Qing’er looks at Great Emperor Changqing, cold ice eyes seem a little unhappy, Great Emperor Changqing sees her eyes, said: “Qing’er, you know, father is swearing this, you said I should not kill he.”

Qing’er didn’t talk, just shook his head silently. Great Emperor Changqing said: “If I kill him, I am afraid you won’t even recognize my father.”

Said, his gaze once again fell on Qin Wentian’s, started talking: “You want to 娶Qing’er, the strength is not enough now, you are too weak, weak to an Immortal King can easily pinch You, the situation here, you also saw it. They even dared to oppress Evergreen Immortal Country, let alone the individual, to protect a person. Sometimes, you need to stand on the strength of Immortal Territory peak. You say, people in the world don’t Dare to violate, you are angry, all beings must be jealous.”

Qin Wentian trembled in his heart, whispered: “Only those ancient Great Emperor characters who once stood at the Immortal Territory peak can do this.”

“Exactly, even if I am, there are still people who can’t be protected, let alone you. If some people don’t care about your face and don’t kill you, you can’t live now. Do you understand?” Great Emperor Changqing stares at Qin Wentian Road.

“junior understands.” Qin Wentian nodded.

“You don’t understand, now they don’t kill you, just because you don’t threaten them now, they don’t really have the heart to kill you. Once you see that you really might threaten them, some people will It’s not a false statement to kill you at all costs.” Great Emperor Changqing continued.

Qin Wentian has a glimpse of his heart. Yes, Immortal Emperor Dongsheng and Emperor Zi did not kill him personally, because he did not know that he had extinguished Dongsheng Ting and Zi Yunwu. Similarly, he now has no threat to Immortal Emperor Dongsheng and Emperor Zi. Coupled with Feather Emperor and Sovereign Qian Bian’s existence, weighed the pros and cons, and did not kill him by hand, but one day, Immortal Emperor Dongsheng found that Qin Wentian would threaten himself, and that would no longer be a scruples.

The Immortal Territory expert only weighs the pros and cons. The existence of natural law is also due to the existence of pros and cons. Once the pros and cons are out of balance, it is the time to break the natural law.

“You are ready, in the next few years, I will send you to a place to practice.” Great Emperor Changqing voice fell, his figure flashed, disappeared directly from the place to, without any sound, as if he never Did not appear like it.

“Send us to practice?” Qin Wentian whispered, seeing Qing’er turn around, his eyes looking at Qing’er, some doubts, but Qing’er’s beautiful eyes are also inexplicable, obviously, she I don’t know what Great Emperor Changqing is referring to.

Great Emperor Changqing did not return to Emperor Palace. He came to another palace and saw the long, silver-haired figure.

“You decided?” The white-haired figure groaned and asked.

“Well.” Great Emperor Changqing nodded: “Since Qing’er likes it, I can’t stop it, I can only send him a make-up, I hope he can take it easy.”

“This is nature, he needs the environment to temper, but it is a little risky for you.” Silver hair.

“I believe that you will not judge wrong.” Great Emperor Changqing said: “And, I have some understanding of him, I should not be wrong.”

“If you haven’t peeked at his life, I won’t tell you about it. Since you have decided, you should be prepared to deal with Sky Mist Immortal Country.”

“Two things, can be solved together, if defeated…” Great Emperor Changqing looks at each other, said with a smile: “Then, go to war.”

As he said, he turned and left, and outside the Emperor Palace, there were still princes seeks an audience, Great Emperor Changqing, but it has not been seen.

Until the arrival of one month, the Imperial City of the entire Evergreen Immortal Country was in a wonderful atmosphere, with countless people at the look at the Imperial Palace outside the Evergreen Immortal Country.

Today, on the date of the appointment, Sky Mist Immortal Country will join forces to bring people to the Imperial Palace in Evergreen Immortal Country to pick up Princess Qing’er and Princess Liuli to marry Sky Mist Immortal Country.

To this day, Evergreen Immortal Country has not acknowledged the so-called Immortal Territory judgement.

Beyond the Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial Palace, in the distance, a group of mighty figures descended, and there were experts of various powers. The group of people headed by them was even more powerful. They took a step forward and the world seemed to be heavy. A few points, this terrifying majesty, constantly moving towards Evergreen Immortal Country’s Imperial Palace, stunned by the Guard in front of the Imperial Palace.

Sky Mist Immortal Country, actually came to the Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial Palace, and the Great, so far, there is no way to deal with it.

“Hey.” Another step is to step out, just in front of Sky Mist Immortal Country Prince Tianlan Jiang, there is a terrifying old man, his cultivation base, I am afraid that Emperor Realm exists, every step, there is a Grand Dao Wei, can not be a lifetime, as if stepping on the hearts of all people, this power, constantly rushing into the Imperial Palace.

“Look at this, if the Great Emperor Changqing refuses to pay, Sky Mist Immortal Country is afraid that it is really possible to launch the Battle of Immortal Country.” All people trembled, I wonder how Evergreen Immortal Country would face.

Finally, outside of the expert’s imposing Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial Palace, I saw that the first expert said: “The Sky Mist Immortal Country mission came to the Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial Palace and greeted Princess Qing’er and Princess Liuli as agreed. Tianlan.”

“Shit.” A great shout came from the Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial Palace. An old man came in an instant. This old man is like a ferocious beast. It is imposing, and ice-cold says: “Who acknowledged the so-called Immortal Territory judgement.”

“dōng, dōng, dōng ……” There is always a prince expert stepping out, descending on the void, confronting Sky Mist Immortal Country expert.

