The death in Connected Heavenly Realm is not really dead. Qin Wentian naturally understands that when he entered Connected Heavenly Realm, he saw all people sitting on the altar. This Connected Heavenly Realm is just one. The boundary between the Grand Dao natural law strength.

However, even if it is not a real death, it will be annihilated here, and it will not be better.

“Saint Lord.” I saw a voice coming in. Qin Wentian turned his eyes and saw an expert of Battle Saint Clan standing beside him, apparently also attracted.

“Feeling the strength of this Jia Nantian?” Qin Wentian asked, the cultivation base realm of the Battle Saint Clan who is next to him is also very high, but the Immortal Stage 7th level is very tyrannical.

“It’s very strong, it should be the strength of the ancestor inheritance, which is similar to my family’s fight against the bloodline, the birth of Battle Saint Bone.” Battle Saint Clan expert sound transmission said that he would never say Battle Saint Clan in front of others. thing.

“Well.” Qin Wentian nodded slightly, Golden-Winged Great Peng Like Phoenix, it is called Divine Bird. In front of this, Jia Nantian is a pureline Golden-Winged Great Peng bird with ancestral inheritance strength, Golden-Winged Great. Compared to Heavenly Peng Clan, the Peng bird is similar to the awakening Battle Saint Clan. The supreme Saint Bone is a natural king, of course, stronger than the Battle Saint Clan.

Its rarity, even above the White Tiger Royal Clan Bai Mou relative to the White Tiger Clan, the people who watch Heavenly Peng Clan, the Golden-Winged Great Peng Jia Nantian can be described as a listener, as the king.

“What happened to this Connected Heavenly Immortal List?” Qin Wentian asked, he had just witnessed a big battle at Connected Heavenly Realm, and it was still unclear about many things in Connected Heavenly Realm.

“This Connected Heavenly Immortal List should be the entry point for each expert in Connected Heavenly Realm. The order is ranked according to the overall ranking. According to my observations and some rumors of Connected Heavenly Realm, the record is more brilliant on the Connected Heavenly Immortal List. The location will be higher, of course, Connected Heavenly Realm will automatically determine which realm you are fighting, cross-border warfare, should be the most useful, followed by the same situation, preferably better than the real realm, The Connected Heavenly Immortal List’s natural law has not been fully understood yet. In short, there will be benefits, Heavenly Dao Saint Academy rewards.”

“Understood, the realm stepping into here is not weak, most people are above the Immortal Stage 5th level.” Qin Wentian glanced around.

“Saint Lord, in fact, there are a lot of people with low realm coming in, they just dare to go to the fringe area. This is the center of Connected Heavenly Realm. Most of the people who come here are obliterated…” A slightly embarrassing voice came. That makes Qin Wentian’s eyes squat, and sure enough, when he raises one’s head and looks around, there are a few bad eyes. Move towards him, he is obviously not well.

“Let’s go.” Qin Wentian turned and walked. The Battle Saint Clan youth followed him behind him, stepping out, speeding fast, and someone came up behind him, but I saw the Battle Saint Clan youth swarming out, momentarily The violent battle of the stock violent warfare sweeps the void, and the tyrannical pressure makes many people stop and stop. The stop at the two at the time is not pursued, including the expert who chatted with Qin Wentian.

“How does Connected Heavenly Realm go out?” Qin Wentian asked, Connected Heavenly Realm is not an ontology, but he feels so real, as if he is here, not that he wants to go out and get out of Connected Heavenly Realm. .

“There is an exit, you need to go to a specific exit to get out of Connected Heavenly Realm, but generally speaking, most people are killed after being killed.” Battle Saint Clan Youth Road, Qin Wentian nodded slightly, this Connected Heavenly Realm Fruit True God is incredible.

“What’s the magic in Connected Heavenly Realm?” Qin Wentian asked again.

“Fantastic, in a place of practice, there is a land of demon, and there are rumors that someone has found a treasure storehouse in Connected Heavenly Realm.”

“Is this still the case?” Qin Wentian was a little surprised.

“Well.” Battle Saint Clan Young nodded: “This is really the same as the outside world. It’s like the true body really came in. There is no abnormality at all. As for the treasure storehouse, it is likely to be left by Heavenly Dao Saint Academy. If you have a treasure store, you can even take it out.”

“Understood, you go do your own thing, I walk around.” Qin Wentian suddenly said, making Battle Saint Clan youth eyes flash, said: “Saint Lord!”

“Don’t worry about me. Since I stepped into Connected Heavenly Realm, I obviously want to be self-study. If you guard me around, I feel that everything is meaningless. Connected Heavenly Realm is useless to me, it is better to go out. Still you can’t practice, you follow me, not to be my vassal, but to become stronger.” Qin Wentian waved his hand and said: “Go, try cultivation, this Heavenly Dao Saint Academy is more and more interesting. , try to promote yourself to a high realm.”

“many thanks Saint Lord.” The young man squinted at Qin Wentian: “It’s gone.”

After all, he flashed his body and left directly from Qin Wentian.

The Heavenly Dao Saint Academy is very large, and it is like a space world. Apart from the majestic Connected Heavenly Realm, it is amazing to have a mountain range and a wilderness on all sides.

