Qin Wentian’s head is retracted, and the beauty is appreciated. Qing’er’s face is red, and people think about it again.

Clear as ice and clean as jade’s cold goddess, when Hong Xia flies on a white jade-like face, the beauty is amazing, the temptation is unstoppable.

Qin Wentian’s body moved, relying on Qing’er, he reached out and took over Qing’er slender waist, the boneless waist, fascinating, Qin Wentian staring at her, Qing’er’s body also Move towards Qin Wentian The body leaned over, the head leaned against Qin Wentian’s shoulder, looks at the peerless beauty that is close at hand, and Qin Wentian’s mood is so beautiful at the moment.

He was so quietly squatting at Qing’er and enjoying the rare silence of this moment.

Quiet in the night, Qin Wentian’s quiet practice, the stars in the void sprinkled down, his body immortal light flow, the body looks like transparent, the light of the Immortal Stage is looming.

However, at this time, the immortal light on Qin Wentian’s dissipated, and his eyes suddenly opened. He only felt a wonderful strength descending on his body, causing his brow to wrinkle.

He faintly felt that there seemed to be a wonderful strength calling him.

With a flash of shape, Qin Wentian followed the feeling of vacating and walked in the void. Not long after, he went out of Princess Changping’s residence and galloped in the Imperial Palace in Immortal Country.

The subtle feelings have always existed, and the distance is not too far, as he continues to move forward in void, he came to a sparkling Star Lake, which starred like an endless star, beautiful. On the edge of the Milky Way, there is a slender figure standing quietly, as if he has been here, coexisting with this night.

This person has a long faint illuminating light, revealing the meaning of sorrow, Qin Wentian feels that the wonderful strength is from here.

“Qin Wentian has seen Senior, is Senior guiding me to this place?” Qin Wentian squinted at the figure, and the figure slowly turned and his eyes fell on Qin Wentian’s.

When Qin Wentian’s eyes contacted the other party, I only felt that I saw a vast expanse of stars. It was so deep and deep. At this moment, Qin Wentian felt that he was in the endless sky, like a transparent person, and he was seen by the other side. His whole person seems to be in the other’s eyes, and the eyes of the eyes are like the starry world he is in.

This moment of time, like a long time, when the other party regained his eyes, Qin Wentian felt relaxed and had a sense of dreams.

“very powerful.” Qin Wentian secretly said in heart, this person gave him the feeling, really unfathomable, he has seen many Immortal King characters, even Immortal Emperor expert, he can not feel the realm of this person, but It must be stronger than Yan Yuan Immortal King or the nightmare Immortal King. After all, the two really bloomed against him.

At the Imperial Palace in Evergreen Immortal Country, there are only a handful of people who can own these cultivation bases.

“There is nothing, just want to see you.” There is a bit of ambiguity in this voice, just like it is not true, Qin Wentian has some surprises in his heart, such a strong figure, just want to see himself? This is why.

He is somewhat puzzled. Moreover, with this person’s cultivation base, Immortal Sense can easily cover the entire Imperial Palace. Naturally, he has seen him, and the other party said that he should see him.

Could it be that the master of Qing’er, the owner of Evergreen Immortal Country, Great Emperor Changqing?

“Senior…” Qin Wentian wanted to speak, but he saw the other party gently waving his hand and whispered: “Good practice, don’t forget, you are a big Destiny.”

“Great Destiny.” Qin Wentian whispered.

“Go.” The other party’s eyes flashed a smile. Qin Wentian didn’t expect the other person to guide himself. It’s really just to say a word. This makes him speechless, but he can feel that the other party is not malicious. Such an expert would like to see him personally, but it would be a privilege. For this and other people, ordinary people are even lazy to take a look at them.

“Junior retired.” Qin Wentian spoke up and then turned and went, with some doubts in his heart.

After he left, the Star Lake suddenly rushed, and it continued to roll. In Star Lake, Qin Wentian’s figure reflected, a star of light, move toward void.

That figure is one of the heads, followed by the ray of light, and the All Heaven stars, which are reflected above the Vault of Heaven, seem to be in his eyes. Like a chessboard, the stars are coming. The brighter, until a star light rises to peak, then blasts.

“cough cough…” The white clothed figure next to Star Lake coughed and there was a drop of blood coughing out, but he didn’t see it, his palm waved, and Star Lake turned into an endless starlight that flowed into his body. in.


There is a figure in the distance, this figure is very beautiful, looks at the person in front of me, said: “father, are you injured?”

“Peeping at Heavenly Dao natural law, naturally, I have to pay a little price. Unfortunately, my cultivation base is still too shallow.” This figure gently shook his head and thought that the cultivation base was still shallow. I don’t know how outsiders know how it will feel.

“See what?” the beautiful woman whispered.

“The bumpy practice road, life is higher than the sky, the number of Ancient Great Emperor’s life, can’t see through.” The figure faintly said, I saw him standing with his hands, then walked away, leaving a beautiful woman in a place to daze.

Life is higher than the sky, the number of Ancient Great Emperor?

