Tianlan Hai’s fingers squeaked at the wine table, making a squeaking sound. He looked at Qin Wentian, his smile was strange, and the needle was hidden in the cotton.

“Not someone from Evergreen Immortal Country.” Tianlan Hai looked at Qin Wentian’s indifferent eyes, said with a smile: “So, do you admire Princess Qing’er or Princess Liuli? For the love of the heart, you can understand it with impulsiveness.” But at the moment, it is not a good thing.”

I saw a few figures suddenly falling next to Tianlan Hai, terrifying, not only on the side of Tianlan Hai, but also on the other side of Heaven’s Chosen, there are experts appearing on it, all of them are Immortal King characters, they only appear after they appear Standing calmly, it seems to be just a sight at the bustle.

“My Sky Mist Immortal Country and Evergreen Immortal Country are in-laws, and now I am coming to the Princess of Evergreen Immortal Country. It is also the guest of Evergreen Immortal Country. Now, here, my Tianlan Hai is insulted by an outsider, I Think, kill him, everyone should not mind?”

Tianlan Hai’s fingers tapped and looked at the expert of Evergreen Immortal Country. In the calm words, there was an undisguised killing intent.

“Of course not.” A crisp voice came, and there was only one figure in the distance to take the Great Monster. Even a very beautiful woman sat down on the Great Monster. It was Blue Luan. This woman is noble, cool, and bright. Glittering, beside her, there are many expert bodyguards, and a beautiful woman walks side by side with her, also revealing noble temperament.

Qin Wentian looked back at those people, many of whom were acquaintances, Princess Liuli, who had seen it at Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, next to Princess Liuli, Qing Aerie Princess Changping, Princess Changping husband and wife Come, she is surrounded by her husband Chi Tong Hou.

Tianlan Hai’s gaze instantly fell on Princess Liuli, her eyes unscrupulously turning in her graceful posture, and even a faint light of desire.

“Greetings Princess Changping, Princess Liuli, Chi Tong Hou.” The sergeants of Evergreen Immortal Country were among the greeters, and they all made everyone eyes flash. They all looked to the people. The beautiful woman was Princess Liuli. .

“Princess Liuli.” Tianlan Hai smiled. This is the first time he saw Princess Liuli. He was very satisfied. If he could go home and be a wife, let the noble woman of Princess Liuli dance for him. It is indeed a beautiful thing on earth.

“Sky Mist Immortal Country, I have seen two Princesses,” Tianlan Hai said, but still sitting still in that shape.

“Imperial city of Evergreen Immortal Country, no killing is allowed.” Princess Changping looked at Tianlan Hai, indifferent.

“But he had previously abandoned an expert’s Immortal Stage?” Tianlan Hai pointed to Qi Da, who was next to Qin Wentian.

“Is there?” Princess Changping asked Qin Wentian.

“It was his provocation. I wanted to kill me. The Law Enforcer of Evergreen Immortal Country didn’t arrive. Junior had to protect himself. He had a heavy shot and hoped that Princess would understand.” Qin Wentian is facing the Princess Changping, two people. I have already known it, and naturally it is tacit.

“so that’s how it is, so you are against the Imperial city rules, others have to resist?” Princess Changping said to the sky-mountain man coldly, clearly guarding Qin Wentian.

“What is the reason for this, my people have been abolished Immortal Stage, but it is wrong.” Yang Kongshan expert does not accept.

“Since you also think that you have a reason, then the two sides went with me to the Imperial City of Evergreen Immortal Country. I carefully investigated the matter, how?” Chi Tong Hou took a step forward and said to Yang Yangshan expert, he The eyes are red, making people feel terrifying. The people in the Yangkong Mountain are not stupid enough to really believe in Evergreen Immortal Country. If they go, it is not the other party who has the final say.

“Oh.” That expert coldly snorted, very unpleasant.

“So, he humiliated me, is this the case?” Tianlan Hai continued, although he has a reputation, but it is not a good class, and he will easily stop.

“What do you want?” Chi Tong Hou looks at Tianlan Hai.

“It’s not my Sky Mist Immortal Country. I think it’s a guest. If you don’t have a disposal method, then my Sky Mist Immortal Country has to deal with it.” After Tianlan Hai, an Immortal King The expert said very strongly.

“What is your approach to Sky Mist Immortal Country?” Chi Tong asked.

“Kill.” The other party spit out a word, not at all.

“haha, a big tone.” Only the loud laughter came out, the void swayed, and then there were several expert figures walking around, they went straight behind Qin Wentian’s, and looked straight ahead.

“How do you kill?” People come to look at each other’s expert, indifference, there are countless experts around the distance looking at Juxianlou, the ups and downs, it is interesting, more and more experts appear, those behind Heaven’s Chosen The characters appeared one after another, and the young man who dared to stand opposite Tianlan Hai did not seem to be an ordinary person. Even if he was not a member of Evergreen Immortal Country, he still dared to challenge Sky Mist Immortal Country.

“Who are you?” Tianlan Hai stared at Qin Wentian, who had the Immortal King expert as the bodyguard. The identity would never be simple, even if it was not as good as the Sky Mist Immortal Country, but there must be Immortal Emperor behind it.