“The ridiculous Immortal Territory judgement, Where is the Ancient Great Emperor? What is the messenger of Ancient Great Emperor?” Another prince ice-cold said: “You Sky Mist Immortal Country, what is the qualification to launch Immortal Territory judgement, no, you Sky Mist Immortal Can the Country Immortal Territory not succeed?”

“Presumptuous.” Sky Mist Immortal Country old man loudly shouted, in an instant many people grunt, cultivation base low people and even mouth spurt blood, this loud voice, resounding the world, shocking the soul, then Emperor Realm old man sweeping In front, coldly said: “Evergreen Immortal Country is the Immortal Territory eastern part top rank force, not agreed, contrary to the promise, my Sky Mist Immortal Country had to launch the Immortal Territory judgement, the major forces jointly judge this agreement, did not expect to be at this moment Evergreen Immortal Country is still so shameless, and refusing to admit it is simply the shame of Immortal Territory.”

“Yes, the contract has both the ancient seal of Evergreen Immortal Country and the Evergreen Immortal Country.” There seems to be an expert of Supreme Sword Sect, and said.

“Jokes, a scrap of paper, I have to use it to talk, decide what Immortal Country is, and this matter has something to do with Supreme Sword Sect.” Evergreen Immortal Country The princes are angry and the momentum seems to converge into one. The terrifying storm, and the opponent’s momentum in the opponent collided in the void, turned into an invisible light curtain, this invisible curtain is constantly expanding, covering a vast area.

“I only ask, Evergreen Immortal Country is not in compliance with the agreement, and it is not payable.” The Emperor Realm expert again made the prince of Evergreen Immortal Country even more angry and arrogant? They are Sky Mist Immortal Country. When his two Princesses of Evergreen Immortal Country are sinners.

It is said that the aloof and remote Princess, Great Emperor Changqing and Emperor Bai’s daughter, even the ordinary Royal Mansion woman, can not help but insult.

“Do not pay.”

A voice came from inside the Imperial Palace, Evergreen Immortal Country princes eyes flash, all looking back into the Imperial Palace, then they saw above the void, suddenly there was a figure, aloof and remote Like a god.

“Greetings the Great.” Evergreen Immortal Country The princes of the princes also fell into the greetings, and the Great Emperor Changqing’s pressure fell, covering the vast space.

“Tianlan State Mission, greetings Great Emperor Changqing.” Sky Mist Immortal Country’s experts are all very polite, but they don’t have much fear in their eyes.

“Great Emperor Changqing, the agreement between the two countries, the Immortal Territory judgement has been the result, and I hope that the Emperor can obey, let me Tianlan meet the two Princess.” The Emperor Realm expert slowly opened, in front of the Great Emperor Changqing, still not fear.

Great Emperor Changqing stood in void, looked at him, looked at him, did not speak, the eyes were sharp and sharp, seemed to be able to pierce the other side, for a long time, he was started talking: “Immortal Territory judgement? Since you believe in Immortal Territory judgement, then good , Changqing announced that I disagreed with the outcome of Immortal Territory judgement and will launch a battle for judgment.”

This voice spread all over the place, countless people trembled, Great Emperor Changqing, launched the battle of judgment.

Sky Mist Immortal Country mission expert glittering, looking at Great Emperor Changqing: “So, the real hero is preparing for the battle of the realm, Immortal Stage Realm, or Immortal King Realm.”

His eyes are sharp, eyes showing sharp light, the battle of judgment, but the battle of mass killing, the parties together, Great Emperor Changqing If the battle of the judgement is launched, the death is not just as simple as one person or two.

The battle of judgement must be divided into life and death.

The princes of Evergreen Immortal Country are also fluctuating inside. It seems that the emperor had long thoughts, that is, to launch the battle of judgment. Of course, this is also a helpless move. His Evergreen Immortal Country stands for Immortal Territory, and of course it is impossible to surrender two Princess, if this is done, Evergreen Immortal Country will be disguised as an Immortal Territory joke.

It is better to fight, not to be bent, to fight, then the battle of judgment.

“Immortal Stage.” Great Emperor Changqing said that this is also expected by all people. Immortal King is a backbone of power, even for Immortal Country, it is extremely important, the battle of large-scale judgement, loss is not Start.

“The battle of judgement requires at least 81 people to participate. It is decided by both parties. How many people do you think of Great Emperor Changqing?” The Sky Mist Immortal Country expert continued to ask.

“Since this evening, there is no Ancient Great Emperor, the battle of judgement, it is a play, and Sky Mist Immortal Country launched the Immortal Territory judgement, then I let Immortal Territory, witness an ancient Great Emperor will come to the era.” Great Emperor Changqing slowly opened, only to see him step on the void, look up and look at the endless Vault of Heaven, this moment, the endless Earth Territory, turned into an endless starry sky.

On the Great Emperor Changqing, there is an endless star of strength, just like the Grand Dao.

“What is Great Emperor Changqing going to do?” all people eyes flash, some puzzled.

“Ancient Great Emperor will be the end of the era?” Sky Mist Immortal Country expert glimpse glittering, see above the void, Astral Power, the road to open the sky, the Vault of Heaven, the Vault of Heaven is incomparably beautiful, all people are trembled.

I saw at the end of the ancient road of the starry sky, there is a Supreme palace, looming, and then projected.

“Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, he is summoning Heavenly Dao Saint Academy.” Sky Mist Immortal Country’s expert heart swayed, and everyone beside him was a stunned look.

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