Immortal Territory The world has been in the long river for a long time, witnessing the rise and fall of generations.

Looking at the history of Immortal Territory, even for thousands of years, it is only a very small period of time. The journey of an ordinary person, in the history of Immortal Territory, is like a drop in the ocean, only those to rebuke Heaven and Earth. Ancient Great Emperor characters, even if they are separated by countless years, the descendant can still know that he has existed.

In addition, even the years of Immortal Emperor characters, in the history of Immortal Territory, are still small, not to mention ordinary people.

Years are long, seven years have passed, Immortal Territory, as always, looking at the entire Immortal Territory, almost no change, but in the past seven years, Qin Wentian has lived very fulfilled.

He retired with External Body Incarnation Di Tian, ​​cultivation base breakthrough to the 2nd level of Immortal Stage. He also went to Evergreen Immortal Country to inquire about Qing’er news. He wanted to know if Qing’er is safe now and knows about Qing. After ‘er breakthrough Immortal Stage Realm, she was picked up by her master Emperor Ji. In the next few years, he and Qingcheng walked a lot of Granule World and saw the scenery of different worlds.

Over the past seven years, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect has often launched exploratory attacks on Thousand Changes Immortal Sect. Both sides have death and injury, but Thousand Changes Immortal Sect has a greater loss, the front is constantly compressed, and Eastern Saint Immortal Sect is step by step. Forcing, it seems that a big battle is brewing, and it is possible to launch a full-scale battle against Thousand Changes Immortal Sect at any time.

In the presence of countless end of the Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, although growing rapidly over the years, is still weak, and the thirteen states are not good at seeing Thousand Changes Immortal Sect.

Cloud Province is the home of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, but it is very well managed. Thousand Changes Immortal Sect controls the city quite well and sets a lot of rules. It wants to make Cloud Province like Southern Phoenix Immortal City. The same bustling Immortal Territory Ayutthaya, but this is obviously not an ups and downs. It is impossible to precipitate without a thousand years.

Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, cultivation field, Qin Wentian in the treasure cauldron, look at Mo Qingcheng above, said: “Qingcheng, your physique is now tempering very strong, I want you to try Saint Sunlight If you can’t bear it, I will take you out immediately.”

For the past seven years, Mo Qingcheng and Qin Wentian friends have not violated their practice. They used to be subject to various conditions in Granule World, but nowadays, Qin Wentian has a top rank cultivation technique, immortal rank medicine pill, Powerful Body Refinement, tempering them again and again, improving their physique.

But in the final step, Saint Sunlight is definitely needed to get rid of all the impurities and really transform it.

“Well.” Mo Qingcheng nodded gently.

“Saint Sunlight baptism, do not care about the cultivation base, but the physique, the test of the will, Qingcheng, you do your best, if you can’t bear it, try again later.” Qin Wentian did not rest assured.

“Know it.” Mo Qingcheng spit out his tongue at Qin Wentian, with a bit of a playful look.

“Well, let’s go down.” Qin Wentian saw Mo Qingcheng’s look and nodded, then Mo Qingcheng landed slowly in the move towards treasure cauldron.

“Hey.” Mo Qingcheng’s body fell into the treasure cauldron and instantly bathed in Saint Sunlight.

“Ah…” A deep snoring spit out from Mo Qingcheng’s mouth, making Qin Wentian tight and approaching Mo Qingcheng.

“No.” Mo Qingcheng was facing Qin Wentian, and the light of Saint Sunlight rushed into her body, as if she wanted to destroy her mortal body. She bit her teeth, although she wanted to hold back, but still in her mouth. Give a painful voice, like a terrifying torture.

“Qingcheng.” Qin Wentian clenched her fists and felt heartache. Mo Qingcheng volunteered to bathe Saint Sunlight earlier because she was in a hurry. She saw that all people cultivation base in Thousand Changes Immortal Sect was so strong, Qin Wentian also More and more strong, she is very anxious, Qin Wentian knows that although she does not say, but in fact very eager to keep up with herself, her practice is very hard, except for the time with him together, all are in cultivation.

“I can stick to it.” Mo Qingcheng’s white dress fluttered, and the body was faintly shattered. Her eyes looked at Qin Wentian, still so determined and persistent, the little fists were tightly held. The whole body shivered.

“Well.” Qin Wentian focused on the beginning and was able to withstand the start. It was already a good situation.

Qin Wentian tried to hide his inner heartache, kept himself smiling, encouraged Mo Qingcheng, and saw his smile. Mo Qingcheng’s beautiful face also smiled, but his body trembled more and more.

“Ah…” is another scream, she can hardly support it, but as long as she sees Qin Wentian standing there, it seems that she has great courage, she will be able to stick to it, she can…

When Qin Wentian bathed in Saint Sunlight, she didn’t feel that time was so slow. Look at Mo Qingcheng suffered from unbearable pain. He also felt like a knife. He wanted to take Mo Qingcheng out several times, but she was Every time he used his eyes to stop him, Qin Wentian could even feel that Mo Qingcheng was almost unable to support it many times, and it was supported by a belief.

This belief is his Qin Wentian.