This is by far the only person he has seen in his father who has such a number of lives.


The events at Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial Palace spread and soon spread throughout the Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial city, and countless people were shocked.

Sky Mist Immortal Country is overbearing, going to Immortal Country Imperial Palace to suppress Evergreen Immortal Country, and Supreme Sword Sect is also involved, pressing Evergreen Immortal Country, the prince can’t breathe, and threatened to launch it hundreds of thousands of years ago. Immortal Territory judgement.

What is shocking is that Thousand Changes Immortal Sect disciple Qin Wentian stood up and led the people of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect to crush the Sky Mist Immortal Country expert, killing the other party without a bit of temper, invincible, no one The defeated, the Immortal Stage of the Sky Mist Immortal Country Imperial Family digital Imperial Family expert was abolished, and this Qin Wentian was still holding the hand of Princess Qing’er in the Immortal Country Imperial Palace, claiming that Princess Qing’er It was his girlfriend who angered the crown and became a young beauty, only to humiliate and crush the Sky Mist Immortal Country.

Later, the news about Qin Wentian’s gradually increased. Some people heard that Qin Wentian is the direct disciple of Sovereign Qian Bian. He has a deep contradiction with Immortal Emperor Dongsheng. He was a centuries-old in Eastern Saint Immortal Sect many years ago. In the Xianyan, all Heaven’s Chosen was crushed to win the first place, but refused to apprentice. It was that Sovereign Qian Bian appeared on that day and divided Dongsheng Thirteen.

According to rumors, this person innate talent is extraordinary, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect has no rivals who can compete with him, and his and Immortal Emperor Dongsheng’s grudges are said to have been humiliated by Immortal Emperor Dongsheng.

The rumors about Qin Wentian’s gradually increased, and with his relationship with Princess Qing’er, he became a man of the Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial city.

However, there was soon a news that pressed Qin Wentian’s head.

Sky Mist Immortal Country invited the Immortal Territory eastern part to participate in the launch of the Immortal Territory judgement, Evergreen Immortal Country did not abide by the contract, and the year that promised Sky Mist Immortal Country was now ruined, requesting the top rank force judgment.

For the sake of justice, the judgment location is located in the Imperial city of Evergreen Immortal Country.

Soon, it was reported that Emperor Zi, Supreme Sword Sect and even Heavenly Monster Palace will support Sky Mist Immortal Country, and the judgment Evergreen Immortal Country will comply with the contract and marry the best Princess of Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial Family into Sky Mist. Immortal Country.

The matter spread throughout the Immortal Territory eastern part of the top rank ranks, Tai Hua Emperor Dynasty and Beast God Church did not make any statement, Immortal Territory eastern part parties are strong, have moved towards Evergreen Immortal Country’s Imperial city.

This event is even more raging in the Imperial City of Evergreen Immortal Country, full of wind and rain.

In the Imperial City of Evergreen Immortal Country, Sky Mist Immortal Country invites the forces to launch the Immortal Territory judgement, which is simply a slap in the face Evergreen Immortal Country.

In the Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial Palace, there is a sound coming out. Now it is no longer the era of Ancient Great Emperor. The Immortal Territory is a group of people. There is no power to unite Immortal Territory East. Who is eligible to judge other forces?

Regardless of the outcome of this Immortal Territory judgement, his Evergreen Immortal Country would not care.

Both attitudes are very obvious, each with a word, but Sky Mist Immortal Country did not pay attention to it at all.

Qin Wentian has been practicing in the Imperial Palace of Evergreen Immortal Country for a long time, and staying with Qing’er, but she does not feel the passing of time. He is angry at the launch of the Immortal Territory judgement by Sky Mist Immortal Country. There are also some faint concerns. How can the Evergreen Immortal Country deal with the past?

On this day, somewhere in the Imperial city of Evergreen Immortal Country, the Sky Mist Immortal Country has a banquet, and the parties are invited to come. The messenger of Emperor Zi, the Supreme Sword Sect, and the Heavenly Monster Palace are all here. Immortal Territory judgement, they each have a seat, but the opposite position is empty, it is reserved for Evergreen Immortal Country, but Evergreen Immortal Country, no one.

“It seems that Evergreen Immortal Country knows that the Immoral Territory judgement must be lost, so it does not appear. My Sky Mist Immortal Country has the support of all parties. Even if Evergreen Immortal Country does not appear, I cannot escape this judgment. According to the contract, I Sky Mist Immortal Country will choose a good day to go to Evergreen Immortal Country and meet Princess Qing’er and Princess Liuli to Tianlan.”

Tianlan Jiang, according to all people, said: “This judgement is the decision of the Immortal Territory eastern part. If Evergreen Immortal Country still does not comply with the judgment, it is against the forces.”

The sound spreads through void, and then moves towards the Imperial City of Evergreen Immortal Country, which is spread out to the Imperial Palace in Evergreen Immortal Country.

In the Imperial Palace of Evergreen Immortal Country, the anger is somewhat oppressive, and Sky Mist Immortal Country is full of momentum, uniting the forces of the parties, already bullying them!

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