God’s Hand Villa, the people still waiting, Immortal Territory Immortal Realm characters, are cultivation for many years of expert, of course, there are patience, although it has been several months, but they are not impatient, can only say this ancient mountain mysterious.

Moreover, the people of Jiang Family, the people of Ying Family, and the people of Southern Phoenix Clan, they did not react too strongly, meaning that the main characters are still alive, no die.

They are more and more curious, what is the mystery within the ancient mountain, Feather Emperor, can he really not set foot on the ancient mountain?

Feather Emperor is the guardian of Emperor Yi inheritance, he will not get in?

Although they suspected, but after witnessing the battle between Feather Emperor and Immortal Emperor Dongsheng, nobody dared to act arrogantly against Feather Emperor, and the strength earned respect. Except that Emperor Zi is top rank Immortal Emperor, other Immortal Emperor characters are No, on the Feather Emperor, no one dares to say victory.

Immortal Emperor Dongsheng Although quiet, but the killing intent in the heart has not dissipated a little, he hates more than Emperor Zi, Emperor Zi is still a dead child, he is a young child, this young child is he and a love Parents, because the other children are already strong in their own battles, and they are exceptionally favored by the younger Dongsheng Ting. Now, being killed in the ancient mountain, Immortal Emperor Dongsheng can not be angry.

“Feather Emperor, I would like to ask, in this ancient mountain, not only the person who had practiced God’s Hand before, but also the chance to get the full secret skill inheritance?” Jiang Family Immortal Emperor asked: “No, why? Is the Immortal Stage character the best fit in the ancient mountain?”

“You think too much, although Emperor Yi has inheritance in Ancient Emperor City, but I don’t know when this inheritance occurs. If you say that brat is not Immortal Stage Realm, but Immortal King Realm. “Feather Emperor said faintly: “Everything is fair, including everyone. Everyone has the opportunity to get the Emperor Yi secret skill. Everyone can’t get in, because their practice has reached a certain level, and God’s Hand can’t be tolerated. Will reject the charm of God’s Hand, so you can’t get in.”

“So, the possibility of his cultivate successfully God’s Hand is still higher?” Ying Clan’s fairy Dao of Emperor.

“What do you say?” Feather Emperor smiled. Ying Clan’s Immortal Emperor did not say that this was not nonsense. Qin Wentian had previously practiced God’s Hand and his cultivate successfully was of course higher.

The outside people are waiting, in the Immortal Palace in the ancient mountain, the experts of the major forces are waiting, Qin Wentian step by step into the pattern, seems to be integrated with it, everyone else tried, but Except for Qin Wentian, no one can get close and will be injured. Now, it seems that only after Qin Wentian practice is over.

“Is it really slow enough?” Ying Teng glanced at Qin Wentian and entered the ancient mountain for several months. He has been waiting for Qin Wentian for a long time, but he has not finished the practice, and Qin Wentian is happening. Some of the changes have made him faintly awkward. The momentum in his body seems to be even more embarrassing. The immortal light that flows through the body makes it possible to feel the perfection of Qin Wentian’s fairy body at this moment. This Immortal Body is definitely Immortal Stage people yearn for something even in one’s dreams.

This trip to the ancient mountain, they are completely like a guest, with his proud personality of Ying Teng, how can he be willing, he is not in the Ying Clan Immortal Country’s Ying Clan ancient clan, few of his peers can let him For supporting roles.

After many days, Qin Wentian still changed in the body. However, as time passed, this change became smaller and smaller. He no longer resisted the charm, but enjoyed the baptism of this strength. He seems to be in harmony with the wonderful body. The strength is constantly washing him, the endless symbol imprint, the infinite change, pouring into his mind, deriving in his body, this change is It becomes slow, but it tends to mature.

Many people have even waited for it, and they want to interrupt Qin Wentian, but Ying Teng has stopped this idea. Since they have waited for so long, he doesn’t mind waiting for some time, planning Qin Wentian, even if they are really Can interrupt Qin Wentian, if so, who will open the gate gate? Emperor Yi treasure storehouse can’t get it, they are really a glimpse.

He would rather wait, wait for Qin Wentian to end, but this day is finally coming, Qin Wentian finally stopped, he opened his eyes, the more brilliant, but when Qin Wentian body fell, there were many experts around. Makes his eyes sink, and the eyes shoot out the cold glint.

Ying Teng stepped forward and walked up to Qin Wentian, started talking: “Wait for so long, Emperor Yi secret skill God’s Hand, should be cultivate successfully?”

“Senior Martial Brother Qin, this guy wants to use you to open the bronze gate and take the treasure storehouse that Emperor Yi left. They all teamed up,” Jun Mengchen said to Qin Wentian.

“Don’t say, wait for you for so long, it’s time to do something, open the bronze gate.” Ying Teng stares at Qin Wentian, looks at Zhu Qiang, Ying Clan ancient clan, Immortal Territory, many Monarch forces descendant, and Immortal Emperor Dongsheng and Emperor Zi, their lineup, even with the combination of Southern Phoenix Clan and Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, can’t be countered.

