“This…” all people saw that Sky Mist Immortal Country’s nine Imperial Family elites were frustrated, and the nine were not strong. They had crushed Evergreen Immortal Country’s nine great Heaven’s Chosen, and there was another Good at the power of Xumi natural law, apparently the enchanting genius cultivated by Sky Mist Immortal Country.

However, at this moment, they were directly blasted by violent attacks. Several of them were broken and destroyed. If the strongest person blocked the opponent’s attack with the force of Xumi, I am afraid that nine people would have to lie on the battle. Above the platform.

This confrontation is not a level of battle at all. The gap between the two sides is simply amazing.

Qin Wentian’s confidence in them is not arrogant arrogance, but really has such strength.

“Which people are this, I have never heard of a clan who is good at condensing Divine Ape Immortal Stage with such terrifying power, at least Immortal Territory is not in the East, and Thousand Changes Immortal Sect came from.” all people Thinking, but it is impossible to think of.

The last time Battle Saint Clan appeared in Immortal Territory, it was already the era of Ancient Great Emperor, and several people know.

All people looked at Qin Wentian, only to see Qin Wentian expression is still indifferent, chilly, started talking: “Now, believe it?”

Tianlan Jiang only feels hot on the face, before he was arrogant, a slap in the face Evergreen Immortal Country, I didn’t expect it to be so humiliated by the people of the Immortal Stage of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect.

The people of Changqing Longhao and Evergreen Immortal Country looked at Qin Wentian’s eyes and showed a rather complicated expression. Nothing between this guy and Evergreen Immortal Country was clearer than the Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial Palace. At that time, many princes targeted Qin Wentian, however, they did not think that the young men who were humiliated by many of the princes of the princes were now so unpredictable, and they had to make a clearance for their Evergreen Immortal Country and did what they could not do with their children in Evergreen Immortal Country.

This seems to be a bit ironic.

“You really angered me.” Tianlan Jiang ice-cold said that the people who were abandoned in the Immortal Stage were all Imperial Family, and they were elite experts. Everyone was out of the ordinary, even, Immortal. Stage is abolished.

“Qi Da, come down.” Qin Wentian spoke, and Ji Da and other nine people walked off the battle platform, then Qin Wentian said: “Choose the 3rd level in the nine Immortal Stage.”

“Yes.” Qi Da nodded, and soon picked up nine people and walked onto the battle platform.

“Please enlighten Your Highness Prince Tianlan Prince, 3rd level in the Immortal Stage, just nine of you.” Qin Wentian indifference, looks at the nine people who stepped on the battle platform again, the experts on the scene were trembled, not Is it the same person from the same clan as the previous nine?

If there is such a fighting strength, I am afraid that no one in the field can pick out nine people who can compete with it.

“kā chā.” Tianlan Jiang clenched his fists and his body was faintly frustrated. His eyes stared at Qin Wentian, and the sharp eyes were like swords.

“The natural law of the compare notes, why have you been determined by you?” Tianlan Jiang cold and proud.

Qin Wentian sarcastically said: “I was so arrogant before, now I am looking for a reason, well, you said, how to fight?”

“Fighting you.” Tianlan Jiang said.

“I said, your people are not worthy, let Tianlan Hai come to challenge me, maybe I can consider it.” Qin Wentian responded.

“Are you afraid?” Tianlan Jiang sneered.

“Well, since you want to challenge me, I agree, you let an Immortal Stage 2nd level person and Tianlan Hai challenge me and a person in the Immortal Stage 3rd level, so it’s fair. ?” Qin Wentian responded.

“Don’t dare to fight, but also to find other people to fight?” Tianlan Jiang sneered.

“The person who was arrogant was you. Now I have sent nine people to the battle platform. I am afraid you are still fighting. You have to challenge me. My request is that Tianlan Hai needs to play. It is still you who are retreating.” Qin Wentian voice Still calm, his eyes swept to the Sky Mist Immortal Country. Many of the experts said: “There will be a lot of war. If you don’t dare to fight, you will get out of the Immortal Country Imperial Palace. There are so many nonsense.”

Seeing Qin Wentian’s arrogant gesture, all people faintly feel that it is not like Evergreen Immortal Country and Sky Mist Immortal Country, but the battle between Sky Mist Immortal Country and Thousand Changes Immortal Sect.

But these people of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect are indeed powerful enough to be jealous.

“Tianlan Jiang, before you and Supreme Sword Sect invited me to compare notes to Evergreen Immortal Country, I have not refused, you are also mad at the next will not be polite, now, also cut, Thousand Changes Immortal Sect defeated you Sky Mist Immortal Country, so I can’t fight for a variety of reasons. Is this the compli note of your Sky Mist Immortal Country?”

Changqing Longhao will not miss this opportunity, so that he can suppress the arrogance of Sky Mist Immortal Country. He also sighs with anger and nowhere to vent.

“If it is such a compare note, I don’t think I can continue. I have to consider whether to send a guest.” Changqing Longhao coldly said.

The situation seemed a bit rigid at the moment, and Sky Mist Immortal Country wanted to join forces with Supreme Sword Sect to suppress Evergreen Immortal Country. I didn’t expect to kill Qin Wentian, which disrupted the situation and stirred the wind and rain.

I saw Supreme Sword Sect headed by Immortal King and looked at Qin Wentian. “Those Thousand Changes Immortal Sect disciple, why bother into this drowning, the agreement between Evergreen Immortal Country and Sky Mist Immortal Country is inevitable, you Participate, Thousand Changes Immortal Sect think clearly?”

