Buddha Sect has no divine ability, and the more Qin Wentian is practice, the more he feels profound and difficult to comprehension, he can only keep eyes closed, meditation, and in ancient castle, the sound of Van Gogh is like the sound of Grand Dao. .

Endless Buddha’s Aura shrouds the body, countless symbol imprint brilliance into the body, the world is vast, Qin Wentian is in it, feeling that he is small and weak, but he is thinking about it, comprehension himself.

The true word of this is a secret skill, with boundless power, which can make people discover the true self, feel the true self, and then realize the true body, True Law and the strength of the mantra, deeply making Qin Wentian feel shocked.

This practice, since the non-day work, Qin Wentian really did not know how many years he spent here.

He did not know where the rest all people are.

Xianhai is difficult to cross, however, as long as you understand the Transcendent, you can cross the Xianhai, Qing’er, Jun Mengchen, Hua Taixu and the others, when there is no problem.

In the past four years, Xianhai has been in the past six years. Unconsciously, since Qin Wentian stepped into this space, it has been ten years since Qin Wentian really felt the improvement with the cultivation base realm, even if it was closed. It’s not surprising that the practice of the millennium is a thousand years.

On this day, Qin Wentian had a body skill that was exactly the same behind him. He was full of radiance and boundlessness. This is his invincible and indestructible tyrannical body. He has infinite power and is now refined and transformed into independence. The true body, the body of me.

This is the strength of the strength, above the body skill, there is Buddha’s Aura shrouded, flowing many ancient symbols, like the ancient mysterious body, the light is also covered with true body, now Qin Wentian, just the mortal body, is enough Fighting across borders, power can be tyrannical.

Another year later, Qin Wentian was able to confess the truth and be able to condense True Law, but the power was not strong enough.

Then, Qin Wentian’s eyebrows opened again, like a broken eye, even his original eyes, slowly opened, with a sharp edge.

At first glance, he saw four doors in the endless symbol light, like the void door, which led to other places.

“This…” Qin Wentian eyes flash, he has been in this ancient castle for eight years, entering the Xianhai near Twelve years, the cultivation base is upgraded to the Immortal Stage 3rd level, in this ancient castle, The Buddha Sect is the real thing, the cultivation base is also refined, and now he sees the door of Saint Academy.

Here, there are several places in the Saint Academy, and from here, you can reach different Saint Academys.

All of this seems to confirm that when he entered the Xianhai, the phantom said that the method of crossing the sea was different and sent to different places. He crossed the sea in a truthful way. Therefore, he was sent here.

Qin Wentian didn’t stop. Even after practicing for so many years, it is impossible to completely comprehend this Buddha Sect secret skill. Only by continuous improvement, can we keep improving. The real word in this place is like a true word. You need to comprehend to get into the door. After you get started, you need to constantly practice to improve.

This is also like God’s Hand, although he is in practice God’s Hand, even today, it is still impossible to say that he has fully realized cultivate successfully, but it is only a fur.

“Practice for so many years, and then practice, I am afraid it is difficult to have a bigger breakthrough, go to other places to see.” Qin Wentian thought, immediately stood up, terrifying eyes swept through four void doors, body shape Flash, Qin Wentian did not carefully choose, not only the method of the Buddha Sect, but then let it go.

Entering the door of void, Qin Wentian felt that he had crossed the void distance in an instant. When his footsteps fell on the ground, there was a sound of huā lā lā, which was a wave of great seas.

At this time, Qin Wentian, standing on the huge seaside reef, the waves rushed over, and the sea water splashed on his body, soaking his clothes.

Looking back, it was a sea of ​​sorrow. As for his front, there, all the way up, there is a magnificent quaint building with the door of Saint Academy.

“It seems to be, the land of truth, has the door to the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy.” Qin Wentian looked ahead, let the waves wet the clothes, then stepped up and walked towards the door of the move towards the Saint Academy. go with.

For a moment, Qin Wentian came to the quaint Saint Academy and extended his hands. Qin Wentian pushed the door of Saint Academy and stepped into it.

At this moment, a wonderful voice appeared in Qin Wentian’s mind, which is the rule of Saint Academy.

The door of Saint Academy is closed behind, Qin Wentian looks at the front, not so much a Saint Academy, but rather a more independent world.

Qin Wentian stepped forward, as if he had perceived something, his eyes flashed a faint smile.

After some time, in the distance, there seems to be a white lightning. Move towards here is quickly arrived. It didn’t take long before I saw a white body directly into Qin Wentian’s arms and hit Qin Wentian’s chest.

“little brat, do you want to kill me?” Qin Wentian glared at Little Rascal’s head with a slight smile, and there was a beautiful shadow behind the little brat. He also came to Qin Wentian’s, and it was Inferno.

“How come you come, this baby has been here for many years, you are too bad.” Little Rascal stared at Qin Wentian, seemingly scornful, even slower than him for so many years.

