God’s Hand Villa gathers more and more experts, and it can be described as a change. Here, Immortal Emperor tries many times. I understand that the Immortal Stage is the best choice for entering the ancient mountain. Only they have the opportunity to enter the ancient mountain. In the depths, to understand the charm of God’s Hand, complete God’s Hand, so they mobilized many Immortal Stage Heaven’s Chosen.

Even now, Immortal Stage experts have begun to enter the ancient mountain. Some people can only walk on the edge, there is no way to go deep. However, some amazing genius characters disappear into the vision of the ancient mountain outsider group. Obviously stepped into the interior of the ancient mountain.

Qin Wentian He was not in a hurry. He saw him sitting cross-legged and looking at the God’s Hand symbol imprint pattern cast by Feather Emperor in front of him. He continued to meditate on the complete God’s Hand.

Not to mention Immortal Emperor Immortal King characters, their comprehension may be Transcendent, but at the level of Immortal Stage, Qin Wentian asks no one can feel deeper than God’s Hand. After all, he is a real practice over God’s Hand Secret The skill person, and already able to play the power of God’s Hand, he is more and more aware of this complete God’s Hand, he knows how to promote God’s Hand secret skill.

Feather Emperor is still in the air, sitting in a pavilion and enjoying the feast. No matter how many people come from the villa, he does not care, letting everyone behave, has nothing to do with him.

“Ziyu, are you still not going in?” Jiang Family Immortal Emperor looks at Jiang Ziyu, who is sitting cross-legged. Many people have stepped into the ancient mountain, including Ying Clan, but Jiang Ziyu is still indifferent.

“No hurry, I feel more about God’s Hand’s strength. The more skillful, the better the understanding of God’s Hand. Besides, I have to wait for someone to go in.” Jiang Ziyu said faintly, his eyes move towards Qin Wentian. Qin Wentian has practiced God’s Hand strength and Qin Wentian is not in a hurry. Why should Jiang Ziyu be anxious?

“Then let the people of Jiang Family wait for you.” Jiang Family said that all the people present, although Jiang Tianage’s children, are the highest in Jiang Ziyu innate talent, the highest among these people, if anyone can Comprehend to get God’s Hand, Jiang Ziyu’s hope is the biggest, the rest of all people come, but actually to assist Jiang Ziyu.

Nanhuang Guhong was also in no hurry. She looked at Qin Wentian and Nanhuang Yunxi and let the people of Southern Phoenix Clan step into the ancient mountain with them.

Qin Wentian also realized that for a few days, there was a faint immortal light in his body, and there was a huge change in the body. It seems that there is a complicated symbol imprint. The Immortal Stage is deriving various patterns, turning into powerful strength, inspiring the fairy body, and power. Terrifying, but it seems to be one step worse, just as Qin Wentian had to enter the underground palace with Xiao Lengyue in Ancient Emperor City, and it was only after he saw the bloody symbol imprint in the palace. Can play God’s Hand.

Mystery should be in the ancient mountain.

On this day, God’s Hand Villa has a mysterious figure, followed by a mysterious figure with a black dog, fierce, eyes with terrifying cold glint, secluded terrifying, all people touch the black dog’s eyes will feel It’s cold.

The person next to the black dog was dressed in a simple robes, with a mysterious breath, and could not see the age and appearance. Just because his face had a mysterious bronze mask, the exposed eyes were deep and indifferent. People can clearly feel the sharpness of the eyes. At the same time, they can feel that the person in front of them is not old. It should be a young man. His realm is also Immortal Stage Realm.

Jiang Ziyu looks at the mysterious person, his eyes become terrifying, it seems to have a radiant flow, move towards the person’s eyes, want to see through everything, at the same time, the other person seems to feel his gaze, eyes also look to him Come, Jiang Ziyu saw a pair of singular terrifying singular pupils, and the strengths in his eyes were all invisible, all blocked and invisible.

Jiang Ziyu eyes flash, I didn’t expect another interesting person to be more and more interesting.

The mysterious youth with a bronze mask glanced at all people, then eyes closed, everyone saw him alone, and did not care much about this mysterious figure, and even someone secretly thought, pretending to be a ghost, thinking that this person is mysterious.

At this time, Qin Wentian, he stood up, many people’s eyes fell on him, I saw Qin Wentian against Sovereign Qian Bian and Bai Wuya nodded slightly.

“It seems to be very good at Southern Phoenix Clan.” Sovereign Qian Bian looks at Qin Wentian The beautiful woman next to her, with a faint said with a smile.

“Fortunately, Southern Phoenix Clan is very caring for me.” Qin Wentian said with a smile.

“Well, it seems that this trip is not a small gain. Now, you should go in,” Sovereign Qian Bian said.

Nanhuang Yunxi and Southern Phoenix Clan all people have followed, and a group of young people around Sovereign Qian Bian and Bai Wuya are also stepping out, ready to enter the ancient mountain.

Jiang Clan, Jiang Ziyu got up and started talking: “Go.”

The voice fell and they moved towards the ancient mountain.

