In the next few months, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect did not attack a lot. Qin Wentian and Mengchen were very low-key in the military camp. Their identity was sensitive and they have received a lot of attention in battlefield. In order to avoid identity exposure, nature Be low-key.

However, there were occasional small-scale battles that caused Thousand Changes Immortal Sect Legion to suffer some losses. Qin Wentian also knew that in the land of Thunder Province, Thousand Changes Immortal Sect is constantly recruiting Immortal Stage expert, although he is willing to fight against Eastern. The proportion of people in Saint Immortal Sect is very small, but because the population base of a state is too large, it can still be added to the army. Thousand Changes Immortal Sect can only rely on this style to continue fighting against the invasion of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect. .

Qin Wentian Their team has participated in many small-scale battles in these days, and they have performed well. In the team, Qin Wentian’s prestige is getting higher and higher, and has been appointed as the vice captain. Even, Ye Qing has a desire to position the captain. Let it out, the Immortal Stage 2nd level person became the captain, this is something that has not been seen in the Thousand Changes Immortal Sect army, but Qin Wentian did not agree, it does not matter to him as a captain.

In battlefield, Qin Wentian wants to kill the enemy, tempering itself, destroying the strength of the main force of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, and killing those who used to deal with Qin Yao and Luo Huan, but have not found a chance yet. The other person is the person in the Eastern Saint Immortal Sect elite Legion. Although their control of the battle formation is already strong, it is still difficult to face the elite battle formation formed by the absolute main force of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect.

There is no war in the war. Everyone wants to live on the battlefield and become strong. Like the practice, the time has passed, especially the large-scale battle of Immortal Territory, sometimes even It will last for a thousand years and it will be able to decide the outcome of a fairy war.

Beyond God’s Hand Villa, ancient mountain, the years have changed. It has been seven or eight years since the gathering of God’s Hand Villa Monarch. Many people outside the ancient mountain have been left tolerant. Only Immortal Emperor Dongsheng and Emperor Zi are still sending people. The guardian is here, but the people who guard here are waiting for some intolerance, but Immortal Emperor Dongsheng and Emperor Zi’s orders, they dare not disobey.

In the depths of the ancient mountain, in the Immortal Palace, the bronze gate slowly opened, and a figure with a bronze mask came out of it. Immortal Sense move towards disappeared in the distance, no one was found, he returned to the bronze gate, no How long did he come out with a line of expert exits, these people out of the ordinary, with masks, the entire group did not say a word, directly toward the outside glittering away.

When he came to the ancient mountain, the bronze mask figure stopped. He started to engrave on the ground, and his hands out a space magic weapon, which made the formation into a powerful Space Power. He even could see it. Going to the exit, although this ancient mountain was banned by the magic strength, it can still be exported from the exit through Space Power.

“Immortal King expert exists outside, I will ban our breath after the transfer, you will not follow me, or Immortal King expert’s Immortal Sense coverage, even if we transmit it to a long distance will still be found.” Bronze The mask figure said, all people nodded and said: “Yes, Saint Lord.”

“And, when I get outside, don’t call me Saint Lord again.” Qin Wentian said, they stood in the formation, and Seal Power came out of him and isolated their breath.

The intense space brilliance shines out, and a void beam blooms directly from the place to the far side.

Many of the Immortal Stage experts outside the ancient mountain were boring, and suddenly there was a wave of space swaying, and then they saw a glare of light coming out, instantly disappearing from their eyes, as if they had never existed before.

“Not good, space is transmitted.” Those people exclaimed, and there was a terrifying pressure coming out. I saw a figure hidden in the dark and stepped into the void directly. Immortal King, his Immortal Sense Crazy sweeping out of the world, completely covering the vast Earth Territory in Immortal Sense.

“No?” The Immortal King expert swept away and stepped out, disappearing from place to moment.

“No, no…” The Immortal King was continuously glittering, expression was extremely unattractive, Immortal Emperor Dongsheng let them stay here for seven or eight years, the most desertant came out, and was actually escaped by the other side, which made him how to talk to Immortal Emperor Dongsheng confess?

Even now, no one knows the identity of the other party. In the future, the other party only needs to take off the mask, and it is difficult to find someone.

Immortal Emperor Dongsheng young son Dongsheng Ting, is it so whitedie? Immortal Emperor is afraid to make a big Thunderbolt.


Yuan City, who has refined battle formation, invited Qin Wentian, but it was still rejected by Qin Wentian. Now the attack by Eastern Saint Immortal Sect is more intense than once, and even the expert of elite battle formation is used to attack. Several times, Qin Wentian, their battle formation can’t compete with each other’s super-battle formation, which is composed of high-order Immortal Stage expert. Eastern Saint Immortal Sect has begun to take care of Qin Wentian’s battle formation as an elite battle formation.