Qin Wentian came to the wilderness practice from the majestic main area. He found many people with low cultivation base realm, and suddenly he was like a mirror. It turned out that those with high realm gathered in the main land of Connected Heavenly Realm. Strong and strong, while people with a slightly lower realm are in the marginal area.

“The smell of this demon spirit is really delicious. It is too comfortable to eat.” Qin Wentian is not far from the front, there is a fiery flame, the temperature is incredibly high, Qin Wentian looks at it, only to see the digital expert There was a rotten meat roasting there, and the fragrance hit people.

At this moment, Qin Wentian suddenly gave birth to a sense of danger, then he saw a huge demon shadow appeared, this is a violent golden lion, the power is amazing, instantly smashed down, move towards the people below Go, with a raging anger.

Qin Wentian’s body retreats instantly. He already knows the fate of those people. Since he dares to eat Monster Beast, he is ready to die under Monster Beast.

Find a place of nobody, Qin Wentian eyes closed practice, he wants to see if this Connected Heavenly Realm, like the outside world, can cultivate, and soon, Qin Wentian discovered that the practice in Connected Heavenly Realm is generally nothing to the outside world. Second, this feeling is so wonderful.

Close your eyes, Qin Wentian quiet practice, now realm is said to be Connected Heavenly Immortal List, even the main area of ​​the Connected Heavenly Realm is hanging, and experience and practice, strive to raise their cultivation base realm to Immortal Stage 4th level? At that time, his combat power will become much stronger, and he will not encounter the expert’s ability to protect himself.

However, Qin Wentian has not been practiced for a long time and is being stared. A white leopard demon appears in the distance, with a huge size and sharp eyes. This should not be the Western Great Monster from Immortal Territory, but the rumored inside Connected Heavenly Realm. Demon spirit.

The Monster Immortal Snow Leopard seems to be watching Qin Wentian. He glanced at it and Qin Wentian closed his eyes again. The snow leopard was surrounded by Qin Wentian. He wanted to find out what was wrong, but Qin Wentian did not move. Finally, it screamed. Low, move towards Qin Wentian’s body smothered.

The speed of Monster Immortal and the terrifying of the smashing strength, the moment came, Qin Wentian seemed to be frozen at the moment, and it was covered with frost. The coldness was eroding into the body, but the body was thirifying, and the snow leopard bite. But biting on the endless symbol light, Qin Wentian’s palm flashed out, a palm print directly flew out the snow, and fell to the ground, all the internal organs were shattered.

Qin Wentian’s figure flashed and walked to the front of the snow leopard, but saw a voice coming: “Great, this snow leopard realm is equivalent to yours, can strike and kill, strength is strong, but I don’t know if you are good at flames, you need me to come Help you to roast the demon?”

“Why should you cook it?” Qin Wentian asked.

“You don’t know, the demon spirit here feeds on us, and they are also a great complement to those of us, and can enhance Xianli.” The other side is sloppy, unkempt, like a Monk.

“That’s good, come on.” Qin Wentian nodded, Monk strolled out, and there was a terrifying golden flame on his body.

“Give it to me, brother, you are waiting to eat roast meat.” The man said with a smile, Qin Wentian nodded and sat down, the other side was responsible for the flame to roast, and soon there was a scent filled, I saw the other party has taken out Immortal weapon Cut meat for food: “Delicious, brother You are the person of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect. In fact, what I want to eat most is Heavenly Peng Clan and White Tiger Clan. Those Monster Race, pure blood Great Monster, is definitely a super tonic. Can be a strong bloodline, but these Great Monsters are too fierce, if they are baked, tsk tsk…”

“Where are you?” Qin Wentian secretly thought When the Astral Soul and Immortal Stage were released, many people met themselves. When he saw each other eating deliciously, he also used the immortal weapon to cut the barbecue to eat. It was really delicious. The taste flows into the body, and it also carries Xianli, making people feel refreshed.

“I am ascetic, I can’t compare it with the people of your major forces, it’s miserable.” The man shook his head and said, “Call me Bu Jie.”

“Bu Jie, I don’t think you are bitter.” Qin Wentian sees Bu Jie stuttering meat, said with a smile, this Monk is also interesting.

“No, brother, you and I have a fate, see you on the same day.” Bu Jie The eardrum fretting, then the body flashed, disappeared like a lightning bolt, and it was almost surprised that Qin Wentian was surprised. This Bu Jie seems unusual. .

Shortly after Bu Jie left, Qin Wentian felt an ice-cold breath, and his eyes were a condensate. Was the Bu Jie monk known beforehand?

Soon, Qin Wentian saw the release of the cold figure, this person stands proudly empty, like Nine Heavens Profound Female, the skin is fair and beautiful, but she is all ice-cold, noble face but reveals baleful aura.

“I asked you, is that stinky monk just here?” The woman seemed to feel something. Asked Qin Wentian, she looked arrogant, overlooked, like the tone of command, apparently extraordinary, pampered.

Qin Wentian smiled, didn’t take care of it, and continued to eat barbecue.

“I asked you.” The woman coldly said, coldly paved, move towards Qin Wentian.

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