
Ying Teng’s body fell to the ground, spit out a blood, the dragon shadow on the Vault of Heaven disappeared, his Immortal Stage retracted, the breath floated, and the face was gray.

Lost, Ying Teng, defeated.

Before, Qin Wentian was insulted by him, not a real fight, but at the moment, directly and honestly fighting, not borrowing, not borrowing the divine weapon, completely relying on his own combat power, Qin Wentian crosses the border to defeat him, he This Ying Clan youth Heaven’s Chosen, under the eyes of all people, suffer a crushing defeat.

“Brother Ying has a strong battle. If the realm is higher, there may be a chance to win me.” Qin Wentian faintly said, his steak was barely, Ying Teng wowed, and spit out a blood again, angry with Qin Wentian’s words. Have to vomit blood, what is the realm higher to have a chance to win? This is clearly an exaggeration. What kind of realm does he have to win? If he and Qin Wentian are in the same situation, they will not be shot by Qin Wentian.

All people look at at Qin Wentian, this guy speaks without a sigh of fire, there is no Ying Teng’s arrogance and arrogance, but in the voice is a smile in the knife, a word can suffocate Ying Teng, but his fighting strength is terrifying, It is a rare enchanting, his body is as perfect as Indestructible Body, just like Bor God.

Ying Clan’s Immortal Emperor was also slightly unsightly, and Ying Teng was defeated. He also thought that Ying Teng had no reason to lose, but he did lose.

As an Immortal Emperor character, he represents Immortal Territory southern part Ying Clan ancient clan. He can’t repent in public when he says it, which means he can only leave.

“Hey.” Ying Teng stood up and made a humiliating snoring. This is the second time he has been humiliated by Qin Wentian. He believes that this defeat is a shame. In the face of major forces, he has lost his face. Since then, In Ying Clan, he could not raise the head to directly and honestly be a man. The shame of this defeat will always follow him and be pointed.

“Ying Teng.” Ying Clan Immortal Emperor started talking: “A fight, go back to practice and wash your shame in the future.”

Ying Teng looked red, looks at the Immortal Emperor, and clenched his fists.

“Let’s go back.” Ying Clan’s Immortal Emperor faintly opened, and the people of Ying Clan gathered together, and the figure was empty. When Ying Teng left, the eyes ice-cold gaze Qin Wentian, killing intent without any disguise.

“Brother Ying walks slowly.” Qin Wentian said with a smile, Ying Teng’s footsteps trembled and screamed, and went straight away. Ying Clan’s expert was gradually disappearing into the view of all people.

“Everyone is still not going?” Feather Emperor glanced at all people and said a little: “I don’t want to say more, the ancient mountain is there, whether it’s God’s Hand or the treasure storehouse, you go, even if you win Qin Wentian There is no use, or you have to enter an ancient mountain. If you can’t get in, everything is awkward.”

At this point, all the experts have already retired. They know that Feather Emperor is telling the truth, but they are still not reconciled. They only think about whether there are other ways to put out some things from Qin Wentian’s mouth, but that is Emperor Yi’s. Secret skill and treasure storehouse, who doesn’t want it?

Someone has turned and is ready to leave, but at this time, Emperor Zi continues: “I don’t seem to have promised to go.”

“Emperor Zi, why do you have to go anywhere with a junior.” Feather Emperor said indifference.

“If your son and nephew’s death are related to him, can you be so calm?” Emperor Zi swept Feather Emperor: “I want to kill him, it’s easy, you can’t stop, but this Seat is not arrogant. Man, just take him away to find out the truth, why should you stop me?”

“If you want to say this, then I have nothing to say.” Feather Emperor looked at each other and took a step forward, faintly opening: “So, I also put the words here, when Emperor Yi was kind to me, I am guarding inheritance for Emperor Yi. Now that Qin Wentian is recognized by Emperor Yi, as the guardian of Emperor Yi inheritance, I am responsible for his safety. You can kill him by Emperor Zi, but you dare to be Immortal Emperor. If you make such a big bully, then I am afraid that you are not just going to die.”

“Well?” Those who wanted to go saw Feather Emperor and Emperor Zi fighting, and they couldn’t help but stop, and the eyes were glittering with dazzling light. Is this Feather Emperor’s words to declare war with Emperor Zi?

Sure enough, after hearing this, Emperor Zi was thriving and staring at Feather Emperor: “You, threaten this Seat?”

“You can understand this.” Feather Emperor responded strongly.

Emperor Zi is silent, this space is suppressed by terrifying, the two Immortal Emperor characters are opposite each other, the robes are windless, Feather Emperor’s white hair is flying in the void, the hermit Immortal Emperor character, does not really have a top rank Immortal Emperor Emperor Zi’s strength is not enough? In that case, the Feather Emperor is too deep hidden.

Qin Wentian stood by, looking at it all. Since he was the Saint Lord of the Battle Saint Clan generation, Feather Emperor would definitely protect him. He had no doubt about this.

However, this Emperor Zi is really difficult. As the Immortal Territory top rank Immortal Emperor, Emperor Zi’s strength is undoubtedly powerful.

