Xianhai, not exhausted.

On this day, it has been three years since Qin Wentian and the others entered Xianhai.

Qin Wentian is quietly lying on the solitary boat, no worries, forgetting where he is.

This fairy sea is like a practice road, you can’t see the end, there will always be a stronger realm waiting.

Xianhai is like a human body. No one knows the extremes of the body. He can constantly accommodate Xianli and his body becomes stronger.

The person who practices in Xianhai is like the Immortal Stage of Stellar Martial Cultivator. I don’t know when I can get enough natural law strength to reach the other side.

Qin Wentian has been lying for a long time. He seems to be doing nothing, sometimes opening his eyes, looking at the blue sky, showing a smile, so that there is no desire, let go of all the days, but also comfortable, very easy.

At this time, a wonderful feeling suddenly emerged. In front of him, in the fairy sea, there was a magical Saint Academy. At this moment, Qin Wentian had a strong feeling that he could set foot as long as he was willing. The Saint Academy, at the moment, seems to have reached the other side.

“This Saint Academy looks a little different from the previous one.” Qin Wentian remembered the Saint Academy that had appeared on the day when Monk crossed the sea. The Saint Academy in front of her eyes seemed more quiet and peaceful, very ordinary.

“No desire, no practice, no practice, no practice, and where is the other side, this Saint Academy, what kind of Path of Cultivation?” Qin Wentian smiled and shook his head, then he closed his eyes and continued Lying there.

Gradually, the phantom became secretly thought and eventually disappeared into the front of Qin Wentian’s.

Qin Wentian, he gave up the opportunity to step on the other side and enter the Saint Academy.

The reason why he did this is just to find out what he thought. Now, Qin Wentian has already verified that Saint Academy really appears.

It is very difficult to achieve true desire and no desire. He is bent on seeking martial arts, and how can he give up. It can be said that anyone in Xianhai is difficult to do this. However, Qin Wentian, he broke through his heart and did it.

“Why give up?” A voice appeared in Qin Wentian’s mind, like the voice of Heavenly Dao.

Qin Wentian trembled in the heart, but quickly settled down. The look at the Xianhai Sea was still nothing. He slowly said, “I want to practice to seek into the Saint Academy, not to enter the Saint Academy.”

No one responded, and the voice seemed to come from nothingness, and to nothingness, as if it did not exist.

Qin Wentian is still in the fairy sea. He is lying there with a smile. At this moment, he seems to be full of spirits, sweeping away the original embarrassment, just because he knows what he should do.

Eyes closed, Qin Wentian was immortal light shining, the power of natural law flowed in the body above his body, his body seemed to be excited, bursting out of the eye-catching fairy, like a body.

“Oh.” The boat was broken. Qin Wentian’s body lay directly on the fairy sea. He didn’t even control his body and let it go. However, Qin Wentian’s body did not sink in the sea, but still floated there.

The natural law strength of Qi Xian directly wrapped Qin Wentian’s body inside, Qin Wentian’s body is like a silkworm cocoon entangled, his body flows with the fairy sea, but Qin Wentian seems to have been ignored, at the moment He only cares about his practice.

As time passed, Qin Wentian gave birth to a wonderful feeling many times. It seems that as long as he is willing, Saint Academy may appear in front of him. However, he does not know that he still floats with the fairy sea, and the natural law strength becomes a little stronger. ,mortal body continues to experience tempering, Immortal Stage grows.

On this day, Qin Wentian released the endless magnificent ray, the Immortal Stage is still perfect, but it has become more powerful, Xianwei blazing, in the fairy sea, there is endless strength madly pouring into his body, blending into his Within the Immortal Stage, the strength of Xianhai seems to be inclusive and can be used by Qin Wentian practice.

At this moment, centered on Qin Wentian, his whole person was wrapped in endless light. The fairy sea was madly scrolling and roaring, and the endless force flowed into his body and flowed into his Immortal Stage. Inside, it seems to be his tonic, for his use.

Immortal Stage Realm, the harder it is, the more difficult it is. Every time you upgrade, the strength you need is all the previous realm stacks. Therefore, the time may be multiplied every time you upgrade.

Therefore, the Immortal Stage practice is difficult. If the Immortal Stage is a hundred years, it may be two hundred years of Immortal Stage 2nd level, four hundred years of Immortal Stage 3rd level, eight hundred years of Immortal Stage 4th level, 1,600 years of Immortal Stage 5th level… , 20,000 years to Immortal Stage 9th level!

Only those who are Transcendent’s peerless, the first-time Immortal Stage is the king grade or even the perfect Immortal Stage, in order to get out of an unusual path.

When Xianhai became a storm of Xian, used by Qin Wentian, he seemed to be a butterfly.

Time is still the same, in the sea of ​​Xianhai, time seems to be insignificant. On this day, somewhere in Xianhai, there is a shot of immortal light, where there is a figure floating from the fairy sea, it is Qin Wentian.

