Fengzhou descended on God’s Hand Villa, all people walked down, Nanhuang Guhong and Sovereign Qian Bian stared at this side.

Emperor Zi, Immortal Emperor Dongsheng, also looking to this side, at the moment, no one is open, although all people want to know what happened inside the ancient mountain.

The major experts, in different positions, God’s Hand Villa has a wide range of terrain, and everyone is also very open.

“Ying Teng.” Yingmlantal Emperor of Ying Clan ancient clan saw Ying Teng murderous and asked: “What happened, what happened in the ancient mountain?”

All people looked at Ying Teng and saw Ying Teng staring at Qin Wentian. “In the ancient mountain, there is Ancient Great Emperor Emperor Yi Immortal Palace, Qin Wentian, he got the treasure storehouse.”

As soon as this statement fell, a path of terrifying breath instantly fell from the sky and landed on Qin Wentian’s. The pressure was as if they had a little movement, so that Qin Wentian could die without a place to be buried.

“Qin Wentian.” Emperor Zi’s eyes fell on Qin Wentian, his robe fluttering, and the purple air rolled: “Emperor Yi treasure storehouse, you can’t afford it, hand it out.”

“Ying Teng, you deliberately framed Qin Wentian, shameless.” Nanhuang Yunxi’s face is not very good-looking, this Ying Teng wants to kill Qin Wentian, the stock of the stock falls on Qin Wentian, when Qin Wentian forehead seeps out Sweat, legs tremble, and the body is shaking.

Sovereign Qian Bian took a step and stood in front of Qin Wentian. “Everyone is a Monarch character. Is it a person who is associated with a first-time Immortal Stage?”

“Ying Teng, he is lying.” The Heavenly Symbol Boundary disciple said: “Everyone Senior is still going to know what happened.”

“That should listen to you to make things clear, and what are the people of Easter Saint Immortal Sect?” Immortal Emperor Dongsheng went a few steps forward, his expression is the worst, many experts are out, but he People who didn’t see Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, Emperor Zi didn’t come.

Of course, the mysterious youth with the bronze mask that he wants to kill also does not appear. I must know that I will wait outside, and I don’t dare to step out in the ancient mountain. After all, he and Emperor Zi’s Immortal Sense see each other. kill.

“Ying Teng, what’s going on?” asked Ming Clan’s Immortal Emperor.

“It’s very simple, Ying Teng. He was humiliated by Qin Wentian in the ancient mountain. This is intentional revenge.” Nanhuang Yunxi said: “Ying Teng, do you want me to say your humiliation?”

Ying Teng expression A cold, said: “Nanhuang Yunxi, said that the female university is not staying, you are the Southern Phoenix Clan’s inheritance Saintess, but also moved the spring heart, don’t forget, you can not marry.”

“You…” Nanhuang Yunxi has come out of the armor, and the beautiful face is a bit indifferent.

“Is it wrong? The armor beside you, don’t tell me is not the treasure storehouse that Emperor Yi left? Don’t tell me, not from the Immortal Palace of Emperor Yi?” Ying Teng continued Coldly said: “This, Brother Jiang and everyone else can testify.”

At this time, Qin Wentian stepped out step by step, including said with a smile: “I personally explain everything to everyone.”

“Okay, then I will hear what you say.” A Monster Emperor Golden Heavenly Battle Condor, all people squinted on Qin Wentian, waiting for him to speak.

“Things are very simple. In the ancient mountain, with God’s Hand charm, you can practice God’s Hand, and this Qin is very lucky. God’s Hand is a little better. Together, we found the former residence of Ancient Great Emperor Emperor Yi Senior. There, there is the Great Monster guardian, probably the demon emperor rank other Great Monster.” Qin Wentian started talking, making everyone people shocked, this ancient mountain actually has the former residence of Emperor Yi.

“Emperor Yi’s former residence, there are three bronze gates, this bronze gate, only those who have practiced God’s Hand can open. I opened the first bronze gate with God’s Hand and entered it. The people here are also with me. I stepped into it and there was some little friction. I also injured Brother Ying Teng, so Brother Ying Teng hated this Qin.” Qin Wentian said with a smile, the tone is light and windy, there is no semi-igniting, As if he and Ying Teng were noisy, his plain tone was angry with Ying Teng’s inner Ignition with terrifying anger.

“Bronze gate, there is armor on my body, there is a treasure land, there are other immortal weapon magic weapon, all 6th rank, presumably everyone Senior can not see, after staying for a few days, I It came out, everyone else was waiting outside, they also saw that I could not open the other two bronze gates, although the treasure storehouse inside might be more precious, maybe I need to step into Immortal King Realm to have the opportunity to open the treasure Storehouse.”

Qin Wentian said with a smile : “This is the whole thing that has passed. Many people who have stepped into the ancient mountain have witnessed together and there is absolutely no falsehood.”

Those people who Immortal Emperor looked at, I saw that they had no words. It seems that Qin Wentian said that it is true. So, does Emperor Yi’s entire treasure storehouse still need him to open?

At this time, someone came out of the ancient mountain, and it was the people of Immortal Emperor Dongsheng and Emperor Zi. They looked down and screamed at the move towards this side. When they landed God’s Hand Villa, they immediately fell asleep. In front of Immortal Emperor Dongsheng and Emperor Zi, at this moment, Immortal Emperor Dongsheng and Emperor Zi, a terrifying baleful aura descended on all people.