“The road to crossing the sea is different. I came to a different place. Before I came here, I went to another place. Later I found it here. After you crossed the sea of ​​Xianhai, did you come directly here?” Qin Wentian asked. He and Little Rascal Inferno are also connected, especially with Little Rascal, who have long been contractually connected, but after all, they are independent individuals. When separated by space, the inductance is still blurred.

“Yeah, I slept in the fairy sea, floated and floated, then woke up and came here, it was really comfortable to sleep.” Little brat said lazily, which made Qin Wentian roll his eyes, which is too Simple?

“Bragging.” Inferno whispered.

“Little Inferno, how do you say that, this baby is always protecting you here.” Little brat said with a big head, Qin Wentian felt that this guy is getting more and more unreliable.

“Inferno, how many people have this Saint Academy, and friends I know?” Qin Wentian asked Inferno.

“A lot of people have arrived, more than a thousand people, many of them are demon here.” Inferno responded: “As for friends…”

“There is your Younger Sister Yunxi.” Little Rascal interjected, causing Qin Wentian to roll his eyes and give a note directly on the bastard’s head. This Little Rascal is too rude.

“I didn’t make a mistake.” Little Rascal shouted, and seemed to be a little wronged.

“There are people from Nanhuang Yunxi and Nanhuang Shengge who are numbered in Southern Phoenix Clan. Besides, those who follow Big Brother Wentian have seen some.” Inferno whispered, Qin Wentian eyes flash, Inferno, naturally It is the people of Battle Saint Clan.

“And, those demons are too annoying, often harassing Inferno, harassing Nanhuang Yunxi, asking Inferno to help them to produce Vermillion Bird descendants, and Nanhuang Yunxi to give them the Phoenix Bloodline’s descendant, shameless.” Little Rascal is very unhappy Tao, Qin Wentian looked at Inferno, only to see Inferno’s face was slightly cold, Qin Wentian suddenly understood that some demon must have bullied Inferno.

Many of the Monster Beasts are powerful Great Monsters with pure bloodline. The powerful Monster Race forces, the bloodline unparalleled, such as the Great Peng Clan and the White Tiger Clan, are very powerful, the demon character is also directly overbearing, little brat If you were in Xianhai, he had already learned the arrogance of the pure bloodline Great Monster. The eyes were higher than the top, and the Immortal Territory Human Race was offended.

“Go, let’s go find them,” Qin Wentian said.

“Who are you looking for?” asked the little brat.

“Nanhuang Yunxi them.” Qin Wentian responded, Little Rascal turned his eyes, laughing at the look at Qin Wentian, Inferno was flashing and leading the way.

“What’s in this Saint Academy?” Qin Wentian asked, and asked.

“There are a lot of practice places, and there are quite a few secrets of the danger. Now Nanhuang Yunxi is in a practice ancient mountain. There are many Monster Race divine ability magic spells in this ancient mountain. There are also powerful Monster in the depth of the ancient mountain. Beast, I don’t know where it came from,” Little Brat responded.

“It’s so big here, like a world, not just a Saint Academy, we haven’t been to many places.”

“Understood.” Qin Wentian nodded, the entire group went on the air. After some time, Qin Wentian saw an ancient peak in front of him, standing there.

In front of the ancient peak of the mountain, on the boulders, many people stood on it.

Qin Wentian Immortal Sense came in. Soon, he found the place where Nanhuang Yunxi was located. His body shape flashed, and the entire group had moved towards that direction.

Nanhuang Yunxi seems to be aware of the beautiful eyes turned, and then sees Qin Wentian’s emptiness, a smile in the beautiful eyes of cold and proud, started talking: “You are here.”

“Well.” Qin Wentian came down to Nanhuang Yunxi, and Nanhuang Shengge was also there. She looked at Qin Wentian said with a smile: “No, why are you coming so late?”

“There are more than one Saint Academy. As far as I know, there may be four. The divine diversal ability is different and may lead to different Saint Academy.” Qin Wentian said: “I went to another place and found an entrance to here. ”

“It turns out that.” Nanhuang Shengge eyes smiles, Qin Wentian looks at the front of the mountain wall, eyes flash, the mountain wall, there is a statue of Phoenix phantom, lifelike, like looming from the mountain wall.

Not only that, but the other ancient peaks seem to have all kinds of Great Monster, like the sacred land of Monster Beast practice.

“What do you see?” Qin Wentian asked.

“It’s very esoteric. The more you understand the pattern, the more you can feel it’s unfathomable. The faintness can produce resonance with the body’s bloodline strength. I even guessed that it might be able to stimulate the bloodline to make it more pure.”Nanhuang Yunxi The eyes are solemn. Although she is a Human Race martial cultivator, the ancestors of the Phoenix Bloodline and the Southern Phoenix Clan expert have the power of the Phoenix Bloodline, especially the inheritance Saintess who has stepped into the inheritance.

“Let’s stay away from her.” At this moment, the sound of a strange monster came, and Qin Wentian’s eyes suddenly turned, and he saw an ancient peak not far from the front, on the boulders, with a strange monster figure. Great Monster has the mark of the king on the forehead, it is the expert of White Tiger Clan, let Qin Wentian stay away from Nanhuang Yunxi!

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