Dongsheng Ting looks at Qin Wentian’s figure, a cold glint flashed in the eyes, and then he and the other great emperor’s doorsteps stepped out at the same time, move towards the ancient mountain, it seems that because of Qin Wentian’s action, the whole body was moved.

After all people stepped into the ancient mountain, the mysterious figure with a bronze mask gently touched his black dog, and then took the black dog to the ancient mountain.

Soon, there are fewer and fewer people here, leaving only some Monarch characters, and some people who can’t get into the ancient mountain.

“So many Heaven’s Chosen step into the ancient mountain to seek opportunities, there will be many people buried in it, and, destined to be there everyone’s descendant, I have reminded everyone, if they are buried here, don’t blame the old man This is the way everyone finds.” Feather Emperor faintly opened, his voice revealing a hint of coldness.

“Hey.” Emperor Zi coldly snorted, in his son, Zi Daoyang is the youngest, the cultivation base is the lowest, and the rest of the children are not at the Immortal Stage level. This time, he ordered one of his innate talents to step out. Into the ancient mountain.

“Of course, someone will be buried in it.” Immortal Emperor Dongsheng said indifferently, his eyes glanced at Sovereign Qian Bian.

“Dongsheng, you said Qin Wentian would die if I met Dongsheng Ting alone?” Sovereign Qian Bian laughs at Immortal Emperor Dongsheng and says, Immortal Emperor Dongsheng expression flashed a cold glint: “Nature is Qin Wentian dying.”

“Yeah, how can I hear that your Dongsheng Ting didn’t even have the courage to fight Qin Wentian.” Sovereign Qian Bian said sarcastically: “Wuya said that when you went to Granule World, Qin Wentian only lowered rank Celestial Phenomenon. At that time, Dongsheng Ting was already the Immortal Stage of aloof and remote. In Southern Phoenix Clan, the battle was over. Your son was really abandoning and hoped to come out alive.”

Immortal Emperor Dongsheng expression ice-cold, violent power swept out, Sovereign Qian Bian said with a sneer: “How to fight again.”

“Qian Bian, I hope you can continue to be so arrogant.” Immortal Emperor Dongsheng threatened, his eyes swept Bai Wuya, a faint chill, the original Granule World battle, if not Bai Wuya arrived in time Among them, his Eastern Saint Immortal Sect will destroy those who came to Granule World’s Thousand Changes Immortal Sect.

Qin Wentian They have already descended on the ancient mountain. Within this ancient mountain, mysterious has a wonderful atmosphere.

Suddenly, a voice came into the ear, like a lightning bolt. His eyes suddenly looked forward and looked forward. He saw a imaginary big handprint appearing suddenly, move towards him.

Qin Wentian Immortal Stage’s power blooms, God’s Hand appears, turned into a terrifying, a palm slammed out, and the big handprint banged together and burst.

The rest of the people also responded, but it didn’t seem to be as strong as Qin Wentian.

“This ancient mountain, what is the mystery.” Qin Wentian secretly said in heart, continue to move forward, he looks at the front space, seems to be intertwined into a general trend, turned into a fairy light, another voice, rumbled On the advent, Qin Wentian seems to have a terrifying lightning brilliance in his mind, which is the power of the big palm print.

“hōng lóng!” Qin Wentian trembled fiercely, grunt, expression slightly pale.

This mysterious ancient mountain is simply terrifying.

Nanhuang Yunxi and Jun Mengchen also suffered attacks, but they were not as strong as Qin Wentian. Although they were very uncomfortable, they could barely support it. There should be no problem in entering the ancient mountain. This is the case of Immortal Emperor. Immortal Stage characters are best suited to enter the ancient mountain.

Jiang Ziyu followed the Qin Wentian and stepped into the ancient mountain. His eyes were terrifying, with a mysterious atmosphere, and there was a faint golden glow. Then he released the heavens and the white tiger Slaughter God screamed out, apparently his eyes looked. It is the charm of the charm that others have not seen.

“Sure enough, I Immoral Stage Realm can still see this powerful force, Immortal Emperor Realm, they can see through the ancient mountain at a glance, and bear the most powerful attack, this Ancient Great Emperor, it is too amazing “Jiang Ziyu secretly said in heart, became a lot of vigilance, and Buddha Sect Heavenly Eyes did not dare to open.”

Dongsheng Ting’s gaze gaze at Qin Wentian’s back. It seems that for him, the main purpose of entering the ancient mountain is to kill Qin Wentian.

As for Dongsheng Ting behind them, the mysterious youth eyes with bronze masks were closed, closed the six senses, and walked forward without any slight influence. He came here, not for God’s Hand.

“Although it was attacked, the invisible attack penetrated into the mind and seemed to penetrate the body. The God’s Hand strength of the previous practice seemed to have a bit of sentiment.” Nanhuang Shengge whispered: “Just, the distance to understand God’s Hand is still too bad.” Far, I am afraid that for most people, it is a risky adventure.”

“It’s true.” Qin Wentian nodded: “Everyone is careful.”

As they said, they continued to walk deep into the ancient mountain. They also saw a lot of experts who had entered the ancient mountain before. Their pace was very slow!

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