It seems that these people can’t comprehend the secret skill, so they simply gave up. The only thing that was thought was the treasure storehouse that Emperor Yi left.

“My words, haven’t you heard it?” Ying Teng saw Qin Wentian, who kept talking, and his tone was stronger. He suddenly stepped behind him.

“Qin Wentian.” This is the back of Jiang Ziyu, saying: “Qin Wentian, as long as you promise to follow me to Jiang Clan, I can help you.”

“Jiang Ziyu.” Ying Teng looked at the ice-cold, turned over the eyes, and the cold whistling out: “If you don’t join me, even if you take it apart?”

“Do I know you?” Jiang Ziyu’s eyes swept Ying Teng, and he said bluntly that the people of the three strongest ancient clan, Jiang Family, who are also Immortal Territory southern part, are afraid of Ying Clan ancient clan.

“Very good.” Ying Teng’s eyes are glittering with cold glint.

Qin Wentian looks at Jiang Ziyu, this person has always invited himself to Jiang Clan, the meaning is unknown, but the heart is sinister, Jiang Ziyu this person is extremely savvy, will not do useless things, he invited himself to Jiang Lineage, will benefit him Jiang Ziyu or Jiang Clan ancient clan, which is not a good thing for him, Qin Wentian, once he set foot on Jiang Clan ancient clan, he was slaughtered, even if Southern Phoenix Clan wanted to help him at that time.

Jiang Ziyu’s request, he naturally would not agree.

But not agreeing with Jiang Ziyu, relying on the strength of Southern Phoenix Clan and Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, apparently in a weak position.

Qin Wentian turned and walked over to the bronze gate. There were three huge bronze ancient gates, mysterious. No one knew what was behind. They guessed it was the Emperor Yi treasure storehouse.

Before the bronze gate, there is a terrifying Great Monster guardian.

“Senior.” Qin Wentian screamed in front of a Great Monster, and the Great Monster was an ancient Monster Beast Kui Bull, extremely terrifying when the majestic and fierce eyes opened.

“Say.” Kui Bull spit out a voice.

“Junior has Emperor Yi God’s Hand secret skill inheritance, is this the treasure storehouse behind the bronze gate, is it a junior?” Qin Wentian asked bluntly.

“First you have to open the door.” Kui Bull has a huge voice and sounds like a bell.

“Junior is secret skill inheritance, can Senior shoot for some people to shoot for me?” Qin Wentian asked again, and when he heard his words, everyone had a gaze, even if Ying Teng was shocked and cold, this The three Great Monster guards the bronze gate, they don’t care about their arrival, and don’t care about inheritance. Shouldn’t they be shot? But after hearing Qin Wentian’s question, they still feel the cold in the back, which mixes things.

“Now you are not qualified to order me.” Kui Bull coldly said, Qin Wentian is not disappointed, the eyes are excited and excited, now not qualified? So, is there such a possibility in the future?

“What can I do to get Senior to help me?” Qin Wentian asked politely, behind Ying Teng and the others, and there were killing intents in each eye.

“I want you to open the bronze gate, not to let you chat.” Ying Teng said to Qin Wentian sound transmission.

“When you open these doors, you will know.” Kui Bull said faintly, there is no feeling in the tone, Qin Wentian eyes flash, and bronze gate, it seems that these three bronze gates are the key, there is Emperor. Is the treasure storehouse left by Yi?

These three bronze gates are more complicated than one. The above pattern is all-encompassing, mysterious, like the Grand Dao, only one of them, he can understand some, the other two bronze gates, at first glance It is a piece of Chaos.

Qin Wentian moved in the footsteps and walked to the brick gate that could understand a trace. He asked, “Senior can tell me what is inside?”

Without answering, Great Monster closed his eyes and ignored him directly, which made Qin Wentian a little depressed. He got the incentive of Emperor Yi, so he didn’t give face.

“Qin Wentian, you better move faster, my patience is limited.” Ying Teng saw Qin Wentian did not put his words in his heart, could not help but threaten, Qin Wentian looked back at Ying Teng, I saw each other’s People surrounded Southern Phoenix Clan and Thousand Changes Immortal Sect. He stared at Jun Mengchen and Inferno. “These two are your friends. If you waste your time, I will be rude.”

“Well, I will try my best.” Qin Wentian said coldly, his eyes on the bronze gate, staring at the door, the pattern on this huge bronze gate seems to be self-deriving, all-encompassing, a path of symbol imprint in his mind In the flow, this pattern should be the key to opening the bronze gate.

The strength of the body runs, the Immortal Stage is surrounded by the Xianli flow, and the Myriad Law pattern is derived. It flows continuously and has Wanian Bianization. It seems to be the same as the pattern imprint of the bronze gate. The flow change is, immediately, Qin Wentian closes. Eyes, everything seems to be imprint in his mind.

The rear all people are staring at Qin Wentian and the door. If the door is open, there is really Emperor Yi treasure storehouse, Ying Teng, can they keep this so-called alliance?

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