Qi State Somewhere in West, a deep green dawn flies in mid-western Xizhou, exuding the horrific pressure of the Nascent Soul period, so that the cultivator encountered will not dare to breathe, fearing to provoke such horror Nascent Soul period powerhouse.

Ba Yongkai is flying in the direction of the Rock City, and his mind is full of thoughts.

“Father may not have expected that the yin and yang Holy Sect has already confirmed the joint plan with the Seven Skulls. The two Demon Sects attacked the site of Blood Refining Sect from two directions and developed a detailed strategy.”

“They will allocate the independence of Blood Refining Sect and the huge resources according to the proportion of the war contribution points of both sides.”

“The original seven-doors were slightly weaker than the yin-yang Holy Sect, but they wooed the Five Sects of the Western States, and the overall strength increased.”

“In this way, although the yin and yang Holy Sect have two Great Cultivators, the Sun and the Lord, but the other mid-to-high-end combat power is much weaker. Now, only with our Loose Cultivator alliance can we pass the seven-door. Get more points of war contribution.”

Ba Yongkai felt a little emotion. He didn’t expect the two Demon Sect to be so decisive. After confirming the news of Old Demon Pang’s death, he immediately took action. For a time, the forces in the state of North State, North State, were all stirred up.

At this time, Ba Yongkai had a deeper understanding of the strength of Old Demon Pang.

The powerful Devil repaired him a few decades ago, when Old Demon Pang converges. He has not felt at all, except for some sense of oppression.

It seems that the Qi State’s first Great Cultivator, with one person’s power, has won the seven Great Cultivators of the seven-door and yin-yang gods, and it is hard to make any difference.

In the eyes of Ba Yongkai, there was a slight worry: “Without Old Demon Pang, the strength of Blood Refining Sect is greatly reduced. Why does Father still insist on working with Blood Refining Sect? Is there a hidden Great Cultivator?”

His expression is moving, as if thinking of something.

“Right, Wei State’s Demon Spirit Sect and Blood Refining Sect have a covenant. When Shi Tiantian extinguished Yueyang Sect, he reached the mid-term peak of Nascent Soul. After more than 100 years of silence, he entered the realm of Great Cultivator. Assistance to Blood Refining Sect?”

“The other two, but there are three Great Cultivators, and they are strong.”

Ba Yongkai shook the head again.

“Forget it, I don’t think it’s useless, Father is more aware of Blood Refining Sect.”

“He knew that Old Demon Pang was dead and decided to form an alliance with Blood Refining Sect. That must have his reason. I just want to tell him about this sinister Holy Sect.”

“Moreover, even if the Blood Refining Sect is not good enough, we have no loss. If it is properly arranged, I am afraid it will kill several Nascent Soul periods.”

Ba Yongkai’s eyes showed greed. Since entering the Nascent Soul period, he has rarely had the opportunity to murdering to seize the treasures. The cultivation base has also stagnated. This large-scale war is his chance.

When I think of it, Ba Yongkai’s light is accelerating, and in the air, a curve of dark green is crossed, and a large meteorite with a length of long and wide is gradually appearing on the horizon.

When flying to the Rocky City more than 100 miles away, Ba Yongkai’s brow suddenly wrinkled.

“Who is so unruly, dare to do it within the scope of the Rocky City, today is the bloody old fellow who maintains the City Protecting Great Formation, why didn’t he notice?”

Divine Sense of Bayongkai explored the position of the battle.

I saw a burly bald man falling on the ground, faintly exuding the magical fluctuations of the Core Formation Stage, the soul is very weak, as if in a sudden death stage.

A pair of gray black dry hands, squatting on the bald man’s neck, exuding the incomparably thick frigd aura, a gray mans flashed, the tall and sturdy man and the dry palm disappeared in place.

Under the soil on the ground, there is a hidden chilly volatility that moves rapidly toward the distance. If it is not the powerful Divine Sense of the Nascent Soul period, it may not be found.

“The power of such a strong chill is not a bronze corpse? When did the creatures of the death abyss become so bold, leaving the abyss not to say, but also ambushed outside our city.”

Ba Yongkai looked at the direction of Shishicheng and found that the Nascent Soul period cultivator, who hosted the City Protecting Great Formation, was unaware of the surprise.

“This is just the edge of the formation array. It is also a high-order copper armor. The blood teeth are not detected and normal. Hehe, the abyss of death, I dare not go in. This copper armor ran out of it, so I can’t blame me.”

Divine Sense senses the direction of the stealth of the bronze corpse, and Ba Yongkai converges the magical fluctuations, turning into an invisible dawn, followed by the underground frigid aura.

Ba Yongkai is a Loose Cultivator, and all kinds of opportunities to enhance his strength will not be let go. The Bronze Corps is a complete boost.

Even if he doesn’t want it, he can take it out and exchange it.

The death abyss has ten worms sitting in the town, the Nascent Soul cultivator does not dare to enter easily, and the Core Formation Stage cultivator in this environment, it is difficult to rival the copper corpse, leading to the high-level zombie is extremely rare, for some proficient Refining Corpse Technique In the case of the Nascent Soul cultivator, the value of the bronze corpse is extremely high.

After trailing more than ten miles, Ba Yongkai estimated that the fighting volatility would not be transmitted to the Rock City, and then the magic power was lifted, and a jade rule of the green green rushed out and quickly fell into the mud of the bronze armor.

The copper corpse in the underground stealth felt the terrifying pressure of the Nascent Soul period, and the horror of the horror was fluctuating, and it seemed to want to speed up the escape.

Can Barong Kay is a secret sneak attack, plus the attack speed of Nascent Soul’s magic weapon, the copper armor has no time to display what method.


The huge explosion rang, accompanied by countless flashes of aura, the ground was blown out of a giant pothole of the severe ten zhang, the bronze armor was half-squatted in the middle, the frigid aura on it was weak, but the gray outside the body Black flesh is slightly broken and does not seem to receive much damage.

The head of the skull is suspended with a blue ruler. A magical green light shrouds its body and is in the same place. The body of the tall and sturdy man lies on the side, and the soul is completely absent. It is obviously dead.

Baine Kay Divine Sense swept away and was amazed.

“It is actually the top bronze corpse, the strength of yin and cold is so huge, only one line away from the silver corpse, it is no wonder that the risk of sneak attack Core Formation stage cultivator, but also the devour of a large number of Golden Core, it is possible to breakthrough to the silver armor The realm of the corpse.”

Zombie’s cultivation is very slow. It often takes thousands of years to go to the realm of the Bronze Corps. The breakdown of each layer in the future takes a long time. It is close to the breakthrough, which means that he only needs to pay a small price. Can help with its breakthrough.

If this bronze corpse can breakthrough success and become a silver corpse in the early days of Nascent Soul, then his strength will be skyrocketing.

Blood Refining Sect’s horse blame has a silver corpse corpse, although only Nascent Soul’s initial cultivation base, but after the joint, the combat power is close to the Nascent Soul mid-term powerhouse.

“Wait, something is wrong.”

Ba Yongkai brows his head and he turns to look at the unspoken bald man in the pothole.

“Under my slashing attack, the body of the Bronze corpse is in good condition. Why is the body of this Core Formation unscathed?”

At this time, the dead bald man suddenly opened his eyes and looked toward Ba Yongkai. The muscles of his face were distorted and turned into a face of thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Bald man slightly smiled, revealing a white tooth.

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