Purple and purple in the body, Vault of Heaven, there is a terrifying purple light, covering the sky, Feather Emperor body is not an explosion of momentum, this moment, Feather Emperor lingering in the battle of the sky, there is an antiquity The spirit of the war is fiercely saved from the body, like a peerless king, this time the old man, incarnation like a War God, standing there casually, giving people the sense of supreme majesty.

“Battle Saint Method.” Qin Wentian secretly said in heart.

“Boom!” Emperor Zi’s palms extended, and a terrifying purple light instantly fell on Qin Wentian’s body. Qin Wentian’s body was directly caught by the purple light, moving toward Emperor Zi.

“Hey.” Qin Wentian’s palm has been shattered by the space symbol, and the body was instantly shrouded by Space Power. The purple light caught a piece of space and Qin Wentian’s body directly retreated to the distance.

“Hey.” Emperor Zi coldly snorted , such insignificant ability , how can it be used in front of Immortal Emperor, purple light instantly across the void on the body of Qin Wentian, even if it is far apart, Qin Wentian’s body is still caught, but When Feather Emperor’s body appeared in front of Emperor Zi, he smashed it in the palm of his hand. The world was smashed under the palm print. The whole void was centered around Emperor Zi, and everything was shattered and destroyed.

The purple eyes contain terrifying purple mans, he also shot the palm prints, the two palm prints printed together, a lightning light hit the ground from the Vault of Heaven, like a Thunderbolt, some cultivation base weak people only feel The soul is shaking, the feet of the two are broken, the earth is broken, and a deep crack is appearing. The earth is divided into two sections.

The two men shrouded the terrifying brilliance, and did not let their attacks fluctuate, otherwise the people here would be obliterate half.

“Boom.” Another purple light came, and the two bodies disappeared directly. The places where they stood were all shattered.

Among the voids, rumbled came out, and the light of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth appeared in the heavens and the earth, covering the heavens and the earth, where the light of battle was like a divine shine, a scene of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, faintly glittering out of Feather Emperor and Emperor Zi are both figures.

“hōng lóng!” is a few lightning bolts smashed from the Vault of Heaven, a thousand miles of embankments, there are many places to be smashed, the soil is not born, the earth cracks.

The prestige of the emperor, how terrifying, and the top rank Immortal Emperor.

Those Immortal Emperor characters raise one’s head, the eyes penetrate all the light of destruction, look to the void, the heart is shocked.

Feather Emperor, is it so powerful? Countering Emperor Zi.

“Boom.” Seeing both of them suddenly appeared in God’s Hand Villa, standing in the original position, as if they had never moved, the battle just did not seem to happen at all.

“Now, Emperor Zi should be able to pay attention to what I have said.” Feather Emperor stares at Emperor Zi, calming the opening.

“What is your divine ability to practice?” Emperor Zi said faintly, the two talked calmly, not at all like terrifying opponents.

“Emperor Yi’s practice method of the year.” Feather Emperor responded that Emperor Yi’s most famous magic spell is God’s Hand. As for his other abilities, whoever knows how many years have passed, he uses, of course, Battle Saint Method. In the battlefield, the battlefield is omnipotent, and the war is fought, and the Vietnam War is stronger.

“Your luck is really good.” Emperor Zi’s eyes fell on Qin Wentian’s. For the first time, Great Emperor Changqing refused to pay; the second time, Southern Phoenix Clan did not pay; the third time, he personally came. There is Feather Emperor Paul, his Emperor Zi, never caught a younger generation so troublesome.

“Emperor Zi Senior is serious,” said Qin Wentian.

“I hope that your luck will always be so good.” Emperor Zi faintly opened, a sleeve, a bang, Qin Wentian body was directly shot and flew out, hitting a pavilion, the fairy was turbulent, wow spit out a blood In front of Immortal Emperor, the Immortal Stage is unrelenting. It is easy to kill him. This makes Qin Wentian believe that he was right before he was careful. Emperor Zi and Immortal Emperor Dongsheng did not know Dongsheng Ting and Zi. Yunwu is what he killed.

“I also hope that Senior’s luck should not always be so bad.” Qin Wentian raise one’s head to Emperor Zi, the mouth bleeding, smile strange monster, Emperor Zi people provoked, Zi Daoyang died; then, Zi Yunwu died.

Emperor Zi eyes flash, staring at Qin Wentian, killing intent glittering, in an instant, let Qin Wentian feel like ice-cold biting.

“Emperor Zi, pay attention to identity.” Nanhuang Guhong walked up to Qin Wentian.

“Don’t forget my words, you can kill him, I can kill you too.” Feather Emperor’s face sank, Emperor Zi stepped forward, started talking: “You are guarding the bronze mask of the ancient mountain. After killing, there is no mercy.”

“Yes.” Emperor Zi’s doorman trembling with fear, but fortunately, Emperor Zi let them go.

Immortal Emperor Dongsheng, Emperor Xuan, and Emperor Xiao and the others expression. It doesn’t look good. Emperor Zi has retired. They have no hope. Qin Wentian’s life is really hard. Now many Immortal Emperor characters support him!

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