“Say.” Immortal Emperor Dongsheng spit out a word.

“His Royal Highness asked me to wait for Qin Wentian, but was intercepted by Southern Phoenix Clan and Thousand Changes Immortal Sect. Nanhuang Yunxi and Qin Wentian fled, and Tien Yin and Zi Yunwu went after the chase. Later, we don’t know. Love.” Those people buried their heads on the ground, trembling with fear, Immortal Emperor Dongsheng, but his own son, Emperor Zi died is a nephew.

“Qin Wentian.” Immortal Emperor Dongsheng took a few steps forward. The killing intent came to Qin Wentian again. Sovereign Qian Bian walked up to Qin Wentian and blocked the pressure of Immortal Emperor Dongsheng.

“Dongsheng, your son chased me. Later, I was intercepted by a mysterious man with a magic weapon. I was chased by a fugitive. Although I really want to kill Dongsheng Ting, his death really has nothing to do with him. His death. “You have to count on this Qin, can you not bully me too much?” Qin Wentian coldly said.

“Who knows if you are involved.” Emperor Zi walked over.

“Emperor Zi Senior, I have never seen you before, just heard the name of Emperor Zi, the son of Senior Zi Daoyang and my competition in Ancient Emperor City is the battle of Immortal Ascension Ranking, genius battle, direct and honestly battle , directly and honestly defeated each other, his death is counted on me, Zi Yunwu only chased me, almost killed my life, now Zi Yunwu’s death, you have to rely on my Qin Wentian, this is Emperor Zi Senior’s temperament?”

“Emperor Zi, you are the Immortal Territory top rank, and it’s too much to lose.” Sovereign Qian Bian coldly said.

“Boom.” Emperor Zi stepped forward, terrifying pressure directly knocking Qin Wentian’s body back, grunt.

“Since he said that he has nothing to do with him, I take it away. If I find out that he has no relationship with him, he will let him go.” Emperor Zi said arrogantly, his palms stretched out and turned into a terrifying purple hand, grabbing Qin Wentian.

Sovereign Qian Bian trembled in the palm of his hand, a smashing Thunderbolt bursting in front, blasting on the big purple palm, terrifying breath swept the space, although it was just a random blow, but still cracked the ground.

“Sovereign Qian Bian, do you block me?” Emperor Zi held his hands, all people looked at the side, this top rank Immortal Emperor Emperor Zi really overbearing, he wants to take Qin Wentian, I am afraid not just simple vengeance, Today, Qin Wentian has God’s Hand and the Emperor Yi treasure storehouse is open.

“Emperor Zi Senior, even if you take me, you don’t have the ability to enter the ancient mountain, whether it’s God’s Hand or the treasure storehouse, you still can’t get it.” Qin Wentian certainly understands Emperor Zi’s intentions, coldly said. He dared to come out, naturally because of this reason, taking him, it is useless, others can not enter the ancient mountain.

“Hey.” Emperor Zi coldly snorted, another pressure on the Qin Wentian body, making him continue to retreat, even if there is armor guard, the body is still subject to strong shocks.

“Emperor Zi, I have lost my identity.” Nanhuang Guhong came over and stood in front of Qin Wentian.

“This is my business. Should Southern Phoenix Clan intervene?” Emperor Zi looked at Nanhuang Guhong.

“Qin Wentian is a friend of Southern Phoenix Clan.” Nanhuang Guhong said in a tranquil voice.

“Southern Phoenix Clan wants to take Qin Wentian away.” Monster Emperor, the godly eagle, is oppressed. This time, God’s Hand Villa, cheaper Qin Wentian, they have nothing to gain.

“The heart of the villain.” Nanhuang Guhong looked at the other side without looking at the other side, said coldly.

“No matter what, Qin Wentian, can’t go so easily.” Ying Clan’s Immortal Emperor also spoke.

“hehe, everyone is an Immortal Emperor character, so deceive me, then ask everyone Senior, how do you want me Qin Wentian?” Qin Wentian asked, and he took the armor, in front of these Immortal Emperor characters, This armor is useless.

Qin Wentian does not squint, but faces the Feather Emperor sound transmission: “Is the real name of Senior, Qi Yu?”

In the eardrum of Feather Emperor, Qin Wentian’s sound appeared. The expression was stagnant. He bowed his head and took a drink from the wine cup, and then slowly stood up.

“everyone is a guest.” Feather Emperor spoke, suddenly everyone looked at Feather Emperor, and only Feather Emperor slowly said: “I want to repair God’s Hand, I pass everyone God’s Hand, let everyone enter the ancient mountain. Seeking God’s Hand practice, the door is open for everyone, everyone can’t practice. Now, God’s Hand is being cultivated successfully. You are an Immortal Emperor character but you stand up. It’s inevitable.”

“Feather Emperor, what do you mean?” Ying Clan Immortal Emperor looked at this side.

“The opportunity is for everyone. Since everyone thinks that they can’t do it, then God’s Hand Villa has been waiting for you for so long. Now, everyone should leave.” Feather Emperor looked at all people and ordered the order.

At this moment, everyone is looking to Feather Emperor, Qin Wentian to get God’s Hand inheritance, Feather Emperor, also help him?

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