“I didn’t intend to get involved. I don’t want to be tempted by Sky Mist Immortal Country and Evergreen Immortal Country. But don’t take the so-called agreement to marry Princess to Princess, otherwise, it will be related to me.” Qin Wentian coldly said.

“Why is it related to you?” asked Supreme Sword Sect expert.

“Because, Evergreen Immortal Country Princess Qing’er is my girlfriend.” Qin Wentian stares at each other, and his eyes are steadfast. If the storm is to get Qing’er into it, then Qin Wentian can’t stand in the game. outer.

He will never allow Sky Mist Immortal Country to marry Tianlan under the so-called agreement.

“Jokes, Princess Qing’er is a marriage contract with my Sky Mist Immortal Country Imperial Family. You are your girlfriend. I have never heard of such a ridiculous thing, Evergreen Immortal Country, do you admit it?” Tianlan Jiang said sarcastically. .

“He said, nature is true.” A crisp voice came suddenly, all people eyes flash, raise one’s head looked at void, and even if you saw the fluctuation of void strength, a line of expert abrupt appearance, the head of the person, Cold as snow lotus, beautiful and alluring, clear as ice and clean as jade, is so touching.

“A beautiful woman, is this the Princess Qing’er of Evergreen Immortal Country?” All people secretly said in heart, and immediately thought of who she was.

I saw this beautiful woman strolling out, not in the direction of Changqing Longhao, but in the direction of move towards Qin Wentian.

Qin Wentian stood up and hadn’t seen it for many years. He also missed Qing’er in his heart. Today’s Qing’er is already an expert in the Immortal Stage 2nd level. Like him, he has a fairy, more beautiful, beautiful. Dust, Transcendent is refined.

Qing’er walked up to Qin Wentian’s, the beautiful eyes were still cold, but in the depths of the beautiful eyes, Qin Wentian seemed to be able to feel her feelings.

Reaching out, Qin Wentian pulled Qing’er’s little hand, Qing’er’s hand was weak and boneless, but it was cool, she didn’t move, let Qin Wentian hold her hand in front of everyone, then walk Turning around Qin Wentian, the two stood side by side, like the perfect pair of fairy monks.

“She is my woman, of course it is related to me.” Qin Wentian said strongly that at this moment, even the people of Evergreen Immortal Country have no right to see anything, as if the relationship between Qin Wentian and Qing’er is the default. This situation, I am afraid that Qin Wentian did not think of himself.

Look at the two hands, at the moment there are people who do not understand why Qin Wentian violently, strong against Sky Mist Immortal Country.

It’s true that the crown is angry with young beauty.

“Hey.” Tianlan Jiang shot with a palm, and the wine table in front of him shattered. The robes on his body were windless and automatic.

“The contract is based on the fact that Evergreen Immortal Country allows Princess and others to be together. It’s ridiculous. Don’t tell me not afraid of the reputation of Princess?” Tianlan Jiang coldly said: “Whatever the relationship between Princess and this person, I hope Evergreen Immortal Country will handle this matter properly, I will invite all parties to launch Immortal Territory judgement, Princess Qing’er, must enter my Sky Mist Immortal Country.”

“A paper scrap is also used to talk. The so-called Immortal Territory judgement is even more ridiculous. I changed the day of the Thousand Changes Immortal Sect and Evergreen Immortal Country to launch an Immortal Territory judgement. To Sky Mist Immortal Country, you will be the Sky Mist Immortal Country. To comply?” Qin Wentian sees Tianlan Jiang still refuses to give up, coldly said: “Today, Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial Palace battle platform, as long as you Tianlan Jiang makes people on the battle platform, I should all go down until you are Sky Mist Immortal Country Out of Imperial Palace.”

“Hahaha, Qin Wentian, you are the most arrogant person in the Immortal Stage I have ever seen, no one.” Tianlan Jiang laughed, everything in front of him shattered, his eyes staring at Qin Wentian: “Since both So far, Evergreen Immortal Country refuses to recognize the contract, and there is no need to continue the compare notes. Since you said that the challenge of my Sky Mist Immortal Country should be all right, then, I only need one battle, you Fight in person, don’t dare, don’t continue to talk nonsense.”

Tianlan Jiang knows that the people of Square Saint Clan around Qin Wentian are so powerful that they can continue to compare notes and not be cheap, so only for Qin Wentian.

“Is it only a fight?” Qin Wentian let go of Qing’er’s hand and said to her with a smile: “I will come when I go.”

“Well.” Qing’er nodded lightly, and then Qin Wentian slowly walked out and moved towards the battle platform.

On the battle platform, Qin Wentian’s eyes looked at Tianlan Jiang: “You want me to play, I am fulfilling you, but the end, I am afraid you can’t accept it.”

“Where is the 3rd level under the Immortal Stage?” Tianlan Jiang said.

“despicable.” Changqing Longhao coldly said that since it is a one-person battle, he should naturally choose the person with Qin Wentian and realm by default, Immortal Stage 2nd level, and Tianlan Jiang deliberately says 3rd level under Immortal Stage, which includes Immortal Stage. 3rd level is inside, Qin Wentian is so mad, I believe he will nod, then Qin Wentian will definitely die here.

“With you.” Qin Wentian really spit out two words, not as expected by Tianlan Jiang. In his eyes, he has already revealed the ice-cold smile, looking at Qin Wentian’s gaze, like gazing at the dead!

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