On this day, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect has tens of thousands of Legion assembly attacks. Thousand Changes Immortal Sect sent as many experts to fight. They didn’t let the whole army deal with each other, because everyone knows each other’s every move, if the other side dispatches a large army. Encirclement, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect will evacuate directly, and ridicule Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, which makes no sense, it is better to fight directly.

Thousand Changes Immortal Sect lost again, Qin Wentian When they returned to the barracks, Xiao Yehan whispered: “European Saint Immortal Sect is getting tighter and tighter now, we don’t have so many elites to compete against each other.”

“Eastern Saint Immortal Sect’s Legion is itself a conquest disciple trained by them. It is dispatched to the front line to fight. Our fighting strength is naturally weak, so that once and for all trials, I am afraid that it will not be far from the next total attack.” Ye Qing said.

“Well, I also feel that Eastern Saint Immortal Sect is likely to launch a general attack.” Qin Wentian nodded.

Just as they spoke, the rushing battle horn sounded again, but this time the horn was not the horn of the whole army, but the horn of the whole army. All the sergeants immediately went to the university campus, only the Warlord Immortal King appeared. This, Lang said: “Eastern Saint Immortal Sect was a pioneer before the battle. Now, their army is going around the two sides, preparing to attack us in three ways. This time the attack will be more than the last time. To be fierce, Nightmare King has ordered the death, so that his army has no retreat, and must attack us.”

“Three-way pinch, it seems to have sealed off his own retreat.” All people eyes flash, this is a fairy war, three-way attack, once the war broke out, the two sides are full hard hit, retreat is difficult to withdraw, only war.

“This battle for everyone, victory is the birth, defeat is the king, the same, this battle is also a good time to plunder the battle, everyone is confident?” Warlord Immortal King sounds rolling, all people screamed: “War “”

“Well, now I am assigning combat style, straight into the opponent’s hinterland, and the elite army that is attacking each other’s front, and now immediately play. If Yuan City falls, capture the other’s Han City.” The Warlord Immortal King shouted loudly, making all People have a trepidation, a crazy plan, is this want to gather the strength of the whole army to destroy the other main force, and then rush into Han City?

The tactics here have been fixed, and the whole army should be dispatched immediately, otherwise the other party will adjust and the fighters will fleet.

The army was dispatched, but there were still many battle formations left in the school yard. Among them, Qin Wentian was in the battle formation where he was. Ye Qing just heard the sound transmission, leaving her team to stay. Others looked Ye Qing, shouted: “Captain.”

“There is a special task assignment.” Ye Qing started talking, suddenly all people have no more words, they know that the military will send some powerful teams to perform special tactics, I did not expect to be on them now.

“No, other people are not elite battle formations. They are very common battle formations.” All people have some doubts. They have been in the military for quite some time and naturally understand the major teams.

At this time, the Supervisor appeared, and he came with an expert. His eyes looked towards the direction of Qin Wentian and immediately said: “The 36 bit expert here will be assigned to your team as the captain. Position, and, need to control the operation of the entire battle formation, do you understand?”

“Yes.” All people are puzzled, but this is a military order, they must be obeyed, no one will resist the military order, it is a big sin.

“Jun Mengchen and Zi Qingxuan are listed. You also serve as the captains of the first team and control the battle formation.”

“Yes.” Jun Mengchen and Zi Qingxuan came out. There are thirty-nine teams here. Now Jun Mengchen and Zi Qingxuan have to be independent. They have this ability.

“Now, your thirty-nine teams are an independent Legion, commanded by Tian Wen, and everyone must obey his orders, and the offenders will kill.” The warlord said with a voice, making a path of all eyes They all looked at Qin Wentian, who was wearing a mask. It seems that they still underestimated the identity of this guy. It must be the influential figure of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect. Before he adapted to battlefield, he finally controlled him. A big army.

Thirty-nine teams, thousands of people, this power has been great.

The 36 people on the high platform each came to a team and received control of the team. Their realm was strong and weak, but most of them were out of the ordinary. Jun Mengchen and Zi Qingxuan also each reached the first team, only Inferno. And Little Rascal is still with Qin Wentian, Inferno is not good at controlling others.

Qin Wentian’s body slowly vacated, started talking: “depart.”

“depart, depart.” Under the horror of everyone, the people who took over the big teams responded at the same time with the call of Qin Wentian’s. At this moment, Qin Wentian’s prestige seems to have risen to a height. Undoubtedly, he is this Legion. Dominance!

Ye Qing looks at Qin Wentian’s figure smiled, it should have been so!

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