“despicable.” Chu Qingyi said with a roar, his eyes were cold and he couldn’t wait to immediately seal Qin Wentian’s mouth and not let Qin Wentian speak.

“despicable, you have a face to say these two words, you tempted me for the beauty of the eye, and then I was defeated…” Qin Wentian coldly, he is not angry at the moment, even if he offended the floating Snow Saintess of Saint Temple, which is again with Jun Mengchen, and his Junior Martial Brother Jun Mengchen, was so miserable that he has not seen Jun Mengchen.

“Shut up.” Chu Qingyi has a undulating chest and a pale face.

“Let’s release.” Qin Wentian loudly shouted, tough, since Chu Qingyi can do such despicable things, he still needs to consider her reputation?

“Boom.” I saw Lei Ba stepping out, void vibrating, Thunderbolt shining in the sky, above the space, destroying Lei Wei, like Thunder God’s wrath, to destroy everything.

“Even if Qingyi promised to let go, I don’t agree.” Lei Ba stepped forward and Qin Wentian never looked at him, just looking at Chu Qingyi. “Then you have to ask this Saintess, I will only give you three. Interest time, not letting go, then, the consequences are conceited.”

“Qingyi, I killed him for you,” Lei Ba said, looking at Chu Qingyi and asking for advice.

Chu Qingyi’s face was blue and white, finally, she started talking: “Let people.”

All people eyes flash, all look at Chu Qingyi, eyes glittering uncertain, this Qin Wentian has mastered the secret of Chu Qingyi, even let Chu Qingyi refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, really promised to let people.

The woman at Floating Snow Saint Temple released Jun Mengchen, and Jun Mengchen dragged the injured body to Qin Wentian and shouted: “Senior Martial Brother, I am humiliated.”

“How are they against you in the outside world?” Qin Wentian saw Jun Mengchen covered in scars and terrifying.

“I was in ancient peak practice. They found me directly after the injury. Lei Ba threatened me to hand over the practice secret art and tortured me with the power of Thunderbolt. This must be reported.” Jun Mengchen eyes Cold light.

“Of course, I want to report.” Qin Wentian expression is cold, he once again raises one’s head and looks at Chu Qingyi, saying: “If I know that my Junior Martial Brother is still tortured by you, you have not let go, I promise, will be Lettering on Connected Heavenly Stone Pillar.”

“You…” Chu Qingyi’s body trembled a little. If Qin Wentian did this, her festival would be completely destroyed. Qin Wentian, well, she can’t wait to smash Qin Wentian at Heaven, will be in Heavenly Dao Saint. The Qin Wentian true body in the Academy is also annihilated and killed.

Qin Wentian raise one’s head, looking at the front of a path of figure, Tianlan Mu, no need to say more, he had known before, this Lei Ba, because he pursues Chu Qingyi, so he shot Jun Jinchen, he will let Lei Ba pay The price.

In addition to these people, they have also gathered several very powerful Connected Heavenly Realm experts, and the Thunder God Hall, the Floating Snow Saint Temple and the Sky Mist Immortal Country have a strong lineup.

“Qingyi, is anyone offending you?” At this time, someone came along. There have been many Heaven’s Chosen characters gathered here, and they are all extraordinary. The people who came here, a golden dress fluttering, the heroic and extraordinary, obviously unusual.

Chu Qingyi is very beautiful, and it is Floating Snow Saint Temple Saintess. She is a distinguished person. Many amazing people have a good impression on her. Some even know her after arriving at Heavenly Dao Saint Academy. After all, she pursued her pursuit. After all, Chu Qingyi has also entered the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy for some years.

Qin Wentian looks at the arrival of the expert, it seems that the strength of Battle Saint Clan is not enough, unless he can gather all the Battle Saint Clan experts, the strength of the beauty is big, plus the illustrious identity, free to lead Come to the parties expert.

“Senior Martial Brother, you kill me first, send me out.” Jun Mengchen started talking next to him, Qin Wentian looks at him, being killed and sent out is not a good choice, it is also like a death experience. .

“Today’s humiliation is like a death, how can you not remember it?” Jun Mengchen said.

“Well, I will send you out first. If they are angered and tortured to you, I promise that they will not be with the woman.” Qin Wentian said, and then lifted up the palm print move towards Jun Mengchen. The squatting hand annihilated Jun Mengchen in Connected Heavenly Realm, and his decisive decisiveness was trepidation. Chu Qingyi expression flashed, Qin Wentian’s words, which made her somewhat taboo, listening to Qin Wentian’s tone, if she was again with Jun Mengchen This Qin Wentian is not dead, afraid that it will not be a means.

“I took him for the deal with you. Since I found you, it doesn’t matter if I let him go,” said Lei Ba cold and proud. As he stepped forward, Thunderbolt’s power shone above Qin Wentian’s head, as if he could kill at any time. Next, destroy Qin Wentian and destroy it.

“Before I go out, I have to kill at least the woman.” Qin Wentian said, the digital expert of Battle Saint Clan understood what he meant, around him, and the Immortal Stage bloomed in an instant, and the momentum broke out, a Divine Ape Phantom appears, overlook heaven and earth, contains the infinite terrifying power, the violent battle of the war sweeps the void, the power is boundless.

