Outside of Phoenix Phoenix’s ancestral home, Southern Phoenix Clan has many elders coming. When Qin Wentian arrived, Nanhuang Yunxi was surrounded by stars and surrounded by people. She had a middle-aged couple in her nearest place. In the majesty with a soft temperament, the woman is dignified and beautiful, graceful and luxurious, very beautiful, and Nanhuang Yunxi is like a sister flower, quite similar, but she is the mother of Nanhuang Yunxi.

“haha, Yunxi, is very good.” An old man said with a smile, this old man is the Grandfather generation of Nanhuang Yunxi lineage.

Nanhuang Yunxi is able to become an inheritance Saintess, has Empress contention, will be trained by Southern Phoenix Clan, they are naturally happy.

“cultivation base has been promoted, Immortal Stage 2nd level.” Qin Wentian looks at the beautiful woman in the middle of the crowd, her temperament has made a slight change, it is more beautiful and holy.

Immortal Stage road, practice is extremely difficult, step by step, it is difficult to cross realm in a short time, only the inheritance of the ancient clan for countless years, with the inheritance method, can slap the top, making the realm upgrade faster at some stage As a person of inheritance Saintess, only once in the ancestral place to accept the opportunity of inheritance, by Ancestral Phoenix personal inheritance strength, naturally greatly improved.

In addition, this super-large clan, as long as it is a core figure, has a lot of secret art and resources. It is much faster to upgrade realm than to explore practice. Therefore, being born in such a clan is undoubtedly The birth of the golden key is inherently advantageous.

Nanhuang Yunxi and all people returned one by one, then her eyes fell on Qin Wentian, smiling, in front of Qin Wentian she had no cold and proud temperament in the original Ancient Emperor City, smiling eyes soft, There is another beauty.

Nanhuang Yunxi walked up to Qin Wentian and smiled and said: “This is thanks to you.”

“You and I are the ones who fight in the life of Ancient Emperor City. Do you need to thank you?” Qin Wentian said with a smile.

“Qin Wentian, maybe this is not for you, but for Nanhuang Yunxi, it can become inheritance Saintess, but her very important experience in life, our husband and wife also want to thank you.” Nanhuang Yunxi behind her, her father Speaking to Qin Wentian with a smile.

“He is right, Qin Wentian. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can come to us.” Mother of Nanhuang Yunxi also smiled and said, Qin Wentian nodded: “Well, my junior will accept the thanks of Senior.”

“We call us aunt and aunt, we don’t need to call Senior, too rusty.” Nanhuang Yunxi knew.

“Uncle, aunt.” Qin Wentian is also a refreshing person, but he will not stick to the festival. He and Nanhuang Yunxi are friends, and Nanhuang Yunxi’s uncle and aunt are not too much.

“Yunxi, we are going to celebrate for you, what do you think?” At this time, a Southern Phoenix Clan’s senior figure said, but Nanhuang Yunxi shook his head with a smile: “Yunxi just became inheritance Saintess, realm is still Low, the road is still long, everyone’s elders can not hold Yunxi too high, otherwise Yunxi will be too proud to be complacent.”

“Yunxi is right, everyone’s elders don’t want to be too accustomed to her, want to board the Empress position, she is too far and far, the road is very long, she still needs her step by step to keep the heart down.” Nanhuang Yunxi father nodded and said bluntly that he was on the Empress position. This is not a taboo in Southern Phoenix Clan. As long as it is inheritance Saintess, he is qualified to inherit the female Emperor-rank. It can be said to be generous and also to inheritance Saintess. Incentives.

“You exaggerated, but since it is Yunxi, it is not reluctant. Yunxi’s new residence is ready. We have officially renamed the former Clear Moon Hall to the Yunxi Hall. This is the palace of Yunxi and then the palace. The rest of this generation of Saintess will be for you Dao Protector, grow up with you, they will be your future help, you have to treat Saintess well, now, you can go.” Old man said, Nanhuang Yunxi Expression has also become solemn, becoming the moment of inheritance Saintess, she knows that many things have changed.

In a hundred years, more than 30 Saintess are competitors, vying for the inheritance Saintess, but once inheritance Saintess appears, the rest of Saintess will become her Dao Protector Saintess, with her growth, becoming an important reference for her future.

The current Southern Phoenix Empress, her own Saint Saintess of Dao Protector, is now powerful and powerful, and is already the leader of the Southern Phoenix Empress.

Qin Wentian was surprised to hear this statement. All Saintess will be Nanhuang Yunxi Dao Protector. Is this the status of inheritance Saintess?

“Clear Moon Hall.” Nanhuang Yunxi whispered, his eyes looked awkward.

“Nanhuang Jiyue is my legendary figure of Southern Phoenix Clan, Yunxi. This is a high hope for you, so I don’t want to let the family down.” old man solemnly said, Nanhuang Yunxi nodded solemnly, Nanhuang Jiyue, the name, in Southern Phoenix Clan was once brilliant, even in the Immortal Territory, which is very famous.

“Let’s go.” The old man spoke, and all the people walked out, and Nanhuang Yunxi said to Qin Wentian said with a smile: “Let me go.”

“Well, I also want to see the scenery of inheritance Saintess.” Qin Wentian joked that Nanhuang Yunxi gave him a blank look.

“Who is Nanhuang Jiyue?” Qin Wentian asked a question about Nanhuang Yunxi sound transmission.

