The two governors, Battle Immortal, fought in the void, and rushed to the Vault of Heaven. This battlefield, without the commander, except for the Immortal King, could not be able to command an Immortal Stage army by the onlookers.

At this moment, this chaotic army can only fight for itself.

The Eastern Saint Immortal Sect side is obviously ready, with an ace of battle formation. If it is Qin Wentian’s Divine Ape battle formation, their Kowloon battle formation will become a powerful weapon, invincible, straight into Thousand Changes Immortal Sect Inside stomach, affecting the battlefield.

Nowadays, because of the defeat of the Kowloon battle formation, they took out a powerful magic weapon, so that the entire battlefield could not condense the battle formation, the battle formation could not work, and the whole army would fight.

From the single person’s fighting strength, the Eastern Saint Immortal Sect side is mostly trained Legion middlemen, obviously stronger, the battle has not yet begun, they seem to have stood in the undefeated place.

The snoring continued, killing loud sound, the two armies went straight to each other, even if they could not condense the battle formation, they only killed at the moment.

Qin Wentian body floats in the air, around the 36 Battle Saint Clan expert, around the bodyguard, the battlefield is changing rapidly, they naturally follow Qin Wentian, can not let Qin Wentian in danger.

The two armies collided, the immortal art continued took out, the various divine spirit magic spells madly collided, the world was in chaos, and the devastating airflow became a terrifying storm raging in this world.

The governor of the Kowloon battle formation was wearing a purple gold armor. They floated in the air and strode out in a big way. The guns in their hands were killed and they were invincible. Who killed them.

Qin Wentian is not in a hurry to fight. He is observing the battlefield. Now that the battle formation can’t be condensed, he can only fight alone. It is difficult for a person’s strength to affect the whole situation. He wants to see them Thousand Changes Immortal Sect and Eastern Saint Immortal Sect’s single fighting strength gap.

With a full-blown collision, Qin Wentian found out that the disadvantages of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect were revealed. It was faint to weaken the Legion of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect. It was necessary to find a way to save the battle.

Looking up, Qin Wentian looked ahead, the money Legion was invincible, still killing in violent, they are high realm expert, Thousand Changes Immortal Sect side of the elite, move towards them to kill.

“Oh.” The palm of the hand waved, the light shone, Qin Wentian slaps his hands out, and one piece of armor opens. Qin Wentian started talking: “Go in.”

Around, 36 Battle Saint Clan expert and Jun Mengchen Inferno all entered the armor, and he himself stepped into a scorpion, surrounded by dozens of people, all wearing armor, although insignificant in the entire battlefield But still let the people around me feel a sense of majesty.

If it is not a last resort, Qin Wentian will not use these defects, which means that he may have to reveal his identity. Once exposed, he will not be able to continue to stay in this frontline battlefield, otherwise it may be Immortal of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect King figure, Immortal Emperor Dongsheng will definitely violate the natural law in order to kill him.

“Follow me,” Qin Wentian said, stepping directly toward the Eastern Saint Immortal Sect elite expert wearing purple gold armor.

“Well?” Those experts are invincible, leading the army of thousands of people, with high morale, into the belly of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, now see Qin Wentian, they are coming, all eyes flash, and Thousand Changes Immortal Sect Elite expert saw Qin Wentian, they came over, and they could not help but feel the main heart, followed him to prepare to meet the enemy.

“Kill.” Qin Wentian spit out a voice, around the 36 bit expert, while blooming the dazzling light, the armor over the Battle Immortal light, lifted the palm of the hand and smashed out, a loud sound, a loud voice, a respect Divine Ape trampled on the void, move towards the front, and the Eastern Saint Immortal Sect expert was directly killed by the shock. Under the attack, there were hundreds of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect experts annihilating the road.

“Eastern Saint Immortal Sect elite disciples?” Qin Wentian They walked in front of those wearing purple gold armor, ice-cold said: “All the commandments are here.”

As they said, their entire group came out and attacked again. One Divine Ape crushed the Vault of Heaven, the violent Divine Ape snorted heaven-shaking, the power could destroy the void, and the people who wanted to kill were all dead. The amazing characters of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect must be qualified to collide with them.

“Kill.” Those Eastern Saint Immortal Sect experts wearing purple gold armor killed a shot at the same time, and the devastating storm was killed. It was about to destroy everything. Qin Wentian yelled, his armored body was incarnation. Wanzhang, like the same War God, is not only his, but the people around him who fight Saint Clan are all violent and powerful, and their bodies become huge, like Ancient Deity.

The Battle Saint Method is all-encompassing, capable of enriching countless killings, and its power is endless. Even if you don’t step into Immortal King, you can make your body bigger and play a battle.

