily fragile. It was not the original Floating Snow Saint Temple Saintess. It was tortured by Qin Wentian for so many days. She became a slave and served Qin Wentian.

Chu Qingyi walked from the water to the shore, the wet clothes were close to the body, the curve was perfect, she looked at the clear river, the beautiful woman reflected, biting her lips, such a lovable body, why he could dismiss him, She is the Saintess of Floating Snow Saint Temple, the holy unparalleled, the goddess of dreams of countless people.

But then her complexion changed, some shy, she would have such thoughts, it seems ridiculous to say.

“I was so tortured that I was a little proud?” Chu Qingyi was extremely fragile at the moment, and the eyes were slightly moist.

Back in the forest, Qin Wentian was eating the meat of Monster Beast. He felt Chu Qingyi sitting on the stone next to him and said, “Come and dry the clothes. Do you think your wet body is good?”

Chu Qingyi came to Qin Wentian and curled up her body, and the fire made her face red.

“Are you planning to let me go?” Chu Qingyi said.

“I said I want to let you go?” Qin Wentian glanced at Chu Qingyi and immediately said, “Maybe you don’t hate me anymore, I will let you go, but I’m afraid it’s unlikely.”

At this time, Qin Wentian brows a look, eyes cold glint glittering, whispered: “This can still be found, it seems that you should be your admirer.”

Chu Qingyi beautiful eyes flashed a glimmer of hope, move towards look far away, not long after, there appeared a handsome figure in the void, this figure wearing a gorgeous robe, extraordinary, obviously out of the ordinary, Is Immortal Territory centre part A super power, Heaven’s Chosen, is the admirer of Chu Qingyi.

His eyes look at Qin Wentian and Chu Qingyi, and Chu Qingyi was wet, and his face was particularly ugly.

“Saintess Qingyi, what did this beast do to you?”

Chu Qingyi face slightly changed, lonely and widowed, and Chu Qingyi is a prisoner, still so beautiful, and now wet, anyone will imagine in that regard.

“I am in harmony with Saintess Qingyi. I am now together to eat the meat. I am quiet and comfortable. Can’t you see it?” Qin Wentian squinted with a smile, and the person who escorted Jun Mengchen on the same day, this person One.

“Boom.” A violent momentum erupted from this person, his cultivation base Immortal Stage 6th level, very strong, full of golden sword light screaming, turned into thousands of small swords, sharp.

“Hey, you will hurt Saintess Qingyi.” Qin Wentian smashed Chu Qingyi, and said with a smile, the man was angry and said: “Saintess Qingyi, you…”

Chu Qingyi heard this, coldly’s looks at the other side: “He also believes in his words, do it, kill me, I can go out.”

“Good.” This person nodded, and suddenly countless golden swords swept down, Qin Wentian Fiendgod’s body bloomed, a ray of light curtain shrouded him and Chu Qingyi’s body, only to see him indifferently said: “I really don’t know how to pity.”

When the voice fell, his body rose to the sky, his mouth spit the truth, the town destroyed the word sweeping void, and the thousand golden swords stagnated in the void.

A fire of light seems to fall from the Vault of Heaven, a boundless golden flame sword from the void to kill, move towards Qin Wentian assassination, seems to come from outside the sky, sword qi horrified.

Qin Wentian’s Saint Immortal Stage is now more powerful, deriving the Great Monster figure, roaring out, slamming to the void sword, his fingers pointing towards the void, the endless sword intended to be used by him, falling in the horror sword On, broken together.

Fiendgod’s body is coming out, Qin Wentian is full of divine shine, and the power is unparalleled. He raises his hand and the Great Monster is attacked, like howling wind and torrential rain, that Heaven’s Chosen is endless gold Sword God. Crazy resistance, but see Qin Wentian’s power of violent violent, swaying the world, Qin Wentian shrouded by divine shine, like a peerless War God, his long hair fluttering, fighting can not be a lifetime.

Chu Qingyi was shrouded in Guanghua. She stood quietly in the battle under the look at void. She saw Qin Wentian’s peerlessness. She felt faintly. If she was not hostile to Qin Wentian, she should appreciate Qin Wentian’s powerful. She found that she actually Never seen such terrifying people, suppressing the terrifying Heaven’s Chosen of Immortal Stage 4th level with the Immortal Stage 6th level.

This is a very clear understanding of her. It is a great influence of Heaven’s Chosen character in the talent. It is unparalleled in strength, but it is not tempered by Qin Wentian.

Perhaps, when she first met Qin Wentian, she took her inherent pride and prejudice. Her aloof and remote couldn’t be alive, but the peerless figure seemed to be more proud than her!

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