“Nanhuang Jiyue is a legendary figure of my Southern Phoenix Clan. She is also an inheritance Saintess. She has risen to Immortal Territory with dazzling gestures. She has done many sensational major events. When she is in the middle of the sky, the vast Immortal Territory can compete against many people. Until one time, my Southern Phoenix Clan faced a big disaster, being smashed by a demon figure of Ten Thousand Demon Island, threatening to take the Southern Phoenix Empress and Saints of Southern Phoenix Clan all away. The devil is notorious. Powerful, super powerful, summoning demon sect strength to fight against Southern Phoenix Clan, taking away many Saintess characters walking in Immortal Territory.”

“Nanhuang Jiyue took the initiative to enter the Ten Thousand Demon Island and sent the beggar Saintess out of Ten Thousand Demon Island by heaven defying. At the same time, he countered many of the Ten Experts of Ten Thousand Demon Island. Ten Thousand Demon Island However, Immortal Emperor is absolutely forbidden, let alone Nanhuang Jiyue is going to fight. He is surrounded by many devils. However, with the strong strength, he will kill the devil of Saintess Nanhuang, and count the number of Demon Emperor. I ended up killing Ten Thousand Demon Island.”

Qin Wentian also became serious. When she heard the sound transmission of Nanhuang Yunxi, he seemed to present a peerless woman in his mind and entered the magic cave.

“Get into Ten Thousand Demon Island, is it worth it? Nanhuang Jiyue is a little impulsive.” Qin Wentian sighed.

“Sometimes this kind of generation is based on an imposing manner. My Southern Phoenix Clan was watched by the entire Immortal Territory at that time. Saintess was slandered and shameful. Someone must stand up, Nanhuang Jiyue will not, and Southern Phoenix Clan will also Some action, Nanhuang Jiyue, how arrogant, killed in the past, this battle, Nanhuang Jiyue, although fate, but what she did shocked Immortal Territory, since then, the devils of Ten Thousand Demon Island have not been provocative I am Southern Phoenix Clan.”

Nanhuang Yunxi is somewhat fascinated. Qin Wentian also has a respect for Nanhuang Jiyue in the mouth of Nanhuang Yunxi. As Nanhuang Yunxi said, some things are known to be impossible and must be done. He has never done something similar. This is the generation. The style of Heaven’s Chosen.

“Unfortunately, I can’t see her style with my own eyes.” Qin Wentian sighs that the ancients have passed away. He faintly understands the words of the old Phoenix on the same day. In this Immortal Territory, even in the powerful ancient clan, there is a sense of crisis.

“It’s a pity that when everyone in Southern Phoenix Clan thought that Nanhuang Jiyue wouldn’t be awkward, she would most likely be my Southern Phoenix Clan next-generation Empress.” Nanhuang Yunxi also lamented that they had come to a magnificent ancient palace complex. Beyond this ancient palace, there is a statue, a statue of a peerless woman, a goddess, a generation of Heaven’s Pride Daughter, Nanhuang Jiyue, Southern Phoenix Clan for her statue, inscription.

All people have their bodies, and the statues of Nanhuang Jiyue are slightly different, even those of the older Phoenix Clan’s older generation.

Qin Wentian was able to feel the respect of the late Phoenix Clan all people, and Qin Wentian stood in front of the statue, deeply immersed in the memory of the ancients.

“I have a request, the name of the Clear Moon Temple should not be changed to the Yunxi Hall, everything is preserved.” Nanhuang Yunxi said, general speaking, the new inheritance Saintess check-in, the name of the ancient palace, will be changed to the name of this Saintess.

“Good.” Southern Phoenix Clan elders decisively agreed, without a trace of hesitation, Nanhuang Yunxi was able to propose, he is also pleased.

“Go in.” Nanhuang Yunxi move towards ancient palace. There is an infinite yearning in the heart. I hope that one day, I can have the style of Nanhuang Jiyue and become the inheritance Saintess of Southern Phoenix Clan.

The Clear Moon Hall is large and elegant, all people step forward, Nanhuang Yunxi walks over a high platform, and other Southern Phoenix Clan people stand silently in front of the high platform, although Southern Phoenix Clan refuses to celebrate, but some The basic ceremony is still to be carried out.

“Young Master Qin, I have to take care of you in the future.” Nanhuang Shengge laughed softly around Qin Wentian and walked out, not only her, Qin Wentian saw that many Saintess had glittering out on the day, descending on the high platform. Appeared in the direction of all around Nanhuang Yunxi, respected by Nanhuang Yunxi, including the arrogant Nanhuang Aoxue.

From then on, they will live in the Clear Moon Hall with Nanhuang Yunxi. Whether they are convinced or not, they must obey. This is the rule of Southern Phoenix Clan. If they are not satisfied, they can work hard to make their practice faster, always in front of Nanhuang Yunxi. Their existence also spurs Nanhuang Yunxi, and must not fall behind. She is inheritance Saintess.

In addition to Saintess, a path of expert came to the high platform, including some very powerful characters, Immortal King expert, who were selected by Southern Phoenix Clan, guarding the Clear Moon Hall and guarding Nanhuang Yunxi’s expert.

From now on, Nanhuang Yunxi is the new owner of the Clear Moon Hall, and Saintess is her Dao Protector, and the experts guard her.

She is inheritance Saintess, the successor of Empress.

Qin Wentian saw Nanhuang Yunxi, who was very noble at this moment. His eyes showed a bright smile and he was happy for Nanhuang Yunxi. It is no wonder that Saintess will try to compete for the inheritance Saintess seat. This is glory, status. Power is also the future!

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