Eastern Saint Immortal Sect went to the reinforcements and did not form a tens of thousands of Legion great formations. They rushed to the rescue. They tried everything and went to see them. At this moment, Qin Wentian was killed and they stopped. Battle formation.

Qin Wentian has led the thirty-nine great battle formation expert, and when the opponent has not yet formed a battle formation, he directly enters into it. The huge Bull Monster is like Monster God. The roaring noise-shaking is terrifying. The Great Monster spit out from Bull God’s mouth. All the places were obliterate, and Bull God’s palms came, Monster Dragon roared, and they rushed into each other’s battles. In an instant attack, I didn’t know how many experts were destroyed.

The rest of the formation of the bastard broke out in the same moment, and the people behind it saw such a scene as a morale, fighting intent Ling Tian, ​​madly into the Legion of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, in Eastern Saint Immortal Before Sect condensed strength into a big battle formation, it all smashed into their interior and disrupted their lineup.

Eastern Saint Immortal Sect’s elite battle formation is all concentrated in the other side of the battlefield, where the elite battle formation is not much, no battle formation can resist the tyrannical lineup led by Qin Wentian, to enter the battlefield, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect’s Legion Following the trend of the Legion battle led by Qin Wentian, the battle turned out to be a one-sided trend, but the weaker Thousand Changes Immortal Sect side took a huge advantage.

In the void of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, the Governor of Battle Immortal is more and more ugly. This time they ordered to destroy Thousand Changes Immortal Sect. However, contrary to the battlefield, the situation is changing rapidly. They are Eastern Saint Immortal Sect. , on the weak side.

“It seems that Thousand Changes Immortal Sect is not the elite disciples coming to the battlefield?” In the void, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect Immortal King coldly said that he naturally understands that the battle formation will eventually depend on the fighting strength of each person. The strength of these battle formation is best. One person controls the play. The stronger the man’s strength, the greater the power of the battle formation. Whether it is the Eastern Saint Immortal Sect or the Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, there are some elite disciples in the battlefield, which are combined into an elite battle formation.

So, he organized five thousand unfeded Legion people as surprises, suddenly came to the battlefield, five thousand Legion, combined into fifty elite battle formation, can play a huge role in the battlefield, their appearance, even let Eastern Saint Immortal Sect Half of the troops against the Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, and even the Eastern Saint Immortal Sect chaos, can imagine how rare the elite.

However, the sudden out of the thirty-nine great battle formation, disrupted everything and reversed the situation. The realm of the thirty-nine battle formation members is not too high, but the person who controls the battle formation is bound to be powerful.

“All retreat.” Immortal King of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect ordered the withdrawal. There is no way to continue this battle. If they continue to fight, their losses must be worse than the other side.

Eastern Saint Immortal Sect’s Legion began to retreat, Thousand Changes Immortal Sect’s expert how to let go of this great opportunity, crazy pursuit, the sky yellow sand, was stained with blood, the sun was hanging in the air, but bloody.

When the Eastern Saint Immortal Sect army was exhausted, the Legion of Immortal Sect’s Legion became a long front. The sergeants of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect were everywhere. They were breathes deeply and only felt exhausted, but looked into the distance. With a smile, this is a big victory. They are controlled by Thousand Changes Immortal Sect. They have never achieved such a hearty victory, killing tens of thousands of people and letting the Eastern Saint Immortal Sect run away. There are even many elite battle formation experts who are killed.

In void, a line of expert swept over the sky and returned in the direction of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect Yuan City. They didn’t really want to take down Han City. It was just a tactic. It is now a big win, naturally it is back to Yuan City. .

“It is Tian Wen’s Legion, Tian Wen’s Legion is terrifying, and it is bigger than the elite battle formation.” The military’s strong eyes have strange surprising color, this time thanks to the baby formation led by Tian Wen, otherwise they Will be defeated very badly.

Many look at Qin Wentian. Their eyes are revered. Here is battlefield. They even forgot Qin Wentian’s realm. Forgot that many of them are taller than Qin Wentian realm. They are senior characters. At the moment, they only Admire the Legion who led them to victory.

“Go back, prepare a feast for the celebration.” All people returned, and someone cleaned up the battlefield.

After this battle, Qin Wentian’s prestige reached an extreme in the army, everyone knows Tian Wen battle formation, and Tian Wenjun, this is an undefeated army.

After this battle, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect has not taken the initiative to attack for a long time. Instead, Thousand Changes Immortal Sect often went to provocative and challenged each other.

After that, Thousand Changes Immortal Sect’s Legion was reorganized, Qin Wentian’s military work officially let him be appointed as the Qian Bian? Legion, led a Tian Wen Legion, all composed of elites, a total of 3,600 people, by Qin Wentian dominance.