In front, a Saint Academy phantom appeared there, seemingly summoning Qin Wentian to step into it.

As long as he is willing, he can step into this Saint Academy.

However, Qin Wentian looks at the Saint Academy, but just smiled, no action, until the Saint Academy disappeared.

“Why don’t you enter?” There is another voice in the mind of Qin Wentian’s, standing on the endless fairy sea, Qin Wentian is extraordinarily small, like a wave, can drown his body.

However, this moment, Qin Wentian, his body stood straight, with a smile and a calm look at the front.

“I want to ask a question?” Qin Wentian said, as if he was talking to nothing.

Calm for a moment, there was no sound, but then, there was another voice: “What problem?”

Upon hearing this echo, Qin Wentian smiled even more, and at this moment, he felt more confident.

“If Xianhai has a way, is this fairy sea, or the sea?” Qin Wentian asked, and there was another silence. Suddenly, the fairy sea blew a terrifying storm, and the huge sound of huā lā lā came out. Above the fairy sea, there is a huge wave of moving towards Qin Wentian. This huge wave condenses into a demon shape, like a terrifying giant beast, a roar, move towards Qin Wentian swallowed.

The terrifying giant beast seems to be able to swallow everything and easily enshrine Qin Wentian, but Qin Wentian stood still and did not move. When the millennial came, the giant beast phantom stopped, and the giant beast was like a glimpse. The big fish, his huge body is in front of Qin Wentian’s, the huge and ice-cold eyes staring at Qin Wentian, saying: “The fairy sea is a way, why is it not the sea?”

“The way of the Tao, where the natural law is, where comes the sea.” Qin Wentian looks at the behemoth in front, the expression is as calm as ever, seems to have broken everything.

He tried different methods to cross the sea and was successful. He had a variety of guesses in his mind.

In the end, Qin Wentian suspected that this fairy sea is simply a Taoist, natural law.

Xianhai is not the sea, but, natural law.

“You are very smart.” The Great Monster started talking, seemingly, acknowledging Qin Wentian’s words, both Qin Wentian has realized, then he will not deny it.

“Just, you tried it with two styles, but it took a lot of time. Why not enter the Saint Academy for the first time.” The Great Monster continued to ask: “Since, entering the Saint Academy is your purpose, waste Time, why?”

“So strong natural law, can be borrowed, why missed, into the Saint Academy, there is not necessarily such a practice opportunity, I took a short four years into the Immortal Stage 3rd level, promoted to a world, Ho To waste time?” Qin Wentian responded with a smile.

“You are very savvy.” The Great Monster said again: “This is the case, Saint Academy reappears, why not, and intend to continue to borrow Xianhai practice?”

Qin Wentian shook his head and was able to advance to the Immortal Stage 3rd level. Although it was borrowed from Xianhai practice, it did not have any relationship with his previous practice. He entered the Immortal Stage 2nd level many years ago. I have been in this realm for some time. Now, just entering the Immortal Stage 3rd level, it is impossible to pull the cultivation base to the Immortal Stage 4th level by practice.

“I am already at Saint Academy, where do I need to go?” Qin Wentian said, his voice falling, the Great Monster’s huge pupil was one of his eyes, staring at Qin Wentian.

“huā lā lā ……” A sound came out, the Great Monster turned into a fairy sea disappeared, and Xianhai seemed to be calm and calm.

Qin Wentian stood on the fairy sea. Gradually, he found that the scene in front of him was slowly changing. The endless fairy sea in the distance was turning into land. He lowered his head and his feet were no longer the sea. It is the ground.

Only in a moment, everything disappeared, Qin Wentian, he stood on the ground, as if the piece of fairy sea, never had.

Xianhai Wuya, because, there is no fairy sea.

“Call…” Qin Wentian breathes deeply, his eyes flashed a smile, in fact, he is not as confident as he showed himself, which is a bold guess in itself.

Since Qin Wentian thinks that the fairy sea is a way of natural law, then there may be something that does not exist, just natural law.

Now, this speculation is confirmed, and his bold ideas seem to be right.

On the ground, only one person stood, no one else, far away, the surrounding area, quiet, like a deserted area, there is no smoke, like an extremely old secret realm.

“Where is this?” Qin Wentian frowns, Saint Academy, why one is not seen, like an extremely old castle, hidden with many mysteries.

“Are you not very confident?” The voice rang again in Qin Wentian’s mind. He looked around, and his heart was dark, wouldn’t he intentionally fix him?

However, they are already standing on the ground. Qin Wentian still believes that his guess is not wrong. Before that person said that the road to cross the sea shows divine ability, and their roads are different and will be sent to different places.

The road to cross the sea is to seek truth, to see the vanity, the sea of ​​the sea, therefore, may go on a separate road!

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