The armor they wear is trait-specific and extremely flexible. It is not a body size limitation at all, and it varies with the body.

More than 30 terrifying bodies stood in the air, overlooking the world. For a time, the entire battlefield looked at this side, and the heart was deeply shocked. Qin Wentian wanted what he wanted, and they had to fight for them. Became the focus of the entire battlefield, panicking the people of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, and letting the people of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect have a winning belief.

A powerful attack on the huge body of the body, only to make them physically shake, did not hurt them.

Qin Wentian’s big palm in the armor, suddenly there is an endless magnificent ray, when the hand reaches out, a ray of light flows, it is like an invincible god palm, move towards the leader of the other elite battle formation. In the past, covering the heavens and the earth, destroying everything.

“This is…” Those people have a big expression, too out immortal weapon, but this palm print is slamming down, obliterate one, nobody can block, and Square St. Clan, alongside Qin Wentian, attacked the big attack at the same time. The technique of cutting and killing, in a moment, it became the destruction of battlefield, and the Eastern Saint Immortal Sect expert, which can not be worn in pure gold armor, has many moments and is extremely embarrassing.

“Intrigues and tricks, but also can control the battle, this victory, after all, belongs to expert, Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, invincible.” Qin Wentian screamed, once again bombard palm print, smash opponents, that entire group became Slaughter God on battlefield, where the past is not alive, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect people are either elite or ordinary people, are a death road.

“There is no victory.” Thousand Changes Immortal Sect has an expert response.

“There is no battle…”

Gradually, the entire battlefield seemed to be infected, and the army followed Qin Wentian’s pace to completely suppress each other’s momentum.

“He is Qin Wentian, killing him, killing him is a great achievement.” At this time, someone made a harsh scream in the army, Qin Wentian put on the armor, and used God’s Hand divine ability, apparently Will be recognized, this Qin Wentian has been psychologically prepared when using.

“Qin Wentian?” Eastern Saint Immortal Sect Many experts are no strangers to this name. Years ago, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect’s centennial feast was destroyed by Qin Wentian, and Sovereign Qian Bian was the one that appeared. It was an iconic battle. Since then, Dongsheng has split in the thirteen states, so it is known that Qin Wentian’s people are still many, and the core disciple of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect knows.

“Tian Wen is Qin Wentian.” Thousand Changes Immortal Sect Many internal disciples have also heard of Qin Wentian. Although Qin Wentian is not the famous Immortal King Immortal Emperor, it has done several sensational major event pieces. So there are quite a few people who know his name. If he can become Immortal King expert one day, then people who know him will be more, even people other than Thousand Changes Immortal Sect will know his name.

Qin Wentian looked away and found the person who spoke. It was the person who took Qin Yao and Luo Huan Senior Martial Sister. His body flashed, and the huge body stepped across the space and came to the other side. Seeing the other side rushing away, Qin Wentian screamed, the palm of his hand slammed, covering a huge Earth Territory, the man only felt the top of the head darken again, the body constantly trembled, then Qin Wentian’s big handprint slammed down and directly took him Shooted into pieces and died.

This hatred, Qin Wentian has long wanted to report, has been looking for opportunities, and now the other party actually sent home to courting death.

“Kill.” Qin Wentian raised his head and screamed, his voice trembled. He took the lead and continued to rush forward. He stepped out and could kill the life, killing and killing all people, Battle Saint Clan expert Followed by killing, opened up a road to kill, at this moment nobody garrison, many people in the Eastern Saint Immortal Sect army directly turned and fled, after all, there are many troops recruited by Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, not Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, this time They don’t want to fight anymore, the battlefield is too dangerous.

In the battlefield, there was a runaway situation, and the army immediately collapsed. This panic defeat was not because of strength, but because of the hearts of the people. Qin Wentian, although powerful, but with an imposing manner, shocked the entire battlefield, but they After all, the number is very small. If the Immortal King expert of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect is there, there may still be a chance to shake the situation. However, there is a rapid change in the battlefield. Once this kind of defeat occurs, it is doomed. I am afraid that the Immortal King that left will not I will think that the situation will be laid so soon.

The people of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect did not retreat this time. The situation of one side may not be pursued. Moreover, this battle is to destroy the army of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect.

Eastern Saint Immortal Sect encounters mad chasing and fleeing faster, those who are not Eastern Saint Immortal Sect begin to move towards the distance, do not want to get involved in the battlefield, lest those Immortal King characters be settled after the fall.

However, Qin Wentian, who had been chasing for a long time, stopped. The body of him and Battle Saint Clan returned to normal size. The look at the army who had left in the distance, started talking: “We withdraw.”

He said that he turned away from the slightest hesitation, he led a big win, but was destined to leave this battlefield!

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