From the time when the big victory of the year was over half a year, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect has never had any advantage from the original and the Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, and has not even taken the initiative to play. Thousand Changes Immortal Sect It has gradually spawned a arrogant wind, no longer as cautious as before. Many people often go to Eastern Saint Immortal Sect to fight. On this day, there is a thousand people who go, but never again. Did not come back, no one survived to escape.

In the military camp, the Commander of the Superintendent called the everyone Legion to discuss the matter. Within the hall, Qin Wentian and other Thousand Changes Immortal Sect’s Legion gathered here, only to see that they were all wearing armor, and the hero was shining, Qin Wentian’s armor was shining. His face is still wearing a mask. He is always in the army. Mysterious, many people don’t even know the long look of this Tian Wen Legion Legion. He only knows that his cultivation base is not high, but his combat power is very strong. His Legion fights. Invincible.

“On the front line, a thousand sergeants, all killed, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect organized an ace army, should be the Eastern Saint Immortal Sect domdominance, come here to help destroy us, I am afraid it will not take long, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect will launch another round of attacks, what everyone has to say.” Commander’s eyes looked at all people and asked.

“The ace army, is it strong?” someone asked.

“It’s very strong, basically it’s above the Immortal Stage 7th level, and the people who control the battle formation are very powerful. If the other party has formed such a large army, we are afraid of being a danger.” Commander Commander.

“The soldiers will stop, before we knocked back the other two times, once won a big victory, now we reorganized the Tian Wen army, the fighting strength should not be inferior to the other side.” Some people looked at Qin Wentian, but the voice is faintly dissatisfied, Qin Wentian takes the Immortal Stage 2nd level, and now the prestige in the military has reached its apex. Whoever does not know that Tian Wen is the ace of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, the two battles, as if the credit is Qin Wentian’s, let some people Very unhappy.

“Tian Wen, what do you think?” Commander Commander looked at Qin Wentian.

“Play.” Qin Wentian spit out two words, making the Commander eyes flash, looks at Qin Wentian: “Tian Wen, make it clear.”

“Although the Easter Saint Immortal Sect has recovered, I don’t want to let the Thousand Changes Immortal Sect army. I hope Commander can take the initiative. This battle completely kills the Eastern Saint Immortal Sect in the Legion of Han City. Han City, if there is such a victory, I believe that I can summon more Immortal Stage experts to join the army.”

Qin Wentian slowly said, “Otherwise, the people of the entire thirteen states, even the western part of the six states, everyone thinks that we will lose. Although it was a big victory last time, it is not enough morale. If Occupying Han City, our prestige of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect will be able to reach a higher level.”

All people are shocking at the sights at Qin Wentian, this guy is crazy, want to destroy the people of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect in one fell swoop to occupy Han City?

The battles of these years have always been the initiative of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect. They have been in a passive defense. They only hope to be undefeated under the attack of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect. Now, Qin Wentian is daring to take over Han City.

“Do you really think so?” The Commander eyes flash, staring at Qin Wentian’s eyes.

“Well.” Qin Wentian nodded: “Thousand Changes Immortal Sect needs a big win.”

“You are not wrong, but even if we win, occupying Han City, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect will lead the army to make a comeback to shock the world. At that time, we will face even greater pressure and even promote Eastern Saint Immortal. Sect launched a big conquest on our six states.” The Commander of the Superintendent said to Qin Wentian.

“Eastern Saint Immortal Sect’s conquest is a matter of time. Does Senior think it is avoided? Why not use a big victory to declare the strength of our Thousand Changes Immortal Sect. If Eastern Saint Immortal Sect really sent more troops to oppress, we are evacuating. See if they dare to go deep into the western part of the six states, even the number of Legion of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect itself is limited, they are more afraid of consumption.” Qin Wentian did not care.

“Well, if you say it, I will pass it to the general. If the general is agreeing, we will deploy it.” The Immortal King said with a smile, then stood up and walked out, leaving Qin Wentian and other Legion. long.

Those Legion long eyes looked at Qin Wentian, some eyes glittering sharp, said: “You don’t tell me I don’t know that with our strength, it is impossible to destroy the army of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, even if you force it to death In the battle, how many casualties there are in Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, I am afraid we will not be much worse.”

“What do you think of it?” Qin Wentian asked.

“Wait, wait for the opportunity.” The other party should answer.

“Time? Never time.” Qin Wentian stood up and moved towards outside, slowly opening: “Thousand Changes Immortal Sect is facing the Eastern Saint Immortal Sect. If it has been consumed, Thousand Changes Immortal Sect won’t have a chance, we need to win, we need a big win, let the western part of the six states rise, let the people of the western part of the six states see that we can defeat the Eastern Saint Immortal Sect. ”

Ps: At noon, at the moment, three more bursts, to Libo, brothers vote for the monthly ticket!

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