It seems that after a long time, Qin Wentian is already at Mo Qingcheng’s side, hands are not holding any strength with her strength, there are crystal tears in the eyes of Mo Qingcheng, she is really painful, this pain is like bearing Inferno punishment But for Wentian, she must insist.

Finally, Saint Sunlight played a little bit, tempering her body and making a wonderful change in every body of Mo Qingcheng. When this was over, Mo Qingcheng looks at Qin Wentian, Qin Wentian hugged her. Out of the treasure cauldron, holding her lovable body tightly.

“I succeeded.” Mo Qingcheng smiled and then fainted in Qin Wentian’s arms. Even though she had suffered the most unbearable pain, her will was on the verge of collapse and exhausted her heart. This moment can finally be Relax, she can’t hold on again.

“Well, you succeeded.” Qin Wentian looks at Mo Qingcheng, who was fainting, still clutching her tightly. He leaned over and kissed Mo Qingcheng’s forehead and took her away from here.


In the city of Cloud Province, there are two beautiful women on the street. They are hanging out here, and occasionally they will stop and stop when they see something they like.

“Sister Luo Huan, you said Wentian and Qingcheng, what the secrets of Heavenly God are doing, and want to call them to accompany us out.” The two women are Qin Wentian’s elder sister Qin Yao and Senior Martial Sister Luo Huan. In the arms of Ruohuai, Little Rascal is lying there and seems to enjoy it.

“Maybe it’s making kids.” Luo Huan giggle’s smile made Qin Yao pretty face slightly red, Sister Luo Huan still not doing the right thing.

Nowadays, the cultivation base of both women has entered the Celestial Phenomenon Realm. If it is placed in Granule World, it is definitely a very young Celestial Phenomenon, so their looks are as young as ever, even more The beauty of temperament, the eyes are broad, and the temperament is naturally better.

“Go, let’s go to the restaurant and rest.” Luo Huan saw a tea house facing Qin Yao.

“Well.” The two walked into the teahouse together and found a good place to sit down, ordered the pot of tea, looks at the people below.

“Immortal Territory is so busy, and one street is longer than my Sky Harmony City.” The scenery below Qin Yao looks at with a smile.

“You remember Sky Harmony City.” Luo Huan beautiful eyes flow: “When I met Wentian, I was a little brat at that time. I didn’t expect to make such a big change in our lives today.”

“Yeah, these years are really like dreaming. Maybe there will be opportunities to become immortals in the future.” Qin Yao smiles sweetly. In the past, she thought that Heavenly Dipper Realm was aloof and remote. When I thought of myself, I came to Celestial Phenomenon. Realm world.

“Two ladies, can you have a cup of tea together?” There was a voice coming from there. Luo Huan and Qin Yao turned their eyes and saw that there were several temperament out of the ordinary youth, one of them eyes With demon shopping color, looks at Luo Huan and Qin Yao.

“No…” Qin Yao just wanted to refuse, but saw each other’s eyes more strange monster, her eyes gradually faded, then nodded said: “Okay.”

Luo Huan frowned, shouted: “Qin Yao.”

She turned her eyes and then became the same as Qin Yao. The beautiful eyes lost their original look, gently nodded: “Come here.”

“Many thanks, two young ladies.” The young men went to the Qin Yao and Luo Huan tables. One of them asked: “Don’t ask Miss, what is the relationship with Qin Wentian?”

“My name is Qin Yao and Wentian is my younger brother.” Qin Yao is still somewhat awake.

“My name is Luo Huan and it is Qin Wentian’s Senior Martial Sister.”

“Oh…” Little Rascal found that something was wrong, and a low squeak in his mouth stared at the opposite youth.

“Well?” The young man noticed Little Rascal, his eyes more strange monster.

“Hey.” Little Rascal’s body rushed out, and suddenly there were sharp claws, move towards the other’s head tearing away.

The other party’s eyes shot terrifying, and in a flash, Little Rascal seemed to be trapped in a space.

“Evil creature.” A voice rushed directly into his mind. Little Rascal screamed, his body became huge, the breath of the bangs swept out, and the tea house collapsed, but the other two young people took Luo Huan and Qin Yao directly. Leaving, it is like lightning.

“Sleepy.” The young man opposite Little Rascal snorted, Little Rascal only felt trapped in the mental prison, crazy attack, but could not get out, he constantly issued a heaven-shaking snoring, causing the movement, the youth turned into a The wind left, apparently knowing that the situation was not good, the pet that he ignored was turned out to be a Monster Immortal.

In the distance, the Thousand Changes Immortal Sect expert patrolling in Cloud Province City rushed to it very quickly, and during this time Thousand Changes Immortal Sect vigorously governed Cloud City, with little turmoil.

“Oh.” A peaceful-shaking fierce sound came out, Little Rascal broke free from the other’s mental prison, floats in the air, but the other party has disappeared.

Inside the Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, Qin Wentian’s eyes flashed through a sharp edge, his heart sinking, he was able to have telepathy with Little Rascal, and sent Little Rascal to follow Luo Huan and Qin Yao. In fact, it was for protection, but at the moment, it seems that something is wrong!

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