I saw one of them lifted the palm of his hand, and the Thunderbolt in the move toward void, the endless destruction of Lei Wei crashed down, but was resisted by a terrifying Divine Ape big palm print, and the thunderbolt was so shocking.

“The son of Thunder God, do you really think that you are strong? A frog in well ,believe oneself infallible. The same is true of Chu Qingyi. The Immortal Stage 5th level is in my hands. The Saintess of the Floating Snow Saint Temple is really unbearable.” Qin Wentian Leng Yu said, Lei Ba stepped out, Lei Long appeared, scrolled void, and the thunder was like a thunder, and the move towards Battle Saint Clan expert came out.

A Battle Saint Clan expert with his realm at the Immortal Stage 7th level, Divine Ape roars, and the whole body is full of fighting, can’t be alive, Divine Ape roars, the world shakes, there is infinite symbol imprint turned into palm print bombardment At the same time, a Divine Ape big palm slaps out, kills the world, slams into the brontosaurus, Divine Ape and the brontosaurus collide together, Thunderbolt entangles, destroys the strength to infiltrate into the body of Divine Ape, destroys it, but See Divine Ape is extremely terrifying, and the body is unparalleled.

“Let him down,” Chu Qingyi coldly said. She didn’t want Qin Wentian’s life. It was meaningless to live and kill Qin Wentian.

a path of expert move towards Qin Wentian, but see Qin Wentian step forward, his four big Battle Saint Clan expert around the surrounding, all release strong temperament, these four realm are not weak, in the central area of ​​Connected Heavenly Realm The realm difference has long been smashed out, the weakest one, the cultivation base is the realm of Immortal Stage 6th level.

In addition to the expert who fights with Lei Ba, the four powerful Battle Saint Clan people, bodyguard Qin Wentian’s body goes forward and goes straight to the direction of Chu Qingyi, as if strictly following the order of Qin Wentian, before going out, Kill Chu Qingyi.

Tianlan Mu came forward. At the beginning of the defeat of the war, he remembered it. This time, it must be done with Qin Wentian.

The terrifying God Form appeared, and Tianlan Mu waved forward, suddenly blasting particles, and the particles suddenly turned into a huge terrifying God Form, suppress and kill Qin Wentian.

The goal of Tianlan Mu is to go to the expert of the Immortal Stage 8th level. It is also the strongest of the five people in Battle Saint Clan. This person lifts his palm, a terrifying Divine Ape arm appears, and sweeps the void. On the particle God Form, the whole thing is broken and broken.

The rest of the experts have come to attack, all against Qin Wentian, but the five Battle Saint Clan expert, from the orientation seems to keep Qin Wentian wind and rain, a Divine Ape phantom that can shake the world In the case of enlightening the enemy in front of the road, the enemy will not retreat and enter the enemy’s hinterland.

“Block them.” Lei Ba screamed, Heavenly Thunder rolled, and the seemingly taboo Thunderbolt in the void, Dragon Serpent danced, covering the void.

“You still worry about yourself.” Battle Saint Clan expert roared, a terrifying Divine Ape huge figure appeared in the void, Heavenly Thunder overhead, stunned, eyes as glaring, terrifying extreme, a Transcendent large palm print obliterate Everything, bombardment, if you look closely, this Battle Saint Method is indeed very similar to God’s Hand, and it has the same effect.

God’s Hand, but the first generation of Saint Lord evolved from the Battle Saint Method of Battle Saint Clan, and the two naturally have similarities.

Seeing this terrifying attack, Lei Ba really didn’t have the mood to pay attention to Qin Wentian. He resisted it and turned it into a real son of Thunder God. He had an endless Thunderbolt, and the dazzling thunder light seemed to destroy others.

Not only is the Battle Saint Clan expert against Lei Ba, but the other four also bloom in the same world. In the blink of an eye, they are incarnation, and they are indestructible. The body moves toward the front and let the forces of tyrannical attack hit the body, but they are not This kind of power and resilience is shocking.

“very powerful, who are these people?” Many people around saw this matchup, and they praised the battle of Battle Saint Clan. I don’t know if this is the influence of Immortal Territory. Peerless figure.

Qin Wentian stood in the middle of them, and was bodyguard. The body shines, the power is terrifying, and the body of the true self blooms like a body of God.

“Open the road.” A Battle Saint Clan expert screamed, void violently turbulent, and the savage attack attacked, and actually opened up a road, opposite the many experts to resist, but still not by the people of Battle Saint Clan The life-like attack blew a bloody road, and Chu Qingyi’s figure appeared in front of this pioneering road.

Qin Wentian, standing opposite her.

“Hey.” Qin Wentian stepped forward and came directly to Chu Qingyi. At this time, Chu Qingyi didn’t respond, and she was a little worried. In this case, Qin Wentian could kill her.

“Chu Qingyi, you will pay the price.” Qin Wentian sounds through Chu Qingyi’s eardrum, and there seems to be a Sanctuary sound. God’s Hand carries the strongest destruction attack, and instantly floods Chu Qingyi’s body. All people with a gloomy gaze, Qin Wentian hits the powerful obliterate of Saintess Chu Qingyi of Floating Snow Saint Temple!

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