“Evergreen Immortal Country’s guests.” Princess Changping cold-viewed Tianlan Hai, said: “Unlike some people, the mouth is said to be a guest, but dare to insult me ​​Evergreen Immortal Country Princess, such disrespectful guests, I am not welcome. ”

“Evergreen Immortal Country Is this going to destroy the promise?” Tianlan Hai behind the Immortal King coldly opening.

“Today Immortal Country, I have never made any promises to your Sky Mist Immortal Country, nor have you ever had any agreement with you. This is known all over the world. How can you destroy the word?” Princess Changping said.

“Very good, you say so, then we will step into the Immortal Country Imperial Palace and visit Great Emperor Changqing.” That Immortal King saw Princess Changping with a strong attitude, sneer, and then finger Qin Wentian, said: “But this Person, even if he is a guest of Evergreen Immortal Country, here humiliated Prince of Sky Mist Immortal Country, this account, anyway, counts.”

“Yes, my Sky Mist Immortal Country, regardless of his identity, pays the price today, the agreement between Evergreen Immortal Country and Sky Mist Immortal Country, is a smell of mother’s milk not yet dried brat, he also “Immortal King next to it is also strong. Since Princess Changping does not recognize the agreement, they will not mention this for the time being, but today Immortal Territory eastern part parties are invited to come here, if they have repeatedly fallen to Sky Mist Immortal Country How to do it.

Therefore, it is imperative to take Qin Wentian as the first bird. No matter what Qi Wentian is, his Sky Mist Immortal Country does not care.

“Sky Mist Immortal Country is so strong, but I would like to know if Sky Mist Immortal Country has strong qualifications.” Princess Changping sank and said: “Since you want him to pay, then you can, follow me Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial city rules to do it, since you said this child insulted you Immortal Country Prince Tianlan Hai, then Tianlan Hai stood up to kill him, my Evergreen Immortal Country will never interfere.”

Sky Mist Immortal Country’s expert expression is a condensate. Is this Princess Changping so confident to the young man?

“What, don’t you dare?” Princess Changping said: “If the so-called strength of your Sky Mist Immortal Country is a bully, then sorry, in my Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial city, no matter who.”

“It doesn’t matter, I just don’t dare to let my Sky Mist Immortal Country Prince take it.” Immortal King expert of Sky Mist Immortal Country coldly said: “Listen to what you mean, this person, Evergreen Immortal Country is a must? ”

“Not my Evergreen Immortal Country must be guarded, anyone, in the Imperial city of my Evergreen Immortal Country, I must keep the rules of Evergreen Immortal Country.” Chi Tong Hou Badao opening in their Imperial city, Sky Mist Immortal Country I still want to do whatever I want, and I don’t want people to laugh at the world.

Sky Mist Immortal Country dared to take the appointment of the year to speak to the dignitaries, they will be strong to show each other, Immortal Country Princess to marry Tianlan, it is impossible.

“If that’s the case, then, according to the rules of Evergreen Immortal Country.” Immortal King behind Tianlan Hai said, he looked around and said: “This time I visited Evergreen Immortal Country, I have not had a chance to personally After entering Imperial Palace greetings, three days later, my Sky Mist Immortal Country will go to the Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial Palace to see the in-laws and friends, talk about the friendship, and let the younger generation cut Martial Dao to enhance their feelings. I invited the various parties present to go there, just to see my Immortal Territory eastern part of the various young men, how?”

“If Sky Mist Immortal Country is a sincere guest, Evergreen Immortal Country welcomes everyone.” Chi Tong Hou said.

“Are you doing the Lord?” The other party looks at Chi Tong Hou, domineering the opening.

“Hou Ye is naturally able to be the master, but my Evergreen Immortal Country is the host. I don’t need your Sky Mist Immortal Country invitation. Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial city will welcome all parties if they want to enter the Imperial Palace. Immortal Country Imperial Palace, welcome.”

“Since Princess Liuli is so refreshing, let’s take it for the time being.” The Immortal King said while laughing loudly, looks at Qin Wentian. They: “According to the rules of Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial city, Martial Dao is cut, and both parties are willing to do so. Can solve some grudges, no matter who you are, I hope to be there, don’t hide, leave.”

Tianlan Hai stood up and looked around everyone, and said with a smile: “everyone will gather again in three days.”

He said, his eyes looked at Qin Wentian again, and the wine cup was facing Qin Wentian, and then the wine cup was slowly turned down, and the wine in the cup was scattered to the ground.

“I hope that you can always be so bold.” Tianlan Hai said with a smile, then turned and went, the entire group walked away, and went very crazy.

All people looks at their backs, glanced, and three days later, into the Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial Palace.

“Farewell.” The rest of the experts have left their hands, and soon, Juxian upstairs, Zhuqiang left, Qin Wentian looked at Princess Changping them, said with a smile: “Princess, Hou Ye.”

“How, knowing that Qing’er is having something, deliberately come to Evergreen Immortal Country?” Princess Changping smiles at the name of Qin Wentian.

“Well.” Qin Wentian nodded gently.

“Would you like me to go to the Imperial Palace?” asked Princess Changping.

“No, after three days, go to the greetings.” Qin Wentian said, Princess Changping nodded: “Okay, see you in three days.”

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